Uninvited Visitors

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Uninvited Visitors Page 7

by Savannah Maris

  He couldn’t wait for this shift to be over.

  When seven o’clock Tuesday morning finally rolled around, he gave his reports and turned the ER over to the doctor coming on shift. He was glad to get away from people but sad to be going to his house for the first time since last Friday morning. He’d get some sleep then go check on his parents.

  He had unlocked his car and jerked the door open when he heard his name. As he turned, he took a deep breath to remain calm.

  “Hey, would you like to get some breakfast?” Jamison asked.

  “Nah, I’m heading home.”

  “I’d be happy to cook, and you can sleep at my place, or I could sleep at yours.” A flirty smile and seductive eyes decorated her face.

  “I appreciate the offer, but no thank you.” Thomas remained as polite as he could.

  “Maybe some other time then.” Hope danced in her eyes.

  This shit better end soon. “Maybe.” Thomas watched Jamison walk to her car with what seemed like a little extra sway in her hips. He closed his eyes and shook his head.

  The drive home was too quick. He wasn’t looking forward to not being with Cat. He didn’t like this feeling and he never planned on feeling it again—ever.

  As soon as he closed the door, he started stripping. Shoes were left by the back door. He didn’t bother turning on lights as he went toward his bedroom. By the time he reached his bed, his shirt and both socks were in his hands, and he was untying his scrubs. He unceremoniously dropped his pants and boxers and crawled into bed. If he could just stop seeing the tears in his mind’s eye, he’d be able to get some sleep.

  His head hit the pillow, but his mind went straight to Cat. Not just any memory of Cat, but the first night at the ranch.

  Cat and Kayla were trying to teach Ginger to shag on the back deck to “Give Me Just A Little More Time” by The Chairmen of the Board. She was laughing while Kayla was trying to count the steps for Ginger. Evan was saying something, but Thomas wasn’t paying attention because his eyes were zeroed in on Cat’s ass.

  Thomas smiled as that scene ran through his head. She was carefree and happy, a total contrast from last night. He closed his eyes and fast forwarded to later that evening.

  “Kayla fixed up the spare bedroom by the office if we wanted to stay,” Cat said. “You can take the bed, and I’ll take the couch since I’m smaller if you want.”

  He hadn’t had too much to drink, but enough to give him the courage to follow through with what he wanted. What he’d wanted for seven years. “I’d prefer us both to take the bed.” He waited for her to respond.

  Her cheeks turned pink as she nodded. “I’d like that too.” A shy smile played with the corners of her lips.

  Thomas closed the door behind them. “Cat, are you sure about this? Are you drunk?”

  “I’m very sure. I’m just relaxed, that’s all.”

  Thomas locked the door then walked straight to her without breaking eye contact. She held his stare and licked her lips. When he cupped her face and leaned in for a kiss, her eyes closed, and the moment his lips touched hers, she moaned as if she’d been waiting on that touch for years.

  Thomas felt his dick twitch so he fisted it at the base and squeezed.

  Thomas slid his hands down and cupped her ass to bring her closer to him. “We can stop anytime you want, okay?”

  “Uh-huh,” she moaned with her lips press to his.

  Thomas’s tongue nudged against her mouth, and she opened for him. His tongue plundered her mouth as hers tried to match his. With their tongues occupied, Thomas took the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Their mouths were forced apart long enough to send her shirt flying to the floor before they reconnected. Cat’s hands untucked Thomas’s shirt then ran up the plain of his abs as a whimper left her mouth.

  “Turn around and let me unfasten your bra,” Thomas whispered. As she turned, he reached between his shoulder blades and ripped his shirt over his head before he pressed his chest against her back. He kissed her shoulders before he stepped back to unfasten her bra, then slowly slid the straps down her arms.

  “My God, Cat, you’re perfect,” he said looking over her shoulder at her breasts.”

  Thomas stroked his cock just remembering her.

  When she turned around, she asked, “Can I remove your pants?”

  “Yes, whatever you want, Cat.” He reached out to stroke her nipples with his thumbs.

