I Know What You're Doing - Part One: She Loves to Watch Me Play

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I Know What You're Doing - Part One: She Loves to Watch Me Play Page 3

by Zane Michaelson

  She turned to face me, tears in her eyes.

  “Hey, what’s up?” I asked. “Have you been crying?”

  “Yeah, but ignore me. I was catching up on Long Lost Family. It always gets me – I don’t know why I even bother to watch it.”

  “Neither do I, ya soppy sod.” I opened my arms. “Come here, silly.”

  She leant into me and sobbed like a child, but after a minute, pulled herself together and wiped her eyes.

  “I’m so stupid,” she said, trying to control her emotions. “Come on, I’m starving – let’s eat.”

  “How are the kids?” I asked, passing Jenna a plate and a carton of Hot and Sour Soup with a spoon.

  “Oh, they’re fast asleep, but were asking for you.”

  “Ah, I’ll go up and see them after I’ve eaten.”

  “No,” she chimed in. “You know you can’t resist waking them, and then I’ll be up to all hours.”

  “Oh, okay. I’ll go into work late tomorrow and spend time with them before nursery – I’ll take them in and give you a break.”

  “How did your meeting go?” she asked.

  “Unproductive really – a total waste of time.”

  Jenna stood up and looked at me, and for a moment, I panicked.

  “I fancy a glass of wine. Do you want one?” she asked.

  “Yeah, go on then, then we can put Game of Thrones on. I’ve been dying to watch this week’s episode.”

  Chapter Six

  I was up bright and early the next morning and left Jenna sleeping in bed.

  She stayed up watching TV for a few hours, but I was shattered and needed to sleep.

  I could hear the twins through the baby monitor and flew out of bed -- they were always up with the lark, so before they could wake Jenna I rushed in to them.

  I opened their bedroom door, and they turned to smile at me. They didn’t have all their teeth through yet, which only made them more adorable.

  I vowed there and then I wouldn’t allow them to get married until they were at least forty.

  I was racked with a feeling of guilt, and dread hung over me like the Grim Reaper waiting to claim my soul.

  How could I have done it to them? I asked myself. To any of them?

  Even through my guilt, a huge part of me was glad it happened. I couldn’t regret it, but I would be foolish to allow it to happen again.

  It would be too easy to fall into that weird fuck buddy relationship we had at Oxford, but if I was single, it would suit me down to the ground.

  I wasn’t single though, I was married with kids, and despite the fact I’d allowed my friend to fuck me all over my office last night, I adored my family more than anything else in the world. Chad didn’t hold a candle to my family.

  Macy looked up at me, her chubby little arms waving excitedly in the air. Her smile melted my heart as I bent down to lift her up from her cot and smothered her in kisses.

  They were my little angels and there was no way I would break my family apart because I couldn’t control my sexual urges.

  Naya was trying to get my attention, so I placed Macy on the floor and scooped Naya up in my arms. I could feel my cheeks aching as I smiled proudly at both of my precious little girls -- I loved their little chubby cheeks.

  They were the lights of my life and I had jeopardised everything.

  Naya giggled as I lifted her high into the air and blew raspberries on her naked tummy.

  I knelt on the ground and placed Naya next to her sister. Then, I lay next to them as they crawled over to me, beaming smiles on their faces.

  I couldn’t risk the happiness of my family for some dirty, sleazy fuck with an old friend, and I’m sure he felt the same way.

  My girls began to get grouchy and I knew they wanted their breakfast so I scooped them both up again and made my way carefully downstairs. They giggled as we bounced down each one.


  “Where did Daddy leave his phone?” I asked my babies, not expecting an answer, but I couldn’t remember if I’d brought it in from the car last night, or not.

  “Da da da,” Macy and Naya shouted in collaboration, whilst banging their hands on their respective high chairs, covered from head to toe in Weetabix. I had to laugh, even if the smell of it made me want to heave.

