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  Infinity systems: Replicators. In the 21st century infinity systems will enable us to reproduce any commodity or object indefinitely.

  Instant community: New concepts of community beyond rooted permanent villages and cities. (See Telecommunity).

  Liferhythm: Life style based not only on values and environment but also on individual biorhythms.

  Life Support Suit (LSS): Weather proof—fire proof—crash proof—drown proof—bullet proof apparel providing continuous protection from most external dangers. This light all-year Life Support Suit is also permanently linked to telemed facilities for continuous monitoring of the individual's body functions. In case of imminent physiological breakdowns the individual is instantly alerted. In case of sudden death the temperature within the LSS drops to maximum cold to protect the brain from degenerating while awaiting suspension.

  Long-range planning: Planning for the next forty or fifty years. Beyond 2020 is the Far Future. The human situation will have changed so unrecognizably that it is superfluous to plan for it now.

  Middle Future: Up to around 2020.

  Microenergizers: Micro solar or nuclear feeders implanted in the brain or the body to provide continuous automatic nourishment.

  Mobilia: The stage beyond family and commune. A mobilia is a fluid commune—a transcommune. People link up for a few days or weeks or months—then link out. Summer or winter group rentals—resort clubs—modern hotels—youth hostels are forerunners of mobilias.

  Museum cities: All existing cities are feudal/industrial and therefore historical landmarks. Paris—London—Rome—Moscow—Jerusalem—Cairo—Tokyo—New York—San Francisco—these and others are all Museum cities. Too archaic to modernize. Too valuable to tear down. Too old to live in. We should convert them into total museums—and get out.

  Nonflesh implants: Human created replacements for our inefficient fragile animal parts. These nonflesh replacements are often stigmatized as artificial. There is nothing artificial about them. Anything that is of this world is intrinsic to the world and therefore cannot be artificial. Nonflesh implants are central to the emerging transhumans and telehumans.

  Nuplex: Nuclear power complex. (I have borrowed this term from the writings of Dr. Glen T. Seaborg and William R. Corliss.)

  Oldworld: Feudal/industrial.

  Optimism: A totally new philosophy specifically predicated on two evolutionary breakthroughs: our new situation in Time and in Space. We are breaking out of the limitations of our mortal animal bodies to extend each human life indefinitely. We are also suddenly outgrowing our Earthbound origins, bursting upon an infinite universe of infinite resources and infinite potentials.

  Optimism One: The first age of optimism. The very first time that a philosophy of optimism has become plausible.

  Planetization: Globalization.

  Single track: Projecting or planning for changes in one area without taking into account advances unfolding at all levels of all societies.

  Solplex: Solar power complex.

  Telebio: Biological systems telelinked with one another and with communication centers.

  Telecom (Telecommunication): Television—telephone—telex—telecomputer—videophone—communication satellite—laser etc.

  Telecommunity: New concepts of community—beyond rooted feudal villages and industrial cities. Telecommunities are instant—fluid—universal. People from across the planet converge in person and via telecom. They linkup for a few days or weeks or months then deconverge. Instant communities—mobile communities—world fairs—Disneyworlds—film or music festivals—modern airports—global video events—are all forerunners of 21st century telecommunities.

  Teleconomics: A new economic order beyond industrial age capitalism/socialism. Teleconomics is issuing out of the new teletechnology—limitless resources—global convergence—Space—new liberated values.

  Teledemocracy (Electronic democracy): The stage beyond leadership and representative governments which allows all the people to participate directly and immediately in all decision making.

  Telegenesis: (I have incorporated this word from the writings of visionary biologists.) Producing babies from the stored sex cells of men and women who may have never met or who may not even be contemporaries. Telegenesis opens the way to universal parenthood and universal life.

  Telehuman: The next stage in the evolution of humans. A linkup of the human mind and durable versatile telebodies. Our fragile animal parts such as eyes—ears—lungs—hearts—kidneys—livers etc.... are replaced by implanted microcomputers—microtelevisions—microantennas—microcassettes—micro recycling units and so on. The telehuman is at all times protected and easily connected to other people and to communication outlets. Communication is central to its existence its pleasures its accelerated evolution.

  Telespheres: The stage beyond primal/feudal/industrial. Telespheres usher in radically new ways of using Time—Space—resources—senses—energy. In this emerging world all centralized and rooted institutions are replaced by fluid—modular processes such as: Telegenesis—teleducation—telemedicine—telefarm etc.... Telespheres create a continuous link of people/technologies/processes.

  Teletechnology: Postindustrial hardware. Automated—computerized—remote controlled—cybernated—robotized—teleoperated. Tele technology is mobile—modular—clean.

  Teletransportation: Automated or remote control transportation systems. Such as: Automated guideways—automated monorails—remote control submersible—pilot-less aircraft and rockets and spacecrafts. Teletransportation is activated by solar and nuclear energy and hydrogen fuel.

  Transguides: Guidelines for the transitional era from primal/feudal/industrial to new worlds of Telespheres and beyond.

  Translive: Flow in and out of mobilias—jobs—professions—lifestyles—communities—continents. Fluid universal living.

  Transplanetary: Across the planet. Such as transplanetary life.

  Transuse: Nonownership use of resources. To use for a while then leave for others to use. Beyond 2020, global interuse of limitless resources and commodities.

  Unicom (universal communication): Travel—telecom—world trade—Unilang—anything amplifying universal communication.

  Unilang (universal language): Formerly called English. At present Unilang is the primary language in over thirty countries. Used as a second language everywhere else in the world. Unilang is flooding all national languages: Le sex appeal—les blugines—das way of life—el weekend—press Konferentsiya, etc.... In turn Unilang is daily universalized through infusion of words from all over the planet: Ambiance—detente—junta—karate—Zen—yoga—yoghurt—shmock ... In our global age national languages are kaput.

  Universal life: Postkinship and postfamily. Universal life is totally open—fluid—nonexclusive. People flow in and out of different liferhythms: Single—nonexclusive couple and triad—mobilia—global stream. In universal life no one belongs to another. We all belong to one another.

  Universal parenthood: Considering all children of the world as our own. Through telegenesis and universal parenthood every newborn belongs biologically and socially to the whole world. No child belongs to any one. All children belong to every one.

  Up (Up-Wing): A new philosophical thrust—beyond Right and Left—beyond conservative and liberal and conventional radical. Beyond existentialism. Up is committed to the next stage in evolution and in history. It facilitates the flow to telespheres and abundance to physical immortality and Space colonization. But Up is more than an ideological thrust. It is also a new triumphant consciousness—an optimism free of guilt free of shame free of self-denial. Up-Wingers are resigned to nothing. They consider no human problems irreversible—no goals unattainable. The Up philosophy: Optimism—Abundance—Universalism—Immortality.

  UpWingers: People who embrace or live the UpWing philosophy. People who are Up.

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