The Nearness of You: A British celebrity, standalone love-at-first-sight romance

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The Nearness of You: A British celebrity, standalone love-at-first-sight romance Page 16

by K. G. Fletcher

  A small smile grazed Lauren’s lips as she walked around the couch and sat next to her roommate. Jordan had done something kind for her, knowing that today was the last day of her forty-nine days of waiting. David was flying back to Atlanta in the early evening after his appearance on Good Morning America and several other New York meetings on his tight schedule. Earlier in the week, he sent a simple text message saying he would meet her at the St. Regis after her standing Friday night gig in the lounge. He also indicated he missed her terribly and couldn’t wait to see her again. That one text touched her deeply, and caused her to weep for hours. It overwhelmed her to know he really was coming back, and that today was really the day.

  “His interview with Robin Roberts is coming up in the next hour. Are you nervous?” Jordan asked, handing her a cup. The pink hair was actually very becoming on her.

  Lauren nodded, taking a sip of coffee. The latte soured in her mouth. It seemed like her heart had been stuck in her throat for weeks, making it hard for her to enjoy anything, much less a cup of coffee. She looked at her roommate with wide eyes, not able to say a word. Jordan seemed to sense her anxiousness and patted her lovingly on the knee.

  “It’s gonna be great. You’ll see,” she sympathized.

  They settled in to their couch picnic and watched the morning show. The minutes seemed to drag on as they anticipated the interview with supermodel, David Randle with several teasers before commercial breaks showing gorgeous pictures of the famous model. Lauren could only pick at the fruit while they waited, her appetite pretty much non-existent. She actually felt nauseous.

  After a final commercial break, Robin Roberts displayed her gleaming, white smile and introduced David while an array of larger-than-life iconic photographs graced the screen. Lauren sucked in a deep breath, her eyes taking in every picture, anxious to see him live. When he finally strolled out onto the sound stage among the screams and screeches of the live studio audience, her eyes immediately pooled with tears.

  “Holy shit,” Jordan mumbled with her mouth full.

  There he was in all his glory. He was alive and real and on US soil. She couldn’t take her eyes off him and the way his baby blues sparkled underneath the bright television lights as he spoke. Impeccably dressed, he effortlessly sat on a chair opposite the famous TV host. When he spoke about his debut fragrance, Drive, his sexy British cadence was laced with passion and pride, the launch an obvious success worldwide. Robin asked him other questions, giving the fans what they wanted—a glimpse into his personal life. He humorously admitted his love for cars and watches and they bantered back and forth about how he got started in the modeling business. When Robin finally asked him the quintessential question all the female fans wanted to know, Lauren held her breath.

  “Is there anyone special in your life?”

  Lauren watched him take in a huge breath and look at the floor momentarily.

  “Not at the moment. I’ve been focused on nothing but the launch of Drive so there hasn’t really been much time for a personal life. I intend to remedy that by taking a long, much needed break so I can enjoy some of the fruits of my labor.”

  Jordan looked over at her with wide eyes as if waiting for a reaction. Lauren nodded quickly and continued to watch the last few minutes of the interview, not hearing a word. When the show went to a commercial break, she excused herself and headed to the bathroom, feeling like she could throw up. To hear those words said on national television in front of millions of viewers caught her off guard. She wasn’t sure what she expected, her emotions getting the better of her. She was the one who insisted they not have any contact for almost two months while he worked. He told the truth when he admitted he hadn’t had much time for a personal life, and she couldn’t fault him—this was her doing. But he had texted her saying he missed her and couldn’t wait to see her. It was all so confusing.

  Kneeling in front of the porcelain toilet, she expelled what little she had in her stomach, unable to keep the hot tears running down her face at bay. Jordan stood in the doorframe watching her, a look of anxiety on her face.

  “Tell me what to do, Lauren. Tell me how I can help?”

