The Fledgling: A Novella (Mind Sweeper Series Book 2)

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The Fledgling: A Novella (Mind Sweeper Series Book 2) Page 5

by AE Jones

  “Jean Luc said something similar to me.”

  Susanna grinned. “Jean Luc is a powerful vampire in his own right. I could feel his strength the moment I opened the door. He is helping you?”


  “And you like him?”

  Talia hesitated.

  “Of course you’re being cautious, but Adam was right earlier. Not all vampires are bad. Has Jean Luc been good to you?”

  “Very much.”

  “Listen to what he has to say. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that he is very good looking and toe-curling sexy.”

  Talia’s mouth dropped open. “It’s a good thing Adam isn’t here.”

  Susanna giggled. “Oh, Adam knows he is my true love. But it doesn’t hurt to look. And he can hear everything I’m saying to you even from the other room. He has ears like a bat…don’t you, dear?”

  * * *

  Adam tilted his head to the side and smiled slightly, as if he found something amusing, before returning his attention to Jean Luc. They were in Adam’s office, which was full of enough antiquities to rival any museum’s prized collections.

  He motioned for Jean Luc to take a seat at the mahogany desk. “Let’s talk about why you’re here.”

  “There is a supernatural killing humans. One of the humans who was killed worked at the gym where you and Susanna are members, and the other was a customer there.”

  “I heard Nicholas recently assigned members of the BSR to work in the city.”

  “I thought you were no longer involved in politics.”

  “That is indeed the case, but it doesn’t mean I keep my head in the sand. Information is power, even more than the sword. You are interrogating the supernatural clients at the gym?”

  “Yes. Had I known you were an ancient…”

  “What would you have done differently? Both Susanna and I could have killed those humans easily.”

  “But you did not.”

  “No, my inclination for bloodlust died a millennia ago. Is there any way I might help you?”

  “You could give me your impressions of the other supernaturals at the gym, and if you feel one of them would be capable of this.”

  “Of course.” Adam picked up a brass compass from his desk and studied it for a moment. “If I remember correctly, you were quite instrumental in the passing of certain laws during the Tribunal.”


  “Many wanted you to run for council, but you vanished.”

  “I was not interested in politics.”

  Adam narrowed his eyes. “I certainly understand. And now you work for Nicholas.”

  Jean Luc shrugged. “I thought it better to serve our people by helping keep our secret. The consequences of exposure are too dire.”

  “So you are a male of action, then. I respect that. Who was your sire?”

  Now they had arrived at the real question. “Pierre LeBlanc.”

  Adam’s fingers tightened around the compass. “You were turned during The Wars.” His eyes tightened on Jean Luc. “Were you forced?”

  “Yes. Pierre needed more soldiers for his army. He was losing, and the other vampires who had supported him fled.”

  “Like rats from a sinking ship. So you are well equipped to teach Talia of our kind.”

  “I believe so, yes. Is this why you wished to speak alone?”

  “I wanted to give Talia the opportunity to spend time with Susanna. Sometimes a female needs the ear of another female to help her heal. Talia will not let you close until she releases her feelings of hurt and betrayal.”

  Jean Luc shook his head. “I would not take advantage of her in such a way.”

  “It is not taking advantage if she wants you as well. Don’t deny your feelings, Jean Luc. I spent too many centuries thinking I was better off isolated from others. When I met Susanna, I realized I had been an idiot. Human or supernatural, we’re not meant to be alone.”

  Chapter 9

  Jean Luc drove toward the gym, and Talia sat in silence, letting her thoughts percolate. She and Susanna had discussed quite a few things during their short time together, and Talia was still trying to process it. But she couldn’t hope to make sense of it all now, especially since she was more concerned about why Jean Luc appeared as contemplative as she did.

  “What did you and Adam talk about?”

  He glanced over at her then just as quickly went back to watching the road. “We spoke of the murders, and I asked for his opinion of who the killer might be.”


  “And he agreed with Misha. The two demons, Cassandra Williams and David Townsend, are the most likely culprits. He said they both behave strangely from time to time, as if they have a secret.”

  Talia shrugged. “Isn’t it true for all of us? We don’t tell humans what we are. We all lead double lives.”

  Jean Luc slowed and pulled to the side of the road. “Yes, we do. But we do not have to hide from other supernaturals. These past five years have been even more difficult for you because you have hidden from us as well. You do not need to do so any longer.”

  She nodded, turning away to blink back the tears. Damn, she wouldn’t cry.

  “Talia, look at me.”

  She swiveled slowly in the seat.

  “I, too, was turned against my will.”

  She sucked in a sharp breath but remained silent, sensing that if she said anything he might not continue. He stared at his hands for a moment, seeming to collect himself. When he met her gaze again, his dark eyes were bleak and almost black with pain.

  “Do you know any vampire history?”

  “Only what you have told me.”

  “Vampires have been around for millennia. For the most part, they have avoided exposure to humans. It is less messy that way. But there was a time when discord amongst the vampire elite sparked a civil war. Fighting was brutal, and humans became collateral damage.” He swallowed hard. “My small village was destroyed.”