  A shiver ran through her before she stepped forward. Her hands were shaking, and he didn’t know if she was nervous or if it was the remainder of the shiver, but he watched her closely the whole time. She unfastened the button on his shorts and slid the zipper down then seemed to freeze. He moved to push them down when her eyes locked on his.

  “I’ll get it. It’s just…” Her words trailed off as she ran her thumbs along the inside of his shorts. When she got to his hips, she pushed them down. He kicked out of them and was just in his boxer briefs.

  “Come here, sweetheart. Let’s get you naked.”

  He wanted to see what kind of panties she’d wear, so he’d made sure to leave them in place. When his fingers grazed her stomach to unfasten her pants, it quivered. All kinds of thoughts ran through his head. He placed a soft kiss on her lips.

  “We can stop if you want.”

  She shook her head. “No, please don’t stop.”

  When her shorts dropped to the floor, there she stood in a white lace thong. As he stepped back and took in the full sight of her, she couldn’t have looked more innocent, but he knew better.

  “You’re absolutely beautiful, Cat.”

  He picked her up and placed her on the bed. With her hair fanned out from her head, she looked angelic. He climbed on the bed beside her, and while his mouth got reacquainted with hers, his hand played with her breasts. He pinched and rolled her nipples until they were perfectly pebbled. His hand glided down her abdomen toward her pubic bone and slipped his fingers under the lace of her thong. The moment his fingers touched her clit, she moaned.

  “Are you alright, Cat?”

  “Yes,” she squeaked.

  His hand slid down to her core and found her drenched. The first finger went in easily, but the second was a bit tight. He felt her tense with the pressure but knew she needed it if he was getting inside of her because it must have been awhile since she’d been with anyone.

  He chuckled at the thought now as he slowly stroked himself.

  He slid down her body and let his other hand trail behind. As he positioned himself between her legs to get a good taste, he removed her lace thong then moved a hand to massage her breast. He ran his tongue from her core to her clit and watched the goosebumps cover her body. Within seconds of sucking her clit, she was coming apart, so he moved his tongue to lap up her juices. Honey. She tasted like honey, sweet and a little tangy. He pushed two fingers inside her, and she moaned.

  She was killing him.

  His cock was starting to leak, and he wanted to be inside her, so he quickly moved back up her body. His body had overtaken his brain because all he could think of was getting inside her. With her help, they got his briefs off. He had barely pushed inside her when he was met with resistance. He stopped moving and looked into her eyes.

  “Cat, you’re a virgin?”

  She nodded then tried to turn away. “Yes… I always wanted my first time to be you.”

  Thomas was breathing hard. “Fuck, are you sure?”

  “Please. I don’t want to stop.”

  “Look at me.” Thomas waited for her to comply. “Are you on the pill? I’m inside you without a condom. I’m clean, but I don’t have one with me. We can finish this another way.”

  “I’m on the pill. They’re in my purse. I’ll show you if you want,” she whispered.

  Thomas closed his eyes. “No, but this is going to hurt.” He started moving in and out, getting deeper with each thrust. “You’re virginal and tight, and well I’m…”

  “Huge,” she said as s
he inhaled, and he pushed in farther. “Ahh,” she cried as she covered her mouth with her hand.

  “Bite down on my shoulder, Cat. It’ll be better. We’re not quite there. It’ll be a pinch, a big pinch,” he said as he broke through her barrier.

  She bit his shoulder and cried, “Ohhh.”

  Thomas let out a grunt to dismiss the pain and concentrated on making this good for her. A few more strokes and she was crying out his name, and he was right behind her.

  “Oh shit, Cat.”

  He came harder than he could ever remember.

  “Fuck!” Thomas jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom. He turned the shower on as cold as he could stand it and stepped in. The cold water running over his neck and back helped to bring his breathing, blood pressure, and dick under control.

  “You don’t get to come until we’re deep inside of her,” he said, giving his dick a pep talk. “You just need to settle back down. We can go for a run or weights. Your choice.”


