Dr. Travis, I Love You

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Dr. Travis, I Love You Page 12

by Cassandra Dee

  Besides, Priscilla has been hounding me all year to come home and spend more time with the family. It’s underlined in every conversation we have over the phone, but the problem is that I don’t really have the time. I’ve been running our father’s media empire and the work is all-consuming, although clearly my sister has no idea. I think Priscilla’s trying to convince me to settle down, maybe take a wife and pop out a couple of rug-rats.

  But I don’t need a family. Not when I’ve already got one.

  At least, that’s what I tell Priscilla whenever she pesters me. I tell her that her kids are like my kids. Maybe it’s a defense mechanism, or maybe it’s because I’m Hunter Maddox. I’ve never experienced a hurdle I wasn’t able to jump over.

  As I walked through the house, carrying my suitcase, staring at all these drunken kids, I was tempted to call a cab and go to a hotel. At least there I would get some peace and quiet. Kristi and Aaron had probably been partying for hours, and showed no signs of stopping.

  As I turned to leave, I found myself staring at a group of girls standing in the kitchen. One girl, in particular, looked uncomfortable as she stood and toyed with her plastic cup. She was wearing a scrap of clothing that didn’t leave anything to imagination, but the look on her face was one that I wasn’t used to seeing: she almost looked frightened, like she knew she didn’t belong.

  As I watched, the brunette smiled uncertainly, her lips wavering. There was something so shy and innocent about her that I could feel my breath catch in my throat. I’m almost forty – I’ve seen a lot of women, from all parts of the world, and this was new. Because women throw themselves at me all the time, so I’m an old hand. But this girl was different.

  I’d never seen a woman who looked like her because the brunette was a mash-up of contradiction what with the come-hither outfit yet deer in the headlights look. When I looked at her, I felt a strange desire to possess her, to keep her as mine forever. The need to own her was more than anything I had ever experienced before.

  The air sizzled as she turned towards me. To my surprise, the female didn’t shy away from my stare. We locked eyes and I fell headfirst into that warm caramel gaze. Despite the loud party around us, the moment was intense and intimate. She drew in a long breath, and lust stirred inside of me as her huge tits heaved in the air.

  I wanted to walk over there and claim her.

  “Uncle Hunter! What are you doing here?” I snapped out of my trance and looked over to see my nephew Aaron as he sailed up next to me, patting me on the arm. “Oh wait, that’s right. Mom said you’d drop by this week.”

  I nodded.

  “Storm came into port early, so my flight was delayed,” I said, turning my attention back to the girl only to find that she had disappeared from sight. I discreetly looked from side to side, hoping that I would catch a glimpse of her again. I turned back to Aaron, who looked confused and dopey.

  Typical teenage face, I thought.

  “Where’s your sister?”

  Aaron shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t know. She’s around here somewhere,” he said, looking around the room. Aaron and Kristi were twins, and new high school graduates to boot. Aaron was tall, with dark brown hair and a baby face. He wasn’t very bright – his sister had clearly gotten all her mother’s intelligence. He looked down at my suitcase. “Maybe you should put your stuff away? Unless you want to carry it around.”

  I nodded ruefully.

  “Yeah, good idea champ. Let me just get my stuff settled, and I’ll come back down and join you guys.”

  And with that, I turned around, looking once more for the brown-eyed beauty. Who was she? Where had she gone? But first things first. I needed to put my suitcase away into the guest room and then spend more time looking for the brunette again because I was going to find her … even if it took me all night long.

  Chapter Three


  I took a big gulp of cool air as we exited the house into the spacious backyard. When I put my hand to my forehead, my fingers came away damp. I had no idea if I was overheating because of the crowded party or because of the gorgeous man I’d just seen. He was the most exquisite human being I’d observed in real life.