  I rushed into the sitting room, checking down the sides of the sofa. “Ah, there you are.” I pressed one of the keys, but there was no life in it – the battery must have died overnight. I returned to the kitchen and plugged it into the charger.

  It was wrong, but I wanted to see if there were any messages from Chad.

  We’d agreed nothing questionable would be sent via text in case our wives picked up on anything. Still, anything from him would be good.

  Just then, Jenna walked into the kitchen.

  “Morning, my babies,” she said, bending down and planting kisses on top of their heads. “I see Daddy’s let you make a total mess as usual.”

  She nodded her head at me and winked before leaning in for a kiss.

  “Morning, Babe,” I said. “I thought you deserved a lie in.”

  She laughed. “Have you got a guilty conscience, or something?”

  I’d picked up my coffee and taken a gulp, nearly spraying it across the work surface. “Eh?”

  “I’m kidding with you, Zane.”

  My heart was racing, and I hoped my poker face had been good enough to throw her off the scent.

  “Are you pissed off ‘cos I was late home?” I asked.

  “Don’t be daft,” she replied. “I knew you were gonna be late from your meeting. Besides, since when did we have a marriage without freedom?”

  “Sorry,” I said, changing tack. “I’m just a bit tired is all. I wanted to call the office and tell Simone I’d be in after lunch, but my battery died.”

  “Not like you not to put it on charge when you get in.”

  “I know – I was distracted by the food, Game of Thrones,” I said, “and my beautiful wife, of course.”

  “I was gonna clock you one then – nice save.”

  “Like I would ever forget you.” I couldn’t handle the guilt I was feeling. “Are you okay to take over whilst I pop to the toilet and have a quick shower?”

  “Go for it,” she replied, and as I walked out of the kitchen, she called out, “And you better not ever forget me either.”

  I carried on, but something about the way she spoke sent chills down my spine.

  What if she knew and was playing it cool?

  I’m just paranoid, I told myself. If she knew what I’d done, she’d have cut my balls off by now.

  My wife had a ferocious temper when pushed and I thought if she did suspect anything, there was no way she could, or would, hold her tongue.

  Chapter Seven

  I switched my phone on as soon as I got into my car, and it beeped straight away, telling me I had unread text messages.

  There were four unread messages, all missed call alerts from a withheld number.

  My heart sank.

  I was really hoping to have heard something from Chad, but what if I was reading too much into what happened, and just like last time, he would vanish without a trace.

  I placed the phone in the hands-free docking station and the familiar voice told me it was now connected.

  Jenna had decided to keep the girls home from nursery today, so I didn’t have to take them in. But, I had so much catching up to do in the office, I was glad of the reprieve,

  I reversed my brand new black Audi TT out of the driveway as the phone began to ring. It was still a withheld number but I pressed the answer button on my steering wheel anyway.

  “Hello,” I said, upon answering. “Zane speaking.”

  “You playing hard to get, or something?” the familiar American voice said. I was immediately aroused.

  “Good job I’m in my car alone, or I’d have some explaining to do,” I replied.

  “Shit, man. I’m so sorry. I need to be more careful.”
r />   “Don’t worry. It’s fine – this time. Anyway, to answer your question, I’m playing any game you fancy.” I was flirting like a teenager, and despite how appalled I was with myself, I couldn’t help myself.

  “We still on for Friday night?” He sounded hopeful.

  “Yep, all cleared with the wife. How was yours when you talked to her about it?” I asked.

  “Oh, fine really. As long as she has my credit card she couldn’t care less where I go and when I return home.”

  “Sounds like the ideal marriage.”

  “Not really, but then again, we don’t have kids, so we’re more like roommates, but I don’t have half as much fun rooming with her as I did with you back at Oxford.”

  My cock was throbbing now and I wanted to pull over and stroke it.

  Chad really knew how to get me going.

  “Well, we can re-enact old times on Friday. I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Me too,” he replied. “Do you wanna drive down together, or take separate cars?”

