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by K'Anne Meinel

  It was two by two line dancing and Alex was surprised as she stepped effortlessly into it with him. She was wearing high topped sports sneakers and not western boots but she made it seem easy and she looked amazingly relaxed as she danced. She was good at it and this surprised not only him but the others who were watching. Cassie was impressed, was there nothing this woman couldn’t do?

  After the second dance Karin headed back to their table. She politely declined several requests to dance as she said she needed a drink and proceeded to suck down her beer. Cassie watched bemusedly as she gulped her beer, chugged was more like it. She admired the way the camisole stretched across her breasts as she arched her neck to drink her beer. When it was finished she put it down gently and said “now I need a nicer drink” and indicated with her head that Cassie should come with her she headed towards the bathroom.

  There wasn’t a line and for that Karin was grateful. She pulled Cassie into a stall and kissed her hard and deeply. Cassie was surprised and delighted. She loved the feel of this woman in her arms. She was still amazed that she was here, that she had dressed in jeans, and that she was out dancing with her and her friends. Karin loved when Cassie’s tongue darted into her mouth, she loved sucking lightly on it, sucking on her lips, it aroused them both and they were both panting as they finally pulled away with pleased looks on their faces. They were in the bathroom of a Country Western bar, this wasn’t the time or the place but it promised that the rest of their night would be even better. It did provide Cassie with the opportunity to run her hands over the velvety soft jeans that covered Karin’s ass and she took advantage of that as well as to feel the satin of her camisole across her breasts. Karin appreciated it as she looked at Cassie with passion filled eyes. The camisole might have a built in shelf like bra to hold up her breasts but it did nothing to conceal her arousal as her nipples puckered up in anticipation of what Cassie had started. Cassie chuckled at what she saw and they both heard a cough outside the door of the stall. Karin quickly turned them both around and unbuttoning her pants sat down and peed. Cassie laughed as Karin whispered “well, I did come in here for that” as she reached for the toilet paper to wipe. They were fortunate no one was outside when they exited the stall and Karin washed her hands as she caught Cassie watching her in the mirror. She looked down to see her nipples had deflated a little, maybe it was from the cold water on her hands?

  They stayed another half an hour and Karin consumed a couple more drinks switching to Smirnoff and sharing a black cherry one with Cassie who had never tried one before and found herself enjoying it. They wouldn’t let them get any to go so Karin had the taxi driver stop at a liquor store so they could buy a six pack before taking them to her hotel. They were lucky they didn’t need a bottle opener as they twisted off the tops and enjoyed themselves. The liquor seemed to loosen any inhibitions they may have been fostering as they made love passionately. It seemed it was even better than Phoenix to both of them as they got to sleep quite late and started quite early. Cassie was nearly late for her rehearsal as she guiltily stole in that afternoon having stopped at the bus to change her clothes. The guys started teasing her mercilessly as they saw her arrive and she blushed becomingly.

  That night Karin didn’t need a ticket. Cassie arranged for her another back stage pass and she enjoyed the show first hand. She wore the burgundy colored jacket that night and a different camisole but the same jeans and sports high tops. She was enjoying herself immensely and Travis Collins finally recognized her.

  “You’re Karin Myers aren’t you? From Los Angeles?” he asked when he spotted her. He hadn’t gone out with the band last night so he hadn’t seen them all out together.

  “New York actually” Karin informed him as she watched the energy of the band. There was something in the air that night and she could only hope she had inspired Cassie instead of tiring her out.

  “That’s right, the promoter?”

  She nodded and tried to ignore him as she watched the performance. She was certain no good would come of this conversation. She watched him out of the corner of her eye and knew the moment he began to get jealous and suspicious.

  “So what are you doing here?” he asked boldly.

  Karin glanced at him. “I’m enjoying their concert” she said quietly hoping to defuse what could be an ugly situation. If he thought she was a threat he could get quite nasty.

  “Are you looking to sign them to Kreske? We have our own people you know, even in Nashville” he said and Karin could hear the belligerence starting in his voice. He felt threatened, she knew that and she was sorry for it. He was doing a bad job for them but it wasn’t her fault. That he was this defensive when she hadn’t actually said anything clued her in that he knew he wasn’t doing a great job, she wondered at that.

