His Sword

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His Sword Page 70

by Holly Hart

  “What is it?”

  “A flash drive,” Penny grins.

  “I get that,” I say. “What’s on it?”

  “Watch it and find out,” Penny says, the satisfied smile lingering on her face.

  I pluck the drive from her fingertips, withdraw my laptop from my briefcase, and plug it in. Penny leans over, fast forwarding a fairly dull clip of the museum closing up, then some workers sitting out what appears to be a drinks party, and then –.

  And then my mouth falls open.

  That bitch from CPS comes on screen. I knew she didn’t give a rat’s ass about children’s welfare the moment I met her.

  “Take Landon’s money, Penny,” she says, with Landon fucking Winchester right there by her side. “Take the money, and the cash for your dad’s treatment, and run. Get the hell out of this city.”

  “Or what,” Penny says.

  “Or I’ll take Charlie’s damn kid from him, and there’s not a thing he’ll be able to do about it.”

  My jaw drops open at that point. I can’t tear my eyes away from the screen. It is must-watch TV – and I watch the whole damn thing right through: twice.

  “You’re incredible, Penny,” I moan. “This is it: proof.”

  “Is it enough?” She asks with anxiety on her face.

  I keep quiet for a second. “Do you know how they got Al Capone?” I ask.

  She shakes her head.

  “Tax evasion,” I crow. “The most psychopathic gangster in US history, and they took him down for not paying his taxes. That’s how we’ll get him, Penny. Not for the illegal shit he does in the markets. The SEC doesn’t come after rich guys like him –”

  “And you…” Penny grins, rolling her eyes.

  “And me,” I add.

  “But the State takes a very dim view of people bribing public servants. A couple of easy leaks to the media, and they’ll bring him down. And it’s all because of you, Penny. You saved my family, and you saved my company.”

  I lean forward, and I kiss her again. “You’re a goddamn hero, Penny Thorne.”

  Penny smiles an exhausted smile. “I’m not sure I feel like one… yet.”

  “What’s it going to take?” I grin.

  “Landon Winchester behind bars,” she says.

  It’s music to my ears. God, I can’t remember the last time I heard something that sexy.

  “Then let’s take the motherfucker down!”

  Epilogue - Penny

  Two weeks later

  “Come back to bed,” Charlie growls.

  I catch a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the plate glass window on Charlie’s bedroom wall. Our bedroom wall, now, I guess. It’s inky black outside, and New York twinkles beneath us.

  I’m wearing one of Charlie’s white shirts. It drapes down past my thighs. I grab a black bowtie from the inside of a closet door that’s standing open, and loop it around my neck. I give it a twirl.

  “What do you think?”

  “I think,” Charlie’s throat thrums. “You look good. Damn good. But you know what?”

  I bite my lip, and smile coyly at my lover. “What?”

  “You look better in bed. Naked,” Charlie grins. “So get your sexy li’l ass over here: now.”

  My phone buzzes on Charlie’s dressing table. I frown, and glance down. It’s blowing up. There must be at least half a dozen text messages and notifications, and more appearing every second.

  “Penny…” Charlie groans. “Don’t leave me like this.”

  “Just a second…” I mutter.

  I pick up the phone, swipe it open, and my mouth drops – all in one. “Charlie,” I stammer. “Turn on the TV.” Excitement burns through me like wildfire.

  “Are we making a sex tape?”

  “I’m not kidding, Charlie,” I say, turning back to face him with fire in my eyes. “besides – that’s not how cameras work…”

  Charlie winks at me, “You’re the expert…”

  I grind my jaw together, but in truth, Charlie just makes me laugh. And if he asks, I probably would make a sex tape with him…

  “Fine,” Charlie groans, reaching for the remote. “But –”

  “Trust me,” I grin, walking back toward the bed. “You’re going to like what you see.”

  Charlie punches a button on the wall, and the TV appears as if by magic from the foot of the bed. “Which channel?”

  “News: it doesn’t matter which. It’ll be on all of them.” I say.

