Heat Rising: A KinKaid Wolf Pack Story

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Heat Rising: A KinKaid Wolf Pack Story Page 18

by Lee, Jessica

  After placing Evin in front of his mother, another of the assault team positioned Kaleb on the floor beside Rosa.

  “Excellent,” Arick said. “I’m going to make things easier on you Landry, you see.” He waved his pistol between Landry’s mates. “Much less complicated for you, since from what I’ve seen you have some kind of misguided affection for these two.”

  “Misguided?” Landry scoffed. “You have some damn balls to stand there and judge anyone on their actions.”

  “There you go, talking dirty, Landry. Fuck,” he groaned. “I remember the things you could do with my balls.” Arick licked his lips.

  Kaleb growled, his canines flashing.

  “I do think your pet is jealous.” Arick feigned a shiver. “I’m scared.”

  “You should be,” Landry stated matter-of-factly with a lift of an eyebrow. “If it weren’t for the guns on the innocent, Kaleb would kill you with his bare hands before you ever saw him coming.”

  “Please.” Arick rolled his eyes. “Let’s get down to business, shall we?” He faced Rosa, placing the muzzle of his gun directly at her forehead. “So you tell me, lover.” Arick glanced over his shoulder at Landry. “Who do I kill first? Your female?”

  “No!” Evin yelled and lunged from his spot on the floor.

  “Rosa,” Sable cried out, her voice cracking on a sob.

  But Walter’s booted heel knocked the alpha back, and Carl retrained his gun on Evin’s head. The elder female’s whimpers filled the room.

  Arick moved his arm left without missing a beat. “Or your male?”

  Dear God, how could he have fuck up so badly? How could someone love two people so damn much and yet hurt them so terribly in the process? Why couldn’t Arick have just targeted him—kill him? They didn’t deserve this.

  “Me,” Landry groaned. “Put your bullet in me.”

  A laugh born from madness bubbled up from Arick’s throat. “Sorry, lover. You’re not on the list.” He shook his head. “I have plans for us.”

  “Why them, when it’s me you want to hurt?”

  “You’re right.” Arick shrugged. “I do want to hurt you for how you treated me,” he snarled. “But afterward, I think we can get past all that. We were so fucking good together.” His eyelashes lowered as if he’d been transported into a blissful fantasy world. “No one had ever, or has since, gotten me like you do.” He lifted his lashes, his blue eyes glassy. “We can have that again.” He nodded and turned his attention back to Landry’s mates. “But we have a little ugly business to take care of fist.” Arick squared his shoulders. “Now, where do we start, so you and I can move forward?”

  Bile surged up from Landry’s gut, burning a path of anguish through his chest. Inside his fists, Landry’s nails bit into his flesh. He couldn’t allow what the three of them shared to end like this. Kaleb and Rosa would not be the ones to die tonight. That was a fact.

  With his gaze targeted on Arick’s gun, Landry inhaled deep. All he had to accomplish was to get the gun off his mate’s. If Landry were the one to absorb the bullet, so be it. Those who mattered would live.

  Landry flexed his fingers and tightened his hold on his jaw, preparing to make his move.

  A loud pop sounded in the room.

  Rosa screamed.

  A red dot the size of a bull’s-eye bloomed on Arick’s forehead.

  What the fuck?

  The dark-haired shifter tittered on his heels. Then as if a hard gust of wind had snaked through the room, hitting him squarely in the chest, Arick succumbed to gravity.

  “Thank God, I could finally shut him up,” an unfamiliar voice declared behind Landry.

  In a quiet rush, all heads swung toward the newcomer.

  “All hail the Gregorson’s pack new alpha,” Arick’s murderer drawled, grinning. A well-tailored male sauntered further into the room, elbow bent at his side, his pistol up by his ear. The stranger surveyed the room, his hazel gaze taking in each member as if he were a prodigal son waiting for his welcome home.

  As he neared, Landry discerned the male was an inch or two taller than himself with long, dark hair bound at his nape, grey sprinkling his temples. Stopping in front of Landry, the male’s gaze scanned him from bottom to top, then to Landry’s surprise, the other shifter’s smile quirked.

  “Well, aren’t you going to thank me?”

