Ettinger, Maggie, 179
Evergreen Nursery, 81
Exhibitors Herald-World, 185
Factor, Max, 209, 239, 241, 298, 364
Factor, Jr., Max, 296, 298
Factory, The, 323
Fairbanks, Douglas, 88, 90, 96, 119, 129, 133, 137, 141, 144, 150, 163, 191, 361
Fairbanks, Douglas Jr., 188
Falcon Fencing Studio, 188, 338
Fall of a Nation, The, 87
Famous Door, 231
Famous Players Studio, 85. See also Adolph Zukor
Famous Players-Lasky (Lasky Feature Play Company and Paramount Pictures), 85
Fanchon and Marco, 177, 360
Fancies, 147
Fanny Brice, 257. See also Baby Snooks
Farenum, Dustin, 67
Farmer, Francis, 241
Farnsworth, Arthur “Farney”, 275
Farnsworth, Philo T., 287
Farnum, William, 77
Farrar, Geraldine, 77
Faulkner, Ralph, 188, 189, 296, 338
Fawcett Publications, 185
Fedderson, Don, 286, 289, 322
Federal Bureau of Investigation, 381
Federal Trust and Savings Bank, 137
Federal Building, 136, 239, 340
Federal Communication Commission, 246
Federson, Don, 323
Feinstein, Michael, 377
Feinstein’s at the Grill, 377
Feldman, Charles, 190
Feliz, Jose Antonio, 6
Ferndell, 4
Fessier, Michael, 330, 331
Fibber McGee and Molly, 257, 262
Fields, W.C., 139, 188, 229, 241, 272
Filmarte Theatre, 319, 340
Finch, Peter, 329, 361
First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Hollywood, 208, 304, 311, 366, 373
First Methodist Church of Hollywood, 269
First National Bank of Los Angeles, 154, 174
First National Studios, 149
Fitzgerald, Barry, 214
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 235, 238
Flaming Youth, 122
Fleiss, Heidi, 346, 372
Fleming, Rhonda, 271
Floradora, 177
Florentine Gardens (later The Cotton Club), 265, 270, 294, 328
Flynn, Errol, 127, 139, 163, 188, 227, 284
Fog Cutters, 320, 328
Fonda, Bridget, 371
Fonda, Henry, 148, 190, 221
Fonda, Jane, 327
Fontaine, Joan, 148, 310
Forbes Magazine, 373
Ford, John (film director), 95, 151, 282, 283
Ford, John Anson (L.A. County Supervisor), 311, 329
Ford, Mary (Colleen Summers), 286
Ford, Tennessee Ernie, 286
Foreplay (nightclub), 372
Forest Lawn, 67
Forty Deuce, 381
Four Freshmen, 320
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, 96
Fox Broadcasting, 336
Fox Files, 381
Fox Films, 95
Fox Metromedia, 386
Fox Studios (Pico Boulevard), 183
Fox Studios (Sunset/Western), 87, 119, 142, 166, 183
Fox Theater, 339. See also Iris Theater
Fox West Coast Theatres, 136, 174, 177
Fox, Michael, 347
Fox, William, 87, 183
Franciscans, 5
Frank Sinatra Show, The, 274
Frankenstein, 188
Frank’s French Café, 100, 129. See also Musso and Frank’s
Frawley, William, 315
Freberg, Stan, 286
Frederick’s of Hollywood, 296, 320
Frolic Room, The, 231, 282
Frommer, Arthur, 385
Fuller, Buckminster, 317
Fulton, William, 372
Funny Girl, 324
Gable, Clark, 127, 135, 148, 166, 174, 177, 179, 188, 211, 215, 216, 226, 244, 250, 281
Gabrieleño, 3
Galaxy, The, 339, 365
Gang and Copp, 259
Garbo, Greta, 74, 98, 124, 188, 230
Garcetti, Eric, 373, 387
Garden Court Apartments, 99, 124, 144, 170, 173, 186, 211, 302, 327, 334, 335, 339, 372
Garden District, 303
Garden of Allah Hotel, 98, 196, 314
Gardner, Ava, 241
Garfield, John, 274
Garland, Judy, 166, 186, 209, 243, 258, 301
Garson, Greer, 273
Gas Company, 43
Gaslight, 231
Gaynor, Janet, 100, 163, 209, 333
Geffen, David, 361
Gehry, Frank, 331
General Hershey Bar, 331
General Tire and Rubber, 292
Gershwin Hotel (see St. Francis Hotel)
Ghost of Hollywood, The, 195. See also
Greener, Reverand Mrs. Violet
Gianini, Amadeo P., 137, 186, 188
Gibbons, Marion, 334
Gibson, George, 218
