Another way

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Another way Page 18

by Anna Martin

  I ran my tongue around the head of his cock and gathered up his leaking arousal on my tongue, humming around him at the taste. The hand in my hair tightened and he cursed, low under his breath. After wetting my fingers in my mouth, I reached back and gently stroked his hole, wanting to tease him to a point where he was desperate for me.

  “Fuck,” Will muttered, and then repeated it at regular intervals as I switched to proper lube, covering my fingers and then tossing the bottle away.

  I kept my lips on, over, around his cock as I gently pushed my middle finger into him, testing his resistance, then slowly fucking him, switching to my index finger so I could search for his prostate, then back to my middle finger for depth. I could feel him trembling underneath me.

  “I’m ready,” he whispered, and I had to swallow as I nodded.

  Reaching for the condom and more lube, Will’s hand shot out to stop me.


  “Go bare.”

  I stared at him for a long moment before I found my voice.

  “Are you sure?”

  Will nodded. The level of trust and love was unbelievable. We kissed again, a messy, hurried affair until he broke it off with a groan.

  “Please, Jesse, I need you.”

  I slicked up my cock as quickly as I could, and then positioned myself over him to gently press into his entrance.

  “Oh,” I gasped as his tight heat enveloped me. My eyes flew open and set on his, watching as his expression turned from a wince to a smile.

  “I’m okay,” he assured me, reaching up to cup my cheek with his palm. I turned my face to press a kiss into his hand as I pushed forward, not stopping until my thighs met the back of his legs and we were flush up against each other.

  “Oh my god, Will,” I murmured.

  “I know. I know. Move, for god’s sake!”

  I laughed softly and rocked my hips, testing for myself how was the best way to move with him. Will was mostly silent as my eyes drifted closed and a thought chased through my mind—Will makes it seem a lot easier than this.

  It was like he could read my mind.

  “Jesse. Baby.” I looked at him. “Just move. Your body knows mine. You know how to do this, relax.”

  I leaned down to kiss him. He was right.

  Will wrapped his legs around my waist, pulling me deeper when I didn’t think that was possible, meaning he could meet my hips with every thrust of my cock. Slowly, but surely, we started to build a rhythm together that was as much about tenderness and love as it was lust and exploration. I loved him even more for giving this to me.

  The fear of not lasting long started to ebb as he brought me back to Earth with his fingers and hands all over my face and hair. It was like he couldn’t stop touching me, making me real to him. It felt natural for me to keep my eyes open, watching him and his responses to what I was doing to his body, instead of closing them and being lost in the moment. I wanted to know when it felt good to him. I wanted to learn. This was new, and exciting, and awesome all at the same time.

  Will bit down hard on his bottom lip, and I changed the angle of my body slightly so he could reach down between us and stroke his cock. My rhythm stuttered as we both started to chase our own orgasm, and then I watched, mesmerized, as his face twisted in pleasure and his come hit my stomach.

  I cried out as I came, his arms gripping my biceps as I released inside another man for the first time, filling him with my hot come, marking him as mine from the inside. Then I whispered his name, over and over, until he stopped the words with his lips.

  “Jesse,” he whispered. “I love you too.”

  “THIS is a bad idea,” Will moaned as he paced back and forth in my room.

  “Dude. Shut up. You’re whining like a little girl,” I teased him. He flopped down on the couch next to me.

  Will elbowed me in the side, hard. “I’ve never introduced anyone to my friends before.”

  “Wow. That must have been lonely.”

  “Shut up, Jesse.”

  I snorted with laughter and leaned over to kiss him lightly on the cheek before turning back to my laptop. “Are you going to shave?”

  “Are you?” he bit back.

  “No. It’s the weekend.”

  “There’s the answer then.” The doorbell rang. “Oh fuck.”

  I snapped my laptop shut and jumped to my feet. “I’ll get it. You go compose yourself.”

  “No, wait, Jesse,” he hissed, grabbing for my jeans pocket but missing as I danced around him and scrambled down the stairs.

