Vampire Romance: Obsession With Brothers Of The Night (BBW Paranormal Menage Vampire Romance)

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Vampire Romance: Obsession With Brothers Of The Night (BBW Paranormal Menage Vampire Romance) Page 3

by Kalena Lyons

  “That’s exactly why we love you, Simone,” Chase told her, adding with a playful wink, “We never quite know just what you’ll say.”

  Taylor nodded.

  “We only know that, whatever you do say, it is bound to be brilliant, hilarious and cleverly insightful,” he observed, adding with his own wink, “and, in its own way, very loving.”

  Simone said nothing, just watched intent as the creatures before morphed her once again; at once reassuming the face and form of the men she was growing to love.

  She saw once again their warm smiles, their gentle expressions, their incredible masculine beauty; and she heard the same gentle words that had drawn her to their sides in the first place.

  “We love you, Simone,” Chase told her, drawing an affirming nod from his brother as he added, “And let us reassure you once again, we would never hurt you.” He paused here, adding with an awkward shrug, “We’re not that kind of vampire.”

  Simone pursed her lips.

  “Well forgive my incredible ignorance,” she told him, adding with eyebrows arched, “But do enlighten me—just how many types of vampires are there?”

  Taylor chuckled.

  “We’re vampires of the incubus,” he informed her, adding as he graced her with a flirtatious look, “We survive, not by drinking blood or harming people in any way, but by absorbing the sexual energies of women.”

  “And how,” Chase added, echoing her earlier sentiment.

  Simone thought a moment, and then nodded.

  “So I guess that, in your eyes, I’m pretty much dinner,” she mused, adding as she crossed her eyes, “Weird.”

  Both brothers guffawed outright.

  “Not at all,” Chase assured her, adding as he graced her with a sweet, beneficent smile, “In our eyes, Simone, you are the best, brightest, kindest woman we’ve ever met. And that is why we would love to make you the queen of our vampire den.”

  Simone froze.

  “Your vampire den?” she repeated slowly, adding with a sharp shrug, “Is that like a home office or rec room decked out in Goth designs, maybe with posters of old Bela Lugosi movies on the walls, a machine that makes bloody martinis, and whimsical coffin couches that both terrify guests and supply them with endless and always whimsical comfort?”

  Taylor laughed.

  “No, but that does sound like a cool idea, come to think it,” he replied, adding in a more serious tone, “A vampire den, Simone, is like a family for those who have none. And that would be us,” he paused here, adding in a grave tone, “We were turned when we were twenty-one years old, and by a mysterious, very beautiful woman who bit our necks without our consent.”

  Chase gritted his teeth.

  “She had us a bit distracted at the time,” he told her, adding in a more somber tone, “We noticed the change right away, and so did our family. Suddenly we were outcasts, with no place to go and no one to love or give a care about us.”

  Simone nodded.

  “Yeah, well, I can kind of relate,” she told them, adding with a shrug, “I mean sure, my parents love me. But I’ve never been cute or cooperative enough to be the favorite. And while I thought I had found a new family with Aaron and our employees at Cool Beans, he’s been such a jerk lately,” she paused here, adding more to herself than to the brothers, “It’s almost like he wants me to break up with him.”

  Taylor shrugged.

  “So give him his wish,” he advised, adding as he and Chase opened their arms to her, “Come live with us instead, and be the queen of our den.”

  Simone thought a moment, and then nodded.

  “Well if I can’t be co-manager of Cool Beans Café, then I guess a major job switch is in order,” she affirmed, running forward into their arms as she added, “And while I’m not sure that two years’ worth of culinary arts and restaurant management classes quite prepares me for my new position as queen of a vampire den, I’m more than willing to give it a shot,” she paused here, kissing the cheeks of her two lovers s she added, “Especially if this position so enables me to spend every waking moment with the two of you.”

  Chapter Five

  Sweeping her up in adoring arms, the brothers kissed and caressed their queen as they celebrated their new union.