  “No, not at all” she shook her head and tried to reassure him.

  The fact that she was here and she was who she was and was affiliated with a firm that did indeed represent talent was enough to condemn her though, at least in his eyes. “Then what are you doing here?” he said a little nastily as he glared at her.

  “I’m enjoying their concert” she repeated hoping he would leave her alone but sensing it was fruitless.

  “Oh really?” he said with as much sarcasm as he could put into two little words.

  She sighed “yes, really. I’m a friend of Cassie’s. Chet and Alex insisted I come” she added hoping he wouldn’t continue and by adding the two guy’s names it would a ‘let’s be friends’ type of atmosphere but he didn’t pick up on the nuance.

  “You didn’t know Cassie until that party in LA” he squinted as he thought of something. It all clicked “oh, you’re that woman” he said as he realized who she must be. After all two women couldn’t possibly be just friends, right?

  Karin raised an eyebrow in response to the phrasing but no other sign indicated the anger she was now feeling. It was bad enough the guy wasn’t doing his job but it was now apparent to her it was because he was a homophobe. She was very astute and she realized it was probably beyond him to help Cassie realize her full potential. It explained a lot. It explained why they were playing to small venues such as the civic center instead of the fairgrounds. It explained why the place wasn’t packed. He couldn’t or wouldn’t cope with her being gay. If he didn’t believe in her he must be certain the fans couldn’t accept her being gay. She wondered why he didn’t find her different management then, at least let someone else handle her promotions and engagements.

  The band finished playing the last song and they filed off the stage.

  “Hi Karin!” several of them said when they recognized her. “That was a great dance last night” one said and another said “next time, you and me in that line” he joked.

  Karin smiled and greeted them all by name. They clustered around her and chatted until Cassie said “ok, ok, break it up!” and she smiled to show she was kidding. It had been a phenomenal night. The electricity tonight on stage was incredible and they had all enjoyed themselves. The roadies began breaking down the stage immediately so they could pack it into their bus and vans. Each musician was responsible for his own personal instruments but things like the speakers and the drum set were taken down and stored. Karin shared a hug with Cassie but wouldn’t burst her bubble for the life of her and ignored the glare that Travis was still directing her way as they made their way down to the dressing room.

  Cassie and Karin didn’t go out with the boys that night and it was a good thing as Travis had decided to join them that evening. They instead walked together on the beach down in the national forest of St. Marks. Holding hands openly they felt confident that they were a long way from prying eyes on the deserted beach. It was romantic as hell and they had a wonderful time. On their way back they stopped at a convenience store and picked up food to eat back at the hotel. They made love tenderly and sweetly as well as passionately and wildly enjoying their limited time together. The bus was leaving late in the afternoon tomorrow and they we
re going home to Nashville. Karin had planned on leaving then to go back to New York even though she knew she should stop in Milwaukee.

  The next morning they fell on their snacks and food with a vengeance as they were starved from having forgotten to eat the previous day.

  “This fruit cup tastes funny” Karin told Cassie as she got halfway through it.

  “We probably should have refrigerated it” Cassie said as she ate through peanut butter and crackers.

  Karin had chosen the fruit cup because the thought of eating ding dongs and other fattening food had slightly nauseated her but this fruit cup wasn’t that great either. She chose a ding dong and was halfway through it when she realized the fruit cup had indeed gone bad and she rolled out of bed to rush to the bathroom slamming the door. She was in there a long time and Cassie knocked on the door gently asking “are you okay?” she thought she heard groaning.

  “I’ll be out shortly” Karin got out through the cramps.

  It was a while before she came out. Cassie had heard the fan go on and the shower and wondered if she was okay. When she came out with a towel wrapped around her middle she looked pale. “Are you okay?” she repeated concerned.

  “I don’t think that fruit cup was a good idea” she rasped as she lay down on her side on the bed.

