Bluebeard’s Wife

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Bluebeard’s Wife Page 1

by Selena Kitt

  WARNING: This book is not transferable. It is for your own personal use. If it is sold, shared, or given away, it is an infringement of the copyright of this work and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

  All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Photo Credit: Scott Ipanemic

  Used under a Creative Commonslicense.

  Cover Design: Selena Kitt

  Bluebeard’s Wife © 2008 Selena Kitt

  eXcessica publishing

  All rights reserved

  Bluebeard’s Wife

  By Selena Kitt

  Chapter One

  I could be a little obsessive, but when I found myself searching his Internet history for any remnants of porn, even I knew I was crossing a line. I sat there, hoping to find something, anything—Thick sausage pounded into tight anus or Sexy young blonde babes lick each others snatches or Ebony swallows stiff black snake or Wife slut takes hard cocks everywhere. Those were all the titles that ended up in my “Bulk” e-mailbox, and I knew they must show up in his, too, on occasion. Didn’t he ever click on one, just a little bit curious?

  What did he like? What did he want? What did he fantasize about? It was driving me crazy.

  We had been married three years, and John had never told me one fantasy. It wasn’t like I hadn’t asked. With the hope that he might reciprocate, I had revealed several of my own fantasies, whispering in the dark with my hand squeezing and tugging on his cock, trying to make him bolder, break down a few of his inhibitions. Still, he wouldn’t talk. When I just came out and directly asked him who he fantasized about, he smiled and touched my cheek, and said, “You.”

  Feh! I didn’t believe it for a minute. Okay, not that it wasn’t sweet, and not that I didn’t like that he fantasized about me. But that couldn’t be all he thought about, could it? If I had visions of firemen or Brad Pitt—or Angelina Jolie, for that matter—dancing through my head once in a while, then I couldn’t believe he wasn’t imagining something, too. Yet, I couldn’t ever find evidence to the contrary. No magazines or videos, no telling Internet trail. I had never even seen or heard him stroking his cock.

  That was the strangest part. John didn’t masturbate. We took showers together, so he didn’t do it there. We slept in the same bed. He owned his own business, but there were no closed doors where he worked, aside from the bathroom. So where and how was he doing it? Of course, he claimed he didn’t—but even the Kinsey Report said that 92% of males masturbate—and what was the old joke…the rest lied about it? I had a feeling John was lying. He was keeping something from me, and it felt like a really big secret. I hated it.

  So I started searching for evidence of his fantasy life. I checked his laptop Internet history whenever I could—I even bought a program to recover hidden files, but came up with nothing. I looked through his briefcase, hoping to find some sort of evidence of a fetish. I didn’t care what it was—bondage, spanking, peeing, wearing rubber suits, having sex with dogs. I realized the irony of it, as I went through his desk and computer at work after hours one night when he was on a business trip—I was a wife looking for something most women would be appalled to discover about their husbands.

  Not that I thought whatever John fantasized about would be extreme. He was an accountant, for Pete’s sake—he played tennis and golf and liked watching hockey. If his name was “Joe,” you could have put “average” in front of it without too much trouble. When I leveled with myself, I knew that his fantasies were probably pretty average, too—just the usual, tame lesbian and threesome kinds that every typical male had. It was the not knowing that made my imagination run wild.

  Why wouldn’t he tell me? Was it so appalling? Was it disgusting? Was it illegal?

  I had to know.

  I had pretty much given up on the whole thing, when I discovered the phone bill. John was Mr. Bills in our house. When they came in, I just threw them on his desk and didn’t worry about it, because he always took care of them. That afternoon, the phone bill seemed—thicker—than usual. My mother had some issues last month, and I remembered calling Kentucky a few times to talk to her, but not enough to create a huge bill. Maybe I called her more than I thought?

  I ripped the bill open, feeling guilty and wondering what John would say. I ran my finger down the list, looking for long distance calls. Yes, a few calls to my mother, but that was all. So why so many pages? I flipped through a few of the pages and discovered my answer. There was a separate section on the bill for “900-number” calls. There were dozens of them. The company name was listed as “Continental Enterprises,” but I checked the times:

  10/04 2:12 am 20 minutes

  10/06 3:37 am 14 minutes

  10/08 4:28 am 8 minutes

  10/09 1:19 am 29 minutes

  It went on—dozens of calls, dozens of minutes.

  I had apparently neglected and underestimated my ability to sleep through anything. John got up in the middle of the night to make phone calls to sex lines! I sat there, my breath caught in my throat, my heart hammering in my chest. This is what I had been looking for—proof that the man of steel had a weak spot. The pages shook in my hands. It was just what I had wanted, and yet now part of me didn’t want to know.

  My chest burned. He wasn’t sharing his fantasies with me, but he was apparently sharing them with some sex phone operator who was probably some three-hundred pound housewife eating Doritos and Ho-Ho’s and watching the soaps with the volume off while she fake-orgasmed for him!

  I sat there for a long time with the bill in my hand, thinking about what to do. I knew John. If I confronted him, he would either deny it, or he would simply clam up and not talk about it at all. I couldn’t see how that would be helpful. I realized that I wasn’t really offended by it—not in the way I would be if I found him cheating on me with another woman. He was just exploring his fantasies in a place where he felt safe.

