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by K'Anne Meinel

  “I didn’t know what…” she left off as she caught sight of Cassie and the contraption she was modeling. She tried not to laugh but at the same time she was intrigued at the rigging. She had seen a strap on before but neither of them had used one. She felt strangely … aroused to see Cassie standing there before her wearing one. She hadn’t snapped on the dildo yet to the holder that was on her pelvic bone, she was holding it in her hand and looking worriedly at Karin.

  “Don’t laugh” she warned trying not to laugh herself.

  Karin grinned and turning on the bed said “who is laughing?” she crawled across the bed to kneel on the other edge and take Cassie into her arms.

  Cassie came down on the bed on her side letting go of the dildo as she began to undress her lover, she wanted to try this new idea before she lost her nerve. The idea had come to her impulsively when she had thought that perhaps Karin might not be able to make love to her with all her disabilities. Seeing her lover overcome said disabilities had made her forget that she had bought this contraption but she had thought of it occasionally and now wanted to try it out on her.

  Slowly Karin’s clothing came off of her as Cassie enticed, teased, and touched her. Karin was becoming more and more aroused and the thought of Cassie using the strap-on on her body had her creaming before her panties were even removed.

  “Someone’s been naughty” Cassie teased as she spotted the white, rich, creaminess and she flung the panties to the end of their bed.

  “Someone’s aroused me” Karin returned with an anticipatory smile as Cassie began to lave attention on her neck, her breasts, and her body. Her hands were everywhere; the calluses from playing the guitar feeling good on Karin’s aroused body. It was becoming more and more heated and she wanted to play with the toy Cassie had introduced to their love play. “I want this” she tugged at one of the straps around Cassie’s waist.

  “Uh nuh, in my time” Cassie teased as she kissed her way down and inhaled the sweet aroma of Karin’s arousal. She spread her lower lips enticingly and gazed at its creamy goodness. She licked at it causing Karin to moan in frustration.

  “I want to be fucked” she said crudely bucking up to her lover with her pelvis.

  “You will be, you will be royally fucked” Cassie returned just as crudely as she began to play.

  Karin didn’t know why she didn’t get angry at the extended love play but she was enjoying the feel of what Cassie was doing to her too much to even think about how much teasing was going on.

  Cassie reached up and cupped both of Karin’s breasts, squeezing them hard in the palms of her hands. Karin reached down to touch her shoulders and encourage her as her mouth buried itself between her legs.

  Rapidly and without her hands assistance she worked Karin’s clit to a frenzy with her mouth and tongue and lips. Removing one of her hands from Karin’s breast she reached out and felt for the discarded dildo. It took a moment to find it among the sheets and just as long to snap it in place. She had practiced in the bathroom but on her stomach and against the bed made it a bit awkward and difficult. She managed though as she licked, and sucked, and mouthed the erect clit.

  “I need… I need” Karin panted in supplication, nearly begging for release.

  Cassie rose up over her a little and used her hand to plunge her fingers inside. Karin, not expecting it arched in surprise. She kept taking her fingers out, at first to taste which turned Karin on when she watched and then to rub along the shaft of the dildo and wet it for penetration. As Karin began to twitch in preparation for an orgasm Cassie slowly used the shaft of the dildo instead of her fingers inside her. Karin could sense the difference immediately. Her body froze in surprise and her pending orgasm tapered off but then she relaxed as Cassie began to thrust into her, grabbing her hips for leverage. The top of the dildo rubbed against her already erect clit causing friction that had her going for a higher high. Cassie leaned over her, bending in an uncomfortable position to grasp her erect nipple in her mouth with her teeth and tongue it as she thrust into her.

  The sight of Cassie doing this to her and the sensations were too much for Karin and she found herself screaming out in pleasure. “Oh, oh, OHHHHHHH” she got out, her voice going strained at the volume of her orgasm as she bucked beneath Cassie.

  Cassie held on to wring every bit of pleasure out of her watching through narrowed eyes as Karin arched back, her neck exposed to Cassie’s lips and teeth. She couldn’t resist and she started sucking and nibbling at the exposure.

  Karin was beyond control as she spasmed beneath her and tried to catch her breath, the sensations were incredible, one more thrust and she would die a thousand deaths she thought before she began to come almost painfully down from the incredible high. “Don’t move” she gritted out painfully to her lover.

  Cassie froze from thrusting as she sensed that Karin was overly sensitized to what had just transpired. The veins on her neck were standing out sharply as she gasped for air and slowly began to relax. Cassie backed away marginally to pull the dildo out of Karin’s body but Karin grasped her to her and commanded “stay still.”

  Cassie was worried, it was taking too long for Karin’s body to relax and then Karin began to move again, she threw a leg over Cassie’s hip which Cassie caught with her arm and began to grind down on the dildo. Cassie realized this was a second and perhaps stronger orgasm as Karin burrowed her head into Cassie’s neck and bit…hard! The grinding and writhing beneath her had Cassie aroused once again as slowly Karin allowed her body to relax beneath her.

  “Are you okay?” Cassie asked a long time later looking down on her tenderly. The head of the dildo had just finally slipped out of Karin’s over-heated body with a slurping sound. Never had Cassie known Karin to be this wet before.

