The Nearness of You: A British celebrity, standalone love-at-first-sight romance

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The Nearness of You: A British celebrity, standalone love-at-first-sight romance Page 5

by K. G. Fletcher

  David tilted his head and peered into the apartment, smiling at her. “Umm… yes, I apologize for the lateness of the hour. But, could I please have a word with Miss Rose?” He held a red rose in his masculine hands and licked his lips, eyeing her blue hair. “I am at the correct residence, am I not?”

  “Oh, yes. Yes, you are. Come in, please.” Jordan waved her hand and opened the door wide so he could enter, closing the door behind him. “I’m Jordan. Lauren’s roommate.” She shoved her hand into his and they shook.

  “My name is David… you did say that she was home, yes?” He looked around the empty room with concern.

  “Yeah… let me tell her you’re here. Just…. Have a seat and I’ll bring her right out.”

  David swayed dangerously before sliding his hand along the hallway wall making his way to a chair near the sofa. Jordan couldn’t help but stare before darting into Lauren’s bedroom, closing the door softly behind her.

  “Lauren…. Lauren, wake up. David is here,” she whispered excitedly as she turned on the bedside lamp.

  Lauren moaned as Jordan shook her. “Wha…. What?”

  “Hurry up! David is out there in our living room, waiting for you!”

  She sat up and rubbed her eyes trying to focus on her roommate. “Who’s here?”

  “David! You know, the insanely gorgeous supermodel you kissed today?!”

  “He’s here?” A look of panic crossed her face that held a crease along her cheek from sleeping against the quilted bedspread. “Oh my God!” She tossed the covers off and stood, wearing nothing but her polka dot panties and an oversized t-shirt with the Valdosta State logo on the front.

  “There’s no time to dress! Go!” Jordan pushed her toward the door while patting her honey hair down in the back. “Good luck,” she grinned, giving her a shove out of the bedroom and closing the door with a click.

  Lauren padded barefoot down the narrow hallway and stopped in the doorway of the shadowed living room. “Hello? David?”

  There was no answer, and for a fleeting moment, she thought her roommate might be playing a joke on her. Taking a few more steps into the large room, she gasped when she saw him. He was slumped in a chair near the sofa, fast asleep with a red rose clutched in his hand.

  She smiled and tiptoed to be near him. The light of the television accentuated his chiseled features and his long lashes made shadows across his famous cheeks. A faint outline of red lips colored his skin just above a five o’clock shadow, making her raise a curious eyebrow before she knelt beside him.

  Lauren couldn’t help but stare for several minutes, lost in a daze from his handsomeness. When she could no longer resist, she boldly brushed his dark hair back from his forehead, making him stir. He exhaled noticeable whiskey breath and his eyes fluttered open, locking in on hers.

  “Lauren…” he whispered, leaning his head back and smiling at her with bedroom eyes.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked quietly, continuing to drink him in.

  He seemed to remember the flower in his hand and held it out to her. “I came across this beautiful rose and thought you should have it.”

  She took the flower and inhaled the exquisite fragrance. “Thank you. That was very thoughtful.”

  He continued to stare at her for several seconds. “You should probably know that I am thoroughly bladdered thanks to Brian Brady. My inhibitions are at an all-time low and there is no telling what I shall do next.” He paused licking his lips. “I’m so sorry for the lateness of the hour.” Slowly, he hoisted himself up into a sitting position and rested his elbows on his knees, rubbing the scruff on his face. “I’m an utter mess.”

  Lauren giggled and sat back on her heels. He continued to look at her, one side of his mouth tugging upward into a smile. “I have to be completely honest,” he paused and swallowed. “I saw the rose and thought of you, and it made me realize I really wanted to kiss you again.”

  “Oh? Is that right?” she teased.

  “Yes. Absolutely, positively correct. May I?”

  She scooted to where she was directly in front of him and placed both hands on his knees before tilting her face upward. “Yes,” she whispered confidently.

