Blind Faith (Shattered Lives, Book Four)

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Blind Faith (Shattered Lives, Book Four) Page 45

by Blakeley, Rissa

  I felt like I was losing her as much as she would lose me. We had broken up a few times, and I was knocking on death’s door every moment I lived without her. Whether it was for twenty-four hours or weeks, not waking up next to her was hell.

  The first time, I was drunk and nearly pulled the trigger. Thankfully, I had Sophie to talk to in those dark moments. With drinking so much, I wished I would die in my sleep.

  Then there was the moment in Addie’s barn when I manipulated her so badly, Nick wanted to kill me. He was so enraged when he stormed into the kitchen, slamming my gun down on the table, furiously pointing in my face.

  “The next time you fuck with her like that, I will do it my goddamned self.” Henry jammed the magazine back into the Sig, then put it back in his jeans. “You hearing me, asshole? I fucking mean it! I will take you out back like a lame horse. Do you understand me?”

  “Fuck off.”

  “Is that your answer for everything? Someone gets under your skin, figures out your manipulative ways, and you tell them to fuck off? Is that all you got, GQ?”

  Nick should have killed me that day. It would have been deserved after all I had put him and Elaina through. She still had no idea the bullets were in my pocket and not in the magazine. It was shameful to do such an awful thing to her. I just needed to know if I had the courage, discovering I needed her more.

  I brushed my thumb across her face and set the picture down on top of the journal. Leaving our room, I stopped by my mum’s and opened the door. It smelled like her perfume. It made me smile knowing I could take care of her financially, giving her things that bastard took from her or would never provide her. It was a bit ironic she would lose so much more because of me. I stepped out of the room and took in a hard breath when facing the last door in the hall.

  Nicky’s room.

  The moment Elaina told me she was pregnant… I’d never felt such joy, until I witnessed his birth. Next to marrying the love of my life, that was the top day.

  I stood in the hallway for several minutes before opening the door. The smell of baby hit me—vanilla and lavender. My son… I could only hope he turned out like his mother and not a bloody thing like me.

  I walked up to his crib and picked up what Elaina called his lovey—a stuffed frog with a silly grin on its face. I brought it to my nose and inhaled before setting it back onto the blanket. Turning around, I looked at the family photographs hanging on the walls. As my eyes focused on each one, the distant echoing sounds of his babbles and squeals tugged at my every emotion. Finding it difficult to breathe, I left the room, closing the door behind me.

  I held on to the knob for a moment, thinking about what effect this would have on my family. I was torn, but needed to do it to feel real. To feel alive, freeing myself from my demons and my disease. I had to save myself before it was too late. Not only for me, but also for them.

  I jogged down the stairs and stood in at the bottom, looking around the house for a moment. So many memories. So many bad things happened within the space.

  My gaze landed on the spot where we held Kellan, his tainted blood trickling on the floor from the garish wound in his arm. The dent in the floor from the sledgehammer was peeking out from under the side table. I faced the dining room table and saw all of us sitting there, planning. Everyone at the table that night, except Elaina, was true dead all because of decisions I made.

  The moment Nick and I almost came to blows over traveling south became vivid.

  “Henry! Listen to me. I’m telling you that the coast would be far too dangerous,” Nick insisted.

  “We’re traveling the coast. And that’s final!” Henry barked.


  Henry slammed his fist down on the table. “I said we are traveling the coast. If you don’t like that idea, you can stay here!”

  Then came the angry exchanges between Sophie, Claire, and Elaina…all because of my behavior due to the fucking virus.

  Sophie’s death… I was still so lost about her decision to continue her lie. The only thing I could think of was she was just as fucked up as I. What else could it have possibly been? I shook my head and headed outside.

  The scene couldn’t be set inside the house. I didn’t want Elaina to be reminded about another death every time she stepped foot in the door.

  I headed down the porch steps and glanced over at Gunther’s driveway. He was at the gym, and Cora was probably busy with all the kids. After all the time I wanted to hunt him down and kill him for what he did to me back at the program, we ended up being such good mates.