Gilbert Books, 341
Gilbert Hotel, 144
Gilbert, John, 95, 96, 99, 107, 124, 147, 180, 183
Gilbert, L. Wolfe, 267
Gilmore Field, 239
Gilmore, Earl, 152
Gilmore, Tom, 382
Girl From Hollywood, The, 98
Gish sisters, 68
Gish, Lillian, 92, 137, 282, 283, 284
Gittelson Brothers, 201–202, 231
Gittelson Building, 202, 313, 327
Gittleson Brothers Miniature Golf Course, 338
Glamorlovelies, 271
Glamour Manor, 286
Glen Holly Hotel, 30, 145
Glendale, 368
Glengary Castle, 59, 64, 65, 77, 90, 153
Glidden house, 34
Glinda of Oz, 93
Glorious Betsy, 159
Glyn, Elinor, 110, 138, 150, 168
Goddard, Paulette, 222
Gogerty, H.I., (architect), 370
Going My Way, 214
Gold Cup Restaurant, 325, 330
Goldberg, Jackie (L.A. City Councilwoman), 349, 354, 356, 358, 360, 361, 363, 366, 367, 370, 371, 373, 377
Golden West Broadcasting, 319, 333
Goldenson, Leonard, 292
Goldstone, Phil, 310
Goldwyn, Francis Howard, 331
Goldwyn, Francis, 139
Goldwyn, Samuel, 67, 77, 132, 137, 139, 163, 188, 227, 248, 284, 303
Goodman, Benny, 257, 258, 260
Goodman, Ezra, 283, 305
Gotham Delicatessen, 124, 261
Gower, G.T., 42, 361
Gower, John, 10, 45
Gower Street, 3, 15
Grable, Betty, 243, 273, 274
Graham, Sheila, 238
Granlund, Nils Thor, 265
Grant Parking, 328, 332
Grant, Cary, 236, 274, 333
Grant, Hugh, 381
Grant, Johnny, 286, 290, 350, 365, 374, 382
Grant, Johnny Building, 364
Grass, J.F., 25, 31, 158
Grauman, Sid, 118, 119, 128, 136, 137, 150, 151, 157, 158, 166, 170, 173, 174, 180, 184, 223, 270, 271, 298
Grayson, Kathryn, 276
Great Caruso, The, 302
Great Gildersleeve, The, 286
Great Lester’s School of Ventriloquism, 296
Great Moment, The, 110
Greco, José, 296
Greek George, 7, 10
Green, Abel, 305
Greenbaum, Harry “Big Greenie”, 236
Greener, Reverend Mrs. Violet, 195. See also The Ghost of Hollywood
Greenwich Village Café, 117, 229. See also Club New Yorker
Greenwood, G.G., 151, 152
Grey, Rudolph, 310
Griffin, Merv, 324, 358
Griffith, Colonel, 16, 28, 29, 36
Griffith, David Wark, 58, 66, 68, 71, 79, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 127, 158, 282-283
Grotto, The, 261
Grove, The, 374, 386
Guaranty Building and Loan As
sociation (AKA
Guaranty Savings and Loan), 105, 174
Guaranty Loan Building, 134, 135, 136, 138, 224, 226, 259
Guedel, John, 285
Gumm Sisters, 186
Gypsy Tea Room, 195
Hahn, Kenneth, L.A. City Councilman and County Supervisor, 282
Haines, Doug, 369
Haines, William, 211, 239
Hair, 321
Hale Brothers, 174
Hale, Alan Jr., 310
Hale, Alan, 176
Haley, Jack, 209, 257
Ham and Eggers Restaurant, 286
Hamburger Hamlet, 325
Hammett, Dashiell, 235, 236
Hancock, G. Allen, 133
Hancock, Henry, 11
Hancock, John, 11
Hangout, The, 264, Hanna, William, 190, 241
Hanna-Barbera Cartoon Studio, 190
Harlow, Jean (Harlean Carpenter), 127, 180, 209
Harman, Hugh, 190
Harman-Ising Cartoon Studio, 190
Harout Hramar Restaurant, 303
Harris, Phil, 26o, 266
Harris, Phil, 370
Hart, William S., 95
Hartel, Daeida. See Wilcox, Daeida
Hartford, Huntington, 284, 303, 313
Hastings Hotel (formerly Regent Hotel), 355, 356
Hawaii Theatre, 234, 289, 298
Hawkes, Howard, 273
Hayakawa, S.I., 77, 87, 153
Hayes, Helen, 303
Haymes, Dick, 276
Hays Office, 130, 161
Hays, William, 113, 130, 158, 186, 284
Hayward, Leland, 188
Hayward, Susan, 333
Hayworth, Rita (Marguerite Cansino), 197, 209, 273, 274
Head, Edith, 82, 315, 335
Hearst, William Randolph, 227, 268
Hearts of the World, 92, 93, 224
Hecht, Ben, 235
Hefner, Hugh, 378
Heinie, Sonja, 234
Hell House, 365
Hellman, Lillian, 235, 236