  Karin just nodded, she didn’t want to think, she didn’t want to move, and the lovely tingling through her body was only now just beginning to subside. The intensity of wanting this woman, the surprise at the toy, and her own passionate nature had given her probably one of the best orgasms of her life. She wondered if the straps were adjustable and she could use the thing on Cassie, she had gotten some lovely ideas from the experience.

  Slowly they released the new songs. There were still some country music stations that refused to play Cassie Summer’s songs. Don and Karin kept track of the ones that were blatant about it. They used it against those stations taking out ads in other markets that told of those stations and their homophobia. It was audacious, it was a calculated risk, and they had the money to do it. Cassie’s ‘war chest’ was very full for this plan to work. The lawsuits began almost immediately but the media releases and the public outcry from this ‘homophobia’ seemed to make its own momentum. Cassie Summers was hot, her music was loved, even fans who had been turned away from her before began to come back in droves. What did they care that she liked women? It was about the music which is what Don and Karin’s premise was. It had people questioning their own homophobic tendencies all over.

  Touring began again, full houses were the norm. Don began to be asked about 2 & 3 day concert events to handle the larger crowds in the bigger cities. Cassie was delightfully tired as she reconditioned herself for these longer events. She missed Karin terribly but her advice and contacts were invaluable and Don realized that she wasn’t in competition with him but rather was teaching him some of the ropes he wasn’t aware of. Karin felt she was learning things from Don as well who had been in Country Music forever.

  “Can’t you come baby, I need to see you” Cassie pleaded months into their touring.

  “I will and soon, I need to see you too” Karin told her. She was missing her dreadfully. The months of rehab and hospital they had been together daily and she missed that. The silence in the apartment except for the animals was starting to make her grow crazy. The little she did for Cassie and her tour wasn’t enough to keep her mind active. Her mind didn’t work like it had before; it took longer to process things, to pull up the fountain of information that
lay there dormant, waiting for the need. She spent countless hours trying to figure out who had attacked her and why. The why was fairly easy, it was about money and Cassie Summers made a lot of it for their sponsors and whoever represented her. That was almost too obvious and Karin needed to figure out who else was involved, who else benefited from the warning she had received. She only vaguely remembered that she had heard a woman’s voice from her attackers.

  “But why do you need to stay there, can’t you do whatever you are doing on the road?” Cassie’s arguments were sound.

  Karin knew she could do what she was doing from the road but she didn’t want to be on the road. She felt this need to stay near the apartment, near her home, she had changed with the attack and while still a formidable woman the alterations in her behaviors still caused her problems, anxieties she had never had before surfaced. She needed to overcome them. “I’ll be there as soon as I can babe” she reassured her fiancée.

  Every contact, every lead indicated it was not the powers in Hollywood or New York who had made millions off of Cassie that had arranged the beating. They wanted her back of course, she was worth a lot of money, their notes were indications of that, but the underworld, they had no vibes that they wanted to send Karin Myers a warning or Cassie Summers. Karin had been too valuable and the money to be made off of Cassie Summers too valuable in its own way, sending her a physical warning such as Karin had received last year was going too far. So who was it? Karin was determined to find out.

  She had to get home; Cassie was there for a well-deserved weekend off. Her meetings today with private investigators, some of the best in the industry, specializing in ‘Hollywood’ types had indicated that they weren’t out of danger but they didn’t know who was behind the money that had attacked Karin. All Karin knew was that they were still in eminent danger. It had been over a year; the body guards she thought were no longer necessary were still in place but were they enough? She had seen for herself that she was followed; she had tried to set someone on that lead but to no avail. She shrugged, there was nothing really she could do but wait it out, go on tour with Cassie to make her happy, help Don if he would let her in his prickly worry that she would take over, and see what happened.

  Cassie had never been as frightened as she was at this moment. Inside the safe room that Karin had shown her so long ago she felt protected but from what she could see on the monitors she was frightened, very frightened. She had barely had time to get the pets inside the room with her, they had shot in out of curiosity and become as trapped as she was. Don hadn’t been as lucky as she saw on the monitors that the guard and Don had all received the same fate as well as whoever had come up in the elevator with them. She had tried the phone line, it wasn’t working or so she thought. It was because it was so old and the alarm company hadn’t seen it ‘used’ in so long that an incompetent at the other end disregarded the alarm.

  Cassie could see that the two intruders had beaten the bodyguard and stunned him with a stun gun, the wires still attached to the gun before hitting him repeatedly with a baseball bat. The bludgeoning in of the front door with said bat had sent her into a panic and she had headed for the secret room. Don hadn’t believed her and instead played the ‘protective male’ as she finally closed the door to the room to protect herself. Her sounding of the alarm, the phone calls to the police, nothing hurried things along. She could see the horror on the monitors as they beat Don senseless. She could only hope and pray that they didn’t kill him, didn’t murder him. They were now destroying the apartment as they tried to get through the door to the room she was now in. She could see it all on the monitors, they couldn’t see the cameras, and they were too well hidden as Karin had shown her.

