Immortal Embrace (Vampire Magic Book 5)

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Immortal Embrace (Vampire Magic Book 5) Page 10

by Sela Croft

  As the currents ebbed and flowed, the Fae became servants to a greater goal. A goal that was paramount to any other. The sole driving force for existence in the kingdom was to support Seth and do his bidding, whatever that may be.

  His aims were clear. I’d been aware of his siege, before I’d been pulled into his palace. My gut roiled with disgust and the destiny ahead was a knife to my heart. Yet I didn’t look away. The changes I witnessed couldn’t be stopped.

  Deep inside, I felt ill, mentally and emotionally. Yet I had Seth’s blood. The overriding part of me strove to support him, just as his Fae subjects did. It couldn’t be denied. It was an all-consuming purpose that was going to win out, so why not follow?

  Once Seth attained full power over the Fae, he would conquer Shadowland. Any vampires left would become his slaves. The magic they held dear would be his tool for domination. Yet it wouldn’t stop there.

  The royal vampires and their kingdom were the last bastion against utter destruction. That had been the reason they’d been created. Their role was to fight against evil, to keep the Fae in their realm and unable to wreak havoc.

  As soon as the vampires were extinct, or subjugated to the goal of world domination, Seth would have free reign. The human realm was unaware of his existence, or of the sorcery he utilized to placate his own desires.

  The darkness would overtake the human world, without warning. Hadn’t he claimed that the real battle was to be there. The Fae and the vampire realms were merely testing grounds, and an avenue to recruit armies for his personal benefit.

  Chapter 26


  The view from the balcony was surreal. The sights terrified me. Yet I steeled myself to remain strong. Even in my delusions that I could somehow be a part of all of this, I put on a show of strength. Instinctively, I knew any perceived weakness would make me more vulnerable.

  Seth turned away from the railing, so it seemed he’d surveyed his kingdom enough, for the moment. His anciently-clad form was intimidating. But I looked up into his vacant eyes, refusing to cower in his presence.

  The flow of energy in the palace didn’t dissipate. If anything, it grew in force with each passing second. Looking at Seth appeared to make me a conduit for the currents. I weaved then took hold of the railing. His energy filled me, as though I’d usurped some of his strength.

  “I note that you are hungry,” Seth said and reached toward me with his palms up. “I can feel you draw on me. Like a sponge, you soak in my energy.”

  The mention of hunger made me acutely aware of the emptiness of my veins. It had been way too long since my last feeding. “I’m forced to admit…I am, indeed, famished." The confession was awkward, yet I couldn’t hide my desire from the sorcerer. He seemed to know things, before I spoke.

  As far as I knew, there were no humans in Fae territory. They wouldn’t survive it. Thus, there was no human blood. I’d acquired a taste for the pure blood that Logan had fed me and wondered what was available in the palace. I doubted that there was anything for me.

  I stared at Seth, trying to tell what he had in mind. “Do you have human blood to satisfy my hunger?”

  “I can offer you so much more,” he said with a sardonic look. Then he began to walk so I followed. “I will take you to my chambers, and there you will see what I can provide.”

  The palace was more massive than I’d thought. Seth walked down hall after hall, twisting and turning until he reached his private quarters. He motioned for me to enter first.

  When I stepped into his chambers, I was awe struck by the elaborate replication of ancient Egypt. The walls were covered in hieroglyphs, a combination of imagery and letters. It was hard to describe in words, but the feeling was extraordinary.

  If I hadn’t known better, I’d have thought I was inside the crypt of an ancient Pharaoh in the Valley of the Kings. I’d studied ancient history, since the past intrigued me.

  The colors were earthy; golden brown and blood red were most prominent. I recognized a drawing of the god of sun, war, and protection. Possibly, Seth considered himself the embodiment of such a god.

  Birds appeared to be a popular theme, with paintings of the feathers of a vulture and ducks. The murals revealed much about life and daily activity in the ancient world of Egypt. I was spellbound, and would have gazed longer, if my circumstances hadn’t been what they were.