  Her chest tightened. “Your family?”

  “My wife and son were killed.”

  Oh, God. “And you?”

  “I was turned. Forced to become a soldier in a vampire army destined for destruction.”

  She wanted to reach for him, to pull him close and comfort him, but she knew her proud vampire did not want that. He was baring his soul only to help her. “How horrible. I’m so sorry.”

  “And I am sorry for what happened to you, but it is in the past, and we both must move forward. Do not let the bastard who turned you control your future.”

  He was right. She had closed herself away from everyone because of what one being had done to her. She had three options: continue to hide, shrivel up and die, or embrace what she was. The choice was obvious. She would hone her skills and learn to protect herself in this new supernatural world. She would be ready and able to face anyone, even the SOB who had turned her. Her newfound confidence took over her mouth, and she blurted, “What happened to the vampire who turned you?”

  Jean Luc gritted his teeth for so long she thought he might not respond.

  His eyes sparked red. “He lost his head on the battlefield.”

  There was much more to his simple statement, but for now, she wouldn’t push him for details.

  * * *

  Jean Luc pulled up to the front of the gym and let Talia out. He watched her walk into the building, her long legs carrying her gracefully.

  She was a good addition to the team. If she wanted to remain in the area after this case, maybe he could convince Nicholas to hire her permanently. Knowing Talia, she would do her own convincing. She was not shy when it came to voicing her opinions. And she knew how to keep Misha in line. Which in itself was an achievement.

  She was getting stronger every day, but she remained guarded, especially about her past. He prayed he had made the right decision in telling her his own history. Maybe it would help her be more willing to discuss her own attack. He blinked away the images of death threatening to surface and concentrate
d on Talia instead.

  She had said very little during his explanation, but if he was not mistaken, her eyes had narrowed with a look of determination. She was beautiful when determined, and when angry, and when contemplative, and…hell, he was truly lost. What did Misha call it? Oh yes, whipped. He was one whipped vampire.

  Chapter 10

  Talia opened the door and greeted Deanna, who again sat behind the front counter. Did this poor girl ever get a day off?

  Deanna smiled. “Hello. I’m glad you stopped by again. I lost the card you gave me with your hotel phone number. I wanted to let you know I talked to the other receptionist, and she doesn’t remember Jensen having any run-ins with our other customers.”

  “Thanks for checking.”

  “Have you found out anything yet?”

  “We have some ideas. Hopefully, we’ll get a break in the case soon. I am actually looking for a friend of mine who just joined the gym.”

  Deanna chuckled. “The only person who joined this week is Michael. Big guy who loves to eat?”

  “That’s him.”

  “I’ve never seen anyone before who is actually eating when they come into the gym. He took off after the exercise class this morning. If I didn’t know better, I would say he has the hots for Cassandra. This place is as wild as a bar sometimes. Sitting behind this desk, I’ve been able to watch some interesting couples meet and break up.” Deanna frowned for a second. “Can you do me a huge favor? Watch the front desk for a minute? I have to run to the restroom.”


  Deanna stood slowly and walked around the high counter. She rested her hands on her large belly and waddled through the door behind the desk. Talia gawked. She wasn’t sure how many more surprises she could take today.

  “Where’s Deanna?”

  Talia turned to the enormous man who had just walked in. He faltered for a second when he looked at her, but covered up his surprise quickly. Energy pulsed from his skin. He was a demon. She pulled her energy in tight and hoped the mask worked. “She’ll be back in a minute. I’m just watching things for her.”

  He scowled and walked to the clipboard on the counter to sign in. Talia glanced at his name, and her suspicions were confirmed. David Townsend.

  The door opened and Deanna trundled back into the room.

  David’s mouth dropped open and his eyes widened in shock. “You’re…”

  “Big as a house. I know. You don’t have to point it out to me.”

  When he continued to stare at her without responding, Deanna rolled her eyes and sat back down behind the counter. “Don’t worry, David. I won’t go into labor here. Today is my last day until after the baby is born.”

  He opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, then changed his mind and rushed through the door to the locker rooms.

  Deanna watched him retreat. “He’s a strange one. He comes in here and exercises for hours—until we close, actually. Simon usually has to kick him out.” She glanced at her watch. “Since it’s Friday, we’re closing at five, thank goodness. I’m so tired, and it seems like I have to pee every ten minutes.”

  Talia tapped the counter. “Thanks for your help and good luck with the baby.” She went out and joined Jean Luc on the sidewalk in front. “We just caught a break. David Townsend is in the building and will be there for the next hour. Misha gave you his address this morning, didn’t he? We can go look around his place.”

  Jean Luc nodded and walked toward their car. “Did you find Misha?”

  “No, he’s not back yet. But Deanna called him Michael. Why would he use a different name?”

  Once they were on the road, he answered. “American humans are not very trusting of Russians. So when Misha has to spend time with them, he becomes Michael.”

  “What about his accent?”

  “He is actually quite good at hiding it. Usually, he uses a southern drawl.”

  Her eyes widened. “You’re kidding me.”

  Jean Luc stopped at a red light. “No. You should ask him about it.”