  I jump into bed, and Charlie breaks his attention from what he’s doing for a second – just a second – to plant a kiss full on my lips. “I love you, you know that?” He mutters.

  “Hurry up,” I say, winking at him, “because you’ll love me more in a second.”

  “Not possible.”

  A news jingle plays in the background as Charlie finally gets his act together, and he slumps back against the mattress.

  “– Nightly news: bringing you stories from around the nation. Tonight’s breaking news –”

  “No shit,” Charlie says. “It’s really happening.”

  He sounds breathless with excitement.

  I crawl up the bed and curl up next to my husband and lover. He’s entranced by the pictures flickering on the TV screen, but even so, he spares me a hungry look.

  “We bring you this footage, live from Wincorp’s headquarters right here in New York City, where just minutes ago, CEO Landon Winchester was led off in handcuffs by the FBI. As you know, Katy, after the news broke last week of Mr. Winchester’s involvement in corruption at the highest levels of both state and city government, a veritable tidal wave of allegations against both Mr. Winchester and his company have come to light.”

  “Thanks, Mike. Is there any news on possible charges?”

  “That’s a great question, Katy. Nothing from the prosecutor’s office yet, but we’re expecting announcement on charges regarding at least a dozen crimes, and a minimum of a decade jail time.”

  Charlie kills the TV.

  “Hey!” I yell, slapping his belly lightly with dismay. “I was about to get the popcorn.”

  “I’ve seen enough,” he says, his voice burbling with gruff delight.

  It’s a sound that always brings joy to my heart, and a whole different feeling between my legs… I swear, it’s a miracle this man hasn’t left a trail of babies around New York City. He’s got a voice that could charm the pants off a pack of nuns.

  Hell, maybe he has.

  I really, really don’t want to know.

  “So,” Charlie says. He rolls over, and rests his head on his elbow. “What now?”

  “What about Thorne Enterprises?” I ask, still slightly anxious. “Are you in the clear?”

  Charlie doesn’t answer at first. He leans over and grabs his phone. I hear a couple of clicks, and then he sets it down. “Pick a number between one and a hundred.”

  “Mmmm – thirty.” I say, my forehead furrowed with confusion.





  “Close enough,” Charlie grins. He leans over and grazes my lips with a kiss; “Seventy-two. Wincorp’s stock is down 72% since last week. It is down 30% today alone. Trust me; his merger attempt is dead and buried. Plus, you know what?”

  “What?” I smile, feeling a huge sense of relief wash over me.

  I hadn’t realized exactly how nervous I still was about what might happen with Landon Winchester. Knowing he’s going to jail smashes down the last brick in my prison of nerves. Charlie, Tilly and I are all safe.

  “I’ll instruct Harper to file the papers tomorrow morning. Thorne Enterprises is going in for the kill. You know what reverse takeover rhymes with?”

  I reach up and catch Charlie’s bottom lip between my teeth, dragging him down. “I don’t care,” I growl.

  “That works too, I guess,” he moans.

  Charlie’s lips meet mine with gentle, tender, yet loving i
ntensity. The kiss might last seconds, or else it might last hours. I have no way of knowing. I close my eyes and give into the pleasure of Charlie’s lips nibbling mine –

  – Of his fingernails raking up my naked thighs.

  Of my neck tipping back as Charlie lays a trail of kisses down my burning skin.

  Of his fingers unbuttoning my – his – white shirt.

  Of goose bumps breaking out on my skin.

  I cry out with pleasure as Charlie rakes his 5 o’clock shadow down my chest, between my breasts, gently teasing my stomach. It’s a slow, delicious, glorious sensation that’s somewhere between pain and pleasure.

  But I can’t take it. Not this time.

  “Take me, Charlie,” I moan. “I need you inside me; now.”

  Charlie’s throat growls with approval. I close my eyes and let the sound wash over my body. I don’t know how to describe it – it’s the sound of being completely, utterly desired. Right now there’s no one, and nothing else on Charlie’s mind than me.

  And that’s just the way I like it.

