Secretly In Love: A Madison Creek Novella

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Secretly In Love: A Madison Creek Novella Page 4

by Jackie Castle

  “Sugar, we know this is really none of our business. So if we step on your toes, just tell us to back off, got it?”

  Ethan took the plate Nick had been rinsing too long out of his hand and set it in the dishwasher. “Thing is, I’ve noticed your car looks like you’re living on the streets, pal. We want to know if that’s the case. Do you have a place to live at the moment?”

  The couple had been very kind to him. Nick often found excuses to stop in, just because he enjoyed Mr. Ethan’s company so much. And Miss Haley always made him feel welcome. But he certainly didn’t wish to impose. However, her penetrating stare bore into him, causing his insides to squirm. Clearly she already knew the answer. To lie about it would only hurt their feelings. His pride wasn’t ruining the friendship they shared.

  “When I earn some cash, I can return to the boarding house. But sometimes… I think I’m safer sleeping in my car if you really want to know.”

  Ethan blew out a long breath, fluffing his long bangs out of his eyes. His gaze locked on Miss Haley as if to say he’d confirmed their suspicions.

  “Look, I’m fine.” Nick insisted, holding up his wet hands. “Really. I can crash at a friend’s house. Sage let me stay on her couch last night. I just … though I appreciate their help,” he shook his head, “I hate taking advantage. Or imposing.”

  Miss Haley’s blue eyes widened at Ethan.

  He nodded. “Here’s the thing. I understand you don’t want to impose. I respect that. I’m wondering if we can work out a deal.”

  Nick shook his head. “I know what your rates are for staying here, Miss. Haley. You need to keep your rooms open to paying customers.”

  “No, that’s not what I was thinking.” Ethan interrupted. He patted his chest. “I need a helper. Seriously. My family will be arriving in June. And my sister will be here sooner to help me create a music video. I need to have the recording studio ready. I need a computer guy who can set up the system I purchased. And I need help getting the bedrooms over there ready so I have a place for everyone to stay.”

  Mr. Ethan closed the dishwasher and dried his hands on a dish towel. “Thing is, I’m short on money, too. At least until we get the lodge built and Haley gets her bed and breakfast business running. I’m wondering if we can help each other. Room and board for work. I have the camper. If you don’t mind pink flamingos. I’ll be moving into the studio now that it’s all closed in. You can stay in the camper. Keep your stuff in there. Work for me, until you find a job that you really want to do.”

  Nick couldn’t believe what they were offering.

  Haley grabbed his arm and gave it a gentle tug as she looked at him with her kind blue eyes. “Please accept his offer. He does need a helper. I’ve tried, but I’m swamped with my own work here. When I found out you were staying in your car, I had a conniption fit, Nick. Especially when we have all this room here that we can share. You’ll help us and we’ll help you. That’s the way it’s supposed to be, right?”

  He nodded. That’s what Pastor Allman often preached about. Community. Helping each other. Meeting needs.

  “Okay. So long as you’re sure you don’t need the camper.”

  Ethan gave him a wide grin and pounded him on the back. “I’m more than ready to move out of that pink nightmare. It’s all yours.”

  * * * *

  Nick left the inn and headed to class, his heart lightened considerably. Even if he wasn’t given a paying job, he’d have a place to stay. Mr. Ethan told him if a paying job became available, he wanted him to take it. They’d still work out the living arrangements until he was back on his feet.

  What a blessing to have met the big hearted couple. Miss Haley said folks had helped her out of a rough spot, and she’d made a promise to God that she would do the same whenever the chance came.

  A familiar car sat on the side of the road. He pulled up behind it and checked his phone. Why hadn’t Sage texted him that she was having car problems?

  He’d just stepped out when she was out of her car and heading toward him. “I was afraid you were already on your way to Muskegon. I’ve been trying to text Moi, but she doesn’t have class until later this afternoon. Can I catch a ride with you?”

  He wanted to scold her for not calling him, but didn’t. Walking around to the front, he checked the flattened tire. “Do you have a spare?”

  “I… don’t know. I opened the trunk but it’s empty.”

