Hellhound Handbook

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Hellhound Handbook Page 1

by Rue Volley

  The Hellhound Handbook

  by Rue Volley

  Copyright of Rue Volley 2014

  All rights reserved

  Published by Hot Ink Press

  Cover by Rue Volley for Vivid Book Designs

  Author Notes….

  I want to thank all of you for loving the Hellhound books as much as I do:) The Handbook is actually fan driven, it has two stories in it, the back story on one fan favorite "Dorin", who I absolutely love. I loved him from the moment he popped up in book #1. In The Handbook, his story takes us back to his origin and when he fought at Vlad the Impaler's side. Fans of the series know that Vlad was Dorin's great love and he was never able to shed the heartache of losing him. In writing his story, I was really able to dive into his past and how he was PRIOR to becoming the Hellhound that we see him as in the series. It really was a pleasure to write it. The second part of the book was something I was looking forward to doing since Lucifer said his first words in book one. It is the story of his life as an angel, when he lived the golden city of light on the outskirts of the Andromeda system. It has been so much fun to explore his life leading up to arriving on earth with his brother El, I really am excited to release this companion piece to enrich the back stories of some of the characters, for all of you as well as myself. Perhaps more handbooks will come in the future. I would love to do one on the wolf pack, as well as Ari and Finna's days as Viking warriors, and we cannot forget that Gunner is Marcus Brutus and I could go on for days about him. So anyway, thank you. Thank you for buying, sharing the links, reviewing and telling everyone you know. The Hellhound series has been sitting on the bestsellers list for 8 months now and that has everything to do with you. xoxo ~rue

  Long live the Hellhound…

  The Long Ride to Hell

  The Tale of Dorin & Vlad

  Love. The worst of all four-letter words. I cannot remember a time that love did not cause me harm. It has a horrible way of twisting reality into something that you cannot even understand. I stand here, in the elevator to Hell, knowing that this is probably it for me and once again it is love that drives me, love that causes me to throw myself in front of the proverbial moving train. Only this time, my love has taken me by surprise. This time, my heart belongs to a woman, a woman who has shown nothing but bravery in the face of adversity, kindness, where kindness should not even exist, and acceptance of me…me of all creatures. Dorin, a vampire and slayer of the king of all vampires himself, Dracula.

  Dracula. I have not truly thought of him for ages, and by ages, I mean decades. It is funny how someone who so completely consumed you can fade from your mind. Well, perhaps he never truly left me, he is a stain on my existence, the very reason I am what I am now, and my first true love. The elevator stops and I stare at the black doors in front of me. They refuse to open and I am forced to look at myself. I am pale, paler than usual. I have starved myself to prepare for this encounter with Lucifer. He is a fucking bastard and I need to be strong, stronger than I have ever been and as a warrior, who once fought at Vlad’s side, I can say that going into battle knowing you may die is what drove us. It wasn’t the power, or the glory…it was the idea of dying as we lived, in the moment.

  I sigh as the doors remain closed and the horrible music drones above me. It forces me to think, as if being a vampire doesn’t give you any time to do that. If I had known what I know now would I have stayed by his side? By the side of Vlad the Impaler, a King, a warrior, my Lord and reason for living? I would have to say yes. Regardless of how it turned out, my love for him was something that comes once in a lifetime and for a vampire, that is saying it all…

  Chapter One

  The Loyal Dragon

  “Mercy!” the man yelled as I stood above him with my sword raised and eyes burning with the fire of battle. My chest rose and fell in the chilled air and suddenly, I could feel it in my lungs, bringing me back to life and out of my bloody stupor. Wars do this to a man, it will turn you into an animal that is fighting to survive amongst body parts and deathly moaning. I stared at my mortally wounded prey on the ground before me and my compassion suddenly rose for him. I tried my best to ignore this in myself, I knew it is a weakness that I had to shed if I planned on surviving. The muscles tensed in my arms and the weight of my sword felt heavier as my adrenaline started to falter. His muddied hands shook in front of him as his eyes filled with tears. I noticed his wedding band, forged of cheap metal on his left hand. Was he a father? Would his children mourn him? Or was he abusive as mine had been to me? I hated my father and, in between his drunken rampages and abusive nature, I had become callus when it was needed. I thought of my father and his belt, which he would utilize for any reason on me. I remember gritting my teeth and trying my best to not cry out as he whipped me with no mercy…none. Mercy… that is a word I cannot relate to as much as I try.

