A New Paige: Stained Souls MC - Book 2

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A New Paige: Stained Souls MC - Book 2 Page 21

by Zara Teleg

  “Your shower is so much better than mine. I love this rain head.”

  Paige tilted her head back, allowing the water to stream from her face down her beautiful breasts. My hand circled her waist, slid up her stomach, and massaged them in my hands. I sucked on her neck and placed a hand between her legs.

  “Kai, I can’t believe you are ready again! My God, you are a horny bastard.”

  She gripped me and then fell to her knees. Her mouth felt so good, her hands gripping my ass. But it didn’t matter how good her mouth felt, it was Paige who made me hard. It was Paige who took me over the edge, her and her alone who made me not think of another woman in weeks. I pulled her up to me. Devouring her lips, I slid my finger inside her. Her back arched and she fell into ecstasy in seconds, crying out my name.

  I came back to her apartment after I got dressed. Coffee was inviting me in through the door. I paused before I twisted the knob, listening to her mumbling. She was on the phone. She sounded insistent, and I strained to hear.

  “No. That’s all I know. It would have been 1994. She didn’t give me the last name. I need to know, Gavin, please.”

  Gavin? Who was he? Wait a minute, Gavin was that cop, well, ex-cop. I waited until she got off the phone before knocking and letting myself in.

  Paige stood in front of the coffee pot and was pulling at the string of her hoodie, staring off to nowhere.

  “Tink, what’s going on?”

  “Huh?” She shook her head quickly. “Um, nothing, let me get you some coffee.”

  Long minutes passed and she had not said anything. She just kept staring far away.

  “I almost forgot to tell you,” I said, which made Paige finally look at me. “We’re going out this weekend.”

  “We are?”

  “Jenn wants to meet you. I told her we would meet her at the Black Rock Brewery Saturday night. So make sure Sully doesn’t schedule you in for any last-minute shifts.”

  “Okay. Sounds fun.”

  “So,” I sipped on the coffee, “you ready to talk yet?” I pointed to the clock. “Neither of us has work for a few hours.”

  “Um, yeah, okay.” She fumbled around, refilling our cups before moving back to the sofa.

  “This still is under your oath of not telling ANYONE, got it?”

  “Yes, of course. You can trust me.”

  “So when I went to see Meme…” Paige blew out air, “she confirmed that I was adopted. She didn’t know much about my birth father, only my mother.” She cleared her throat, pulling at the loose threads of the blanket that was balled next to her.

  I lifted her chin and her eyes met mine. “What did she tell you about her?” Her eyes deflected down again.

  “My…my birth mother, she died after I was born.”

  Paige closed her eyes as they became glassy. Her voice was small and cracked. “She’s gone. I will never know her.” She pulled the worn and ratty bunny from where it sat on the edge of the sofa, clutching it like a child.

  “Tink, I’m so sorry about your mother,” I whispered sympathetically. I placed a palm on each side of her face and brought it to mine, our noses an inch away.

  “Thanks, Kai.” Her breath hitched. The tears she tried to hold began to slide down her cheek in a slow trail. She blinked them back before turning her head and standing.

  “You know what, Kai, I don’t know if I can talk about this right now. I’m so confused.”

  She was definitely hiding something, but I couldn’t force her to tell me. But when she was ready, I promised myself to be there for her.

  I sat on the edge of the porch waiting for Paige to get ready for tonight. She begged me to take the car so she wouldn’t ruin her hair. She seemed excited to meet Jenn.

  I didn’t know what the hell I was doing anymore, but Paige was all that filled my mind. I might have to change my number and address if I took this any further with her. I could see the question in her eye every time my phone chimed. I knew she’d been wondering if it was a booty call. She hadn’t been wrong. I had typed out “No, doll, can’t” about a hundred times over the past few weeks. Every day Ripper’s words rang truer: “You just know.”

  Since the minute she let me inside her, it was over. I was fucked. I felt like she could see right through my playing-it-cool act.