  Yeah, ok, it hurt that he didn’t feel safe enough with me, but I already knew that, right? Getting him to share that part of himself with me was like pulling teeth, and I didn’t understand why, but now I knew, at least, that he actually had a part of him that fantasized, that he actually did masturbate. He was a flesh-and-blood man after all. So why did I feel so empty, sitting with the knowledge that I thought I had wanted to know?

  Because I still didn’t know what he fantasized about, I realized. That was the secret that I really wanted revealed.

  I looked at the open envelope, which meant that now John would know I had seen it. The minute he saw the open telephone bill, he would know. I folded the bill exactly as I had found it and put it back into the envelope. Then I went to the kitchen to dig through the junk-drawer and found a glue stick to rub along the flap of the envelope. Pressing my fingers along the edge, I made sure it was closed. It was a little wrinkled and torn, and that might stop him for a moment, but I doubted it. He usually tore through bills pretty fast.

  I put the telephone bill onto his desk with the rest of that day’s mail and left it. When he came home from work that night, I kissed him hello and asked him about his day, and we had a good dinner and snuggled on the couch for a while. The only thing I did
differently that night was drinking an entire pot of black tea. When we climbed into bed, I rolled over and feigned sleep, but I stayed wide awake. Between the caffeine tea and the adrenaline, I couldn’t possibly drift off, and I didn’t.

  I heard John fade in and out, something I normally don’t get to hear. I was the one who always fell asleep first, usually within the first five minutes of my head hitting the pillow, and he always joked with me that I could sleep through a terrorist attack. John, however, took longer to settle in, pulling the covers, rolling around.

  I watched the light shadows play on the closet and waited. John fell asleep. I could hear the deep, even sound of his breathing. The clock read 1:39 a.m. In spite of the tea, my eyes were growing heavy. I realized, disappointed, that he wasn’t going to make any calls tonight. I closed my eyes and started to drift, when I felt a small vibration on the bed. I held still, listening.

  There was a strange sound accompanying the vibration, a kind of shuffle or hiss that repeated itself in a pattern. Then it stopped. John shifted, and his breath was different. He wasn’t sleeping anymore. The vibration started again, the mattress shaking a little more, and I heard John whisper something, his breath coming faster. My eyes widened and I felt a jolt of excitement run straight down my spine and right between my legs. John was masturbating!

  I listened to the sound of his hand on his cock, the motion of the bed rocking me slightly. Did I sleep through this every night, I wondered? Listening to him made me wet. He would stop for a moment, breathing hard, and then start again. I wondered what he was imagining. Once in a while I heard him whisper something and I strained to hear him.

  “Yeah, spread your pussy,” I heard him say. “Good girl.”

  I bit my lip, squeezing my legs together. My clit throbbed, and I wanted to touch myself, but I didn’t want to let him know I was awake. My hand was curled near my breast as I lay on my side, and I touched my nipple, grazing it lightly as I listened to him. He pumped his cock hard now, the whole bed bouncing with his movements. He clearly wasn’t worried that I might wake up—as I obviously never had before.

  “Suck it,” he whispered. “Take that cock, you dirty little whore.”

  My face flushed and my clit throbbed in response to his words. Oh my God, John was imagining having his cock sucked by a dirty little whore! He had never said those words to me. I wondered if it was me he was thinking about, or if it was some woman he had seen, someone at work, some girl behind the counter who had caught his eye for a moment? Maybe the phone sex operator? The thought was darkly exciting.

  John hissed and I heard him stop touching himself abruptly. My pussy was soaked, and I squeezed my legs together again, aching for release. Had he come? I was filled with disappointment. He didn’t move for a moment, his breathing ragged, the bed still now. Then it started again, his hand working up and down his shaft, slow at first, then faster and faster.

  “Yeah, lick her pussy, baby,” he whispered.

  My eyes widened and I squeezed my nipple hard at the words. Two women? The thought was exciting, but what was even better was the fact that John was thinking about it. This was one of his fantasies!

  I began to slide my hand down my side, trying not to move the covers or give him any indication I was awake. I had to touch myself. It was a long, slow process, an inch at a time, braving two or three inches when he really got into it, hoping he was too lost in the sensation to be thinking about me as I eased my hand down toward my wet pussy.

  Finally, I parted my lips, using just my index finger to rub over my aching clit as he pumped his cock. He was getting closer, I could tell, and the closer he got, the more he said. I strained to hear his whispered words.

  “You want that in your ass? Take it!” I felt him thrust up a little, as if he were thrusting into something—or someone. Anal sex? We had never had anal sex. He hadn’t ever expressed an interest. I had no idea. I rubbed my clit a little faster, aching to bury my fingers in my pussy but not daring to move any more than I already was. My belly tightened and my cheeks were red.

  I was so excited, that I could feel myself hovering just on the verge, and I slowed my finger down, just pressing my clit. I wanted to come with him, if I could time it right. His hand flew up and down his shaft now, the bed squeaking with the effort. I still couldn’t believe I had slept through this on countless nights, believing he never masturbated.

