State of Peril (State of Arizona Book 3)

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State of Peril (State of Arizona Book 3) Page 11

by Doug Ball

  “Oh, goody. Nothing like an assist from the press. Tell the Governor we are chasing every hint and clue.”

  “Did that already. She says she knows that, but something needs to open this case up.”

  “A baby blue helicopter?”

  “If that’s what it takes.”

  They hung up. Tan turned to Sara and said, “We got vigilantes.”


  “The dead man’s father and one of the women’s father. The second father used to work for me, Leon Baldinado. He will not be easy to find or stop.”

  “Let’s get on it then.”

  “Call in a BOLO. Tell them Leon’s description is on file, along with pictures. He is a cop and a danged good one.”

  While Sara called in the BOLO, Tan called the two pairs he had working and updated them on this new information and told them to be on the lookout for the pair of vigilantes while they were traveling. When Sara was finished, he said, “Let’s go to the crime scene so I can get a look and then we can work south from there.”

  She replied, “No problem.”

  “And then, we can check airports, strips, and just plain flat land for signs of a chopper or choppers that fit the bill.”

  “Lots of flat land around here that could handle a chopper. None of the recognized strips have any records of black unmarked aircraft, just emergency ambulances and private locally recognized birds. We keep a constant watch on that kinda info. We do have a new small plane in the area. An old Cessna supposedly for one of the local ranches. The number checks out as far as registry, but we’re keeping an eye on it.”

  “Let’s get on this thing. I have bad vibes when it comes to Leon and Mr. Lawler disappearing together.”

  “I’ve got bad vibes on this thing that started when I saw the killing ground.”


  “Ms. Vasquez has the floor, ladies and gentlemen, you will all get your turn. Please let her finish her position statement and then you can all talk with your votes.”

  “Thank you, Sir. As I was saying,” the senator from District 4 said, “The southern border is a Swiss cheese full of holes. It has more holes than the National Guard’s rifle range near Florence. We must stop the flow of illegals and contraband coming north. My district has suffered much under current administration in Washington’s policies and we have the responsibility to protect our nation, our state, and our homes from the influx of negative factors coming across that border.

  “In just the past year we have seen drugs, people, and war because of the border situation. In just the past month we have videotaped individuals from countries other than Mexico sneaking into our land. I have personally picked up copies of Islamic literature at camping spots in the desert. I have assisted in the arrest of two individuals that have confessed they were entering the country to bring death to the Great Satan. We are at war with 1/3 of the world represented by the religion of, “air quotes with her fingers,” Islam. Islam grows in our country due to the ignorance of our people because the press refuses to publish the intents of these people to our homeland.

  “I recommend and beg you all to vote in favor of this bill which will secure out border at great financial cost, but will make us the frontrunner of change for our borders with our neighbors.” She sat down.

  “Thank you, Ms. Vasquez.”

  “The Senate will recess for 15 minutes to allow the members to stretch their legs.” His gavel fell.

  Ms. Vasquez made it to the door only to be met by folks of her race screaming at her and calling her less than friendly names. Fortunately the Capital Security was ready and secured the steps of the building for her safety.

  Another Hispanic member of the Senate, Rafael Maldono, moved forward and addressed the people. “You should all be ashamed of yourself. Are you Mexican or American? Are you citizens of the United States or of Mexico? Do you allow your neighbors to cross your yard, enter your home, take your provisions, remove your things of value, and crap in the corners? That is what our cousins and others are doing by illegally entering this country. Some of the crossers are out to kill you and your families, because they see you as Americans. They wish to destroy what we have made through our long residence in this country. If you wish to enjoy the homes you have built and keep them safe, what do you do? You build large fences. Many of you have high block walls around your property. For what? For safety, privacy, protection, and a statement that says, ‘This is mine, cross it at your peril.’ Arizona is in a state of peril at this time. We must be a part of protecting this great state so our relatives can someday enter legally and enjoy what we have helped to built.

  “Go home and pray for your security and freedom.”

  The crowd slowly, one or two at a time, turned and departed, except for one man. That man walked up to the speaker, looked him in the eye, and spit on his shoes. Senator Rafael Maldono dropped him with a single blow to the chin, turned, and walked away.

  No one went to the unconscious man except a security officer who handcuffed him and radioed for an ambulance for a man who tripped on the steps while attempting to attack a senator.


  Tank and Abdul were on their third breakfast when the break came. Two very loud men sitting in the far corner were arguing over the security of the hacienda. It soon became apparent that the hacienda was south of the border. The next tidbit was the name of the man who owned the hacienda. Tank ordered more coffee so they would have a reason to stay and listen.

  The men gave them nothing more.

  After they left, Abdul, who had been making eyes at the black waitress, asked the waitress, “Those men.” He nodded toward the corner. “Would there be a job or two for us there at that hacienda they spoke of?”

  “You would not want to work there. It is across the border and does not have a very nice reputation. Unless you are not a very nice person, and I doubt that.”

  “What is so bad there?”

