Heavy Turbulence

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Heavy Turbulence Page 19

by Kimberly Fox

  “Why?” Riley asks, looking panicked as she sits up. “What happened to upstaging your brother, Akmal?”

  Prince Kalib waves his hand dismissively. “Everyone knows that Akmal is a goat’s anus. I don’t have to purchase sixty yachts to prove that.”

  The situation is tense as everyone stares each other down.

  Riley’s words are still burning in my mind. Manwhore. She really thinks that I’m still a manwhore?

  “Now let’s put the business to rest and eat,” Prince Kalib says. Just as he finishes the sentence, the servers come in with large trays that rattle with expensive china.

  I should be happy. Riley is not getting her commission, which means that she’s stuck with me.

  But I’m not.

  It breaks my heart that she’s not going to become a pilot.

  Her eyes are watery as she looks at me.

  “I’m sorry,” I mouth to her.

  She just looks away.

  I throw my napkin onto the table and stand up, ignoring all of the eyes on me.

  Riley thinks I’m a manwhore; I’ll show her what I’m truly capable of. I’ll show her the real me.

  I leave the room without looking back and take a left down the hall.

  Time to visit the harem.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  My mouth is dry. I have heart palpitations and an empty feeling of dread in my stomach.

  If Prince Kalib doesn’t buy the yachts then I’ll never be a pilot.

  But worse.

  I’ll be stuck working with these sociopathic lunatics.

  “Prince Kalib,” I say, rubbing my sweaty palms on my skirt. “Imagine the worldwide press you’ll get when reporters hear about this. You’ll be known as the most charming and romantic man in the world. It will sound like a fairy tale.”

  He just shrugs.

  Time to lay it on thick.

  “It will go down in the history books as the greatest love story ever told. A handsome prince who was so in love with his harem of sixty women that he bought them each a yacht.” That last part makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit.

  “Forget the Taj Mahal,” I continue. “Your story will take its place. You’ll be the most coveted lover in history.”

  He tilts his head slightly as he thinks about it. “Nah,” he says, crinkling his nose up. “I’d rather spend the money on myself.”

  Marv slams the contracts on the table, looking like he’s going to tear the room up. Kara is still scowling at me. Dex is nowhere to be seen.

  I don’t know where he went, and I don’t care. Actually, I’m insanely curious to know, but now is not the time. My six hundred thousand dollars and my future career as a pilot are on the line, and the line is extremely close to snapping.

  “But it will be like spending money on yourself,” I say. Ugh. I can hear the desperation in my voice. “Imagine how well your harem will treat you if you spoil them like this. Women find it so sexy when men lavishly spend money on them.”

  I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes at my own words. What I find sexy is a sideways look, a raised eyebrow, a flexed arm, a gentle touch, a private joke whispered into my ear, and a million other things that Dex has done over the past few days but had no idea he was doing.

  I wish he was here. As much as I hate him right now, I still feel comforted when he’s around. Even if he is a huge asshole.

  The prince walks over and drops to a knee in front of me. “If you find money sexy, Mrs. Riley,” he says, giving me the creeper vibe as he gazes up at me, “then I will shower you with gold coins and dry you off with one hundred-dollar bills.”

  He tries to take my hand, but I react fast, reaching for my wine glass instead. I down the rest of it.

  “You misunderstood me,” I say, leaning as far back in my chair as I can without falling over. “Grand gestures are romantic. Like purchasing sixty of the finest Gladstone yachts. And not only are they cost effective, they’re sleek, elegant, versatile, and get great mileage.” I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. Do yachts even have mileage?

  “Kalib,” Marv barks, standing up. “Last chance. Are you buying or what?”

  The prince shakes his head. “Unfortunately, no.”

  I drop my head in defeat. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.

  It’s over.

  I’ve lost everything.

  My chance at being a pilot. My chance at a huge paycheck. My chance at working in the airline industry. My chance at love.