  I flicked the cigarette off the porch. Just as I was turning to go inside and see if Paige was ready, the rumble of a bike got closer. Hack pulled in the lot.

  “What’s up, Kai?” he asked, unzipping his bag and taking out a brown box.

  “What are you doing here?” My tone was a little more accusatory than I had intended.

  “I was hoping to catch Paige. I told her when the extender for her router came in, I would install it for her.”

  My ears began to burn. Hack was talking to Paige? I had to restrain myself; otherwise, I would give away too much about how I felt.

  “Does she know you’re coming?” I struggled to keep my voice even as I studied the gleam in his eye.

  “I just picked it up from the post office and thought I would take a chance and stop by.”

  “Well, she’s not here.”

  Hack’s eyebrows furrowed together.

  “But her truck is here, and her light is on.” He pointed to the window.

  As if on cue—my timing always sucked—the door opened.

  Both of our mouths dropped when black cowboy boots stepped onto the porch. Shiny, well-defined legs were on display all the way up to the short frill of the mini dress that swished as she walked. The thick belt matched her dress and made her waist look even tinier, especially paired with the lacy top pushing her tits up, making them look even more prominent. Her starlit hair was in long waves, spilling over her shoulder as she bounced down the step.

  “How do I look?” she asked, the dress flying in the air and almost showing her ass as she twirled.

  Her makeup was more natural tonight. Peach gloss was on her lips. Her eyes shone purple blue through the black of her lashes. A sprinkle of sparkly gold dust was on her eyelids.

  She rendered us both speechless.

  “Hey, Hack!” She smiled brightly at him before reaching out for a hug.

  His smile was goofy as he swallowed hard, hugging her back. I was about to peel her off when she stepped away.

  “What are you doing here?” She looked at the box in his hand.

  Some cat got Hack’s tongue.

  “Is that my extender?” Paige asked.

  Hack just bobbed his head.

  “Awesome. Hey, you should come with us to Black Rock Brewery. It would be so fun. I’m dying to get out and dance.”

  She put her hand above her head and moved her hips, the dress climbing higher.

  “No, he can’t,” I said quickly.

  “Actually,” Hack smiled, “I was considering going there tonight. A great band is playing.”

  Hack was just staring at her, acting like they were the only two on the porch.

  “Awesome.” She snatched the box from his hand. “I’m off Monday if you want to install this then?”

  “Monday is great for me.” He nodded.

  “Kai, I’ll run this upstairs and then be ready. Oh, and thanks again, Hack.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek.

  I was biting down so hard on my jaw, it nearly broke.

  What is happening to me? I’m never jealous, ever. I have shared more women with my brothers than I care to remember.

  “Hope I see you there tonight. I’ll save you a dance.” She curtsied on her way into the house.

  “Dude, what are you doing?” I told Hack.

  He looked taken aback. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, there is a puddle of drool hanging from your mouth.”

  His hand went to his face before he shook his head. “Oh, she’s just a kid. Adorable little thing.”

  “I think Rage would cut off your ‘little thing’ if you make a move on her. Maybe you should rethink going to Black Rock tonight.”
/>   “What do you care?”

  I just lit a new cigarette and shook my head. “I don’t.”

  “Well, in that case, I guess I may run into you later.”

  I watched as he left, climbing on his bike and looking up to Paige’s window before pulling out of the lot.


  Kai was unusually quiet as we drove to Black Rock. I turned down the music he was tapping his finger to, and his eyes shifted over to mine before he turned it up again.

  I flicked it off, holding my hand over the knob.

  “What’s wrong with you?” I pointed my gaze at him as I waited for his response.

  “Nothing,” he grumbled.

  “Kai, please, I thought we were going to have a good time tonight. Why are your acting all grumpy like Rage?” That got his attention.

  “I’m not.”

  “You are, so tell me what’s up with you?”

  “I’m sorry, I have a lot on my mind. I had a meeting with Colt today, and I need to spend a few days in Torrentsville next week. I’m not too happy about it.” He relaxed back in his seat and placed his hand on my thigh. “You look beautiful tonight.”