  “I’ll pick you up. No point both of us driving down there.”

  “Okay, well I need to get going, got loads to do. I’ll be more careful with texts and when calling. Don’t wanna cause you any shit. See you Friday.”

  He rang off before I had chance to say goodbye, but he’d always been the same way. Once he had finished what he had to say, that was it. He’d always had little time or patience for small talk. It didn’t faze me at all -- I just couldn’t wait to see him again.

  I couldn’t help it, but I was past the point of no return and needed to get my cock out. I diverted the car and pulled up in a country lane and opened the zip of my trousers.

  I grabbed a towel from my bag and laid it over my knees, although I did have a spare suit in the office, Jenna would question the change.

  My cock was rock hard and throbbing. I needed to cum and took my cock in my hand, starting off with slow strokes before speeding up. I knew I was close to cumming and grabbed the phone from the docking station and clicked the camera on, snapping a picture, just as the first dribbles of cum leaked out of my piss slit.

  I moaned loudly, knowing nobody was around to hear me, then cleaned myself up, which didn’t take too long as I didn’t cum as much as usual. My tank was still running on almost empty after shooting five loads with Chad the night before.

  I attached the pic and pressed send, waiting patiently for Chad’s response, but I got the shock of my life when the phone beeped.

  I’d sent the picture to Jenna instead, and she had just replied.

  “Fuck,” I said out loud as I began to panic.

  I opened the message with shaking hands, expecting the worst, and was surprised to read;

  Mmmm. I want your cock in my pussy tonight.

  It’s been a few weeks since we fucked and I was beginning to worry you didn’t fancy me the way you used to.

  I’d dodged a bullet there.

  I was so close to blowing everything and waited a minute to compose myself and get my nerves back in check.

  I typed out a reply, the guilty feeling creeping upon me again.

  I’ve always fancied you. Always will, and I’m gonna make love to you all night long. I love you so much… Z x

  I was officially the shadiest cunt that ever walked the planet.

  I meant every word I’d said to my wife, but I should be telling her these things every day and not when I’m almost caught out and feel I have to.

  Jenna’s reply made me feel even worse;

  I love you too. You’re my world! Me and the girls are lucky to have you. See you tonight, Baby! J x

  Chapter Eight

  I called Chad as soon as I got into my office.

  He found the near miss with the text amusing and demanded the picture be sent to him too.

  Simone came bustling in with today’s post as he answered, but I soon waved her out. She had ears like a bat, and I couldn’t afford for any scandal to make its way around my work place.

  I knew waving her out was so rude, and I made a note to apologise later, and buy her a very large coffee and her favourite sugared doughnuts from the stand near Picadilly Gardens.

  “Two phone calls in one day,” he said, sounding sexy. “I am honoured. Anybody would think you wanted my monster cock.”

  “Fuck,” I said, immediately horny again. “I was thinking about you, and wondered if you’d swing by Canal Street sometime before Friday?”

  “The Gay Village?” he asked, sounding surprised. “What do you want from there, and why do I have to go?”

  “A lot of guys here are gay and I can’t afford to be seen by any of them, but if you’re too worried, I can order what I want for the next time we meet.”

  “You’re sure of yourself,” he drawled. “Assuming we will have another meet.”

  “You know I’m right,” I answered, a lot cockier than I would usually be.

  “Okay,” he said, “Hit me with it. What do you want from Anal Treet?”

  “Anal Treet?” I asked, confused. “What’s that?”

  “You should be the blond out of the two of us, Zane.” He laughed and I joined in seconds later when I clicked what he meant.

  “Oh yeah. Canal Street – Anal Treet.” I chuckled. “Hang on, how do you know that?” I suddenly felt overcome with jealousy in case he frequented the village.

  “Come on, what is it you want?”

  “There used to be a sex shop in the village a while ago, just by the bus station, but I’m not sure if it’s still there, or not. Jenna went on a hen do and brought me some undies. She said the place was full of all sorts – dildo’s, dirty magazines, and I really want to see you in a cock ring.”