  Cassie looked at the half finished fruit cup and then at Karin and realized she must have eaten bad fruit. Karin rocked slightly as she closed her eyes. She stopped rocking to get up and run to the bathroom again and slam the door. Cassie couldn’t hear anything but the fan came on again. When the shower came on again she realized Karin was washing herself. This time when she came out with the towel wrapped around her and her hair in tendrils she looked just awful. She was shaky and pale as she lay on the bed. Cassie could smell an odor coming from the bathroom that the fan hadn’t managed to dissipate.

  “Oh baby, I’m so sorry” she leaned over to hug her.

  “Please don’t touch me” she rasped out as she sucked in air through her nose and out through her mouth. It didn’t last long and she was again heading for the bathroom but on shaky legs.

  This time when she came out the odor followed her despite the fan going full blast and the door remaining shut and she lay down looking cold and clammy. “Is there anything I can do?” Cassie asked her feeling sorry for her. She looked so sick.

  Karin shook her head. She was embarrassed, she was mortified to have her lover see her in such a state, so much for their romantic and impulsive weekend together, and it was ending badly, very badly.

  “Are you mad at me?”

  Karin shook her head and opening her eyes asked “you wouldn’t happen to have any Imodium or Pepto with you would you?”

  Cassie shook her head and waiting she saw when whatever was hitting Karin hit her again as she blanched. “Should we take you to the hospital?” she asked alarmed.

  Karin got out a “no” before the door closed behind her.

  Cassie felt terrible. She felt almost as though she herself had poisoned her girlfriend. The least she could do is get her something to make her feel better. She hurried into her clothes.

  Karin was in the bathroom longer this time and Cassie fully dressed when she came out. She looked at Cassie dully. She didn’t blame her, she too would want to get out of the smell of this, and it was disgusting. The smell alone had caused her to gag in the bathroom as she fought throwing up. The fan was working full blast and not doing its job very well, its noise was annoying the hell out of her in her weakened state.

  “I’m going to get you Pepto or Imodium, is there anything else you need?” Cassie asked anxiously looking at her in alarm. She wasn’t sure she shouldn’t take her to the hospital, she looked horrible.

  Karin shook her head and crawled back into the bed with the towel wrapped around her. She was shivering so hard that pulling up the blankets did very little.

  Cassie took one last look at her before grabbing the room key and bolting.

  Cassie was gone half an hour to forty five minutes. She returned to hear some awful noises coming from the bathroom. She could hear almost a retching sound and some moaning and then the fan flipped on again. She unloaded her purchases onto the dresser lining them up carefully, unnecessarily, but not knowing what else to do. She felt so bad for Karin and she was determined if this didn’t help they were going to go to the hospital if she had to carry her herself.

  Karin practically dragged herself out of the bathroom. She looked horrible to Cassie. How could she have been reduced to this so quickly? She slowly made her way to the bed as she lay down not even looking at Cassie who she knew was there.

  Cassie opened the Pepto-Bismol and handed it to Karin. Karin couldn’t even unscrew the cap she felt so weak. She was also shaking so with cold. She felt awful. Her stomach was cramping so horribly she had nothing but liquid coming out of her anymore. It was all pure acid as her body clenched from the poisons. She had pooped out all solids out of her body in the first few episodes in the bathroom. The smell had made her gag. Only showering and then later a small bath helped the acid on her backside that oozed out each time she felt the need to pass gas. She was embarrassed knowing that Cassie had to have smelled the odor despite the fan. She was grateful when she left to get her something but her body clenching was seriously scaring her. She had diarrhea before in her lifetime but nothing like this and never so quickly or so intense. She was starting to feel delirious and realized she must be dehydrated which was why her body was clenching so badly. The cramps were extremely painful. She drank down the capful of Pepto that Cassie poured for her gratefully but nearly vomited it up. She was shivering so hard she was surprised she didn’t spill it. She lay back against her pillow hoping and praying she didn’t need to run to the bathroom again. She was too weak and too cold. The showers that took away the acid were chilling her despite the heat of the water.