  I pulled the door open, my heart beating quicker because of the mad dash, and was met by a shortish blond guy brandishing a six-pack of beer.

  “Hey. I’m Brandon.”

  “Jesse,” I said, extending my hand. “It’s good to meet you. Come in.”

  Will thundered down the stairs behind me and laughed, pulled his friend into a one-armed hug.

  “I met your boy,” Brandon said as we followed Will through to the kitchen.

  “Yeah? He’s alright, I suppose.”

  “Bastard.” Before I could say anything further, the doorbell rang again. “I’ll get it,” I said sweetly.

  I opened the door to a tall black guy who introduced himself as Kelvin, and Chris, who wore square-rimmed glasses and looked like someone who worked with computers. Geeky, essentially. They both brought beer though, and seemed nice enough.

  There was a football game showing, and we sat down to watch it with several bags of chips and the intention of getting to know each other better. I knew it was the first time Will had introduced a partner to his friends, so I was determined to make them like me.

  They accepted me immediately, filling me in on their history together first at school, then as they all moved in separate directions, some to college, some, like Will, going straight to work. I knew it was rare for friends to stay in contact like that once high school had ended—I, certainly, had never bothered to keep in contact with that part of my youth. But Will had. Which made this unusual collection of men important.

  The next half hour was filled with talking shit about football and messing with each other. It didn’t take me long to figure out that these were really good guys, not just good friends of Will’s, but people who I wanted to get to know better, too, for me as much as for him.

  “Will,” Kelvin said slowly, dumping his bottle on the coffee table.


  “Don’t hit me.”

  “Okay,” Will laughed.

  “You said you were living with someone,” he said in the same measured tone.

  “I am. This is Jesse. You’ve known him for a few hours now.”

  “It’s just… I thought you were, you know, living with someone. Like, a partner.”

  Will looked at me. I didn’t know how “out” he was to his friends. I’d only just met them. It made no difference to me. I shrugged and nodded.

  “Jesse is my boyfriend, if that’s what you’re asking?” Will said.

  “Oh. You two don’t exactly act as though you’re dating though, you know?”

  I snickered and sat back with my beer, enjoying watching Will squirm. It didn’t happen very often; I was going to memorize it so I could attempt to replicate the results.

  “Would you prefer for me to be making out with him in-between plays?” Will asked sarcastically.

  “I wouldn’t,” I said quickly.

  “Me either,” Chris agreed.

  “Fucking hell,” Kelvin groaned. “You do enough for the common perception of gay men as it is. I was just expecting you to be more affectionate.”

  “Will and I don’t have a very public relationship,” I said before Will got the chance to snap at his friend again. “We’re plenty affectionate. We just don’t do it in front of other people.”

  “Because of homophobic assholes?” Brandon asked.

  “No, just because it’s private,” I said, my mind going over it a hundred miles a minute. “When I was with Adele, we would
hold hands sometimes, but we hardly ever kissed in public.”

  “Wait, you used to be with a girl?” Kelvin asked.

  “Yeah,” I laughed. “Until this asshole came along.”

  “Thank you,” Will said, toasting me with his bottle of beer.


  “You’re doing a lot to burst the small-town bubble this boy has been living in,” Will said, ribbing on Kelvin again.

  “We’ve been friends for a while,” I said carefully. “Things progressed naturally for us. I met him through my friend Laura about two years ago.”

  I’d obviously said some kind of magic word. All four men groaned—Will in disappointment and the other three in evident lust.

  “Oh, Laura,” Brandon groaned.

  “What about her?” I laughed.

  “She’s just….”

  “Walking sex,” Chris supplied.

  “An erotic goddess,” Kelvin added.

  “The personification of a female orgasm,” Brandon said.

  I cracked up. “Laura?”

  “I should never have introduced them to her,” Will said. “They haven’t shut up about her since.”

  “You know she just had twins, right?” I told the guys. “She’s probably still got loads of stretch marks and flabby thighs. And if you ever tell her I said that, I’ll kill you,” I added for Will’s benefit.