  “I don’t know. Those two live here, but work south of the border. Very different for this area. Most work here and live there. They have a lot of money and think they can buy anything, including me, and when something is not for sale they can get very rough. The only reason they are not rough on me is the cook. He is bigger than you and is my brother. Here lately they’ve made some threats against him. We gonna move shortly. Goin’ up north and work at the Grand Canyon. Cousin of mine says we get the first two jobs come along at the place she works.”

  The two looked at each other as the waitress headed for the kitchen.

  “Whatchu think, Tank?”

  “I think we are on to something that might be important.”

  They called Tan.

  The meal over and with no more information to be gleaned from the girl, the two men walked out of the café into trouble. The two men were waiting in the parking lot. Tank took a quick look at them leaning against the car Abdul had acquired for them and quickly looked at the tires. The two on the side they could see were different. One of them was flat. The larger of the two men was picking his fingernails with a knife.

  Abdul just kept on walking like nothing had happened until he was only two or three paces from the pair. Tank moved out to his side and walked along with him. Quicker than Tank could respond, Abdul reached, jumped, and slapped the man with the knife. The other turned to help his friend and Tank grabbed an arm, turned, and threw the man into the center of the parking lot where he landed on his side and slid a few feet.

  The man Abdul slapped came off the ground with a roar, knife in hand, and charged. Abdul caught the knife hand, twisted, and felt the bones give in the arm. Tank heard the bones break and watched as the man went back into the car face first.

  Tank said, “He ain’t gonna have much of a face when you get through with him.”

  “If he just stay down, we could talk this out like good Christians and resolve the issues in our relationship.”

  “Where’d you learn to talk like that?”

  “Prison shrink.”

nbsp; Tank’s man slowly got on his feet, blood running out of various places on his face and arms. Shaking his head like a stunned bull, he charged the two investigators. As he got close Tank stepped into the man’s outstretched arms, grabbed the man’s belt and arm, lifted, and body slammed his attacker into the gravel and dust.

  Abdul applauded.

  Abdul’s man stood beside the car, wheels turning behind his eyes. He came at Abdul again, his right arm hanging at an awkward angle from the elbow down. Abdul said, “Man, you looking for me to kill you slowly, or do you just want to be destroyed?”

  He kept coming.

  Abdul sidestepped the man and kicked him in the backside as he went passed. The extra push caused the man to overbalance, stumble, and trip over his own two feet, landing face first on his compadre. “Stay there. I’ll kill ya next time, or maybe just destroy you as a man. Last time I was in prison, I saw a man get his ears pulled right off his head. We could start there.”

  Tank walked around the car. “Only that one is flat. Let’s get these two clowns up and have them change the tire. It’s slashed and dead.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me, Bro. What we gonna do with them after?”

  “We could send a message to the bad guys.”

  “You right, we could. Somethin’ like, ‘You makin’ a bona, you mess with Arizona.’”

  “That’s so corny you could make cereal outta it.”

  “Yeah, but it get the point across. Don’t it?”

  “Let’s do it.”


  Attorney General Hunt entered the Governor’s Office right on time. “Governor, how are you this fine day?”

  “I’ve had better days, but I have had more much worse than today. What have we got today?” She motioned with her cup and he shook his head.

  “I’ve had my share of caffeine for the day, thank you,” the AG said.

  “We are now the official plaintiffs in a suit against the Government of the United States of America, duly filed, all the i’s dotted and the t’s are crossed, signed, sealed, and delivered. The State of Arizona against the United States of America is in the hands of the Supreme Court of the Land.”

  “Well, ain’t that just peachy? I wonder if they will hear it. I predict that the SCOTUS will not hear that suit. I am hoping they will not hear the United States versus Arizona. I’m not sure as to the obligations of SCOTUS in these cases. It would be nice to get some money to pay for the war and its aftermath. And, it would be great to have them uphold our stand concerning the state’s right of acceptance or rejection of Federal dollars and programs. What do you think?”

  The AG loosened his collar and said, “I am prepared either way on both suits. I would rather not go to DC, but I will if I have to. The traffic and taxis there are horrible. Did I tell you of the time I was almost killed on the beltway?”

  “Only about six times.” She smiled at him and said, “Thank you, Terry. I really appreciate the hard work this has caused for you. How about the failure to uphold the Constitution suit we talked about during the terrorist episode?”

  “It’s all ready to file the final briefs on. You want to read them before I file?”

  “No way. All that legaleze and gobbledy-gook is way too much for me these days. Maybe we ought to have a law stating that all laws have to be written in plain English.”

  “I’d lobby for that. Right now I need to get back to the office. Those county borders that you so frivolously signed into being with the reservations becoming their own counties have tied up fifteen people, eight surveying companies, and many hassles. On the good side, we are fixing problems that go way back that everyone has just swept under the rug for years. All that and the SCOTUS suits have made my job interesting for a change. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Would you like to do lunch with Art and I?”

  “If I could get a raincheck, I’d love it. I am having lunch with my wife today and this is special so, no we don’t want to join you.”

  “Raincheck it is. Have a good special time with your wife. And, thank you again.”