  My eyes locked onto my victim as Vlad slayed his twenty-fifth man and let the body drop before him. He stopped and watched me as the man begged me for his life. I then glanced over at Vlad who stood there tall on top of the hill, covered in our enemy’s blood, sword dripping with victory. My eyes glossed over as I cried out and it echoed above the battle ground. My sword came down with all of the strength left in me and cut through bone and muscle with ease. The man grabbed at my sword, now buried deep in his chest, and I watched his mouth moving slowly, blood bubbling up and seeping out onto his weathered skin. I took a breath and released it as white smoke poured out of my mouth like a dragon, which is what Vlad calls me, and perhaps I am. A dragon of death, a true instrument of destruction. A dragon, but loyal, and loyalty is the true king.

  I jerked my sword upward and blood spewed out and shot across my clothing and face. It marked me and stunk of iron. I turned and my eyes looked stark white against the bright red now covering my face and Vlad smiled, then he laughed as he held his sword up high and enjoyed the victory, our victory, once again, over yet another piece of land he wanted to absorb into his ever-growing empire. I cannot blame him, he was orphaned as a child and I really think that his lack of parental guidance and sudden responsibilities to his throne ruined him to a certain degree. I raised my sword to him, my one true king and a man that I would do anything for. I loved him, as a loyal subject loves their Lord and Master, but as I stood there and watched him, my heart filled with something more. A new feeling that I was not quite allowing to completely overtake me. It was a feeling of want and need for his attention, and I knew this is not how it should be. I should have been grateful to be in his company and trusted few who fight at his side. I lowered my sword as he started to walk towards me. He eyes on my slain victim on the ground and then his eyes locked onto mine. Blue, blue as sky and heaven above. His eyes engulfed me every single time. He stopped and placed a hand to my shoulder and his grip was firm and flooded me with pride. To watch him once again lead us, this small group of Romanian trash, into field after field and always find victory was a miracle that only God had bestowed upon us. God was who Vlad fought for. His faith was unwavering and his love for our God complete.

  “Dorin, my fearless Dragon,” he said as his hand continued to grip my shoulder. I nodded to him as his eyes lit up with pride. I knew he cared for me as a king should for his loyal guard. I would do anything for him, anything at all.

  “My King,” I said as I lowered my eyes and he shook me.

  “Shed the formality, my dear friend. How many battles must we win before you see that I fight at your side as an equal and not a ruler?”

  “I know my place, if I did not, there would be anarchy.”

  Vlad smiled and then his grin parted and laughter spewed from him. His laughter deep and meaningful. He was so passionate about everything that he did. It was a contagion, a welcomed vi
rus that was the heartbeat for his army, and for me.

  “Tonight, we celebrate. We celebrate as victors once again my dear friend.”

  He hugged me and I closed my eyes as his body felt firm against me. It made my heartbeat speed up in my chest and I felt the shame of wanting him in an unnatural way once again.

  “You can have as many women as you can fit in your bed, Dorin,” he said to me as I opened my eyes and thought of his generosity. Vlad had many women in the castle who did his bidding. He was a man who had a reputation for sexual conquest, but over the past months, he had slowed down and one woman had risen above the rest. A woman whom I adored and, yet, envied now. Her name was Illona and she was as kind as she was beautiful. She was of royal blood and held herself in a much different manner than the concubines who roamed the halls of Bran Castle. This was my home now, built in the Carpathian Mountains and stood as a protection for our people in Transylvania. Illona was sent as a goodwill ambassador from a neighboring land, I am sure that her father hoped she would woo Vlad and cause him to take her homeland under his protection. She has been with us for three months and yet it felt like forever to me. Vlad spent all of his time now in the Chapel and taking long walks with Illona, leaving me to watch and prepare for what I know may come…a wedding.