  She shook her head and held her wrist up to her mouth as she crouched in front of the toilet. Jordan sat on the edge of the tub and proceeded to turn the water on, running it over a clean washcloth. “Just because he said those things on national television doesn’t mean they’re true.” Wringing out the cloth, she handed it to Lauren who wiped her face with it. “Didn’t you tell me he’s a very private man when it comes to his personal life?”

  Lauren nodded slowly.

  “He’s protecting you, girl. Can’t you see it? Has he texted you to tell you he’s not coming?”

  She shook her head, not able to speak as an understanding blossomed in her chest.

  Jordan reached out and tenderly brushed a strand of hair from her damp cheek. “Well then, he’ll be here. And all this nonsense can be put to bed. Come on.” She stood and held her hand out, hoisting Lauren to her feet and pulling her in for a hug.

  “Let’s watch Batman and eat those yummy croissants. You’ll feel better after you eat.”


  Hours later, Lauren stood on the stage at the St. Regis, belting out familiar songs to the Friday night regulars. Not really fully focused on her job, she felt like she was in a dream, just going through the motions. Every time a new person walked into the space, her heart raced and she would squint her eyes in the bright stage lights to determine if it was David. The four-hour gig dragged on and by the time they were into their last set, she was beginning to worry he wasn’t coming after all.

  The polite applause jerked her out of her fuzzy state. “Thank you. Thank you ladies and gentlemen. We have one last song for you this evening.”

  She glanced over at Miles who nodded and smiled before immersing himself into the complicated intro of the melody. When she turned back to the audience, shock ran through her entire body.

  David was standing by the bar, his eyes fixated on her. He looked dashing in his designer clothing and his chiseled features had the slightest five o’clock shadow across his face. His piercing blue eyes seemed to glow in the sexy mood lighting causing Lauren to hold her breath. When he smiled at her, she suddenly lost all sense of timing and began to panic, instinctively turning to Miles for help. He looked at her with wide eyes, not sure what was happening and started the intro of the song again.

  Gripping the microphone tightly in her hand, her knuckles turned white, and the walls of the bar seemed to close in on her. The edges of her peripheral vision turned hazy, and the last thing she remembered was telling the audience she was sorry as the tunnel vision invaded. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she fainted, falling sideways, her head hitting the edge of the baby grand. It all happened in an instant, and her world went black.


  David practically flew across the lounge to get to Lauren. The sound of her head hitting the edge of the black lacquered piano was horrific, his entire being immediately going into protection mode. He couldn’t get to her fast enough. Miles was already by her side kneeling next to her as several patrons crowded around with looks of concern.

  David pulled her into his lap. “Is she bleeding, Miles? Is she breathing?”

  “I don’t see any blood. She’s knocked out cold.” Miles’ face was ghostly white.

  David lifted her into his arms and hurriedly carried her across the room. He was taken aback by how light she was, realizing she must have lost a lot of weight while they were apart. A security guard had arrived by this time letting him know the paramedics were on their way. Tim, the bartender, ushered them into a small office out of the public eye. David gently set her on a worn, leather chair and knelt in front of her, stroking her cheek.

  “Lauren? Lauren, darling please wake up.” He turned to Tim. “Can you please get me some ice for her head?” Tim nodded and quickly exited.

  Miles looked on and ran his hand through his jet-black
hair. His bow tie was loosened and hung limply around his neck. “One minute she was singing and the next, she flubbed the intro of our last song and was on the floor. She had this weird expression on her face, and I knew right away something was wrong.”

  David kept stroking his fingers across her cheeks staring at her face, willing her to open her eyes. He felt guilty for startling her during the last song. He wanted to wait till the show was over and the crowd thinned out before he approached her. But hearing her lovely voice echo down the hallway of the hotel made him desperate to see her, to lay eyes on her after being away for so long. The anticipation of seeing her again had him muddled from the time he arrived in the states—he could hardly concentrate on anything else. Now she was unconscious, lying helpless before him, making his heart heavy with worry. If anything were to happen to her….