  I’ll let you guess which one hurts the most.

  “Wonderful,” Marv says. His tone suggests that it’s anything but wonderful.

  He tosses the contracts on the table and looks at his wife. “We’re leaving. Now.”

  Voices ring down the hall as Kara gets up-lots of voices, like an approaching crowd.

  All of our heads turn to the door as it gets louder. All of the voices are female. All of the voices sound extremely excited.

  My heart stops when Dex walks back in. His eyes settle on mine first, and that determined look gives me goosebumps. He looks like he’s determined to get me back. He’s looking at me like I’m a challenge that he’s never going to give up on.

  And then I see what’s behind him.

  A crowd of beautiful half-naked women pouring in through the door.

  And I’m back to wanting to throw up.

  “Mr. Dex,” Prince Kalib says, stepping back in shock. “This is highly inappropriate.”

  A stunning redhead squeals as she shuffles forward on stiletto heels. “Thank you so much!” She jumps on the prince and peppers his cheek with kisses. “My own yacht! I can’t believe it!”

  My mouth drops as the rest of the women scream, shout, cheer, squeal, and holler as they swarm into the room like a horny herd of lingerie models. They surround the prince, all talking at once, all thanking him for their new yachts.

  The look on Prince Kalib’s face is pure panic as he gets overrun by beautiful women. His heated eyes cut through the slathered-on makeup and over the top hairdos and lands on Dex.

  Dex is standing there, staring back at him with a smug look on his face. “I told them the good news,” he says coldly. “That they’re each getting a new yacht!”

  He shouts the last part like a game show host giving away the top prize, and all the girls scream in reaction.

  I cover my ears as sixty women shriek around me, cringing as I expect the windows to shatter at any moment.

  Prince Kalib starts biting his fingernails as the girls swoon around him. He tries to say something, but he stumbles over his own words.

  Dex struts over to the table, giving me a wink along the way, and grabs the contract. “And he’s going to sign the contract now, in front of all of you!”

  A new round of screeching rips through the room as Prince Kalib rubs the back of his neck, looking extremely uncomfortable.

  Dex hands him the contracts. “Does anyone have a pen?”

  Marv is at his side in the blink of an eye. “I have one right here,” he says, holding up a golden pen.

  The prince swallows hard as he reluctantly takes it. He’s breathing heavily as all of the long-lashed eyes stare at him, brimming with excitement.

  “I will sign it later,” the prince says, his voice a little shaky. “After I read the contracts.”

  “Who wants to see the prince sign right now?” Dex shouts, getting the girls all amped up. They clap and cheer so loud that the prince gulps.

  Prince Kalib glances at me quickly and then takes off the pen cap and signs the contracts. He looks a little stressed as he scribbles his name on the dotted lines.

  My eyes land back on Dex (why do they always do that?) and I see him whispering something to Marv. The billionaire nods and then they shake hands. What was that about?

  “There,” Prince Kalib mutters, slamming the cap back on the pen as he grits his teeth.

  “That’s not all,” Dex announces as he grabs Marv’
s phone off the table and waves it over his head. “The generous Prince Kalib would like to make it official right now! He’s going to wire the money in front of all of you!”

  The girls erupt like a sexy volcano, cheering as they fight to get closer to the cringing prince. An Asian girl grabs him by the tie and pulls his tight lips onto hers.

  Marv takes his phone back and sets up the three-way call between their banks. A minute later, Dex is holding the phone in the air, walking over to the prince.

  “When the benevolent prince gives his approval,” he shouts to the excited crowd, “you will each be the lucky owners of a brand-new luxury yacht. How does that sound?”

  It sounds deafening. At least to me.

  When the screaming dies down, Dex thrusts the phone into the prince’s hands. Prince Kalib takes a deep breath as he holds the shaking phone to his ear.

  “Hello.” His voice is so shaky. I love it.