  “Thank you, I appreciate your generosity,” I said to him as he watched my expression very closely. Vlad was not one to miss many things, he was a creature of detailed habit and it made me nervous each time he studied me too closely. Did I look like a sinner? A man who would go against God and His will that I lay with women and be grateful to plant my seed? I knew I should settle down, or at least consider my legacy, but standing there in the field of the dead and dying held more for me than the thought of living forever. There, I was what he wanted me to be, there I had the opportunity to stand at his side. That, to me, was worth more than my name enduring forever.

  “Come,” he said as he let me go and turned back to the gruesome scene surrounding us.

  He yelled out to the men, “Bury the dead, kill the wounded, and then we ride for home.” They listened to him with no question, and swords rose and fell all over the field as the dying were released to heaven or hell, once and for all.


  The ride back to Bran was long and the weather went from chilled to freezing cold two days in. I held the furs close to me as I gripped the leather strap

  between my legs. The horse had slowed and I knew it was hungry and needed rest. I kicked my feet into its thinning sides; he sped up and I was able to get next to Vlad as he rode with his chin high and proud as always. He turned to see that I was shivering and he laughed and shook his head at me.

  “Cold, my brother?” he asked as I straightened up and tried to act as if I wasn’t.

  “I am fine my Lord, but the men are tired and hungry…not to mention the horses.”

  Vlad reached down and touched the deep black hair of his stallion. He patted it on the side of its neck and talked to it as if it were human. Some men have a relationship with their horses that surpasses that of any human and that is what Vlad felt for his horse, who he called Vânt Moarte, which translates to Death Wind. This horse had been with him for years and eventually, he would have to set it out to pasture, but for now, it was part of his strength and will.

  “Perhaps we should camp for the night and continue on in the morning.”

  “I do think it would be best for everyone, horses included.”

  Vlad tapped the side of his horse’s neck again and stopped. He turned and called out to the men following behind.

  “We rest here. Build shelter, gather wood and hunt game. Let us eat, rest and then, tomorrow, we return home victorious with God’s grace upon us.”

  The murmuring told me that I had made the right decision and as I watched him dismount, I caught sight of something in the woods. I jumped down and knocked Vlad to the ground, as I had nothing but to protect him in mind. I called out to the men to attack and arrows flew into the thick woods as I lay on top of Vlad and he stared up at me. I looked down at him and his lips looked so inviting, my body ached to taste him, and yet I knew it would be certain death if I even attempted it.

  “The thought of battle makes you hard, Dorin,” he said to me as he then started to laugh and I rolled off of him. I was mortified that my cock had hardened as I lay on top of him, it was such a disgusting thing for me to practice. I pushed myself up and then reached out to Vlad as he took my hand. I pulled him onto his feet. He leaned into my ear.

  “I often get hard when the thought of death is upon me, I am happy to know I am not the only one.”

  I sighed as he walked away from me and a woman was drug back toward us, kicking and screaming. She was tossed forward and fell at Vlad’s feet as he looked down upon her.

  “What is this?” he asked as she looked up at him and then spit, it hit him in the face. I stepped forward and drew my sword, but Vlad held his hand up and I stopped, as he wished me to. He then reached down and jerked her up to her feet and held her shoulders tightly. He looked her over and then she spoke.

  She hissed at him, “You are a fucking animal.”

  “You have no idea what I am capable of,” Vlad said as he reached down and felt her breasts. I looked down as she started to speak again.

  “You killed my family, my brother…my blood.”

  His hand stayed at her breast, “So, did you come to slay me?”

  She paused and he lowered his hand and cupped her pussy as she moaned a little bit. He smiled as she enjoyed it.