  A small moan escaped her pink lips, and she shifted in the seat.

  “Lauren, open your eyes. Please, open your eyes,” he pleaded.

  Her eyes fluttered open and immediately pooled with tears staring back at him. “You’re here,” she whispered. Pulling her gently into his embrace, she started to cry, clutching the back of his neck. He rocked her silently, his own eyes filling with tears.

  “There, there, love. It’s all right. Thank God, you’re all right.” He couldn’t let go of her and did his best to try to maintain his composure. “I missed you so much. You have to know that,” he whispered into her ear. She nodded, her grip tightening around him.

  Tim entered the office with two paramedics following close behind. David pulled back from the embrace and remained by her side as she was assessed. A large goose egg was discovered on the back of her head from where it struck the baby grand. When she was asked to stand, she could barely maintain her balance, becoming dizzy and collapsing back on the chair. A pen light was shone into her eyes which were unusually dilated, an indication she may have suffered a concussion. The paramedics wanted to take her by ambulance to the nearest emergency room, but Lauren refused saying she would rather go on her own, the expense of the ride an issue with her pitiful health insurance.

  “Nonsense Lauren,” David placated. “I’ll take care of it. Let me take care of you. I insist.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  David accompanied Lauren in the back of the ambulance as she was transported to the ER at St. Joseph’s Hospital. A whole team was waiting for their arrival and because she was a head injury patient, she was immediately admitted. Once inside the private examination room and situated on the bed, she was told not to lie down and to remain in a sitting position while the doctor was summoned.

  “You frightened me,” David admitted softly when they were finally alone.

  Lauren nodded, delicately touching the back of her sore head. “I’m so sorry for scaring you. I really don’t know what happened.”

  “Lauren, please tell me. How’ve you been? You don’t look well. It seems you’ve lost a significant amount of weight.” His facial expression conveyed how worried he was about her.

  Looking down at her trembling fingers, she shrugged. “It’s just been really hard not seeing or talking to you. I guess I haven’t been in the mood to eat as much as I used to.”

  He nodded, offering her a sad smile. “It’s been really hard for me too. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve wanted to call you or jump on a plane to be near you.” He paused before he got out of his chair and stood next to her. Picking up one of her hands, he brought it to his lips for a kiss. The look on his face was magnetic.

  “I’ve wanted to call you every day since we said good-bye in Valdosta,” she whispered hoarsely, aware of his touch sending shock waves throughout her body. The smile he displayed made her heart swell.

  “I’ve wanted to call you too.” He pulled the chair closer to the bed. “I want to tell you something, Lauren.” He sat down grasping her hand in both of his. “You have to know I’ve wanted to tell you every single day for the past two months that I…. I love you.”

  Her eyes became wide as she looked straight at him. “You do?”

  He nodded, his face softening. “Yes. I love you. I don’t ever want to be apart from you again. All the work I put between us trying to keep my mind from you didn’t keep me warm at night. My competitiveness trying to attain my goal couldn’t fill my empty arms. These last weeks have been nothing but torture. The entire time I longed for you, my love.”

  Tears welled in her eyes as she stared at him for several seconds.

  “Please, say something.”

  She closed her eyes and swallowed, causing the tears to trickle down her face. Palming her cheek with his hand, he wiped them away with the pad of his thumb. If she didn’t tell him soon, she felt like she would combust.

  “I love you too, David,” she admitted softly. Their eyes met. “I love you too.”

  With his hands firmly planted on her cheeks, he gently pulled her face forward and kissed her passionately. The ache in her heart finally eased as their lips met, a feeling of hope filling her heart. He loved her.

  There was a light knock on the door before a female doctor entered the room. “Oh! Excuse me,” she said, embarrassed.

  David quickly disengaged from the kiss, stood, and straightened his jacket before extending his hand. “Hello, I’m David and this is Lauren.”