  David gently palmed her cheeks and leaned forward, positioning his mouth daringly close to hers. She was lost in his penetrating, blue gaze. “Thank you, Lauren,” he whispered politely before closing his eyes and melding his lips with hers. His large hands slid into her hair, the kiss becoming passionate. His tongue circled hers, aromatic and spicy from the alcohol. Moaning in her mouth, he continued the kiss, pulling her up into a standing position and gripping her tightly at the small of her back, his fingers dangerously close to the edge of her t-shirt. When they disengaged from their lip-lock, he rested his forehead against her head and sighed.

  “What are you doing to me?” His words were barely audible.

  Lauren kept her eyes tightly shut and tried to relax into the rhythm of his heaving chest as he started to sway, holding her closely. And then he started to hum. She bit her lower lip to keep from giggling as he slid his left hand down her right arm and extended it outwards into an impromptu dance pose.

  “Are you humming, Fly Me to the Moon?” she asked, pulling back so she could see his expression while they rocked back and forth.

  “Mmmhumm,” he continued to hum, pulling her thrush against his chest. They danced around the living area while he hummed the entire song. At the end, he twirled her slowly before dipping her all the way to the floor. Staring up at him with wide eyes, she grinned. The smile he offered in return could sell a billion pairs of underwear.

  “I should like to hear that song tomorrow at the wedding. We can dance to a real band then.” He hoisted her up.

  “I would like that. Thank you.” She shyly tugged on the hem of her t-shirt to make sure it was covering her panties.

  “Thank you…,” he replied, reaching out and running his index finger down her lips and chin. He shrugged boyishly, the effect of alcohol in his system obvious. “I should be getting on. Brian is probably babbling with Catherine on his cell in the car. She needs to be asleep.” Grabbing her by the hand, he sauntered to the front door, and paused, kissing her on the forehead. “I look forward to our time together tomorrow.”

  Lauren inhaled deeply. “Me too.”

  He brought her hand up to his mouth and pressed his lips to her knuckles, pausing for a moment more. “Good night, sweet Lauren Rose.”

  “Good night, David Randle.”

  Chapter Seven

  The microwave timer beeped three times, letting Jordan know that her potpie was ready. She was dressed in her latest Wonder Woman scrubs with colorful images of the iconic cartoon character dotted across her pants, ready for her twelve-hour shift at the hospital. Sprinkling a little pepper on her meal, she was blowing off a piping hot spoonful about to raise it to her mouth when Lauren came around the corner dressed for the wedding. She paused with the spoon in mid-air, her eyes becoming wide.

  “Damn, girl. You look incredible. Do a little spin for me.” She gestured with her spoon carefully in a circular motion.

  Lauren slowly did a three-sixty-degree turn showing off her vintage outfit with her arms curved to her sides. Her honey-colored hair hung over her shoulders in large, loose curls and her makeup was expertly applied and understated, showing off her natural beauty. The years of sneaking into the theater makeup classes her parents taught at the college when she was an impressionable teenager helped her learn some of the tricks of the trade at accentuating her best features.

  She batted her lashes and smiled shyly at her roommate. “I don’t look like I’m trying too hard, do I?” she asked.

  Jordan set her meal on the kitchen counter. “Uh, no way. You look like one of those hot actresses from Mad Men. God! How do you do it?”

  Lauren took some items from her large handbag and put them into a smaller clutch. “Well, you know David is going to be dressed to the nines. I’m just trying to keep up with him.
If that’s even possible.”

  Jordan smiled as if she knew how nervous her roomie really was. “You’re gonna knock him dead on his chiseled chin. This is a real fairy tale going on, girl. Enjoy every minute!”

  She blushed. “I promise you, I will.”

  The drive to the Tudor revival mansion nestled in the Druid Hills neighborhood took Lauren less than fifteen minutes. The February Sunday was crisp and the sun shone high in the sky illuminating the 1920s Gothic home. After checking her name off the guest list, one of the wedding coordinators ushered her in.