Hell’s Angels, 181, 221, 238
Hellzapoppin, 234
Hemingway, Ernest, 235
Henry Fonda Theatre, 336, 352, 387. See also
Music Box and Pix Theatre
Henry’s Restaurant, 129
Hepburn, Katherine, 188, 205
Herrick, Margaret, 190
Hershey, Mira, 74, 88, 110, 138, 144, 305
Heywood’s Dry Goods Store, 113
Higby, Mary Jane, 174, 260–261
Highland Avenue, 3, 27, 104
Hilfiger, Tommy, 364
Hillview Apartments, 356, 357, 383
Hirschfield, Al, 231
Hitching Post Theatre (Teleview Theatre), 223, 225, 268, 298
Hoedemaker, Sidney, 166, 261, 309
Hoffman, Dustin, 378
Hody’s, 309, 310, 341
Hogg, Reverand William, 248
Holden, William, 222
Hollywood Radio City, 252
Holiday Inn, 325, 366
Holiday Magazine, 294
Holly Canyon, 24, 120, 182
Holly Theater, 203, 204
Holly Leaves (Inquirer), 60, 73, 78, 90, 100, 102, 132, 152, 185
Holly Springs, 24
Hollyhock House, 269, 352, 382
Hollynar Home Tract, 81, 100
Hollywest, 347, 382
Hollywood American Legion Hall, 124, 226, 282
Hollywood American Legion Stadium, 127, 176, 198–199, 236, 281, 290, 342
Hollywood American Legion, 60, 152, 269, 290, 315
Hollywood and Highland (development), 373, 374, 381, 382
Hollywood and Vine Diner, 382
Hollywood Apartment Hotel, 144
Hollywood Athletic Club, 188, 236, 246, 291
Hollywood Barn Dance, 286
Hollywood Beautification Team (HBT), 372, 376
Hollywood Beverly Christian Church, 134, 340
Hollywood Board of Trade, 73, 92
Hollywood Bonus Army, 186
Hollywood Boulevard & Highland Avenue, 3, 36
Hollywood Boulevard Association, 212, 186
Hollywood Boulevard (movie), 223
Hollywood Boulevard, 11, 23, 43, 54, 96, 103, 124, 134, 156, 166, 172, 212, 223, 238, 247
Hollywood Bowl, 84, 112
Hollywood Branch Library, 331
Hollywood Business and Professional Women’s Club, 111
Hollywood California Hotel, 141
Hollywood Canteen, 273, 274, 275, 276
Hollywood Cash Grocery, 18, 19, 131
Hollywood Casino, 270
Hollywood Cemetery, 144, 311, 361 See also Hollywood Forever)
Hollywood Center Building, 312, 337
Hollywood Center Studios, 102, 300, 360
Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, 361, 365, 369, 372, 387, 103, 119, 120, 130, 141, 151, 298, 323, 324, 329, 332, 341, 364, 365, 368, 381, 382, 387
Hollywood Chess Club, 227
Hollywood Christmas Parade, 278, 374
Hollywood Citizen, 45, 60, 73, 78, 89, 104, 120, 151, 186
Hollywood Citizen-News, 185, 188, 196, 212, 214, 282, 315
Hollywood (city), 40, 49–51, 54
Hollywood City Hall, 45
Hollywood Club, 51
Hollywood Community Advisory Council. See Community Advisory Council
Hollywood Community Chorus, 145, 147
Hollywood Community Orchestra, 145
Hollywood Congregational Church, 342
Hollywood Economic Development Strategic Plan, 366
Hollywood Entertainment District (BID), 365, 372, 376, 383
Hollywood Entertainment Museum, 365, 366, 377, 385–386
Hollywood Fastfood Stage, 330
Hollywood Fault, 3
Hollywood Filmograph, 184
Hollywood Forever, 361. See also Hollywood Cemetery
Hollywood Freeway, 293, 385
Hollywood Fuel & Feed, 80
Hollywood General Studio. See Hollywood Center Studio
Hollywood Guild and Canteen, 270
Hollywood Hall of Fame, 312–313
Hollywood Heights, 367
Hollywood Heritage Museum (Jacob Stern/Jesse Lasky barn), 338, 359
Hollywood Heritage, 334, 338, 356, 359
Hollywood High School, 41, 147, 161, 302, 310, 377
Hollywood Historic Trust, 372
Hollywood Hosiery Mills, 141
Hollywood Hotel (movie), 263
Hollywood Hotel (radio program), 249, 263
Hollywood Hotel, 36, 37, 42, 44, 73–74, 96, 107, 110, 117, 144, 263, 304–305, 311, 372, 306–307