  When I tore my eyes away from the intricate wall designs, I noticed several Fae standing near. Not a sound was heard. It was as though each one waited to serve the master. Seth had their attention.

  Yet I sensed no joy in their countenance. Those before me were some of the changed beings I’d seen earlier. Their distorted forms sickened me, but I guarded my reaction. For all I knew, the Fae would attack if I seemed unfriendly. I’d had so little interaction with their breeds.

  Proudly, Seth stepped into the interior. He waved toward the Fae then spoke. “The Fae are a servitor race. Like the vampires, they were only created to serve a purpose.”

  “That’s what you say, but that doesn’t mean it’s true.”

  Seth’s laugh curdled my blood, what there was left of it in my veins. The hollow sound was laced with hatred. “All other races, Fae and vampires included, were created by powerful sorcerers. The beings only use is to support the superior race that spawned them.”

  “And I take it that you are part of that superior race?”

  Rage seethed behind Seth’s eyes, but I didn’t look away. “You dare to challenge me?” He gazed at his subjects, who trembled before him. “These creatures are a result of the magic I’ve been performing in this land. You should notice that they are much more valuable in their new condition.”

  My mind reeled with what Seth alleged. “You have…” I turned my back on the Fae and looked at the sorcerer. “You perverted their natural form and made them fear you. How does that make them more valuable?”

  “That was the reason I destroyed their former self. I require them to obey without question. And it serves me better if their bodies have greater utility.”

  I didn’t need to turn and look at the Fae to know his meaning. He’d distorted their limbs and bodies, so the creatures could be used as instruments. It was a devilish achievement and could be seen no other way.

  “It’s the way it has always been,” Seth said. “Those that are weak serve the beings that are powerful. It’s not my fault if they were pitiful creatures to begin with.”

  The heartlessness of his attitude pieced to my soul. I should have stormed out. Or, at least, done something to rescue the Fae from their fate. Yet I did not.

  The mysterious part was that I didn’t argue. A strong urge to follow Seth and comply with his wishes superseded all else. Although, I couldn’t say why.

  My thoughts, fears, convictions were meaningless in his presence—not just to him but to me. I’d have been appalled if I hadn’t been so mesmerized.

  “The Fae were cast into existence to provide for their betters,” Seth said. “You and I are such beings, so I encourage you to use one of them as you will.”

  Repulsion wove up my spine. I had a feeling that I knew what Seth was referring to.

  Since I didn’t appear to understand, Seth took one of the Fae by her withered arm to yank her over to me. “I invite you to feed on this creature.”

  Horrified though I was, I was also ravenous beyond control. The scent of the Fae was irresistible. I didn’t hesitate but grabbed the woman from Seth’s grasp.

  I didn’t even delay long enough to be amazed at my behavior. Hunger ruled me, and I craved her blood. Holding the Fae in my hands, I bared my fangs and bit into her neck. The woman didn’t struggle but allowed me to feed.

  Without restraint, I sucked her blood, drinking in great swallows. As I drank deeply, I felt more than just the slaking of my thirst. I felt empowered, as though my strength was fed by taking the life-sustaining fluid from her veins.

  It was a heady experience. Hungrily, I drained many quarts of blood
from the creature. Addicted, I was unable to stop. Starved, I couldn’t get enough. In a blind frenzy, I sucked down gulp after gulp. Then she went limp, so I let her slip to the floor.

  Chapter 27


  My blood sizzled with power—not just from my vampire and sorceress gifts—but from the blood of a subservient Fae. It dawned on me that I’d nearly sucked the life out of her. In the dim recesses of my mind, a quiet voice tried to speak and caution me against my actions.

  But I didn’t hear.

  I was briefly sated. Like a drunk after a binge, I staggered away from the body. While feeding, I hadn’t been conscious of my deed. All inhibition had been wiped away, as cleanly as any alcoholic beverage could have achieved.