  “Thanks. I thought maybe you were mad about something with Hack.”

  “Well, I wasn’t too happy you invited him. I’m not ready for the club to know about us yet.” His finger slid up and down my inner thigh, going higher with each pass.

  My heart hammered and part of me wanted him to pull over. He affected me like no man ever had.

  “About us?” I raised an eyebrow.

  “Yeah. Rage finds out, you may never see me again. I’ll be at the bottom of the river.”

  “First of all Kai, you should know that from the day I moved here, I vowed that no person would ever control my life again. I’ll freakin’ take Rage down myself, and Juliet will have nothing to say about it either.”

  My nails dug into my palms as I fought to control myself.

  “If this,” I pulled his hand higher up my leg, “is going to be a problem for you, we can stop now.” His eyes shot to my legs before returning to the road.

  “Calm down, Tink. I’m happy to be exploring this. But with my history, I know it will start a whole mess. Just have fun tonight. Jenn is going to love you! Now could we change the subject, please?” he said as he stopped at the light and leaned across the seat, kissing my cheek.

  “Okay…” I chewed at my lip, and my stomach swished. I was about to ask a question that had been caught in my throat for days. “Kai, have you ever heard of the Cajun Kings?”

  “What? Where did you hear that name?” His voice was full of concern.

  “I didn’t.” My throat felt thick as the lie slid from my tongue. “I saw some bikers when I was in Louisiana, and they were called the Cajun Kings. I was just curious if all you biker boys knew each other.” I shrugged, acting casual. His hands tightened on the wheel.

  “No, we don’t. But yes, I know who the Cajun Kings are,” he said. “They are an arrogant bunch of cheating, disrespecting thugs. I don’t like them very much, but I have to tolerate them.”

  “What do you mean? Are they dangerous?”

  “Yes. Why all these questions about the Kings?” We had come to a stoplight when he turned to me, waiting for my response.

  “Nothing, geez, I was just trying to make conversation.”

  “We don’t make it a habit of mingling with other MCs, and my business with them is club business. If you ever run across a King, you steer clear and go in the other direction. Got it?” He raised an eyebrow at me, waiting for my agreement.

  “Yeah, okay, Dad.”

  Just as he sent me a snide look, we pulled into the Black Rock Brewery lot.

  Kai came around and opened my door. As I placed a leg onto the ground, I noticed him studying every inch of me as I stood.

  “Tink,” he shook his head, “Damn. You sure do look beautiful.”

  We walked past the bouncers and found our table. I recognized Jenn immediately but acted as if I had no idea who she was. Her red hair was glowing under the bar lights. She had a man with her.

  “Kai.” Jenn stood and greeted him with a hug. She looked the same age as Kai. She wore tight dark-blue jeans and brown cowboy boots with a rust-colored, off-the-shoulder sweater.

  “Jenn, I would like you to meet Paige.”

  “Hi. I was really looking forward to meeting you.” She reached out, giving me a hug.

  “Me too.” I smiled warmly at her, not knowing what to say. I just kept thinking about the story Kai had told me about Ripper and their little boy.

  “This is Dave, a friend from work.” I could see the strain on his face when Kai gave him a particularly firm handshake.

  Dave was the opposite of a biker. He stood stiff in his collar shirt, khaki pants, and had every hair perfectly in place. His eyes gazed longingly at Jenn through his wire-rimmed glasses. He seemed out of his element, but by the way he looked at Jenn, you could just tell the man had it bad.

  Kai ordered us a round of drinks. The conversation was uneasy until a big man arrived at our table.

  “Tiny.” Kai stood, fist-bumping the man whom he’d told me was the Stained Souls brother who ran the place.

  “This is Paige, Juliet’s sister.” My body tensed at his words. It had become a reflex since the day I found out my family wasn’t my family.

  “Hi, Tiny, nice to meet you,” I said.

  “The pleasure is mine.” He whistled. “Beauty runs in the family.”

  “Wait, is that…Jenn?” Tiny said when he saw her.