  It was crazy – I didn’t know anything about this guy, and I couldn’t stop thinking about him. What was wrong with me? There was just something in the way that he’d stood with his hands on his hips, looking so smug and cocky. Not to mention the deep black hair and crystal blue eyes that seized my soul with one glance.

  My heart thudded in my chest and I shivered.

  Justine pressed her hand on my shoulder. “Are you sure you aren’t cold? You have goosebumps everywhere.”

  “No, I’m fine. In fact, can we stay outside for a while? I just want to cool down for a bit. It was way too hot in there.”

  Justine smiled, taking the seat in one of the wicker chairs next to the screen door. “Of course.” We were on the back porch. It was overlooking a large backyard, with a massive pool. I had never seen such a big yard to be honest. It seemed that in every direction I looked, there wer more and more acres of lawn and trees, rolling into the horizon.

  I wobbled in my heels as I walked across the deck and stared at the sky. I could hear the humming of the music inside from where I stood and there were a few kids outside making out and some were smoking to the side. But the calm of being outdoors slowed my heart, helping the galloping to stop.

  “This place, it’s so amazing,” I said under my breath and I turned around and looked back at Justine. “I’m so glad that I was able to come.”

  Justine got up from the chair. She tossed her hair before taking the cup from my hand. She peered into it and then back at me. “It looks like you need a refill,” she said importantly. “I’m going to go inside and get you more. I’m glad to be spending the summer with you too,” Justine added before turning on her heel and walking inside.

  I turned back to the scene before me. I was lost in thought when I heard the door open and close. “That was quick,” I called out without turning around, thinking it was Justine that had walked back onto the back porch.

  “Did you wait long for me?” asked a smooth velvet voice.

  I couldn’t help gasping as I turned around. It was the man I’d seen earlier, staring straight at me. Despite the warm temperature, he was still wearing his crisp suit jacket. Those dark blue eyes seized mine, making my temperature skyrocket.

  “You’re beautiful,” the man growled, making me shiver involuntarily. “Really gorgeous, sweetheart.”

  I blushed hotly. My heart was thudding so quickly that I had no idea how to react – how was I just supposed to talk to this god like he was a normal guy? And how many guys really just compliment you out of hand?

  Besides, I’m not used to being flattered. I’m a curvy brunette with major junk in the trunk with no place to go. As a result, my ass is out here and my breasts out to there. Usually, men look right past me, instead of showering me with compliments.

  We stared at each other for a few moments. My heart beat wildly in my chest as I tried to form a string of words.

  “Thank you,” I squeaked after what felt like an eternity.

  He chuckled as he stepped closer. On instinct, I stepped back until I hit the gate behind me. I looked at his face, trying to figure out how old he was. There was wisdom in his blue eyes that I’d never seen before. Maybe it was because he was older

  “Are you afraid of me?” the man asked, mischief playing on his lips.

  “No,” I said, more forcefully than I would have liked.

  He chuckled again, stepping into my orbit, so his face was inches away from mine. “Then why are you running away from me, Princess?”

  I tried to steady my breathing, but it was hard with him standing so close. Part of me almost wanted to push him away, but I couldn’t even think about moving. From where I stood, I could smell his clean, masculine scent. It was making me lightheaded and oddly turned on as well, the female within going loose and hot
in response to the male’s call.

  “I don’t know,” I whispered.

  He ran his hand up my face, cupping my cheek. “What’s your name?”

  “Daniella. But everyone calls me Dani.”

  He extended his thumb, wiping the bottom of my lip. The rough skin of his thumb brushed against me and I shivered, craving more of the sensation.

  “Daniella. Such a pretty name.” He looked into my eyes like he was staring straight into the depths of my soul. I wanted to ask his name and where he had come from, but it was like I had forgotten how to talk. I was already having trouble remembering to breathe. “You’re shivering,” he said, as he extended his arms to run down my shoulders. “Are you cold?”

  I opened my mouth, but no words came out, so I shook my head. He was standing so close, and I shivered again, but not with cold.