  “Yeah, play with your tits,” he whispered. “You want my cum in your ass?”

  John’s breath came very fast, his hand moving like lightning over his cock, his hips jerking and bucking against the bed. My finger glided back and forth against my clit again as I listened and tried to control my own breathing, my muscles growing tighter and tighter as I rubbed myself.

  “Take my cum, baby,” he whispered, his body shuddering. “Take it all!”

  I bit my lip to keep from moaning, feeling him thrusting up as he came. I nudged my clit over the edge to completion, feeling it begin to pulse with my climax, wave after wave shivering through me. I heard John take a few deep breaths, and then he got up and walked into the bathroom connected to our bedroom.

  I took a few moments to get my own breathing under control, snuggling deep under the covers and listening to the toilet flush, the water run. My heart still pounded in my chest with the secret that I had discovered. John not only masturbated—he fantasized about everything from being with two women to anal sex! I wondered what else he imagined when he stroked his hard cock. I knew one thing—I was going to find out.

  And I was going to have to start drinking a lot more black tea before bed!

  Chapter Two

  Kelly and I met at the gym at nine. She dragged her gym bag in one hand and three-year-old Taylor by the other, who shuffled his feet and glowered at the floor.

  “I have to drop him off at the child care.” She puffed a stray lock of red hair out of her eyes. Taylor’s freckled nose turned up to me. He looked just like his mother.

  “I don’t want to go,” he pouted.

  “I’ll meet you in the locker room, ok?” she said. I nodded, trying not to laugh as Kelly juggled everything all at once as she pulled open the door to the child care.

  I went into the women’s locker room and put my gym bag down, starting to undress. I was pulling on my shorts when Kelly burst in, throwing her bag on the bench.

  “Now I know why you guys never had kids.” She banged open a locker and unbuttoned her blouse. I sat on the bench, pulling a t-shirt over my head.

  “Tara, if you don’t wear a bra, that guy at the desk is going to spend the entire hour staring at you again.” Kelly pulled off her blouse. I glanced down at my breasts.

  “Please.” I rolled my eyes. “If I had yours, then I’d wear a bra.”

  “So, what could you not tell me on the phone?” Kelly unzipped her slacks and slid them down her full hips.

  “Oh, right.” I glanced around. There was no one in our row of lockers, and someone was running a hair dryer around the corner. “It’s about John.”

  “Yeah?” She slipped her t-shirt on, pulling her long hair out from under the collar.

  I had told Kelly about my search for John’s fantasy life. “Well… I discovered the mystery.”

  “And?” She folded her clothes neatly and put them in her bag.

  I took a deep breath. “John has been making calls to a phone sex line.”

  “You’re kidding me? John?!” Kelly sat on the bench, her jaw dropped. “How do you know?”

  I nodded, pursing my lips. “I found the phone bills.”

  “Were you mad?”

  I shrugged. “A little. But my curiosity got the better of me.”

  Kelly grinned. “What did you do?”

  “Nothing!” I bit my lip. “Ok, so I stayed up to hear him make a call.”

  “Did he?” She leaned forward, her eyes bright.

  “No, but I found out that I was wrong about him not…” I lowered my voice. “Masturbating.”

Really?” Kelly raised her eyebrows. “You caught him?”

  I nodded. “He was doing it in the middle of the night. I guess I’ve just kind of slept through it.”

  Kelly snorted. “You definitely sleep like a woman who’s never had kids.”

  “I’m not sure what to do,” I confessed, standing up and putting my bag into the locker.

  “Well, I know what I would have done.” Kelly winked as she stuffed her own back into a locker.


  “I would have rolled over and helped him, dummy!” She laughed and poked me in the shoulder.

  I knew Kelly probably would have—but I had always been jealous of her sex life, ever since we started sharing details about our husbands. Chris was all about sharing fantasies with her, telling her what he wanted. She had told me about lots of times when she had dressed up for him, revealing different sexual things they had done that we hadn’t even thought about. Ok, maybe I’d thought about them—and apparently, John had, too—we just hadn’t ever talked about them.

  “I thought about it.” I remembered the slick sound of his hand stroking his cock, how exciting it had been to hear him. “But I was afraid—”

  “Of what?” She sat down on the bench.

  “I guess I was afraid of scaring him off or something.” I shrugged. “I mean, it’s been three years, and he hasn’t ever told me anything, Kel. Not one little fantasy. He wouldn’t even admit he ever jerked-off! Maybe this way, I can actually find out what he’s thinking.”

  Kelly raised her eyebrows. “What are you thinking about doing, Tara?”

  I remembered the sound of John’s hand on his cock, how excited it made me to listen to him, to hear his fantasies.

  “I’m going to wait for him to make a phone call.”


  Kelly kept complaining about my pushing our morning gym date back. I couldn’t help it. I stayed up until one or two in the morning and slept in later and later. I knew I was lucky to have the free time I did. John worked hard, and his business was very successful. I was grateful that I could do my freelance work from home and not worry about it being a primary source of income. I should have been incredibly happy.


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