  “I think there are better things that I could do for you than bleed.”

  He then looked to the men who had retrieved her. “Clean her up and do not harm her in anyway, I want her smelling sweet when you bring her back to me.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” they said as they grabbed her and took her back towards the creek bed we had passed not five minutes earlier. Vlad called out to them.

  “Any man who thinks they can fuck her will offer their head to me.”

  I stared at her as they drug her off, she struggled, but I knew it was to no avail. She would be cleaned up and presented to him. No woman could resist his charm and his ability to make them moan well into the night. He was built for pleasure and it must have been the battle that made him want more than Illona.

  Vlad then turned to me.

  “Join us, once we have shelter and she returns I would like for you to come and experience her.”

  “She is for you my Lord.”

  “I insist,” he added. I then nodded to him. He had never offered a woman to me that he was intending to have, but I could not deny him.

  I stood outside of his large tent as I heard moaning. I knew he was fucking her and from the sounds escaping the tent, she was enjoying herself. I stepped inside and saw him behind her on his knees, his ass tight and his hands firmly placed on her sides. He thrust forward and buried his cock deep inside of her and she arched her back and moaned. Pleasurable, as I expected. I tried to remain quiet as he fucked her but I took a step and my sword slapped against my leg. Vlad stopped and looked back at me, his body shimmering with sweat and his cock large and firm. He stood up as she rolled onto her back and played with herself, but my attention could not be pulled from Vlad as he stood up and walked towards me. He stopped and I took a breath as he smelled of wine. I had seen him drunk before, but his eyes were glazed over with too much of it. It worried me when he got this way, especially with someone who claimed to have all intention of killing him. He stepped up closer to me and whispered at my lips.

  “Her pussy is sweet as the morning dew.”

  I glanced at her as she laughed and then back to his eyes. He lingered near my lips as I stood my ground. Then he reached up and pulled my fur coat from me. It fell to the ground at my feet as he continued to undress me. He lowered and undid my pants, jerking on my belt and then tossing it aside. I tried to focus on her and as hard as I tried, I could not will myself to fuck her. I wanted him, I knew
this and I was tired of denying myself. He pulled my pants down and my cock stood erect in front of his face. He grinned and opened his mouth, I was shocked when I felt the warmth of his lips on me. He took the length of me to the back of his throat and then pulled back, repeating again and again as I was afraid to make any noise at all to let him know that I enjoyed it. This had to be a dream, something meant to torture me. Had I fallen in battle? Was this my deepest and darkest pleasures coming to light?

  I let my head fall back as he continued to suck on me. My body shuddered as the pressure of his lips created waves of pleasure flowing through me. My cock hardened more with each stroke and my will to not come in his mouth was almost impossible to control. Then he stopped and stood up, he leaned in and kissed my lips, parting my lips with his tongue as she laughed behind us on the bed of furs. He stopped and turned to stare at her.

  “Turn over,” he said to her as she rolled onto her stomach. He took my hand and walked me to her, forcing me to my knees as he reached down and stroked my cock.

  “I know what you are, Dorin, and the only way to shed it is to fuck this woman until she can be fucked no more.”


  He grabbed her ass and pulled her up, guiding my cock into her wet pussy. I hated the feel of it, but I knew that he wanted to see me do it, so I thrust slowly at first and she sighed and looked back at me. I tried to imagine Vlad on his knees before me.

  “Is that all you have, Dragon?” she said to me as the sound of her voice mocked me. I slid my cock from her pussy and shoved it into her ass as she cried out. She tightened on me as I moaned and thrust into her, harder and harder as Vlad stood up and watched us.

  “You cannot lay your seed in this manner,” he said as I fucked her harder and harder, ignoring him and furious that he had made me reveal myself for what I am. I then cried out as I felt myself coming. She shoved her ass into me as she fingered at her clit. Her cries told me that she was also coming and Vlad sat down on his make-shift throne and watched us as if we were just his playthings and maybe we were…maybe I was and had been all along.


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