  “For killing Arick?” Landry cocked his head.

  The guy’s eyes widened. “That, and for saving your friends. They must have been special to you—your weakness—since Arick was exploiting them to his benefit.”

  “I would, thank you that is, if you hadn’t stolen my opportunity to take him out myself.”

  Laughter rolled out the stranger. “Ah, spoken like a true Michaels.”

  “Who the hell are you?” How did he know his name? And what stake did this guy have in their war?

  The former alpha slowly stood, as did Kaleb and Evin. “Caine,” Barron said, the single syllable barely audible.

  Someone downshifted the spin of the earth, and time slowed to a snail’s pace. “What did you call him?” Landry cranked his head around toward the former alpha. It couldn’t be…

  “Very good, Barron,” the new shifter stated. “So you do recognize me after all these years.”

  “Landry?” It was Kaleb. “Do you know him?”

  “He’s never seen me before,” Caine answered in Landry’s place. “I know him, though. I’ve kept an eye on him—from a distance, of course. But we haven’t ever been officially introduced. I’m his father, Caine Michaels.”

  Rosa gasped.

  “Shit,” Kaleb cursed, his voice hushed.

  The planet kicked back into full-speed, making Landry’s head swim. His son? The bastard had no right to even utter the word.

  Around them the Gregorson assault team mumbled, their stance uneasy. Landry wasn’t the only one shocked by the news.

  As if he hadn’t noticed the disturbance in the room, Caine continued. “I knew Arick wouldn’t be able to control his desire for you,” he stated, returning to Landry. “After watching and discovering your particular type of…appetites…I knew the perverted little fuck couldn’t resist a commanding dominant like my son.”

  “I’m not your son,” Landry spat, his gut twisting. He had no right. The idea made him want to retch.

  Shrugging, Caine eyed Arick’s corpse. “But apparently I was correct.” He chuckled.

  “You lost the opportunity to claim me as your son when you abandoned me before I was even born.”

  “Abandoned you?” Caine whirled around, glaring at Barron. “Was that the story you told? That I voluntarily walked out on my family and the pack?” The elder KinKaid stood there, stoic, his mouth a grim line.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Landry’s head was about to explode. What is he doing here?

  Caine turned his attention to the matriarch of the KinKaid family. Everyone was on their feet except for Sable, who still sat looking pale and frightened. “How have you been, dear Sable? It’s been a very long time, yes? Yet, the years have been good to you. You’re still as lovely as ever.” As if his words were stones thrown, the female flinched.

  “Don’t you fucking speak to her,” Barron growled, his canines extended.

  “Mother?” Rosa studied Sable, concern gripping her expression. “What’s going on?”

  The bastard calling himself Landry’s father rocked on his heels. “Of course, that’s what you told the pack. Why would I think you would own up to your sin? That you forced me out. Demanded I leave my wife and unborn son behind.”

  “My sin?” Barron shouted. “How dare you stand there like some damn innocent man who’s been persecuted? I found you—saw you with my own eyes—on top of my wife, trying to rape her.”

  “Oh, my God,” Rosa cried out and clamped a hand over her mouth.

  “You were given more mercy than you deserved,” Barron chewed out. “I should have killed you instead of offering you the option to le
ave and never return. But I didn’t want to put Sable through that. She just wanted it to go away. For you to go away.”

  “You…” Landry swallowed hard, his breath coming in short pants. How could this be? “You attacked the alpha’s wife while my mother—your mate—was pregnant with me?”

  “We never wanted you to know, Landry,” the former alpha stated, his expression pained. “We didn’t want you to grow up with the knowledge of what he’d done.”

  Landry growled, his brain going AWOL, and lunged for the man with whom he shared DNA.

  Unfazed, Caine stood there, shaking his head as he cocked his gun and aimed it at Barron. “I wouldn’t if I were you.”

  Landry’s muscles locked down. Fuck.

  “You know I’m not bluffing.” Caine glanced at Evin. Even from where Landry stood, he couldn’t miss the vein throbbing at the male’s temple, the murderous lust in the alpha’s eyes.

  “You’ve been the one behind the scenes all along,” Evin chewed out. “The one fueling Arick’s thirst for power?”