  Nathan spent Tuesday night patrolling through town, but in a town as small as Riverton Crossing, what could possibly happen? Someone get a flat tire on the side of the road?

  It was close to nine when he made his routine drive out to the high school. He’d just circled the back of the gym when a call came through his radio. As the 911 operator dispatched a domestic disturbance call, he listened to the address.

  “Fuck!” He slammed his hand on the steering wheel. Vanessa’s address.

  “I heard a gunshot before the line went dead,” the operator said.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck! “I’m two minutes away,” Nathan spoke into the radio mic.

  Over the radio, he heard Officer Rodney Parker also respond to the call as well as an ambulance being dispatched. Nathan hit his blue lights and siren while his foot pressed harder on the accelerator before he snatched his cell.


  “Evan, domestic disturbance at the Harpers’. I probably shouldn’t be the highest-ranking officer there. Shots fired.”

  Nathan heard rustling in the background. “On my way. Who’s going with you?”

  “Rodney is behind me, and an ambulance is on the way.”

  “Nathan, do not do something stupid before I get there. You know protocol, and dammit, you better use it. Especially on this call.”

  “If he’s hurt her I’m going to fuck him up,” Nathan said before he disconnected the call.

  He pulled into the Harper’s driveway and quickly stepped out of his car. He took a steadying breath as Rodney drove up. If he knocked on the door, he might kill Charles Harper himself.

  “You need to knock on the door, and I’ve got your six. It may not be in anyone’s best interest if I get less than an arm’s length from him.”

  “Yes, sir. Should I call someone else?”

  “Chief is on his way,” Nathan said as they walked toward the house. When they were at the bottom step of the porch, they heard yelling.

  “You, stupid bitch. You called nine-one-one? Now they’ve sent someone out here. Do you see the blue lights? I should—”

  Knock, knock.

  “Riverton Crossing Police. Open up, Mr. Harper,” Rodney called.

  “There’s no problem. We’re sorry for the false alarm,” Charles called back through the door.

  “Sorry, sir. We need to speak with Mrs. Harper,” Rodney said.

  As they heard the locks open, both men put their hands on their firearms. When Mr. Harper opened the door, he acknowledged Rodney, but his eyes locked on Nathan. No gun.

  “You. You here to rescue my bitch of a wife? Did she blow you when y’all were watching surveillance tapes? Did you fuck her? I hope you brought plenty of lube because that’s like fucking dry bones.” Venom dripped from his words.

  Nathan’s grip on his firearm tightened, and his eyes narrowed. I’m going to kill this motherfucker. Charles was trying to provoke Nathan, and he knew it.

  “Where is she?”

  “None of your fucking business,” Charles said.

  “It is our business, Charles,” Evan said as he approached the situation. His gait was purposeful and authoritative. “Where’s Vanessa?”

  “She’s lying down.”

  “Either she comes out, or I go in. Which is it going to be? We’ve got gunfire on the nine-one-one tape, so I need to see both parties and the gun. I had to get out of my bed for this shit, Charles. I’m not happy, so cut the crap.”

  “I’ll bring her out.” Charles eased the door slightly closed.

  The next sound they heard was Vanessa screaming, and Nathan snapped his head around staring at the front door. Charles opened the door with the gun in one hand and the other around Vanessa’s upper arm so tight her skin and his knuckles were white. Her lip was bleeding, and blood was seeping through the right shoulder of her blouse.

  “Are you happy now?” He jerked on her arm, and she whimpered.

  “Charles, she needs medical attention. Let me get her some help.” Evan reached out his hand for Vanessa.

  “No, I’ll take her. If he comes near her, I swear I’ll kill her.” Charles pointed the gun at Nathan then Vanessa while using her as a shield.

  Evan looked at Rodney as he backed toward Nathan. “Let him walk her to the ambulance.” Vanessa was silently crying as her color was getting paler. Evan spread his arms wide to give them room to walk. An EMT stepped toward them holding out his hand.

  Charles waved the gun in the air. “Don’t come any closer, or I’ll drop her where she stands.”

  Everyone froze. Nathan was ready to pounce the moment an opportunity presented itself.