  “How did you and Misha become partners? I don’t know much about the supernatural world, but I do know demons and vamps don’t usually mix well.”

  “Normally, that is the case. But Nicholas does not tolerate fighting amongst his employees. Misha and I were paired several years ago on a case that required knowledge of both vampires and demons, and we have been working together ever since.”

  “You are so different.”

  “Yes, opposites, really. Misha does not let the world dictate his happiness.”

  “And you do?”

  His gaze locked on her. “Not anymore.”

  She looked away, her body tingling. “The light’s green.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Jean Luc parked in front of David Townsend’s apartment building. The lobby door was propped open with a brick, all the better for their little break-and-enter project.

  They found the correct apartment, and Jean Luc had the door open in less than a minute.

  “Wow, you have to show me how to do that.”

  “Ma cherie, you are already dangerous enough. I am unsure whether teaching you how to break and enter is in the best interest of the population.”

  “Did you just make a joke?”

  He smiled but didn’t answer, instead pushing open the door. They walked into a messy living room. Gym clothes were strewn on the couch and chairs. A weight set took up the space where a dining room table would normally have been.

  Talia investigated down the hallway. The first door led to his bedroom, which was messier than the living room. How many pairs of sweatpants could one demon own? She opened the second door in the hallway and froze.

  “Jean Lu…”

  He was standing beside her before she finished saying his name. He took in the room and his eyebrows rose at the graffiti-strewn wall.

  Talia took a tentative step inside to get a better look. “God, I’ve only ever seen this in movies.” There were pictures of various people at the gym. Several of the faces in the pictures had been highlighted in yellow. One of them was Peter Peters.

  “I think we’ve found our killer.”

  On the table next to the wall was a notebook, which Jean Luc picked up and leafed through. “Most of what he says here makes little sense. He is talking about stopping those humans who have a ‘hand in destiny.’ Something about their glow giving them away.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Jean Luc shrugged. “We all have energy fields, even humans. Maybe David can see certain patterns and perceives them as a threat of some kind. I am no psychologist, but he appears to be delusional.”

  Jean Luc flipped further back in the book. “He talks about Peter Peters. He also mentions the young receptionist.”

  She walked closer. “He talks about Deanna glowing?”

  “Did you not just tell me she is pregnant, Talia?”

  Talia’s nerves jangled. “But he didn’t know that. When he saw her today, he was shocked to see she was pregnant. Today is her last day at work. If he is killing people who are glowing, she could be his next victim.”

  Chapter 11

  The building was dark, although it was only two minutes after five when Jean Luc pulled in front of it. Three cars were still in the parking lot.

  Talia pointed to a sedan. “That’s the car that ran me off the road.”

  Her eyes widened, and her heart sped up, thumping so hard it seemed to beat in his own chest. He studied her for a moment and his protective instincts surged like lava through his body. “Stay here.” He flashed away before she could protest.

  Within seconds, he was around the back of the building in the alley. Next to a dumpster was a door he had seen the night Talia was attacked. He tried the handle, and when it didn’t budge, he exerted a little vampire strength to force the door lock open. He froze for a second at the click the lock made and hoped he had not given himself away to whatever was in the building.

  He opened the door an
d stepped inside. He was in a back storage room with shelves full of towels and bathroom supplies. In the corner were a couple pieces of equipment in obvious need of repair. He slipped across the room to the other door and glanced into the hallway. The sounds of whimpering reached him, but Deanna was nowhere in sight. He flashed down the hall and stopped where it connected with the main exercise area.

  Deanna was cowering in the middle of the room. Townsend stood several feet from her. Even in human form he was large—at least six feet tall and very muscular—and he stalked toward her.

  Deanna stumbled back, clutching her abdomen. “Please let me go.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Why are you doing this?” she sobbed.

  “Because I have to.”

  Jean Luc weighed his options. Should he attack the demon or flash in and grab the girl?

  Before he could move, Townsend lunged, and Deanna screamed. He yanked her against him, her back tight to his chest, then turned his head toward the hallway, his eyes glowing. “Show yourself, vampire, or I’ll kill her.”

  Jean Luc stepped around the corner.

  * * *

  Like hell I’m just going to stay here. Talia marched to the glass front door and angled her head to look inside the building. A body was lying in the alcove between the outer door and inner doors. Talia’s stomach twisted, and she yanked open the door, rushing over to kneel beside the man, whose name tag read “Simon, Assistant Manager.” Blood oozed from a gash on his forehead. Talia concentrated for a moment and was able to detect his heartbeat, although it was faint.

  Was Deanna okay? And where was Jean Luc?

  As if in answer, a woman’s scream ripped through the air. Talia slipped into the front area and crept along the corridor leading to the exercise room. She peeked into the room, spotting Jean Luc, who was on the opposite side. He stood close to Townsend, who was holding Deanna by her arms.

  Jean Luc took a step, and Townsend hissed a warning. Talia could see he was losing control of his demon side. His claws extended, and Deanna cried out as he dug them into her upper arms. The demon scoffed. “You cannot hide from me. I see everything.”


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