  God, Karin, she was due home anytime soon. She was going to meet with Don to discuss some of what they had done to get Cassie’s new songs heard, played, and shown on the various Country Music stations and television. If she came home to this! They would kill her this time!

  The cat and the dog lay on one of the cots and looked at her expectantly waiting to see what she would do. Cassie didn’t know what to do. She had sounded the alarm, she had called the police on the phone, she could only wait and she was terrified. The two masked intruders were all in black but they hadn’t come up in the elevator like that, they were two women and had pulled off their disguises to hide behind the black disguises. Where were the police? Hadn’t they believed her? Hadn’t they checked at the alarm company?

  Karin’s taxi dropped her off in front of her apartment building. There seemed to be a number of police cars parked in front and around the side. Her heart dropped as the worst went through her mind. They might not be here because of her own apartment, because of Cassie; they might not be here for them at all. She could only hope as she made her way through the crowd that had gathered.

  “Ms. Myers!” a relieved voice called from where she was stopped by a police officer holding back the crowd.

  She looked up glad to see Carl and he motioned her through the barrier.

  “She’s a tenant” he assured the officer who let her by.

  “What’s going on?” she asked hoping and praying it wasn’t the answer she thought it might be. Her head was pounding though as she remembered her own incident over a year ago.

  “Someone broke into one of the apartments” he told her being careful not to tell her it was her own. “The police are up there but are having trouble getting the intruders out. They are holding someone hostage” he mentioned looking sideways at her and wondering how she would react. Before he would have thought the Ice Queen would be coldly meticulous about finding out the information to ‘her’ building, but since her ‘accident’ she was never what they expected, she behaved angrily about the most innocent of things so he wasn’t sure how to break it to her. Instead he was leading her to one of the principal investigators.

  “Lieutenant, this is Karin Myers, she owns the apartment” he said and stepped back so that he wouldn’t be hit by whatever fall-out that Ms. Myers might explode with.

  “Ms. Myers, you own the apartment on the 25th floor?” a tall dark haired man asked her.

  Karin was trying not to become anxious, not to worry about was going on but all the police she saw standing around and now looking at her inquiringly made her start to sweat. Karin Myers, the Ice Queen was beginning to panic. She nodded not answering and wondering what was going on? Where was Cassie in all this, maybe she hadn’t arrived yet? “Yes, I own the apartments up there. What’s going on?”

  “We got an emergency call from inside the apartment but the line wasn’t steady and we lost it but from what I understand there were a couple of intruders. They knocked out the elevator attendant and we have found a body outside the apartment and the door has been broken down. What can you tell me, what do you know?” he asked studying her and wondering what was going on. They had very little to go on.

  “Has the security company alarm gone off?” Karin asked wondering what she could tell him without giving out too much information.

  He nodded “they called us but they weren’t certain it was legitimate either, apparently it went to an old number.”

  Karin cursed herself for not having updated it. In her desire for privacy had she actually sacrificed security? Who had called the cops though? Who had activated the alarm? That meant someone was in the apartment. Cassie! She made a gesture to head to the elevators but a cop grabbed her arm. “My fiancée is up there” she snarled angrily.

  “Do you know that for certain?” the lieutenant asked her wondering at the details he didn’t have yet and wanting them.

  “No one else could have made that phone call or activated the alarm. There is a secure room in the apartment” she told him coldly wrenching her arm from the cop who had grabbed her and glaring at him warningly.

  “You have a panic room?” he asked to be certain, they weren’t unheard of but they weren’t that common.

  She nodded and said “have you caught the intruders?�

  He shook his head “they claim to have someone as a hostage” he informed her. “Who is your fiancée?”

  She debated telling him for a second but then thought perhaps the name might bring her a better level of service, everyone was impressed by fame, it was just her that wasn’t. “Cassie Summers” she said and watched as the wonder came over his face. She had done her job well. Don had as well. Cassie Summers was well known all over.

  “You think that’s who is being held in the apartment?” another cop asked her. As she hadn’t been introduced she didn’t answer him. She looked instead at the lieutenant.

  “Who exactly are you?” she asked the lieutenant. She couldn’t very well just keep calling him by his rank.

  “I’m Lieutenant Murphy, this is my partner Sergeant Stokes. So you are saying Cassie Summers is being held up there?” he asked to clarify.

  She shook her head “not held, she is probably safe in the safe room and they can’t get in” she hoped and prayed at least that they couldn’t.

  The two cops exchanged looks and the Sergeant, forgetting for a moment that Karin was standing there asked the Lieutenant “you think it’s a bluff?”

  “Of course it’s a bluff, they don’t have bupkiss and they can’t get in that room” Karin said hotly feeling a little faint at the thought that Cassie was up there and alone? No, she had Don with her, or at least she hoped she did. “What about Don?” she asked aloud.

  “Who is Don?” the Lieutenant asked trying to get more details out of the woman.

  “Don Dreamcatcher is her manager” she said trying to make it simple. A manager was so not what he was, he was so much more than that but explaining it would take just too damn long.

  He shook his head as he exchanged a look with the Sergeant “we don’t know that there is a second person being held hostage at this time.”


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