  He smiled again, a knowing grin. It was starting to infuriate me.

  “Who are you?” I blurted out, before I could stop myself. I moved my hand to my mouth, already shocked at what I had just said.

  Still smiling, he took a strand of my loose hair and tucked it behind an ear. “I’m Hunter,” he said. “Dani, what are you doing out here, all by yourself?”

  My mind was going a mile a minute, trying to decipher what he was doing here and why he was talking to me. Nothing about me was special. There were many girls inside who were way prettier than me – heck, I could even see a few of them through the glass. No guy had ever paid attention to me at high school. It was like I was invisible. Maybe it was because of how I was dressed – Justine had been right.

  “I just wanted some fresh air,” I said finally, looking away from him to the side. Staring at him for too long was like staring at the sun. He was brilliant and blinding and I couldn’t stand it.

  “Too loud for you back there?” he said as he pointed inside.

  I nodded my head. “It was a bit stuffy. I just wanted to come out and clear my head.” As I stood looking at the rest of the backyard, he stood next to me.

  “It’s all a bit overwhelming,” I said, not really knowing why I said it. Something about him just made me want to tell him all my secrets. “I’m not from around here.”

  “I gathered that, from the way you were looking at everything, like this was the first time you have been in such a big house. Where are you from?”

  Although I wanted to tell him all my secrets, I also knew that from the stylish way he was dressed and the way he carried himself, he was way out of my league in every way possible.

  “Um, Northern California,” I said. “My cousin lives here.” I bit my lip and stole a glance at him, trying to read his face.

  He chuckled. “Well, that’s somewhere, isn’t it? I like Northern California,” he added in a smooth voice that sent a shiver down my spine.

  It was insane – we were having the most mundane conversation I could imagine, and yet it was like the words held a deeper meaning. We were saying something to each other that wasn’t captured in the inane sentences.

  We stood there for a moment, my heartbeat sounding loudly in my ear. “Don’t you want to go back inside?”

  “Nothing interests me inside,” he said, before taking my hand and twirling me around. “When I saw you inside, I only had one thought in my mind.”

  His words made my heart leap into my throat.

  “And what was that?” I asked breathlessly.

  He stared into my eyes. “That I had to know how you taste.”

  Before I could react, his mouth was on mine. Flames engulfed our bodies as his lips pressed against my own. I reached up, stretching my arms around his neck. He nudged my mouth open with his tongue. As the man pulled me closer, kissing me deeply. I felt that I couldn’t get any closer to him. He crushed my body against his and held me securely in strong arms.

  A small whimper of passion escaped my lips.

  My mind was running wild. It shouted at me to pull away, to run away, to grab Justine and go home. The sane part of me wanted to leave the party and forget about this man. But the horny, crazed part of me wanted to stay right where I was.

  I stood in the dark and let the handsome stranger swallow me whole, the darkness descending over my head.

  Chapter Four


  I don’t know what came over me.

  She was just so close and she smelled so good: vanilla and lavender. I wanted to act noble. She was beautiful, and she looked like she deserved more than me mauling her out on my sister’s patio.

  But I couldn’t stop myself. The curvy brunette was insanely gorgeous, and I had to have her.

  When I’d put my luggage in the guest room at my sister’s house, I’d thought about just turning in for the night. After all, I was tired and I knew I had to make some calls in the morning. Earplugs would keep the pounding noise out, and I could ignore the shaking of the walls. But as I sat there, all I could think about was her. I had to know who she was.

  I needed to know her name.

  And before I knew what I was doing, I was walking down the stairs, surveying everyone for a glimpse of my mystery woman. No such luck. It was like she had evaporated into thin air. My eyes scoured every room, and before I knew it, Kristi had appeared, grabbing my arm and dragging me into her mother’s home office.

  “Uncle Hunter, what are you doing?” she hissed, setting her red cup down on the large desk in the back of the room and looking at me like I was crazy. “People keep coming up to me and asking me who you are!”