  “Yes,” he grunts, gulping after every word. “One hundred and twenty million.” He turns increasingly pale with every second that passes. “I approve,” he says, wiping his sweaty forehead with his hand.

  There’s complete silence in the room. Everyone is staring at him in stunned anticipation.

  He nods, looking like he’s going to throw up, and hands the phone back to Dex. “It’s done.”

  The room explodes into cheers as the prince crumples to the floor, muttering something about how his father is going to murder him.

  With all of the bodies jumping around in celebration, I somehow end up in Dex’s arms.

  Right where I belong.

  He squeezes me as he lifts me off the ground like he’s never going to let me go. “Congratulations,” he whispers into my ear. “You’re rich!”

  I am rich. I have an utter fortune but it’s not in my bank account. It’s in my arms.

  “You know that guy back there wasn’t the real me, right?”

  I squeeze him a little tighter to let him know that all is forgiven. It was an asshole move, but it’s probably something I have to get used to with Dex. Being a bit of an asshole is part of his charm. And as long as he keeps his body nice and hard like this, I’m willing to let his occasional caveman actions slide.

  Besides, he’s got a really good heart under his hot, muscular exterior.

  I know he loves me. I know he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me anymore. I know he’s the one for me.

  So what’s the point in fighting it?

  Fate always gets her way.

  She’s a stubborn bitch.

  Speaking of stubborn bitches, Kara is strutting over with a triumphant look on her face. “Great job, Dex,” she says, grinning like a Bond villain. “You killed two birdies with one stone.”

  Dex pulls me protectively behind him as she approaches.

  “You sold the yachts,” she says, smiling wickedly. “But best of all. You got her fired!”


  I forgot about that part.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Remember that scene in The Incredibles where the father grabs the family under his arms in slow motion as he runs away from the explosion they caused? That’s pretty much how we leave the island.

  Marv has Kara over his shoulder, and he’s practically dragging me and Dex behind him as he runs down the hallway in a panic.

  “What the fuck, Marv?” Dex shouts, trying to remove his wrist from Marv’s grasp.

  Marv squeezes us even tighter as he runs. “We’re getting out of here before he changes his mind!”

  We don’t stop running until we get to the plane. Marv yanks the stakes out of the ground with a savage grunt as Dex jumps inside.

  “Get in,” Dex says to me as he waves me over.

  “What about the walk-arou—”

  “Go!” Marv barks, giving me a look that has me sprinting to the passenger side of the plane.

  “Why are we bringing her?” Kara asks as she glares at me. We’re climbing into the airplane at the same time. “She doesn’t even work for us anymore.”

  I just ignore her as Marv tosses the rope on the sand and opens the door.

  “Wait!” Prince Kalib shouts as he runs down the path toward us.

  Marv slams his door closed. “Go! Go! Go!”

  Dex is a bit of a wild man, but he is a good pilot, and even he wouldn’t leave without doing the necessary inside safety checks. He tries to do them quickly, but the prince catches up.

  “Mr. Dex,” he says, knocking on the window. “Please. A word.”

  “I can’t hear you,” Dex says, pointing to the headset covering his ear.

  “I just spent over a hundred million dollars!” the prince shouts as he turns red. “You can give me thirty seconds of your time!”

  Dex takes a deep breath and pulls out the key, placing it in my hand as he opens the door.

  “Get the fuck back in here!” Marv shouts. “That’s an order!”

  He doesn’t know who he’s talking to. Dex doesn’t take orders from anybody.

  I try to ignore Marv’s grumbling from the back as I lean toward the window, trying to hear what they’re saying.

  “That was a clever move,” Prince Kalib admits. “I’m willing to tack on an extra million if you can make what we discussed a reality.”

  My stomach flutters. What they discussed? What did they discuss?

  I have a bad feeling that it somehow involves me.

  “And what’s that?” Dex asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

  The prince looks uncomfortable. Anyone would look uncomfortable with a powerhouse like Dex staring them down like that.