  In a haze, I reflected on what had just transpired. It was as though my hunger had a mind of its own. I could no more have stopped drinking, than I could have disappeared from Seth’s palace. With the potency of a drug, the alluring scent of the Fae blood had spun me out of control.

  I vaguely wondered what was in store for me. I couldn’t have predicted what had happened since Seth arrived. Thus, the next occurrence was beyond my ability to foretell. Almost anything seemed possible.

  I didn’t feel like myself; I felt…different. Yet I stood tall, like a queen of the dammed. The taste of power thrilled me, a feeling I couldn’t easily quell. I found that I didn’t want to. Instead, I lusted for more.

  Seth looked down upon me with satisfaction. “I trust that you are feeling more powerful now?” He studied me. “And there is more, whenever you are hungry.”

  The double meaning was clear. And I did crave more power, though my thirst for blood was temporarily satisfied. Power was all; it fed me in a way that I needed. It felt as though I’d always wanted the surge and craved the high from it.

  “Yes,” I said in response to Seth’s question. “I am feeling more powerful, indeed.”

  Despite my admission, I was deeply disturbed. It was true that a part of me longed to ally with Seth. But another part of me that seemed more like the real me, experienced revulsion at the prospect.

  The transformations Seth had invoked were sickening, by all that was human in me. But even more alarming was to think of what I’d done in his presence. In a short span, I’d not only considered teaming up with him, as he’d suggested, but I’d come close to taking the life of another to satisfy my thirst.

  I marveled at how amazing it had made me feel. The dizzying sensation of power over another, of the ability to command life and death. I sensed that was what drove Seth. But that was a treacherous path.

  Yet I’d taken my first steps and was inclined to continue down that very path. It seemed that no misgivings could deter me, that no rational thought could compel me otherwise. I cringed to think of what I’d become. Maybe I was a monster, after all.

  My greatest fears might be realized. If one didn’t harbor good intentions, power could be grossly destructive. Taking lives, or even altering them, wasn’t and shouldn’t be left to another. Given the temptations of power, attaining such authority over others was the path to utter blackness.

  There was nowhere else it could lead.

  Yet I’d given in to temptation, and quite effortlessly. I was acutely aware that I hadn’t put up any resistance. I felt so horribly alone. And I was awfully ashamed of what I’d done. Yet I fought an internal war that I couldn’t seem to win.

  The desires welling up inside me, didn’t seem to be my own. Yet I wanted to give in, to satisfy my cravings. I wasn’t whole any longer.

  My divided self, agonized over how to decide. There was no clear solution. Half of me wished to be included in what Seth offered. Power was a magnet, an addiction that only grew in strength.

  Yet I wanted to be able to refute its pleasures. I was sick to death of the pitiful child in me, the one who couldn’t stand up to the attractions of the evil sorcerer. I wanted to be free of my immature self to become the woman I was meant to be.

  My mind understood that Seth didn’t command my destiny. I had freedom of choice, so the burden of decision rested with me. There was no way to shirk responsibility. But even knowing, I didn’t grab hold of my life.

  What I needed, and what I wanted more than anything, was those I loved. I missed Logan desperately, and wished that he was with me. He’d know what to do, or he’d rescue me from my predicament. He had in the past, and would do so again, if possible.

  But it was time for me to handle things myself. I couldn’t expect to rely on another, not even a vampire prince. This was an occasion to dig deep for my own conviction and resist the evil that threatened to consume me.

  Also, I longed for Rosamon. My dear sister would understand. Often, she had greater wisdom than I. We were twins, so had a bond that was special. That included knowing what each other was thinking. If she was with me, she would be in tune with my feelings, my confusion. If I could only talk with her, I was sure I could figure something out.

  I prayed that all of this would stop, that I would awaken as if from a dream. I’d find that I was in my bed, safe from threat. I clung to the hope that I’d open my eyes and sigh with relief. This hadn’t been real, but only some wild imaginings in my mind, spun into visions in my dreams.