  “I’m just looking for something. Why?” I asked, crossing my arms. In the back of my head, I could already hear the timer counting down. The longer I was in here with my niece, the less time I had to find my mystery girl.

  “You know it’s my annual first day of summer party! I have a reputation to keep,” she said, smiling. Unlike her brother, who was pretty much a male airhead, Kristi was always thinking about her social status. She was constantly worrying about maintaining her status as queen bee among a bunch of teenage girls.

  And frankly, Kristi’s annual parties had been going on for years now. I hated to admit it, but the first one had actually been my idea. That was probably another reason Kristi and Aaron knew I’d never bust them. After all, the year after my father had given me sole ownership of Maddox Media, I’d spent the summer setting up various meetings to discuss the future of the company while babysitting my sister’s kids.

  One day, Kristi had been lounging by the pool while her brother was doing laps. She was whining about the kids at her school. “No one invites me to parties. How am I supposed to climb the social ladder is no one is going to give me a step up?”

  Because I was sick of listening to her complain and overwhelmed with my new business responsibilities, I’d done something irresponsible.

  “Why don’t you just throw a party? That’s what I would do.”

  I hadn’t thought much of it at the time, but the following night I was shocked to see that the house had been invaded by schoolkids.

  I cornered the twins. “Kristi, this isn’t what I had in mind,” I said sternly.

  “I need this Uncle Hunter. Please?” Kristi had made puppy eyes at me and batted her lashes until I’d agreed.

  And the annual party had been going strong since then. I knew it wasn’t a good idea, but I always pretended to look the other way as Kristi and Aaron lived the life with their friends. At least I could always be the fun uncle.

  But now, I was going to work my mistake to my advantage.

  “Kristi,” I said. “You’re the queen of this place, and I need your help.” As I spoke. I looked around the room. Pictures adorned the walls. Family photos mostly, but there was one of Kristi with a group of friends that caught my eye. One of the girls was familiar, and my stomach lurched to the side when I realized she had been standing with my mystery girl.

  “Sure,” Kristi said lazily. “Happy to help, Uncle Hunter. What is it?”

  “Who is this?”

  Kristi grabbed her re
d cup and walked over to look at the picture on the wall. “Oh, Justine?”

  “Yes, I just saw her downstairs.”

  Kristi’s eyebrow went up in surprise. “She’s one of my good friends. You’ve met her last summer. She’s here with her cousin.”

  “Her cousin?” I inquired.

  Kristi shrugged her shoulders. “Her cousin is down here for the summer. Justine says she’s been pretty sheltered her whole life. You can tell, kinda. The girl just seems really self-conscious.”

  “That’s her,” I said. It had to be her – the gorgeous goddess I’d seen downstairs obviously wasn’t used to big parties like this. She’d stuck out like a sore thumb.

  “Well, whatever, I’m going back downstairs,” Kristi said, her manner disinterested.

  I turned around to follow her out the door. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Kristi laughed. “That isn’t much.” She laughed as she drained the rest of her drink. “Are you okay? You look kinda tired,” she added.

  I needed to get a grip. I didn’t want my niece to know I was lusting after her friend’s young cousin. “Like I said, just a little tired. I think I’m going to go outside to get some fresh air.”

  Kristi pointed towards the kitchen. “Go relax,” she said with surprising sternness for a teenager. “You’ll feel better.”

  Kristi disappeared down the stairs and after a second, I followed.

  I was only going to stay a bit longer. Maybe get some air outside to calm down a bit. Because what the hell was I thinking? Was I really stalking a girl I’d seen for only fifteen seconds? One who was probably underage despite those luscious curves?

  Shit, I deserved to go to jail. But then, I went out on the porch and she was there. My mystery woman.

  She was like an angel bathed in the moonlight. And when I found my voice, I asked her trivial questions. Her voice was melodic. Just from listening to her speak, I thought she was probably a singer.


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