  The way I like him –

  – Mine.


  And then I hear a series of fast pops as Charlie rips the last few buttons on his three hundred dollar shirt open. The pearl buttons rain down on the bed around me: on my stomach, everywhere.

  I’m not wearing underwear. I’m wet and ready, so ready for him that I feel a spark burning between my legs. Charlie pushes them aside roughly.

  “Open your eyes,” he says.

  I do exactly as my husband orders. There’s something indescribably exciting about being told what to do in bed. I never thought I was that kind of girl, but the truth is; I am. I dream of Charlie spanking my panties, of him –

  “Look at me,” he says, his voice soft, yet with a hint of menace.

  I do.

  I watch as Charlie tugs off his T-shirt, as he throws it on to the floor and reveals his perfect muscular chest, and his ridged, washboard abs. I drink his body in, marveling that I’ve managed to fall in love with a man like this – and in turn he couldn’t help but fall in love with me, or so he says.

  I watch as the fire burn in Charlie’s icy gray eyes. They warm up – but only for me. That’s a power in itself.

  I watch as he knocks my knees inside.

  I watch as he enters me.

  And then I’m not watching anymore. The pleasure builds, it’s too much, and I tip my head back, biting my lip so I don’t come right here and now.

  “I fucking love you, Penny,” Charlie growls as he pushes himself to the hilt.

  I whimper with pleasure; “Me too.”

  For the extended WEDDING VOW epilogue, and a kinky DELETED scene go to the Table of Contents!

  Part One

  Faking It Extra Content!

  Chapter One

  Extended Epilogue

  Four Years Later


  “You look beautiful,” I whisper.

  It’s true, she does. Fifteen years on, I still can’t believe that I played a part in making something as amazing as my teenage daughter.

  Fifteen years! In my head, it was only yesterday that I cradled her tiny body in my hands for the first time. It was only yesterday I heard her burble her first word, and only yesterday that I watched her take her first tottering steps.

  Tilly looks up at me anxiously.

  She’s wearing a gorgeous, pastel-blue dress, and she wipes her palms on it nervously, smoothing creases that simply don’t exist.

  “You think so, dad?” She asks, wringing her hands.

  “Dad!” I groan. “Since when do you call me that?”

  “I’m sorry,” Tilly grins – a flash of her usual, upbeat, tenacious self shining through. “Daddy.”

  But just as before, my gorgeous daughter retreats into her shell. I take a couple of steps forward, my leather-soled shoes clicking against the flagstones. I kneel down in front of her, careful not to get my suit trousers too dusty.

  Not today, of all days. Penny would forgive me – of course she would – but there’s no need for that.

  “You aren’t growing up on me, are you kiddo?” I whisper. “I thought I told you to check with me before you did anything stupid like that…”

  I have to.

  Whisper, that is. My throat is closing up.

  I feel like I only just closed my eyes yesterday, and yet four years has flown by. It was only yesterday, I’m sure of it! Except the proof is right in front of me. My gorgeous daughter, fifteen years old, and bearing the ring that Penny has been wearing for four years.

  “You don’t understand,” Tilly groans.

  She’s got that – now familiar – teenage girl moodiness on her face. Tilly never complains. She’s not one of those hell-raising teenage kids, in fact she’s a delight to live with. But I raised my daughter alone for eleven years. I know when there’s something up with her.

  “Seriously – what’s wrong?” I ask, kinking an eyebrow. “You’re all mopey!”

  “Dad –!” Tilly pauses, composing herself. “I mean, daddy. Have you seen that crowd?”

  I stand up, open a well-oiled wooden door and peek my head into the church. It’s almost full, packed to the rafters with friends and family – and guests that I’ve known for years. Tilly’s right. I guess it is kind of an intimidating sight.

  After all, I’ve never done this before. Tilly’s mother and I – we never officially married. And the first time Penny and I traveled down this rabbit hole, we did so in my office!