Hollywood Independent, 363, 373, 381
Hollywood Library, 51, 135, 308, 330
Hollywood Little Theatre, 223. See also Las Palmas Theatre
Hollywood Lowdown, 185
Hollywood Loyalty League, 90
Hollywood Magazine, 216, 185
Hollywood Memorial Church, 38, 135
Hollywood Merchantors Association, 311
Hollywood News, 104, 185
Hollywood Officers Training Camp, 90
Hollywood Palace, 319, 324. See also Palace Theater
Hollywood Paramount, 270 See also El Capitan Theater
Hollywood Playhouse (also El Capitan-Vine Street), 147, 148, 223, 257, 270, 271
Hollywood Plaza Hotel, 141, 142, 166, 177, 259, 273, 286
Hollywood Presbyterian Church, 354
Hollywood Prints and Hollywood Art Company, 31, 60, 62
Hollywood Professional Building, 136, 239, 281, 351
Hollywood Professional School, 355
Hollywood Promenade, 336, 366
Hollywood Recreational Center, 233, 267, 285, 295, 324, 358
Hollywood Reporter, 185, 258, 337, 339
Hollywood Reservoir, 182. See also Mulholland Reservoir
Hollywood Rooftop Ballroom, 124, 230, 358, 372
Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, 144, 163, 177, 186, 190, 211, 230, 298, 328
; Hollywood School for Girls, 82–83, 303
Hollywood Shopping News, 212
Hollywood Sign, 186, 288, 350
Hollywood Smoke Shop, 188
Hollywood Star Lanes, 374
Hollywood Stars (baseball team), 239, 262
Hollywood Storage Building, 81, 174
Hollywood Theatre, 69, 204, 282, 339
Hollywood Walk of Fame. See Walk of Fame
Hollywood Water Company, 43
Hollywood Wax Museum, 342, Hollywood Woman’s Club, 49, 60, 73, 83–84, 92, 121, 145, 303, 315
Hollywood Yacht Club, 339
Hollywood YMCA, 269, 360–361
Hollywood, (magazine), 186
Hollywoodland, 120, 138, 147
Hollywoodland Sign (see Hollywood Sign)
Hollywood-Vermont Community Chorus, 145
Hollywood-Western Business Association, 113
Holmb (Arthur Letts estate), 47, 48, 138
Holmby Hills, 138, 168, 227
Home Depot, 360
Home Savings and Loan, 368
Hoover, Frank, 62
Hoover, George, 34, 36, 60, 103, 104, 129, 151, 184
Hope, Bob, 258, 259, 262, 273, 299
Hopper, Hedda, 226, 284
Horsley Studio, 337
Horsley, David, 62, 77, 120
Horton, Edward Everett, 146, 148, 185, 303
Hotel California, 323
Hotel Holding Company, 144
Houdini, Harry, 78, 195
House of Pancakes, 329
House of Wax, 298
House of Westmore, 323
House Party, 300
House Un-American Activities Committee, 223
Howard Johnson’s Restaurant, 325
Howard, Leslie, 189
Howard, Peter (Peter the Hermit), 191, 195
Howard, Ted, 234
Hudson, Rock, 328
Hudson, Thomas, 28, 70, 80
Hughes, Howard, 180, 184, 202, 211, 298, 299, 302
Hullabaloo, 322, 323. See also Earl Carroll, Kaleidoscope and Aquarius
Hunchback of Notre Dame, 127
Hunley Theatre (Century), 108, 109, 325, 340
Hunt, Helen, 378
Huntington Hartford Play Resort and Sports Club and Cottage Center, 284
Huntington Hartford Theatre, 303, 382, 383. See also CBS Radio Playhouse
Huntington, Henry E., 52, 53
Hurd, E.C., 16, 19, 70
Huston, Walter, 272
Huxley, Aldous, 235
I Love Lucy, 272, 301
I Love You Truly, 84. See also Bond, Carrie Jacobs
I. Magnin, 239
Idle Hour, 57, 70. See also Iris Theatre
I’m No Angel, 186
In the Valley of the Cahuengas, 105
Ince Studios, 149
Ince, Thomas, 83, 132, 138
Inner Sanctum, 257
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), 199, 236, 281, 349
Intolerance, 87, 92, 121, 127, 283, 366. See also Mother of the Law, The
Irene, 122, 214. See also Lentz, Irene), Iris Theatre, 57, 70, 93, 223, 225, 302, 339. See also Idle Hour and Fox
Iron Butterfly (rock band), 321
The Story of Hollywood Page 44