  That moment Quinn died at the hands of those savages, a piece of Gunther died, as well, and he would never get that back, no matter how hard he tried. Hearing his pleas and strangled sobs still haunted me. Would that be Elaina?

  “Quinn…don’t die on me. I’m here, love. Please stay with me. We can get Cora to fix you.” She tried to reach up to his face with her bloody hand, but it dropped. “Quinn! Quinn, please! Don’t…please… No! Please, God…no! I’m so sorry,” he sobbed. “I’m so sorry. No, not my love. No!”

  After she fell silent, watching him trying to revive her while her dilated pupils fixed on the sky above… His pleas bore into the very depths of my soul. It was a moment that would stay with me forever.

  “No more thinking,” I murmured.

  I checked my watch, seeing it was about noon. Slipping into program mode, I turned and headed to the back of the house. I stopped when Maria’s cross came into view, standing tall toward the back of the property. Elaina bought a stunning one for her when we came back. Marble…angels…engraved heartfelt words…

  My gaze ticked over to where we left Kellan. “Bastard,” I spat.

  I headed to the shed and checked the surroundings. Coast was clear. When I walked inside, I saw a body covered in a bloodstained sheet, a medium-sized black backpack next to him. I picked him up and carried him outside, setting him against the wall. Bugger was heavy as hell.

  I unwrapped the sheet and had to take a step back. “Jesus,” I whispered, feeling like I was looking in the mirror. His face was spot on, giving me the creeps. Solly was a magician.

  I gazed at what ended his life—gunshot wound. There was blood covering his face and body. Part of his lower jaw and face was missing. Part of the back of his head was blown to bits.

  Attached by a pin to the Edge Fitness logoed t-shirt was a bag with…

  “What the fuck?”

  Blood and brain matter… Then it occurred to me. If we wanted it to look authentic, there would have to be splatter. I popped the pin open, slipped it into my pocket, and kneaded the bag of gore for a moment. Thoughts of the scene ran through my mind. Tilting my head back and forth as I stared at my likeness, I came up with a plan. It would be very believable so there would be no real investigation. Erik said the coroner was in on it. I’d be long gone by then anyway.

  A ghost, no trace and undetectable.

  Taking my time, I stood back, deciding where the splatter would be according to the gunshot wound, measuring the angles not twice, but three times. I wrapped my hand in the sheet, grabbed the bag, shuddering when I twisted it so it was taut, then punched the shed.

  It exploded in a rainbow formation. I stood back once more and admired my work. Perfect. I adjusted the body just right and dumped the remnants of the bag onto it.

  I reached for my Sig and shot it toward the wooded area where I knew no one would get hurt. A phone rang immediately after. In a panic, I spun around, thinking someone had seen me, but soon realized it was coming from the body. I fished it out, wiping the bloody evidence on the sheet.

  The screen displayed Leo Harrison. I hit the TALK button.

  “Set?” he asked in a quip.


  “Place your gun in his hand, put your wedding ring on his finger, your watch on his wrist, and your phone in the pocket you always keep it in. Take the sheet, bag, this phone, and the pack, then head into the woods. One of my associates will meet y
ou halfway and bring you out to me. You may recognize him.”


  As Erik ordered, I cleared the scene, stuffed the bag, and took off. I turned when I made it to the edge of the woods and took one last glance at the house. “Goodbye,” I whispered, then turned back around and walked into the woods, effectively disappearing off the grid.

  Chapter 54

  Cora was humming in Everette’s ear when a loud pop outside startled her. She laid the baby in the crib and walked to the window to peek outside. It sounded like a gunshot and wasn’t that far away from the house. Considering the nightmare she had, her entire body shuddered.

  Cora left the room and headed downstairs, deciding to give Gunther a call. She paced the width of the house, waiting for him to pick up.

  “Hey, love. Sorry it took a minute. I’m super busy,” Gunther murmured.