  “And now my darling, to celebrate our new life together,” Chase whispered in her ear, “We would very much like to demonstrate one of our favorite skills.”

  Simone gaped.

  “You mean you two still have a few skills left that you have yet to demonstrate?” she asked, voice tinged with wonder.

  The brothers exchanged mysterious looks as they hoisted her up in their arms.

  “My lady,” Taylor whispered in her ear, “Prepare to fly.”

  Moments later a stunned Simone found herself soaring in midair; clutching the shoulders of her two adoring lovers as they flew upward together to kiss the sky.

  They soared together as one with the stars, their crystalline glory dazzling Simone as she admired their pure celestial beauty, up close for the first time.

  The night itself shone like black velvet before these same wondering eyes, providing an ebullient backdrop for the golden beacon of a full golden moon.

  “This is all so beautiful,” she marveled, voice barely above a whisper as she wrapped her arms tight around the shoulders of their beaming lovers; peering down at the canopy of statuesque emerald leaved palm trees and tall, crystalline buildings that dotted the Florida skyscape. “It reminds me of that one scene in Superman that I’ve always loved—except in that particular sequence, Superman and Lois Lane weren’t naked. She only got one super hero—and she didn’t even get lucky with him, not until the sequel anyway.”

  Chase guffawed outright.

  “Well brace yourself, Lois,” he whispered in her ear, “because you are indeed about to get lucky. Prepare yourself to fly even higher.”

  With these words he seized her lips in a heated, passionate kiss, claiming her mouth with his as their tongues entangled and he wrapped his arm around her waist.

  The winds blew wild through their hair as they continued to kiss and cuddle, and Simone gasped outright as he used his agile free hand to caress her breasts and tickle her round tummy before working his way downward.

  Throwing her head back, Simone writhed in the brothers’ embrace as Chase teased her feminine nest; then shifting his finger lower to slip it through the slit of her soaking wet pussy.

  Simone savored the cries of the gulls around her as both of her attentive lovers covered her face with kisses; keeping a firm hold on their queen’s waist as her body undulated in the heat of passion.

  Eager to intensify her pleasure, Chase probed the walls of her pussy with an agile fingertip; his intimate touch building a succulent pressure that nearly drove her insane.

  Simone squirmed as her body ignited in a wave of sleek, pure erotic feeling; one that coursed her from head to toe as Chase seemed to seek the ultimate source of her pleasure.

  And just then, he found it; touching and igniting that special spot found just inside her pussy wall.

  Simone’s cries of passion rent the night air as her being exploded in a haze of ecstasy; one that made her fly higher than ever as she basked in the sensation of pure, unadulterated pleasure.

  “I hope you enjoyed my tribute, my queen,” Chase whispered to her, her voice barely heard above the sound of her pounding heart.

  “And I hope you will enjoy mine.”

  Simone gasped as an impulsive Taylor swept her up in two strong arms and pressed his body to hers; their arms and legs entangling midair as his long, honey blond hair whipped wild in her face.

  The winds of the night kissed their naked sweaty bodies as they clung to one another; their lips colliding in a heavenly kiss as he grasped her closer than close.

  The duo flew free across a star sprinkled sky as her breasts crushed his hard massive chest; their tongues joining as her long sturdy legs braced themselves around his waist.

I will be inside of you,” he whispered against her lips, pulling her closer still. “Finally I get to make love to you.”

  With these words he joined with her, finally and fully, his long, hard shaft penetrating her feminine garden as his hips gyrated sinful against her.

  Even as she writhed contented in his arms, their chests and thighs locking between them in an intimate cocoon, she also sensed the presence of Chase beneath her; flying just beneath her to ensure she didn’t fall as his hands ran like warm running water down the length of her back.

  She kissed Taylor senseless while reaching back to rub Chase’s massive, rock hard chest and stroke his long, erect shaft; at the same time spreading her thighs wide and bracing her legs on Taylor’s trim hips.