  With a roll of his eyes, he took her keys and went to check. Pulling up the flap he revealed the spare beneath. “I don’t see a jack. Mine might work.”

  She checked her watch. “I’m going to be late. Can… we fix it later? I know you only have one class, but… I need this grade.”

  He chuckled. Her wild red hair blew in her face and she kept spitting it out. She looked amazing today in that pretty lacy dress. His heart ached just watching her. Somehow, he needed to find a way to tell her how he felt, or he’d lose his mind. “Sure. Get your stuff and lock up. I’ll wait for you.”

  She threw her arms around his neck. Her flowery perfume filled his senses and he hugged her back harder than he should have. When she finally pulled away, her freckled cheeks were red. She ducked her head and mumbled that she needed to get her things.

  Nick, embarrassed about what he’d done, rushed to his car and hopped into the safety of the driver’s seat. When she climbed in, she glanced at the boxes still stacked in the backseat.

  He held up his hand. “Before you ask, I have a place to stay now. I’ll be working with Mr. Winters for room and board. Okay?”

  Her pink lips turned up in a strained smile as she gave a jerky nod. “Okay. That’s a relief. I’ve… I mean, we’ve been worried about you, Nikolai.”

  He wondered if her concern came from a sisterly standpoint. If he did tell her how he felt, would she ever see him as something more than her long-time friend? She’d probably laugh at him. He was a bum who lived off other people’s good graces. He didn’t even have any prospects in his future to pull him out of this mess.

  That would need to change if he hoped she’d take him seriously. Until then, he’d simply need to find ways to get her to see him as more than just her old buddy.

  Chapter Five

  “Wow,” Moi gasped when Sage met her after classes. “You’re looking hot today. Who are you trying to impress, Missy?” Moi was dressed in a sleek black mini-skirt that showed off her slender legs and trim figure. But then she always looked as if she’d stepped out of a fashion magazine.

  “I aced my presentation today. And I’m interviewing for a job later.” She filled her friend in on her day since the blow-out.

  “Told you that you needed to replace those tires.” Moi fell in step beside her as they headed for the library where Nikolai promised to wait for them. Her black patent leather knee-high boots clicked over the stone walkway. Between the two of them, they sounded like shooters at a gun range. Sage regretted her fashionable choice of footwear and feared her toes would pay for her vanity.

  “I can’t. Maybe when I start earning some money, but right now, I have to use any baby-sitting money I earn to pay for my gas. Ma helps me when she can, but, you know.” She looked at her reflection in the plate glass window of the library and adjusted her dress. The tight skirt hugged her legs more than she was accustomed to.

  “I’m hoping the new website I’ve built for her will draw in more business. It’s going to be added to the city online directory. Isn’t that awesome?”

  They entered the building, their conversation turned to whispers as they wandered around, searching for their guy. After walking a complete circle around the first floor, they found him in a small private study room, fast asleep. Diagram books surrounded him. His head rested on his arm which was propped on Sage’s laptop.

  “Oh,” Moi said, leaning over his chair. “He’s like a sleeping prince. Should one of us kiss him awake?” She giggled.

  Sage’s cheeks burned. She remained quiet, not wanting to sound too eager to fi
ll that role. “He’s been a bit of a bear. Especially after seeing his mother yesterday. Did he tell you his good news?”

  Moi took a strand of her sleek black hair and tickled his nose with the ends. “His mother is being the bear. Wanting money. Yelling at him for not having a job.”

  So that’s why he was in such a rut. Poor Nikolai.

  His nose wrinkled before he sneezed and bolted up, looking around in confusion. He blinked at Sage, then turned to Moi, his brows rising. “Did I miss the frat party?” Rubbing his face, he leaned back in the chair. “I needed that nap. What’s up, dolls?”

  Moi rolled her eyes. “As if I’d wear this ol’ thing to an actual party.” Her hands rested on her swinging hips. “Red is my party color. You know that busty—”

  “Really?” Nikolai quickly stood. “I was kidding, Moi-Toy. You girls ready to go?”