  “I’m Doctor Hogan. It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”

  Lauren thought she saw a flash of recognition in the doctor’s eyes when she looked at him, but the medical professional didn’t say a word.

  “So, I’ve looked over your chart, Lauren. It appears you might have suffered a concussion.” The doctor looked down at her clipboard and flipped over a piece of paper. “Can you tell me what happened?”

  Lauren proceeded to tell her about feeling faint and experiencing tunnel vision before she collapsed. She didn’t remember hitting her head on anything but when she came to, she was aware of her head hurting and she felt a large bump.

  Doctor Hogan pulled on latex gloves and stood over her, gently checking out her skull. She assessed the large, swollen area protruding out of the back of her head and showed David. Lauren flinched several times during the doctor’s evaluation and was asked a series of simple questions about recent events, including what day of the week it was, what she’d been doing that day and why she had come to the hospital. Because she suffered loss of consciousness, Doctor Hogan requested she stand and go through a few simple exercises to evaluate her balance and coordination. Lauren was able to answer the simple questions, but unable to maintain her balance, David catching her several times before she almost fell. The doctor pulled off the gloves and grabbed her clipboard to make notes.

  “I’d like to do a CT scan to make sure there isn’t any kind of structural injury. It will also rule out any bleeding in your skull. A head injury is a very serious matter, Miss Rose.”

  Lauren nodded and looked over at David with concern.

  “I’ll send in the nurse with the release form so we can go ahead and do the scan.” She smiled at the two of them before walking out of the room.

  A nurse came in less than a minute later with a clipboard and pen. She did a double take, noticing David. “So, we just need your signature on this release form, which basically says we’re allowed to do the CT scan. When was your last menstrual cycle?”

  Lauren looked at the paper she was handed. “Why do you need to know that?”

  “Well, you’ll be exposed to radiation. This form verifies you’re not pregnant. It’s required for the scan.”

  “Oh.” Lauren looked confused.

  “Do you remember the last time you had your period?” the nurse gently probed.

  She shut her eyes as if concentrating and leaned her head against a pillow. “I really don’t. I’m sorry. My head is hurting pretty badly….”

  David stood by the hospital bed and placed his hand protectively on her shoulder, his brow furrowed with unease.

  “That’s okay. If you can just go
in the bathroom and urinate in one of the plastic cups located in the basket, we can rule this out pretty quickly with a pregnancy test. Happens all the time.” The nurse smiled. “Do you need some help in the bathroom?”

  She shook her head as David helped her off the bed holding her steady by the forearm and elbow. She crossed the room with his help and opened the door to the tiny room.

  “Just put the cup in the little silver door in the wall that goes straight to the lab. It should only take a few minutes.” The nurse smiled again and exited.

  David waited outside the door and ran his hands through his hair, overwhelmed with everything that had transpired in the past hour. He couldn’t wait to get out of there and take care of Lauren. Deep within his soul, he was relieved she loved him all along too. He knew he felt it. For both of them finally to be able to proclaim their love for one another was a moment he would never forget.

  They sat and waited for more than thirty minutes for the doctor to come back. When she finally entered the room, she apologized for the wait.

  “I’m so sorry that took longer than expected.” She rolled a small stool out from under the wall-mounted desk and sat directly in front of them, clasping her hands in her lap. She exhaled and smiled. “David, would you mind leaving the room for a moment? I would like to speak with Miss Rose alone.”

  Lauren’s brow creased as she anxiously looked at him, then back at the doctor. “Whatever you need to speak to me about you can do in front of David. I really don’t want him to leave.”

  He started to get up. “Lauren, I don’t mind, really.”

  Grabbing his arm, her voice was laced with panic. “No! Please, don’t leave me.”

  Concerned, he nodded and sat back down holding one of her hands in his own. She was trembling. “All right. If you insist.”

  Doctor Hogan smiled during their exchange and waited for David to be settled.

  “Okay, so what is it you want to speak to me about?” Lauren asked, her voice tinged with nervousness.


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