  “She’s got twins? I bet her tits are enormous,” Brandon sighed.

  “I’ll check next time I see her,” Will said dryly. “And I’ll pass on your kind regards for her health.”

  “You can pass on my phone number,” Chris said with a wink.

  “And a photo of my dick,” Brandon said. “I’ve got one on my phone, hang on and I’ll send it to you.”

  “I really, really don’t want to see a picture of your dick,” Will groaned.

  “But you’re gay,” Brandon said, sounding offended.

  “I am,” Will agreed. “And I’m very choosy about whose dick I actually look at.”

  “Thank you, darling,” I said sweetly.

  “You’re welcome, sweetness,” he said back and blew me a kiss. I pretended to catch it and slap it against my cheek. Will looked offended. “It wasn’t supposed to go there.”

  “It’s okay. You can kiss my ass later.”

  ONCE the game was over, Will switched over to MTV, and for some reason we all ended up sitting on the floor while too many empty beer bottles to count littered the coffee table. I found a pack of cards under the couch and started shuffling them in my hands to keep them occupied; I had a tendency to fidget.

  “Okay, deal it out,” Kelvin said, draining his bottle.

  “Deal what?” I asked.

  “I don’t know,” he shrugged.

  “Bullshit,” Will and Brandon said at the same time, with a knowing nod.

  “Excellent choice,” I complimented them and started to deal the cards.

  There was plenty of trash-talking as we slapped cards down on the pile. It hadn’t escaped my notice that Will had casually moved his arm around my shoulder, and was awkwardly juggling his cards in one hand. It was… nice.

  “Two queens,” Brandon said, slapping his cards face down on the pile with a smirk at us.

  “Bullshit,” I laughed. I had three queens in my hands.

  “No, you really are two queens,” Brandon said.

  “Fuck off,” Will told him. “I am not a queen. And neither is my boy.”

  “And I’m still calling bullshit,” I told him. Brandon scooped up the cards with a weary sigh.

  I was well on my way to being drunk. I drank often enough to recognize the signs, so I knew I was nearing the point where I needed to stop before I embarrassed myself. Will’s friends were fucking awesome, and I didn’t want to act like a dick in front of them.

  After I’d slapped down my three queens, I’d cleared my hand and clambered unsteadily to my feet to start clearing some of the mess to the kitchen. The boys kept playing on the floor as I loaded up with empty bottles and dumped them in our recycling box in the kitchen.

  Suddenly familiar arms tugged me back to a familiar chest and warm lips grazed my neck.

  “Hmm. Brandon, you shouldn’t, Will could come in at any moment,” I said in a husky voice.

  Will bit down hard on my shoulder. “Not funny.”

  I turned and kissed the corner of his mouth, wrapping my arms around his neck. “It was, a little bit,” I argued.

  “Maybe a little bit,” he murmured, backing me into a cabinet and deepening the kiss.

  I let his tongue sweep into my mouth and tangled my fingers in his hair. Moaning lightly as he rocked his hips against mine, I smiled against his lips.

  “I love you,” he whispered. The words were still unfamiliar.

  “You too,” I agreed.

  I forced myself to push him away before we actually started fucking in the kitchen with three of his friends in the next room. Will gave my ass one last quick squeeze and strode purposefully in to speak to the guys.

  “Right, if you’re staying, go find someplace to put your head down. If you’re going, fucking go, because I wanna take my boy to bed.”

  I laughed and put my head down, sideways on his shoulder.

  “I need to go,” Brandon groaned, rubbing his forehead. “I can’t leave Carla overnight.”

  “Need to call her, dude,” Will said to him. “You can’t drive.”

  Brandon groaned again. “She’s gonna kill me….”

  “I’ll call her,” Will offered. “Chris?”

  “Yeah, I’m staying,” he said. “But I call the spare room.”

  “Spare room is Jesse’s room now,” Will laughed.