  He dumped his books into the backpack. “Your computer is done, Sage. I’ve made a list of sites I want you to stay away from. I checked your history.” His brow rose in an accusatory manner, which made her scowl. Always the joker, he was. She hadn’t been to any sites that deserved a look like that.

  “Oh?” Moi asked, taking his bait. She folded her thin arms across her chest. “Just what kind of sites is our supposedly innocent Sweet Sage looking at, hmm?”

  “All I can say is some of those models are hot.” He winked at her.

  Sage glared daggers back. “I use those stock models in my artwork. Thank you.”

  He slung his pack over his back. “Is that all those posers are to you? Stock? How heartless.” As he walked by her, chuckling, she tried to shove him but he’d bulked up so much over the past year, it hardly fazed him.

  When they reached his car in the parking lot, Nikolai cringed at the state of his backseat. “Afraid we’ll all have to squeeze in front, ladies.”

  Moi insisted on the window spot, forcing Sage to sit beside Nikolai. He was wearing the spicy cologne she’d bought him for Christmas. His sunglasses sat low on his nose while he adjusted the radio station and waited for them to get their bags situated.

  “Sorry about having to cram all of us up front. I wasn’t expecting passengers. Though,” He peered over the dark lenses, “I’m not complaining. You both are quite stunning today and it’ll only boost my social status to be seen with you.”

  Moi beamed. Sage knew she liked having a guy for a friend because of his compliments. And he was safe. So long as the two of them kept their pinkie-pact. When Nikolai’s hand brushed against her thigh as he shifted into reverse, she wasn’t so sure if there was anything safe about her growing feelings for him.

  No, this had to stop. She could not, ever, never, ever, let her hormones get the better of her as far as Nikolai Jay Prater was concerned. She needed him in her life. And if friendship was the best she could get, then that’s how she’d keep it. What kind of fool threw away a perfectly good relationship because of some kind of silly infatuation?

  So Sage held her breath to keep his scent from sending her senses reeling, and clasped her hands tight in her lap, to keep from brushing up against his strong arm. Neither of them spoke much, letting Moi ramble on about her classes and the current gossip going around town.

  “Oh, there’s your poor little car. What are you going to do, Sweet Sage?”

  Nikolai finally spoke. “Please. What do you think will happen? I’m going to borrow some tools from Mr. Ethan and go change it for her. Moi, do you need to go home first? Or can you hang around?”

  “I really need to get back home, Nicky. I’m supposed to babysit my cousins this afternoon.”

  Sage let out a long breath. That meant she’d be alone in the car alone with him. She could do this. Get a grip. Seriously.

  Thirty minutes later, they pulled up the drive and parked next to a garage just off from the old Victorian. She let out a gasp at the sprawling back yard with large budding trees and rose bushes waking after their winter slumber. A blond woman wearing blue jeans and a tank top pulled weeds from one of the beds.

  The slamming of their car doors drew the attention of a large black dog. He let out a warning bark, then returned to his master when called.

  Haley yanked out her ear-buds, then stood, dusting the grass and dirt from her pants. “Well howdy you two. Wally, you stay and behave yourself, hear?” Yanking off her muddy gloves, she extended her hand toward Sage. “I’m pleased as a pup at its mama’s teat to see you again, darlin’.”

  Nikolai snorted a laugh, and quickly covered it.

  She turned to him with hands on her curvy hips. “And where’ve you been, Mister? Ethan’s been waiting on you.”

  “I texted him and told him I was running late. Sage blew a tire just down the road. I’ll leave her here with you, if that’s okay?” He glanced at her questioningly. “While I get it changed.”

  “Good night.” Haley whipped her cell from her back pocket and was typing in a text. “Well, sorry to hear about that. Hope you weren’t going too fast when it happened?”

  “No, ma’am. I managed to get off the road okay.” Sage said, wondering how this obvious southerner had ended up this far north. She bit her lip to keep herself from laughing out loud over the woman’s thick drawl.

  “Bless your heart.” She turned to Nikolai. “Ethan can see the car. He’ll meet you over there.” Hooking her arm around Sage’s she led her toward the house. “Let’s you and I go inside and talk. I have some sweet tea. Slow cooked in the sun.” Miss Haley’s nose wrinkled. “Unless you’re like the rest of the yanks and insist on having it bitter and bland. I have that, too.”