  Looking around the posh group of elegantly dressed people chattering quietly and waiting for the ceremony to begin, Lauren sat on a white wooden folding chair and sighed, willing herself to relax. Her pulse was racing with anticipation of seeing David all dressed up for his sister’s nuptials, probably told to stand handsomely on the grand staircase among the walnut paneled walls and tiffany chandeliers. An organist was playing the famous Aeolian organ she had told him about, beautiful chords of classic Beethoven and Chopin wafting through the air. She peered at the off-white program, the calligraphy a nice touch, listing the small wedding party names including David’s. Running her index finger across the curlicue D of the paper, she read his full name to herself—David Henry Randle. A small smile blossomed across her face and she lightly touched her lips. His unexpected late-night visit had thrilled her. She knew she shouldn’t get her hopes up anything could continue with the two of them, but she allowed a small ember of hope to glow in her heart just the same.

  The organ music changed dramatically and became louder. A pastor in a floor length, black robe eased down the staircase followed by David and another handsome man she assumed must be the groom. David looked dapper in his charcoal gray coat and double breasted vest. The groom was wearing a royal blue suit and outrageous fuchsia tie. They stopped and positioned themselves on the floor next to the last stair, the pastor raising his hands in the air indicating for everyone to stand.

  A curvy, auburn-haired woman wearing a silver knee-length dress that matched David’s hound’s-tooth tie walked carefully down the grand staircase in black, stiletto heels. She carried a small bouquet of pink sweet peas and roses tied with a bright pink ribbon. As she positioned herself across from the men, Catherine made the descent to the traditional wedding march wearing a magnificent, custom gown. The exquisite detail and one-of-a-kind coloring blew Lauren away. The bride’s black hair was pulled up into a classic chignon revealing her long neck and creamy shoulders. The woman appeared just as beautiful and fashion forward as her brother, David.

  Catherine handed the maid-of-honor her bouquet and stood before Brian who took her small hands into his own. David was turned sideways with his hands clasped regally behind his back and his chest out, listening intently to the vows his sister and friend were saying to one another. Lauren sat perfectly straight in the chair, taking it all in, thinking that one couldn’t help but look at his masculine profile and swoon. The entire scene was like something out of a romantic movie, her heart aching for the kind of love Catherine and Brian obviously shared.

  The intimate ceremony was short, and as the happily married couple walked down the aisle to polite applause after a long, French kiss, the room of one hundred and twenty guests dispersed to a well-stocked bar and hors d’oeuvres out on the verandah. Lauren made quick eye-contact with David as he walked the auburn-haired woman out, his arm looped through hers, delighted when he winked at her in passing, causing her to blush.

  Following the crowd flow, she made small talk with a few of the guests, most of them American. A live harpist played as she enjoyed a glass of wine and sampled a jalapeno corn cake with pimento cheese the waiters were offering off silver trays. Large, outdoor heaters were located on each corner of the verandah and she positioned herself near the blast of warmth to keep from having to wear her coat she purposefully left in the car. The wedding planning team was putting the final touches on the reception in the enclosed courtyard room and she overheard one of them say the wedding party was almost finished taking pictures in the formal garden.

  As she started to make her way back into the home to find the restroom to check her appearance one last time, she spotted David’s dark head weaving through the crowd toward her. Watching him smile and converse effortlessly with wedding guests sent tingles across her already chilled, goose-pimpled skin.

  “There you are,” he exclaimed pulling her into a firm embrace. He kissed both of her cheeks before standing back and looking at her from top to bottom. “My God, you look incredible, Lauren. You have impeccable taste.” His face shone with adoration which made her secretly pleased and relieved.

  “Thank you, David. You don’t look so bad yourself.”

  He laughed out loud and laced his fingers with hers. “Come on. We need to have a celebration cocktail.” He pulled her into the crowd moving toward the bar and plucked a corn cake off a tray as they walked by a waiter. Once he had the bartenders’ undivided attention, he requested a gin martini and had the man top off her white wine.

  “Cheers to the most gorgeous woman at Callanwolde,” he boasted holding up his glass and looking her right in the eye.

  Lauren blushed and clinked her glass with his. “Cheers.”

  They both took a sip before he pulled her by the hand again. “Come on.” He led her back into the mansion and looked quickly around at the staff dismantling the white chairs from the ceremony before he pulled her up the dramatic staircase to the second level where they sat on the top stair.

  “There we are. I couldn’t wait to have you all to myself. How are you?”