  “Can you manage a saltine cracker?” Cassie asked kindly as she looked at her sadly. Never could she have imagined that this beautiful self-possessed woman could look so woebegone. She really looked awful.

  Karin took a moment to realize what Cassie had said. She looked at her weakly and nodded as she shivered. Her body had shivers not only from being cold but from the reaction to the severe cramping it was enduring.

  Cassie brought her a couple of crackers and a bottle of Gatorade. “Here, sip this; you need to get liquid into you too. The electrolytes will help too.” She wanted to reach out and hold her but the shaking was scaring her.

  Karin sat up and opened her eyes and took one of the crackers. She nibbled at it and eyed the Gatorade with distaste. She knew Cassie wanted to help and she realized that she was right about the liquid and electrolytes but she hated the taste of the stuff. Plain water though was a bad idea as she had found out over the last hour; it had led to more cramping and more acid. It was becoming a vicious cycle. She ate the rest of the cracker and drank some of the Gatorade. Cassie nearly laughed as she took it like a shot of whiskey one capful at a time.

  There were some more runs to the bathroom but they lessened over the next few hours. Cassie called down for some more towels as the ones they had were all damp by now and she was happy when Karin allowed her to help dry her off and tuck her in. She added her own body heat to Karin’s as she held her as close as Karin would allow and breathed a sigh of relief when Karin finally fell into an exhausted sleep. She watched over her as the color returned to normal and when Karin finally got up a few hours later and went to the bathroom she didn’t stagger out of the room.

  “God that was awful” was the first reference she made to the ordeal she had just been through. She helped herself to another fistful of crackers and eyed the Gatorade distastefully as she swigged it.

  “How are you feeling?” Cassie asked still feeling a little shook up over what she had witnessed over the past hours.

  Karin smiled ruefully “better.” She waited a few beats before adding “actually, I’m a little hungry but I better stick to th
is” she held up the crackers she was eating.

  “I brought you a little chicken soup if you think you can manage it?” Cassie got up and pulled a little covered bowl from the bag.

  “Ah, you’re a lifesaver” Karin breathed as she sat down at the desk instead of on the bed. She now had two towels wrapped around her to cover her torso and her middle and for some warmth as her body began to make normal temperatures.

  “I feel terrible” Cassie told her as she watched her dig into the chicken soup which was luke warm now.

  “Why, you didn’t force me to eat that fruit” Karin said practically sounding normal.

  “No, but you looked miserable and there wasn’t anything I could do” she said sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “You went and got me the Pepto, and the Gatorade, these crackers are great” she indicated them as she grabbed one and dipped it into the soup.

  “You were in so much pain though” she worried.

  “Yeah, that acid was a little bad” Karin winced remembering the pain of her backside.

  During the course of the day she got stronger but not as quickly as she had come down with her illness. It was late in the day when she realized “your bus! You missed your bus!”

  Cassie came over and held her, she could do that now that Karin was feeling stronger, had stopped shaking, and wasn’t running to the bathroom every ten minutes. “I called them and they went on ahead, I’ll fly home when you’re feeling better. What about your work?” she asked. This was the first time she hadn’t seen Karin checking her phone regularly or taking calls. She had turned down the volume after Karin had started shaking from the reaction of her body and hadn’t mentioned it.

  Karin shrugged; she didn’t really care at the moment. The world could have ended that day and she wouldn’t have cared. Cassie took care of her and she was grateful. She didn’t run to the bathroom once that night.

  The next morning Karin made love to Cassie but wouldn’t let her return the favor as it were. She insisted her body wasn’t ready for it and she wasn’t up to an orgasm yet but she wanted, needed to hear Cassie’s before they left that day. Afterwards Cassie wasn’t happy that she didn’t hear the same things in return, she felt incredibly selfish but Karin assured her that it was okay, she had enjoyed it. They showered together and Karin was sick of that cubicle she informed Cassie who laughed at her. Once her hair was brushed and dried and in its familiar bun and her makeup applied Karin felt loads better, she dressed in her familiar ‘business’ clothes and Cassie recognized the cold businesslike Karin was back. She still looked a little pale but then Cassie had been watching her very closely.


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