  “Sweet tea? Made by the sun? I might need to try this out.”

  Sage hated dumping her car on Nikolai, but he seemed resigned to fix it for her. Another plus about having a guy friend, she smirked to herself.

  Not that she was much good in her frilly dress and pumps anyway. The one day she didn’t wear her usual jeans and sneakers and this is what happened. Served her right for trying to put on airs.

  “Oh, you’ll love it.” She whistled for her dog that seemed to be some kind of Shepherd mix. “Go inside, Wally.” Turning back to Sage, she held the kitchen door open. “He isn’t allowed in the main part of the inn because of the restaurant area. He has a doggie door that leads to my private quarters.”

  After pouring them each a tall glass of iced tea and filling a plate with cookies, Miss Haley went into an office just off the main room. Wally was curled up on a big doggie bed beside the fireplace.

  “This is my sitting room and office. My bedroom is down at the end of the hall. Come on in and make yourself comfortable. What would you like to talk about first? Your sissy’s wedding reception, or the job I need to fill?”

  “Well, I really need a job.”

  She tucked a loose strand of her wavy blond hair behind her ear and sipped her tea. “Tell me about yourself. What kind of classes are you taking out at the college?”

  Sage talked about her graphic and web design classes and how she hoped to start an online business until she found a solid job. Sage loved discussing her ideas and work, and found herself talking so excitedly, her hands were waving about like a bird’s wings.

  “I know that excitement you get when big ideas start popping like corn inside your head. Can I see some of your designs?” Haley went to her desk and opened her laptop. “Do you have your own website set up?”

  “Actually, I do.” She gave her the address where she showcased her art.

  Haley slowly sank into her rolling chair as she scrolled down through Sage’s fantasy people and landscapes. “Holy moly, girl. What talent. How… I mean… it’s not like you use a paintbrush.”

  “Not in the physical sense. But I have a tablet that I can draw on. It was only a matter of getting used to a new medium. But I love it. And if you’ll click that link, you can see some of the websites I’ve designed.”

  Leaning back in her chair, she shook her blond head. “You have a gift, young lady.” Spinning around to face Sage, s
he motioned for her to take a seat. “Here’s the deal about the job I’m offering. I can’t guarantee a set amount of pay right now. So, what I’ve decided to do is take whatever profits we make each night and divide it between my workers. I get forty percent. Leon, since he’s doing most of the cooking, will get thirty percent. That leaves another thirty to divide between my helpers. You and Nicky will split that for each night you work. I think two on the wait staff should be enough. I hope. I only have about twenty tables.”

  “I’ve never worked in a restaurant, but I’m sure I can do it, Miss Haley. If you’ll give me the chance. I’ll work hard.”

  “You okay with that arrangement? The more food you sell, and the better you take care of the customers, the more money we all make. I just can’t offer an hourly wage at the moment. I have no idea if we’ll have much business at first. But I do know my reservations are filling up.”

  Sage was pretty sure the Bed and Breakfast restaurant would do well. Most people had to drive over to the next town to get a good meal, though many enjoyed going to Mallory’s Diner. But burgers, meatloaf and stew got boring after a few visits. All they needed to make it succeed was good food and great service. And after the way they’d offered to help Nikolai, she wanted to see Haley succeed.

  “Yes, that will work for me. I live at home, so I just need gas and spending money. I’m tired of being broke all the time.”

  “Understand that. Well,” Haley held out her hand. “Welcome to the family. Let’s talk about that reception now. Shall we go outside and have a look around?”

  To the family? Sage already liked Haley. As they headed for the back deck, Leon entered with his chef’s coat flung over his shoulder.

  “Hey, I saw Ethan and Nick out on the side of the road. Whose car is that? I saw it this morning and thought someone had abandoned it.”

  Haley folded her arms and narrowed her eyes on him. “An’ you didn’t bother to stop and check? Poor Sage here was stranded with a flat tire.”


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