  She this time savored the feel of his fangs as they grazed her mouth; softened by the lap of a long, wet tongue that lapped and stroked its roof—keeping a steady rhythm with his pulsating manhood as it reverberated back and forth within her.

  “So sweet, my queen,” Taylor whispered against her lips. “So sweet.”

  Simone agreed.

  “I love you both,” she whispered to her lovers, writhing between them as she lost herself in a tight, timeless embrace.

  “I love you,” they each told her, clutching her between them in a binding cocoon as Taylor buried himself inside of her; his shaft driving forth to her very core as he and Simone exploded in ecstasy.

  Both he and Chase held her tighter than tight as she basked in the exquisite sensation of yet another explosive orgasm; purring outright as the cry of the gulls seemed to christen her union with these two divine men.

  She was so enthralled that she just barely noticed when the brothers began their descent, bringing her body slowly downward as they made a gentle return to the roof of their apartment building.

  Soon Simone found herself sprawled once again on the whisper soft surface of a blanket; reveling in the embrace of two devoted men as the trio sipped the remnants of their sweet sparkling wine.

  “So my queen,” Chase turned her to her, gracing her with a soft, sweet smile, “Have we pleased our queen this eve?”

  Simone nodded.

  “This eve has rocked!” she acknowledged, pumping her fist in the air. “The queen is pleased.”

  Taylor grinned.

  “Hooray!” he exclaimed, exchanging a congratulatory high five with his beaming brother. “We would like to invite you to stay here with us tonight. We could show you our apartment, make you dinner, and discuss our future plans.”

  Simone nodded.

  “And that is bound to be a long discussion,” she admitted with a sigh. “I have to decide where to live, whether or not to go back to Cool Beans, and what on earth to do with the two of you.”

  Chase shrugged.

  “No need for a long discussion on any of those points,” he assured her. “You can live with us, start your own coffee shop, with our help,” he paused here, adding as he looked her straight in the eyes, “and as far as what exactly you can do with us? Well, how about marry us?”


  Here is a sample from another book you may enjoy:

  Lady Cybele was a bit surprised and dismayed moments later, when she discovered that the dessert her companions had in mind took the form of actual food. Yet she nonetheless delighted as she sat perched on the edge of her silken bed, purring outright as an attentive Phillip knelt behind her on the bed, slipping a steady line of chocolate-dipped strawberries smooth and slow between her lips. His brother, meanwhile, sat at her feet, freeing them from the constraints of tight pink slippers and rubbing their soles with his sturdy fingers.

  His crystalline eyes seared her with a gaze that dripped seduction, her emboldened masseur leaned forward to suckle and lick her toes; mimicking the movement of her pearl pink lips as they suckled her sweet, sugary treat.

  Not to be outdone, her raven-haired tempter buried his hands in her broad, sturdy shoulders; his own agile fingertips rubbing and kneading in smooth, rhythmic motions as his moist, sumptuous lips soon followed suit; kissing and nibbling her exposed neck as the strands of his long, dark hair fell forth to tease her satin-clad breasts.

  “Oh my,” Cybele gasped out, their intimate attentions sending a shock of pure arousal coursing wild through her body. “I’m passing sure that, in those bloody long, dense dictionaries I edit on a regular basis, the definition of the word heaven should include a vivid illustration of this very scene.”

  She gasped outright as, taking her flushed face in two tender hands, Phillip turned her to face him, capturing her gaping lips in an intense, passionate kiss.

  All the while continuing to knead and massage the muscles of her neck and back, the seductive lord massaged her mouth with his; his smooth, full lips devouring hers as their tongues entangled between them.

  Leaning forthright into his kiss, Cybele felt their breaths intermingle as she met his passion in full; all the while arching her eyebrows as an attentive Barnaby continued to suckle her toes and lick the pads of her feet—enhancing his advances by reaching upward to tickle and caress her bare legs beneath the cover of her cotton pantaloons.