  “It wasn’t difficult. The bastard had been green with envy for years over everything Stefan had and he didn’t. He would have done anything to take his brother down. All his inflated ego needed was a little nudge, and once he’d taken out Stefan, getting him to see the bigger picture—your pack ripe for the taking after the battle. Well, the rest as they say is history.”

  “So making it seem as if I’ve been the one antagonizing the Gregorson pack,” Evin began, “and allowing me to take the fall in the end for Stefan’s death was your brilliant plan?”

  “What?” This time it was Carl who sounded surprised at the new info. “KinKaid hasn’t been terrorizing our pack?”

  “Shut up, Carl,” Caine barked. “Just do your fucking job. You’re not paid to think.”

  “All this,” Carl snarled. “My brother’s capture. All the shifters who have died… This has been about Arick’s greed and your need for revenge?” The arm holding the gun on Evin descended.

  “Back in line!” Caine demanded.

  “Fuck you,” Carl snarled. A low growl coming off the rest of the assault team filled the room.

  Caine’s eyes widened. His canines lengthened, the sharp points dropping below his upper lip. “What are you doing?” He waved his weapon at the Gregorson shifters. “I’m your alpha now! We have the KinKaids right where we want them. This is our time!”

  “This wasn’t our war,” Walter rasped.

  The Gregorson team pounced on their temporary leader.

  On a roar, Caine hit the floor. His gun fired wildly at the ceiling before Landry launched into the sea of arms and legs and twisted the pistol from his father’s grip.

  “That’s enough!” Landry cocked the gun once more, and the battle of fists and blood slowed. “Get him up,” he commanded. The others rolled off the bleeding male. Carl and Walter grabbed Caine by the biceps and yanked him up. Evin weaved through the shifters, joining Landry.

  “You okay?” The alpha cocked his head, assessing him.

  “Yeah.” Landry nodded. “I will be.”

  “You’ve made a huge mistake,” Caine bit out and hissed. “I could have let Arick kill everyone you cared about.” He nodded toward Kaleb and Rosa. “Look at what I did for you. You owe me, son.” Cain turned his head. “Too many years.” He glared at Barron and Sable. “Too many years of planning. Waiting.” He glanced over his shoulder, Caine’s wild gaze meeting Landry’s.

  “Caine…” Landry warned, his pistol still aimed at the dark shifter. “Don’t do it.”

  But his father didn’t listen. He lunged for the former alpha.

  Landry fired, the sound deafening—destroying.

  The shifter dropped.

  For a second, and for what seemed like an eternity, no one moved. The scent of gunpowder invaded Landry’s nostrils, the pungent smell refusing to allow his brain to escape reality. He’d killed his father. The fact churned inside him, stirring the cauldron of emotions boiling at his core.



  Betrayal and relief buzzed by his brain so fast, Landry couldn’t decide which one to grab onto and ride out the storm.

  “Landry?” Rosa whispered.

  “Hey, man.” Kaleb’s fingers wrapped his biceps, the contact a reawakening to what truly mattered.

  He opened his eyes, his gaze landing on the two people who were his reason for breathing.

  “Hey,” Rosa said. “I’m so sorry—”

  Landry yanked her against his chest, burrowing his face in her neck. Rosa didn’t need to finish whatever it was she was going to say. She didn’t need to apologize for anything. He just needed to hold her. With his other arm, Landry snaked Kaleb into his side.

  “Shh,” Landry whispered. “It doesn’t matter. He—Caine doesn’t matter.” His voice cracked. Landry kissed her throat, then moved to Kaleb, planting a hard and fast kiss on the male’s delicious mouth. “I love you. I’m just so sorry it took me this long to get the words out.” He shook his head. “You’re my family. All I’ll ever need.” Landry sealed his mouth over Rosa’s, kissing her, imprinting the feel of her lips, her taste into his brain.

  Rosa pulled back on a gasp, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

  “Never doubt how much you mean to me.” Landry had to make sure they knew. He’d made so many mistakes, and those fuck ups had almost taken his mates from him. Turning to Kaleb, he added, “I would do anything for you. I love you both so damn much it hurts.”