  My lawyer and friend Harper Cole is as eagle-eyed as ever. She spots me from the crowd and throws me a happy wave. I return it. She’s got a gorgeous man on her arm. He’s got to be close to six and a half feet tall, giving even Harper a run for her money.

  “So what’s the big deal, kiddo?” I ask, turning and looking quizzically at my daughter. “What’s on your mind?”

  With a shock, I realize that Tilly is beginning to show the first signs of womanhood. It shouldn’t be a surprise. Maybe I’ve been putting it out of my mind. I should talk to Penny about it.

  Maybe she’ll know what to do.

  “Can I be honest with you?” Tilly asks, almost wincing at the prospect.


  “I’m freaking out, daddy. How am I supposed to go out in front of all those people. You know how many supermodels are out there?”

  I glance back out into the packed church. Now Tilly brings it up, I have to admit, there are a surprising number of stunning women in the crowd.


  “Daddy! I knew you wouldn’t get it.”

  I close the church’s aged wooden door with a thunk, and hold up my hands. “I’m sorry, Tilly. I’ll listen. Try me.”

  Tilly twists her hands anxiously. “Don’t laugh.”

  “I wouldn’t dare.”

  “It’s just… Willow Winters is out there, daddy. She was on the front cover of Vogue last week! And there’s Alexis Abbott, she’s like the face of Gucci, or something, and KB Winters –”

  I interrupt. “What kind of name is KB?”

  If looks could kill, the look my daughter shoots me would turn sand into glass. “That’s not the point, daddy,” she groans. “I knew you wouldn’t understand.”

  I walk over to my daughter. “No. I think I do, kiddo. You’re nervous, right?”

  Tilly looks up at me with eyes that are prickling with tears. She nods. “Right.”

  “You’ve got nothing to be worried about, kid. Trust me, every single eye in the place is going to be on you.”

  Damn. Was that the right thing to say?

  “All of those models, you know why they are here?”

  “To see you get married?” Tilly asks.

  I wink. “I’m already married, kiddo. Officially speaking, anyway… No. They are here to celebrate with us. With our family. They might be gorgeous, but you know what?”


  “None of them have got a patch on yo
u. As far as I’m concerned you’ll be the most beautiful –.”

  I catch myself just in time. If there’s one thing a man’s not supposed to say on his wedding day, it’s that there’s a girl out there who’s more beautiful than his soon-to-be wife. Or his already wife, in my case.

  Even if that other woman is his own daughter!

  “– Okay, maybe the second most beautiful girl in that room.” I grin. Finally I steal a smile from Tilly’s cheeks. “See – your daddy’s still got it!”

  “You don’t have to lie to me, you know,” Tilly says, still downbeat. “I’ve got braces, and I know you can see the pimple that’s breaking out on my forehead, and –”

  “And I don’t care about any of that,” I say seriously. “You’re a teenager – so what! Hell, you should have seen what I was like as a kid. Pimply faced, all gangly like you wouldn’t believe, and about as attractive as a wooden post –”

  “No way!” Tilly interrupts, loyal as ever.

  I chuckle. “Yes way, kiddo. And you better believe it. Trust me, you’ll grow out of it all.”

  “You sure?” Tilly asks, glancing up at me anxiously. For the first time she sounds like the kid she still – mostly – is.

  I shoot her a smile of reassurance. I know that my daughter isn’t really worried about her looks. She’s not that kind of girl. She’s worried about the crowd outside, and about messing up, and a host of other things. But I know she won’t. Because I know my daughter.

  “Positive,” I say. As I do, the organ music starts playing.

  Holy crap – this is it!

  Ever since I first suggested renewing our wedding vows to Penny, part of me never really believed it would happen. I don’t know why. I can’t explain it. But now the moment is here, it’s me that’s nervous!

  “You ready to do this?” I grin.

  Tilly puts her game face on. She cradles the ring box in her palm, closes her eyes for a second to compose myself, then looks back up at me and smiles.

  I hold up my fist, and she bumps it.

  “I’m a cool daddy, right?” I grin.

  Tilly rolls her eyes…


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