  He rounded the table, sweeping the petite redhead off her feet and into his arms.

  “Tiny, you are squeezing the life out of me,” Jen said, laughing.

  “God, it’s good to see you,” he said as he put her down. “How’s my little man?”

  “He’s pretty good. Uncle Kai had to have a little talk with him about fighting in school.” She scowled as she retrieved her phone from her purse and pulled up some pictures.

  Tiny had a waitress bring by a round of shots for us all and then another. Before we knew it, we were all relaxed and talking over one another. The conversation never slowed as we ate nachos and Jenn and I sipped giant margaritas.

  “Paige, want to dance?” Jenn asked as she moved her body in her stool, waving her hands in the air to “Something Bad About to Happen.”

  “Let’s go.” I swallowed down the last sip, slamming the glass down and grabbing her hand.

  “You two behave out there,” Kai hollered to us as we swung our hips to the music and made our way to the dance floor, singing along.

  Jenn and I danced song after song until we were breathless. Our faces were flushed, and our bodies were sweating. I could see Kai watching from the side of the dance floor. He stood once when a man tried to dance with us, but Jenn put him in his place immediately, and Kai sat back down.

  “Kai can’t keep his eyes off you,” Jenn said as she butt-bumped me.

  “What?” I began as the man on the mic started to speak.

  “Hey, y’all. I hope you are enjoying yourselves. We want to slow it down and bring a friend on stage to sing a classic slow song while we take a break. So, ladies, find a dance partner.”

  Dave appeared at Jenn’s side. I looked for Kai but didn’t see him, so I began making my way back to the table.

  “Hey, Paige, wait.” Hack smiled and took my hand. He was dressed so nice, I almost didn’t recognize him.

  “Want to dance?” He pulled me back to the floor.


  Kai wasn’t going to like this. Jenn made a face when she saw Hack pulling my hand to the dance floor.

  “Wait, Hack. I don’t think—” My words were cut off by a pissed-looking Kai.

  “She was waiting for me,” Kai growled. Hack’s beautiful smile faded as he let go of my hand and rubbed the back of his neck.

  “I didn’t realize—”

  “No, you didn’t,” Kai spat as he spun me around, twirling my
body into him before settling his hands on the small of my back. My arms circled his neck as I looked into his eyes, which bore into the mine.

  “That was kind of rude and uncalled for, don’t you think?” My voice was small and soft.

  “No, it was necessary. Hack needs to know you are off-limits.”

  “Oh, am I?” I tried to sound serious and not at all affected by his sexy, possessive tone that sent a thrill from my head to my toes.

  Kai’s forehead wrinkled as he lifted an eyebrow. “Tink, it’s been a whole lot of years since I slow danced with someone. And,” he dipped me back and twirled me, pulling me in so our eyes were level, “it’s been even longer since I told any man that someone was off-limits.” He brushed his soft stubbled cheek against mine as his warm breath whispered into my ear.

  “Don’t make this a game. You think I joke around and don’t take life that seriously, but this—” He caressed my cheek with the top of his hand and took my chin between his index finger and thumb, making our eyes meet again. The pools of emerald were black in the dim light of the dance floor, but there was no mistaking the heat in them. “This is no joke.”

  He breathed a heavy sigh, the warmth of his body giving me a fever. I watched behind him as Hack glared at us, his arms folded as he leaned against a column, gripping a beer in his hand.

  I swallowed hard and rested my head against his iron chest. The thump of his heart vibrated through my ear, louder than the music. When the song came to an end, he twirled me around. Laughter spilled from my throat as he scooped me up, carrying me off the dance floor.

  He set me down on the stool at the table next to Jenn. I was out of breath. Kai snapped his fingers and waved a hand around the table, indicating a refill of our drinks.

  I watched as Tiny gestured to get Kai’s attention. Hack was already standing with him.

  “Stay here.” He kissed my cheek. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “I never thought I’d see the day.” Jenn fanned herself and twisted her hair up into a knot before running her ice-filled glass around her neck.


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