  “Chief, you better keep your boy back!” Charles yelled.

  “Nathan, stay put,” Evan said in a calm voice.

  Nathan paced along the cars like a caged tiger but didn’t move closer. He never took his eyes off Charles. The only thing that kept him sane right then was knowing Charles would go to jail for this, and there wasn’t anything anyone can do about it. His silent prayer was to please let her see the light and file for divorce.

  As soon as Charles had released Vanessa to the EMTs and stepped back, Rodney tackled him from behind causing the gun to fly out of his hand. Evan dove on the gun while Rodney cuffed Charles, and Nathan ran to the back of the ambulance.

  “You touch my wife, and I’ll press charges!” Charles yelled with his face pinned to the ground.

  “Shut up.” Rodney hauled Charles to his feet and put him in the back of his patrol car while Evan bagged the gun as evidence.

  With the EMTs working on Vanessa, Nathan couldn’t get close enough to touch her but close enough to speak to her. “Vanessa, can you hear me?”

  She gave a small nod but couldn’t speak through the oxygen mask on her face. “She’s lost a lot of blood, Officer Cox. We really need to get moving,” the EMT said.

  Nathan nodded. “I’m right behind you. I’ll meet you at the hospital.”

  The EMTs loaded Vanessa in the back, then one ran around to the driver’s door while the other stayed in the back with her. Nathan closed the doors and banged on the side to indicate the driver could leave. As the ambulance pulled away with lights flashing and siren blaring, Nathan’s legs gave out. He squatted and ran his hands through his hair as he tried to get control of his emotions.

  “Breathe, man,” Evan said.

  Nathan looked up at him. “I can’t. Did you see her? Did you fucking see her?”

  Evan reached his hand out to pull Nathan up. “Yeah, man. He’s going to jail, but that’s only part of what has to happen. She’s got to follow through, Nathan. You can’t force her hand here.”

  When Nathan returned to his full height, he looked at Rodney’s patrol car and saw Charles with a wide grin on his face. As Nathan turned in that direction, Evan caught his arm.

  “You can’t.”

  Nathan took a deep breath. “I need to get to the hospital.”

  “Maybe I should go,” Evan replied.

  “I’m taki
ng her damn statement,” Nathan said in pure frustration.

  “Nathan,” Evan said in warning.

  When Nathan turned, he leveled Evan with an angry stare. “I know what I’m doing.”

  He walked toward his Riverton Crossing Police SUV.


  Thomas’s mood wasn’t any better tonight than last night. He kept telling himself that tonight was no different from any other three-day stretch where he didn’t see Cat, but somehow it felt totally different.

  He’d just grabbed a snack when the call came in from an ambulance. “Female approximately twenty-five years old.” Thomas’s eyes were focused on the speaker waiting for more details as his heart rate increased. “Domestic violence with a gunshot wound to the right shoulder. She’s conscious but has lost a lot of blood. ETA is ten minutes.”

  Thomas breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay, people let’s get ready,” he called. “I want trauma room one ready to go.” He inhaled slowly and exhaled even slower, calming his mind and body to focus on the job at hand. He saw the ambulance turn the corner with a police vehicle right behind it. The ambulance backed to the doors as the police vehicle whipped into a parking place close by. Nathan came around the ambulance at the same time as the EMTs brought Vanessa out of the back.

  The EMTs rattled off everything that happened as Thomas moved beside the gurney. “Mrs. Harper, can you hear me?” She rolled her head toward his voice.

  “Good. I need you to keep your eyes open for me, okay?” When her lids started to droop, he called, “Mrs. Harper! Vanessa!”

  “Thomas, will she be okay?” Nathan asked as he caught up with them.

  “Trauma room one!” Thomas told the EMTs. He turned to Nathan. “I don’t know yet. Stay here.” He tapped Nathan’s badge. “That doesn’t get you into this room. Do you understand me?”

  Nathan nodded. “Yeah.”

  “I’ll let you know something as soon as I can. Hang in there.” Thomas patted Nathan on the shoulder then disappeared into the room.


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