  “Is that all?” he said, laughing. “Why didn’t you just say so? I’ve got no problem wearing one for you. It’ll make my cock swell even fatter and then I’m shoving it up your ass.”

  “Hot,” I whispered.

  “It will be and while I’m there, I think you’d look good with a butt plug.”

  “A what?” I spluttered.

  “Have you been living in a cave for the last ten years?” he said, obviously joking.

  “No, but I’ve never heard of a butt plug.” It dawned on me seconds later. “Now I think on, it doesn’t take a genius to work out what one is.”

  “So, you up for it then? I’ll wear a cock ring for you, and then I get to shove a butt plug up your tight muscular asshole.”

  “Okay, yeah,” I said, unsure, “But remember, my arse hasn’t been touched apart from you, and I quite like it the way it is. Your cock stretches me enough, so no bigger than that, okay.”

  “Affirmative,” he said, “Mission tight arse it is.”

  He sounded weird saying arse, rather than ass, but it was adorable nevertheless.

  “I’ll hold you to that, but I need to go – my assistant is hovering outside my office door, hopping from one foot to the other like she’s gonna shit herself.”

  He laughed. “Right, Prince Charming, I gotta go too,” he said. “I’ll head to Gay Town later with my shopping list. I’ll see what else they have that I’d like to see you in. Speak to you later – bye.”

  He hung up, and actually said bye. That’s progress.

  I was more excited than ever about Friday, but a bit nervous about what he was going to shove inside me. Still, it added to the excitement.

  I spied Simone hovering again and beckoned her into the office.

  We discussed the business that wouldn’t wait and as Simone was leaving the office, I called her back.

  “Here, take my credit card and order a huge bouquet of flowers for Jenna. I want them delivered before dinner time tonight.”

  Simone all but swooned. “Jenna’s so lucky,” she said, before realising she had stepped outside her professionalism.

  “Tell me about it,” I joked, wanting to laugh at how uncomfortable Simone was now.

  I knew she had the hots for me, but I was a one- woman man, and that was how it wo
uld always stay.

  I sat back in my office chair and chuckled to myself.

  Simone’s face flushed and she rushed out of the office.

  Chapter Nine

  The flowers worked a treat.

  I returned home to the dinner cooking and my wife with a smile across her beautiful face.

  Her hair was styled gracefully and her face made up naturally. She looked like a fashion model.

  Long blonde hair and a perfect figure.

  At five feet nine inches, she was taller than the average woman, but also more stunning than any other woman I’d ever seen.

  She’d been born to Swedish parents and had been blessed with brains and beauty, as well as outstanding DNA, but it was her humility and kindness that first attracted me to her.

  Don’t get me wrong, the first time she stood before me naked, I felt like I’d won the jackpot. Her IQ was the last thing on my mind as she lay before me and parted her legs. Her pink lips enticing me in.

  Her perfectly sized breasts fit snugly into my hands, but she wasn’t confident about them in the slightest. But in my mind, more than a handful was a waste. I could spend hours sucking and gently biting them, always managing to bring her to orgasm.

  She’d reminded me of Kylie Minogue when we first met, and quite often, before we married, I’d fantasise I really was fucking Kylie. But, as soon as the ring was on my finger, it was only Jenna I saw.

  I really couldn’t believe she’d said yes, and then a few years later, she gave me the greatest gift I would ever receive – our daughters. Granted, it took two sessions of IVF, and the loss of the first embryos hit us hard, but as soon as I set eyes upon Macy and Naya, I was totally in love with them, and more so with Jenna.

  That’s why I felt so torn in two.

  I was madly in love with Jenna, but I knew it was purely lust with Chad. There had been residual feelings there, but I knew I wasn’t in love with him. I only had room in my heart to love my wife and children, and not even Chad could change that. Still, he had that magnetic pull I found impossible to resist.


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