  Lauren giggled. “I’m fine. How are you? Feeling better today?”

  David rolled his eyes and took a sip of his drink. “Much better. I’m so sorry about the unplanned visit last night. I didn’t realize how late the hour was. I apologize for waking you.”

  She shook her head. “No, it was fine. I was glad to see you. It was a very nice surprise.”

  “Nice?” he teased with a cocked eyebrow.

  “Awesome,” she corrected. “It was an awesome surprise.”

  “That’s better,” he said, taking the glass out of her hands and setting it next to his on the stairs. He gazed at her with high regard. “I told myself when I finally had a moment alone with you, I would kiss you straight away. May I?”

  Lauren inhaled sharply. “Yes, of course.”

  He smiled and tucked one side of her long hair behind her ear with his fingertips before dragging them down her cheek and cupping her chin in his hand. His blue eyes turned darker as he pulled her forward and kissed her slowly. She caressed his thigh allowing herself to melt into the exquisiteness of his touch, her insides awakening.

  A female voice cleared her throat interrupting their kiss.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Randle?”

  Lauren abruptly pulled back from him aware that her cheeks felt warm. David sighed and looked up at the staff member who was standing over them holding a clipboard and wearing an earpiece.


  “I’m… sorry to interrupt you. The guests are heading into the reception area and the band would like to introduce the wedding party soon. Your sister is looking for you.” The young woman held an apologetic expression.

  “Yes. Thank you. We shall be there momentarily.”

  They both watched the woman nod quickly and practically run down the staircase. David turned to Lauren and smiled with a gleam in his eye. “Are you ready to meet my sister?”

  Chapter Eight

  The great hall was buzzing with guests holding champagne flutes the staff handed out as they came in, the popular Rupert’s Orchestra already playing familiar swing music. The tables for the formal dinner were decked out in stunning linens of gunmetal shantung and elegant, floral centerpieces in vibrant colors. Large swags of linen draped across the ceiling, tying into the massive chandelier in the center of the room. Twinkle lights had been added and what looked like a million candles in all shapes
and sizes were positioned everywhere in the room, giving it a softer, more romantic touch. It was absolutely breathtaking.

  “I’ll be right back after the introductions,” David whispered into Lauren’s ear. She nodded and watched him disappear into the crowd. The chandelier lights dimmed and the band leader’s voice boomed over the sound system.

  “Ladies and gentlemen! It gives me great pleasure to introduce the Brady wedding party. Please make welcome the maid of honor, Kimberly Westcott and best man, David Randle.”

  Kimberly and David walked out onto the dance floor in front of the orchestra with their arms looped. They smiled and waved at the crowd who politely applauded. Lauren had learned that Kimberly was one of Catherine’s best friends, the two of them growing up together in England. Brian had covered the cost for her to come to the States to celebrate; one of the many surprises he showered his bride-to-be.

  “And now, please make welcome your bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Brady!”

  The crowd erupted in a frenzy of cheers and applause as Brian and Catherine humorously pranced to the center of the dance floor blowing kisses to their guests. Catherine wrapped her arms around Brian’s neck as the orchestra started to play the Frank Sinatra classic, The Way You Look Tonight. Lauren noticed David’s expression as he watched his sister, a look of brotherly love glowing on his handsome face. The happy couple giggled and whispered into each other’s ears while they danced, Brian’s hands slowly moving down his bride’s back and eventually settling at the top of her behind. At the end of the song, the two hugged and kissed while the crowd “oohed and aahed.” The music segued into the 1960s Ben E. King song, Stand by Me. Brian held Catherine’s hand and approached David, the two men hugging briefly before David took his sister into his arms and started to dance with her across the floor.

  Lauren continued to watch them, her eyes pooling with tears as the brother and sister who obviously adored each other, danced. Catherine kept dabbing the corners of her eyes while David glided her across the floor. When he whispered something into her ear as the song came to a close, she threw her head back and laughed. He twirled her slowly and bowed, kissing her hand before presenting her back to her new husband. Lauren couldn’t help but think he looked exactly like Prince Charming out of a classic Disney movie.


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