  “I’m sure, but listen…” She tugged at her bottom lip. “I could have sworn I just heard a gunshot outside.”

  Silence, then he finally said, “Hmm… You sure?”

  “Not completely, but that’s what it sounded like.”

  “Maybe it was the police taking care of matters? I doubt there is anything roaming.”

  “I suppose that’s possible.” She sighed and twisted the ends of her hair. “I think I’m just being a little crazy because of my nightmare.”

  “You’re not crazy. You’re safe,” he reassured. “There are guns there if you need them. Henry has today off, so phone him if you need to.”

  “Okay,” she muttered.

  Her disappointed tone wasn’t lost on Gunther. “I can’t leave unless it’s an emergency. Do you feel it is?”

  “No…maybe not.”

  “If you hear anything else, don’t hesitate to call me. I will come right home. Okay?”

  “Okay. I’m sorry I bothered you.”

  “You haven’t bothered me. I’ll see you later.”


  The uneasiness didn’t fade. Something wasn’t right, but Cora wasn’t sure what. She sighed and slipped the phone into her pocket, then walked around the house locking every door and window.

  At about twelve-thirty, Elaina pulled into the driveway. Anne and she were still in hysterics after trying on Halloween costumes.

  “The pirate one was the best.” Elaina laughed, wiping the tears out of her eyes.

  “I’m glad we found something nice for Nicky.”

  “He will make a cute puppy for…” Something ahead caught Elaina’s attention. She squinted, looking toward the shed. “Is that Henry?”

  Anne sat forward in the passenger seat. “What’s he doing?”

  A cool, shiver ran over Elaina’s skin. All the words he said to her came flooding back. “Take Nicky inside,” she whispered.


  “I said take Nicky inside.”

  They both got out of the truck. Anne unbuckled Nicky from his car seat and ushered him inside, while Elaina jogged off to where Henry sat against the wall of the shed. The splatter of red behind him came into focus as she approached.

  “Oh god. Oh god, no! No!” she bellowed, falling to the ground and screaming until no air was left in her body.

  Slumped over, Henry’s arms were slacked, his Sig on the ground in his uncurled hand. Blood soaked his clothing. Bits of matter were speckled everywhere.

  Elaina sucked in a harsh breath, then screamed, “Henry!” Anne ran outside when she heard her

  When she saw Henry, she said nothing.

  No words.

  No screams.

  Not a sound.

  She dropped to her knees and held Elaina as she stared at her son—true dead.

  “Call 9-1-1, then Gunther… Call Gunther,” Elaina choked out. Anne got up and ran inside.

  Anne watched Nicky play in the portable crib in the family room as she fished her phone from her purse, but her hands shook so badly, she couldn’t even pull the emergency call app up from her lock screen.

  “Oh god…,” she whispered. “Breathe, Anne.” She sucked in a deep breath and found the ability to get to the emergency dialer.

  “9-1-1. What’s your emergency?”

  “My son…” Anne couldn’t even say it.

  “Ma’am? What’s going on?”

  “He sh-sh… Oh god.” Anne ran her hand through her hair and turned to the window to see Elaina sobbing in front of Henry. “My son… He shot himself.” She had no control over the tremor coursing through her body.

  “Are you with him now?”

  “No. He’s outside… I’m certain he’s gone.”

  The operator asked for the address before Anne hung up and called Gunther. She paced, the emotions burning through her.


  “Gun-ther…,” she choked.

  “Who is this?”


  “Anne? Is everything all right?”

  “No… Gunther… Oh god.” She tried to push back the sobs, but there was no hope.

  “What’s wrong, Anne? Talk to me!”

  “Henry… He… He shot himself.”

  “What?! Cora called not that long ago saying she thought she heard a gunshot. Fuck! I should’ve come home.”

  “It was him… He’s t-true de-dead.”

  “I’m coming home right now.” Through the phone, she heard his truck door slam and it start. “Did you call 9-1-1?”


  Tires screeched.

  “Take Nicky to Cora. I’ll be there in a few.”