  “I know,” Kaleb said, his voice soft. “Even before you said the words, we knew.” Kaleb reached up, a gentle smile on his face, and cupped Landry’s neck. “You’re ours, and we’re not going anywhere.”


  Six months later

  Rosa moaned.

  God, her males knew how to take her to the edge, then reel her in and make her beg to climb right back out on the cliff.

  Kaleb thrust into her core from behind, the weight of his thigh holding her in place on her side. Such an exquisite position. His thick cock stretched her, stroking buried nerve ending as the head gently bumped the mouth of womb.

  “Yes.” She gasped. “Don’t stop.”

  Reaching around her waist, Kaleb searched and found her swollen clit. “Oh, God,” Rosa cried out. “No fair.”

  “I don’t have a choice,” he growled at her ear. “Landry’s showing me no mercy back here.” Another thrust sank his hard length inside Rosa once more, and he grunted.

  Earlier, Landry had positioned himself behind Kaleb, mounting the male as Kaleb took Rosa. It was their favorite new position, especially since spooning was easier on Rosa in her condition.

  Kaleb circled her aching bundle of nerves, then stroked over the top. Her pussy tightened on his hard length. “Kaleb!” Again and again, he repeated the action, taking her higher. Rosa fisted the pillow under her head. Dear, God, she needed to move. Needed more. “Please,” she cried out, and Kaleb rocked his hips faster.

  “Fuck!” Kaleb added another finger over her clitoris, applying more pressure. Hard pants brushed her neck. “Come for me, angel,” he growled at her ear. “Damn, I’m close.” He grunted. “Come with me.”

  “You ready, baby?” Landry pistoned into Kaleb, taking over the pace, driving Kaleb harder into her channel.

  And Rosa shattered.

  Her core seized on the stiff rod sliding in and out of her pussy. And like a mushroom cloud of ecstasy, pleasure unfurled from her sex. Her body shook with the tide.

  “Angel!” Kaleb stilled, warmth filling her channel. “Fuck!” He groaned. “Landry…”

  Behind them, Landry shouted, rocking into her lover one more time before the bed quieted.

  A few moments of blissful afterglow passed before Landry rose onto his elbow. “Damn. Shouldn’t every meal end with a dessert that delicious?”

  Rosa giggled. “I think that’s a brilliant idea. At least for the next three months while we still have the time to eat.” Kale
b’s shaft slid from her, and he scooted back, allowing her room to roll over. Rosa smoothed her palms over her rounded abdomen, and soft thumps greeted her palms. After making love, the twins always became so active.

  “Quick. Kaleb. Landry.” She glanced over at the males beside her. “You have to feel this.” Landry swung his legs from the mattress and darted around the bed to lie beside her. Together, both her mates draped their palms over her midsection. As if the babes knew their fathers had arrived, the twins kicked.

  Kaleb laughed. “Wow!” He looked up at Landry.

  “Christ,” Landry whispered. “It’s still so hard to believe. I’m going to have a son.”

  “Incredible, isn’t it?” Kaleb grinned. “One is yours, and one is mine.” He glanced up at Rosa. “Has your brother finally recovered from the shock that his sister is not only pregnant but carrying twins?” Kaleb chuckled.

  “I think so.” Rosa couldn’t help but smile at the memory of the stunned look on Evin’s face. “I’m sure that telling him we’re naming one of our sons, Michael Evin has helped.”

  “My father’s chest couldn’t have swelled any larger when I told him we’d agreed to name our other son, Landers Xavier,” Kaleb said.

  “I’m especially fond of that one,” Landry whispered and placed a kiss to Rosa’s forehead. “Thank you.”

  Her heart ached with how tender Landry truly could be when it came to her. Rosa’s vision clouded. “Of course,” she said. “I love you.” She caught the smile on Kaleb’s face. “We love you.”

  “I never dreamed something like this would ever be possible,” Landry said, his voice choked. “Not for me.”

  “Shit. With Rosa, I ran from my feelings for so long,” Kaleb said, “part of me was scared to death of settling down into a conventional relationship and becoming like my mother and father, so concerned with their place in the community. My other half buried what I was feeling for Landry out of fear of what that meant about me. How could I love you both?” He shook his head. “I was so damn confused.”


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