  The AG left the room with a bit of a bounce in his step as the Governor called for her car and security detail.


  At the site of the killings, Tan checked the terrain with the pictures Sara had. Saw the blood soaked ground where the five had fallen. The tent and camping materials were still in place, as was the footprint of the chopper and the attackers. The spot where Ray Lawler had filmed the whole thing was marked with pink plastic tape with a distance written on it with felt marker. Jack’s blood had been covered. The father’s prints came from the rocks where he had done the filming to the body and then back to a rock nearby. From the prints it was obvious he had gone to the site after the body was removed and kicked dirt over Jack’s blood.

  “What would a shrink say about that action?” Tan asked Sara.

  “Probably something about just wanting all of the son buried properly.”

  “And now, he hasn’t even gone to the mortuary to make arrangements. Interesting, is it not?”

  Sara thought for a time and then said, “No. I’d do the same thing given the chance. I just pray I will never have that chance, or that my husband and kids don’t have that chance with my blood.”

  “I hear ya.” Tan walked over to the rock where the father had sat waiting for the ambulance and the law. He sat, hoping for some answers. His phone buzzed in his pocket.

  It was Tank.

  During the call, he set up a meeting of his crew for 4 PM at a spot not far away, Three Points.

  Tan spent the rest of the afternoon chasing down a man in Arivaca that claimed a chopper landed in his yard a couple years back.


  Bruce and Lenny were talking to a man south of Why when the call came to meet at Three Points. He claimed aliens had landed in his yard and taken a calf he had been fattening for slaughter. Lenny decided they would need all the rest of the afternoon to get there and called a halt to the man’s long, long, true, true story. They got in the car and left.




  Leon awoke to the heat of the day, sweating in his sleeping bag inside a tent. Got up and looked for something to eat. After eating, he moved his bed into a shady spot that would last for a while and crashed again. Ray snored softly in his tent.


  The phone in Borrago’s office rang and died. Moments later it rang again. On the third try one of the house staff decided to answer. It was El Trinchante and he was not happy. “Where is that idiot Patrón of yours? I will speak with him within five minutes or you and all those who work for him will be dead with him.”

  “Si, Patrón. I will get him.” He hung up mumbling ‘I hope,’ under his breath. He ran to find his Patrón who was who-knows-where. Once outside, he began to shout for Armado, his Patrón.

  Two minutes later one of the soldados said, “He is out in the brush setting up guard posts for this night.”

  “Call him in.”

  The soldado took his radio from his hip and called for the Capitan of the soldados. The Capitan answered. “Patrón must call El Trinchante within two minutes or we all die.” He was short of breath when he finished.

  The Capitan looked around to see his Patrón two hundred yards away, standing next to one of the sergeantos. He called on the radio. The sergeanto handed the radio to the Patrón, who finally heard the message.

  Dropping the radio he grabbed his cell phone and hit numero uno on the speed dial. El Trinchante’s body guard answered the phone and said, “El Patrón has left. He said it was not important.”

  Armado thanked the man, even though he did not mean it, and hit the ‘end’ button. To his sergeanto his said, “I wonder what that was all about.”

  The sergeanto had no reply, but the sweat popped out on his forehead like a gringo eating red chili.


  Chuck entered the office with a few notes in his hand, his cell phone to hi
s ear, and a smile on his lips. “Thank you. 7 PM on the dot.” He ended the call.

  “What was that all about, Chuck?” Rachel had a tendency to be nosey.

  “Would you like to find out?”

  “Yes. Would you like to tell me?”

  “No. But, I will show you.”

  “Okay, let’s do it.”

  “I will pick you up at your place at 6:30 PM. Dress nicely, but not too fancy. And, be prepared to be gone from home for a while.”

  “What is this a date?”

  “Not a date, an adventure.” He smiled and entered his cubby.

  “This had better be good, bozo. I’m in no mood for clowning around.”

  “Have I ever been clowning around?”

  “Yes.” She went back to her work.

  He walked out of the cubby, “I just might not show you. You put me down.”

  “I can lift you up.”

  “6:30 PM on the dot.”

  “Okay, I think.”


  Tan met with his crew and Sara. Everyone made it. He shared all he knew with the crew and said, “Any additions?”

  “There’s a guy over by Why that has a great story about aliens, as in flying saucers, abducting a calf. You really need to check it out.”

  “Not. Any real additions.”

  Abdul raised his hand, “I think we are looking at this Borrago guy without enough information. Where is his hacienda? How many troops does he have? Weapons? Communications with support? Are his birds armed? There is a lot about the man we don’t know, Boss.”

  Tank brought out his phone and looked at it, punching a button now and then. Once he appeared to be satisfied, he started the fingers rubbing the screen motions. “Google Maps shows that this guy’s hacienda, if I have the right compound, is large and well-fortified. Looks like a driveway and a personnel gate right next to it for access. Of course we can climb the wall if needed. There is a helopad and a short airstrip to the south a few hundred yards. There looks to be guard stations at two corners.”

  He paused, hit a couple of buttons, “Sorry, cannot get a ground look at his place. Woulda been nice.”


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