  The call disconnected and Anne stood there, lost for a moment until she heard Nicky babble. She scooped him up and ran outside to Cora’s.

  The pounding on the door scared Cora. Between that, the gunshot she thought she heard, and the nightmare, she was on the verge of having a meltdown. Cora pulled her phone out of her pocket and slowly walked to the entrance, hearing more insistent pounding.


  Anne… She unlocked and yanked open the door. One look at her and Cora knew something horrible had happened.

  “What is it?”

  “Henry… He’s… Please, take Nicky. Gunther told me to bring him to you.”

  Grabbing him from Anne’s arms, Cora asked, “What happened?”

  “Henry…” Her lips moved, but no words came out.

  “Henry what? Anne, talk to me.”

  “He shot himself.”

  “Oh god… Is he…?” Anne nodded. “What do you need me to do?”

  “Just watch Nicky for now, please.”

  “I’ve got him. Where’s Elaina?”

  “She’s with him… Gunther and the ambulance are on the way.” Just then, they heard sirens. “I have to go.” Cora watched Anne wipe the tears from her face. Then she straightened, turned, and ran off the porch and through the yard.

  Cora stood in the doorway, shocked and angry with herself that she didn’t tell Gunther to come home and investigate the gunshot. Maybe they could have saved him.

  “Momma?” Cora turned around. Silas was standing at the base of the stairs. “What happened with Ms. Anne?”

  “Oh, Si…” She debated for a moment, but decided to gather the children and let them know what had happened. After all, Henry was family.

  Elaina crawled to Henry. Part of his jaw was missing. His face was swollen and hardly recognizable. His eyes were open, blankly staring ahead. She reached up with her shaking hands and tried to close the lids, but they wouldn’t budge.

  “Henry, why did you do this? Why?” She ran her hand down his arm and touched his cold, motionless fingers. Wrapping her hand around his wrist, she felt for a pulse she knew wouldn’t be there.

  Nothing. She placed her hand on his chest. No respirations. She sat crossed-legged in front of him and sobbed into her bloodied hands.

  Sirens blared in the distance, working their way closer to the house.

  Anne came back and knelt next to Elaina once again. “I took Nicky to Cora’s.”

  “Thank you,” Ela
ina choked out as she wiped her face in an effort to mop up the endless tears.

  “Gunther’s on his way, as well.”

  “Did you tell him?”


  “Why did he do it, Anne?”

  “I don’t know, sweetie.”

  The sound of tires and sirens came barreling into the driveway. Feet pounded the ground. “I need you to step back, ma’am,” the paramedic barked as he checked Henry’s vital signs. He glanced at the other paramedic and shook his head.

  “Just let me stay here until the police come. Please,” Elaina cried.

  “Just stay away from the body.”

  “His name is Henry Daniels. He isn’t just a body,” she snapped.

  Anne wrapped her arms further around Elaina.

  “I apologize, miss. Was he your husband?”

  “Is my husband.”

  Another truck flew up to the house and skidded to a stop.

  “Elaina!” Gunther. The anger hit her like a heavy weight. “Elaina!” he yelled again as he ran up to the scene. Her eyes were full of fire when she turned to face him. “Jesus Christ…,” he whispered when he knelt, gazing at Henry.

  “Get away from him,” Elaina growled, grabbing on to his bulky shoulders. “You get away from him right now!”

  “All right…” Gunther looked at Anne, who shook her head. “Let’s get you over to my place.” He reached for Elaina’s arms.

  She slapped him away. “No! Don’t you touch me!”

  “Elaina, you don’t need to watch them take him away.”

  “You…” She pointed at him.

  Gunther was lost. “Me? Me what?”

  “You did this to him.” Her ruthless whisper chilled Gunther to the bone. He rose to his feet and stepped back.


  “You!” she screamed. “You did this to him!”

  Elaina jumped at Gunther, punching and clawing at him. Anne and the paramedics tried to pull her off, but she was in a crazed frenzy. When the police rolled up and ran in, they were able to pull her off him.


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