  “This eve, Madame, my brother and I do intend to show you the full and total meaning of Heaven; a very special Rogues’ Heaven where kind women are rewarded for their good deeds with an even better bit of sin—seeing and feeling their deepest, darkest fantasies come to life,” Phillip whispered a promise against her lips. “Yet we only pledge to do so, of course, with our lady’s full consent.”

  “Yes,” Cybele answered immediately, running her fingers through his silky fall of long ebony hair. “I desire you both, Gentlemen—and now.”

  “Yes,” Barnaby repeated on a growl, his hard muscled body sliding up her legs as he grasped the border of her cotton pantaloons and swept them down her legs; his crystalline eyes catching fire as his gaze ensnared hers.

  Soon her fair-haired lover had stripped away her underthings and deposited them on the floor beside them; next burying his golden head between her eager parted legs to kiss and lick the skin of her pale, fleshy thighs.

  “Do forgive my brother,” Phillip whispered, hugging Cybele’s trembling body close and tight to his, “He is something of an animal. Ah but then again, love—so am I.”

  With these words Phillip unbuttoned her gown and slid it easy over her shoulders; his fingers working slow and methodic to untie and slip off her confining corset.

  Soon a smiling, desirous Cybele lie naked and unashamed in the arms of her lovers; and while Phillip rubbed and caressed her breasts, teasing her tender skin and bringing her nipples to hard, erect points beneath his gentle touch, Barnaby laid a long, resounding lick across the surface of her feminine folds; opening them to receive his attentions as she threw her head back and relished in feelings of forbidden sensation.

  Untouched and virginal at 24, Cybele nonetheless had hungered for a lover for so, so long; and while she’d originally hoped to share this experience with Colton this weekend, she figured that the attentions of these two exquisite gentlemen would suffice just fine.


  You can access the rest of the story here:

  "The Lady and Her Lords - Victorian Threesome : MFM Menage Romance" by Kalena Lyons

  Kindle Unlimited subscribers read this entire catalog for FREE!

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  "Medieval Romance: Tempted by the Knight - BBW MFM Menage Romance" by Kalena Lyons

  "Medieval Romance: Her Lord And Her Knight - BBW Menage Romance" by Kalena Lyons

  "Swinger Erotica : First Time Foursome" by Kalena Lyons

  "Erotic Domination : The Viking's Claim" by Kalena Lyons

  "Swinger Erotica : First Time Desire" by Kalena Lyons

  "Erotic Billionaire Romance : Public Desire" by Kalena Lyons

  "MFM Menage Romance : The Viking Queen and her Warriors" by Kalena Lyons

  "MFM Menage Romance : The Binding of the Viking Queen" by Kalena Lyons

  "Swinger Erotica : The Billionaire's Party" by Kalena Lyons

  "The Billionaire Brothers' Party : Swinger Erotica" by Kalena Lyons

  "MILF : Fireman to the Rescue : by Kalena Lyons

  "MILF 2 : Falling For The Firefighter" by Kalena Lyons

  "MILF 3 : Second Chance Romance - Love of the Firefighter" by Kalena Lyons

  "A Lady And Her Lords : Victorian Threesome MFM Menage Romance" by Kalena Lyons

  Some other titles you might enjoy from Kindle Unlimited:

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  "Hard To Love" by Kendall Ryan

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  "The Invitation 2" by Roxy Sloane

  "Masquerade" by Georgia Le Carre

  "The Sultan's Virgin Bride: A Story of Lust, Loyalty and Passionate Resentment" by Clare Connelly


  Kalena Lyons is an erotic romance author with a keen interest in the unconventional. She lives in Toronto with her husband, daughter and three dogs. When not at her keyboard creating new ideas and stories you can find her at the local dog park or perusing the aisles of gourmet food stores.

  If you enjoyed this book, then please post a review on Amazon!

  Thank you!

  Kalena Lyons

  [email protected]




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