  “One night with your wife,” he says with a gulp. “For one million dollars.”

  My mouth drops. Am I worth that much?

  “No,” Dex growls. “She’s mine and only mine.”

  Dex turns back to the plane, but the prince doesn’t know when to stop. He’s used to getting everything he wants, so he probably doesn’t recognize how close to getting punched he is right now.

  “Five million.”

  Dex turns and cracks him in the face with a hard jab. His thunderous fist slams into the prince’s royal nose and he falls on his ass, staring up at my man in shock.

  “You want to make another offer?” Dex asks, stepping toward him with his hands squeezed into fists.

  Prince Kalib shakes his head. Blood is trickling from his nose onto his chin.

  “Good,” Dex says, straightening back up. “You can’t have everything in this world, Kalib. Riley is mine.”

  My heart is racing as Dex gets back into the plane. He puts the headset back on and starts the engine without saying a word.

  I finally take a breath when we take-off and are flying away from the island.

  I guess I’m his.

  A smile breaks across my face as Dex levels the plane off.

  I’m his, and he’s not sharing me for anything.

  He still hasn’t said a word as he reaches out and takes my hand, giving it a little squeeze. My heart skips a beat.

  I think I’m going to like being his.

  Dex slows the engine when we’re safely in the air, flying away from the island. I lean back in my seat and take a breath of relief as I watch him behind the controls, expertly maneuvering the plane.

  He’s wearing a tank top, and his large tattooed arms look simply beautiful as he moves them around, flicking switches and turning dials. I wish the back seats were empty so I could undo my seatbelt, lean over, and find out the true reason why this space is called a cockpit.

  But unfortunately, we have company behind us.

  The worst kind of company.

  “Tell her,” Kara says through the headset. She sounds like a snotty, spoiled brat. I look around for the red emergency lever that controls her seat, but unfortunately Cessnas don’t come equipped with ejection seats.

  “Tell her she’s fired,” Kara says, glaring beside her at Marv.

  Marv is grinning widely as he stares o
ut the window. His knee is bouncing up and down in excitement. Good for him. He can add another hundred and twenty million to the pile of money that he’ll never get through.

  “Marvin,” Kara whines. “Tell her.”

  I hold my breath as Marv leans through the gap in the seats and pats my shoulder. “Great job back there, Riley. You too Dex.”

  “But…” I say, starting the sentence that I know he’ll finish.

  “But nothing,” Marv says. “You’ll get your commission, and you can keep your job.”

  “Really?” I ask, turning in shock. But it’s not Marv that I look at, it’s Dex. He’s smiling contently as he flies.

  “I see what you mean about her,” Marv says, turning to Dex with a nod. “She is a clever one.”

  “And hot too,” Dex says, shooting me a wink.

  I swallow hard as I stare at his face, finally believing that he loves me. Oh, my God. That’s so terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.

  Dex loves me.

  But of course he does. It’s fate. I know that now.

  No way can two polar opposites like us get together without a little nudge from lady fate. She may be a stubborn bitch, but if I ever meet her, I owe her a thank you.

  “What?!?” Kara screams when she hears the news. “The yachts are sold. You’re supposed to fire her!”

  Marv just rolls his eyes, not looking back at his bitching wife.

  “When you finish flight school,” Marv continues, “you have a job as a pilot waiting for you with Gladstone Industries.”

  “Really?” I ask, whipping my head around. “A pilot?”

  “Co-pilot,” Dex corrects.

  I grin at him and he gulps. “We’ll see.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Kara asks, clawing her husband’s shoulder. “She’s just a fuc—”

  Dex smiles as he shuts off her mic.

  “That’s better,” Marv says as we all take a breath of relief. Kara folds her arms across her chest and sits back down in her seat, sulking like a spoiled kid.

  I can’t stop grinning. I just got six hundred thousand dollars and a job as a pilot. Not to mention my sexy pilot boyfriend. Things are looking up for Riley!


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