  All the while, I feared losing myself and tried to claw my way back to reality, the other part of me gained strength. I wanted everything that surrounded me to be an extension of myself, to have life perform as I desired, and to bend to my will.

  My needs would be provided for, and no one would dare go against me. All I’d ever wanted would be within reach. Dreams, even ones I hadn’t yet dreamed, would come true.

  Seth had been watching and waiting. He hadn’t interfered with my musings. It could be that he’d been certain of my decision. With him looming over me and his power flooding through my body, there was only one choice that held sway with me.

  “Callie…my talented sorceress daughter…I extend an invitation to you,” my father said.

  It struck me that I’d begun to view him as my father. I had his blood, his temperament, and his goals—did I not? I was my father’s daughter, more surely than I was anything else.

  My father’s mind infiltrated mine. I sensed his thoughts, latched onto his feelings. For a moment, I held my breath, afraid that he might withdraw his offer.

  “I want you to participate in my work,” my father said. “I’m asking you to join me.”

  I was compelled to agree and to learn what I was truly capable of. The only thing I desired, at that moment, was to have the opportunity to impress my father by demonstrating my ability. I wanted to become more like him.

  Chapter 28


  It was good to know that we weren’t alone but were a part of a unified resistance to Seth’s takeover. While Amalia and Natasha conferred with Florian, I met a few of the others. It was a sturdy group, determined to fight oppression. And I couldn’t agree more.

  Noah stayed close to me, while my sister meandered about examining things. The group was in a barn-like structure. Inside, it had been made over into a suitable headquarters. It seemed the unremarkable exterior blended in with the village environment within the mushroom forest.

  Florian had run the operation recently, using his skill and intelligence to keep the edge on the enemy and avoid being discovered. Before leaving, Amalia had cast a spell to protect the location against perception by the unfriendly Fae. Or worse, Seth.

  So far, it had worked. The resistance had been battered, but not to the point of surrender. There was still hope that they could overcome, and now the rest of us had arrived to provide reinforcements. At first, the Fae had seemed reluctant to accept three more vampires into their ranks. But Amalia was their princess and leader; she’d assured them that the new arrivals could be trusted.

  I was still human, which was probably just as bad in their minds. But once they’d learned I had sorceress blood, I’d been welcomed. Thus, as a patched together team, we proceeded to strategi
ze. I made it a point to get caught up on what had transpired before we’d arrived.

  My attention kept going to Callie. It was little things I noticed that caught my eye. My sister walked stiffly, very unlike her usual self. I assigned it to nerves. But when she spoke, it sounded robotic. That made me wonder if her vampire transformation had affected her more than I’d realized.

  But the other vampires didn’t talk that way. They had glowing eyes but could speak like a normal person. That made me curious, so I watched my sister more closely without being obvious. She didn’t seem to respond to others like she used to.

  Callie was a caring person, so would have made the effort to understand the Fae’s plight. But the sister I watched hung back; she didn’t engage or seem interested. And most notable, she didn’t talk with me.

  We’d been separated when I’d been imprisoned by the Fae. Since my return, my sister had been warm and loving. She’d missed me, as I’d missed her. The connection between us was strong. Yet I didn’t feel any emotion from my sister, not even a bad emotion. It was as though she was empty, and that alarmed me.

  Noah was my friend and sweetheart. In our recent circumstances, I’d been drawn to him. I’d learned to count on him, and I trusted him. Before alerting the others, I shuffled Noah off to a quiet area and shared my concerns. It was odd to say that it didn’t seem like my sister was herself, but that was precisely what I’d observed.

  When I asked Noah what he thought, there was no immediate answer. He seemed to ponder the evidence. It was just like him to think it through before stating an opinion. “I would have to agree with you,” he finally said. “I’ve spotted a few things too. Your sister seems distance, as if she’s in a world of her own.”

  “Exactly, that’s what I mean,” I said. “In Oregon, you and Callie were great friends. She wouldn’t be cold towards you…unless there was a reason.”


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