  “It’s okay, I don’t mind. The couch is comfortable,” I said with a smirk.

  Kelvin said he’d stay, too, so I ran up to our linen closet to grab extra pillows and blankets. Brandon called out good-bye, and I heard the door slam behind him. I was brushing my teeth but called out of the window to him.

  I knew we wouldn’t have sex with Will’s friends in the house; that’d be weird. But I wanted to hold him. It seemed that he was more drunk than me. I was laughing as I helped him out of his clothes and pulled him into my arms under the covers. He snuggled into my chest and wrapped his arm around me, and soon enough, he started snoring.

  Chapter Eighteen

  WILL had arranged with Carla to meet for brunch the following morning. Once we’d dragged ourselves out of bed and into showers—and after I’d jerked off watching Will do the same in the shower—we got dressed in jeans and hoodies and headed out in my car. Chris and Kelvin followed in Kelvin’s truck, and I let Will be a grumpy, backseat driver, directing me to the diner.

  I immediately recognized a bleary-eyed Brandon as we walked through the door of the diner. He was sitting with a very pretty olive-skinned girl with loose, dark hair, who was clearly, heavily pregnant.

  “Hey, Brandon,” I said as we all scooted into the booth.

  “Hey, Jesse. This is Carla,” he said.

  “Nice to meet you,” I said, giving her a warm smile.

  “You’re Will’s partner?” she asked.

  “Don’t even think about it, Carla,” Will laughed. I raised an eyebrow at him in question. “She wants to grill you,” he explained.

  “I want to make sure he’s good enough for you,” she corrected, but she was smiling.

  The waitress came over with a round of coffees and menus for us. It was awesome that the feeling of acceptance from the night before had carried over to this morning. We fell into an easy conversation, the six of us, until the waitress interrupted us again and Carla put in an order for an obscene amount of food.

  “It’s a pregnant woman’s prerogative,” she said argumentatively.

  “You carry on, sweetheart,” Brandon said, smoothing her hair back and kissing her head.

  “How much longer until the baby’s due?” I asked her.

  “Um, seven weeks,” she said.

“Are you excited?”

  “No, I’m fucking terrified,” Brandon answered for her.

  “I’m excited,” Carla said, smacking Brandon on the arm.

  I laughed and sipped at my rather excellent coffee. “Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?” I asked.

  “I do,” Carla said, looking sideways at Brandon with a loving, sort of exasperated expression.

  “I don’t,” Brandon added. “I wanted it to be a surprise.”

  “Do you want kids?” Kelvin asked.

  “What, me?” I laughed.


  “I don’t have the right biology,” I told him, still laughing.

  “Dude. Break into this century. Plenty of gay men have children, one way or another.”

  I looked over to Will. His gentle stroking of my knee had stopped, his hand still on my leg now instead. In all the time we’d been together, the subject of children hadn’t ever come up. I didn’t have a definite answer for him, and I hoped it wouldn’t cause an argument.

  Shrugging, I waited for him to answer first.

  “I don’t know,” he said eventually. “My plans for the future have shifted somewhat recently.”

  “Because of me?” I asked. The rest of the room had melted away.

  He gave me a small, lopsided smile. “Yeah. Sort of.”

  Chris imitating barfing into his coffee mug pulled me out of the little moment I was in.

  “Aw,” Carla cooed, rubbing her belly. “You two are so adorable.”

  Will leaned in and laid a soft kiss on my cheek. Somehow, being surrounded by our friends made being intimate in public a lot less scary.

  “We’ve never really discussed children,” Will said.

  “Maybe someday,” I added.

  “The discussion or the child?” he teased me.

  “The discussion is imminent. The child a maybe.”

  On the table, my phone buzzed with a message. I apologized to the guys quickly and opened the message.

  “It’s from Adele,” I said with a look to Will. His eyes narrowed.

  “What does she want?” he asked.

  Reading the message quickly, I relayed it to him. “She’s subletting the apartment. She wants me to go and pick up anything I’ve got left there.”


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