The Colony Ship Vanguard: The entire eight book series in one bundle

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The Colony Ship Vanguard: The entire eight book series in one bundle Page 112

by John Thornton

  “They have overthrown tariffs!” a voice cried from somewhere down a side corridor.

  Brinley and Larissa were at the top of the stairs. There was another steel door there. Larissa pulled down the lever and yanked it open. As she did, she looked back and saw the Roe stumble against the bottom of the steps. It was dripping wet on its legs. It was ambiguous on its former gender, with a mane of grimy hair, and dark coat covering it upper body. The glowing eyes were full of orange hatred.

  The steel door opened part way and then jammed. There were some thudding noises and then Larissa slipped through with difficulty. The door slammed shut against Brinley.

  “Larissa! No!” Brinley yelled into the steel door.

  “They have overthrown tariffs!” The Roe hollered from the bottom of the steps. It then placed one leg up and began to climb the steps toward Brinley.

  Brinley pulled on the lever, and pounded on the door. It would not open. “You cannot do this!”

  The Roe stumbled a bit. Its left leg was not bending at the knee and looked to have once been broken and mended incorrectly. Brinley was considering how to fight the Roe in hand to hand combat. Her anger toward Larissa burned fiercely.

  “They have overthrown tariffs!”

  Brinley turned and faced the Roe which was coming up the steps with difficulty due to its lame leg.

  A hand grabbed Brinley and pulled her backward and through the now open doorway. Larissa slammed the door shut very quickly.

  “Sorry about that,” Larissa said.

  Brinley punched at Larissa. “You tried to trap me?”

  Larissa caught Brinley’s fist and avoided the blow. “No.”

  Brinley looked around and there were the remains of a broken yellow automacube. Several of its drive wheels were missing, the others were shredded into useless junk. The machine had a huge dent across its one side, deep scrapes, and a few punctures in its chassis. Stacked against it were several beams of cut metal pipe, copper, as well as a mass of ruined ductwork.

  “Let go of my hand,” Brinley said in anger.

  “Of course,” Larissa let go. “That pile shifted when I first opened the door. I got through so I could move it for us. Had I not moved when I did, we both would have been trapped in that stairway with the Roe.”

  Brinley looked around again. The debris and mess confirmed what Larissa had claimed.

  “Oh… I just thought,” Brinley said in a flustered way.

  “I would have thought the same of you,” Larissa replied. “The gravity conduit is just over there.”

  The room they were in was a real mess. Stacks of two meter long panels leaned against one side, while assorted debris was strewn about. In addition to the broken automacube, fallen crates had burst open, and various machine parts were scattered around. In one corner was a ladder which led upward. The other corner did have the platform of the gravity conduit. It had drapes of material covering one side of it. The glow of energy radiated from the bank of lights along the side of the platform that was visible. There was also a light bar that ran up along the one side of the ladder. The steel door which they had gotten open had graffiti on it that read, ‘Lower down is dead.’

  There came some pounding on the steel door. Brinley propped debris against it to prevent it from swinging open.

  Larissa stepped past the mess and pulled the drapery away from the gravity conduit.

  The gravity conduit was a platform about a meter high with sloped sides with a circular aperture at the top. There were indicator lights running in bands around the platform. Larissa identified the control levers and code entry points, as it was nearly identical to the gravity conduit in the technology center below the town of Orsk. Larissa wondered how long it would be before she could get back to Orsk, but put those thoughts away. She entered her Governor’s access codes. The permalloy on the top of the platform dilated and a cushiony floor was revealed a short distance below that. There were lights illuminating all around the platform. A soft glow was over the cushiony floor.

  “This is TSI-2229RF,” a voice came from a display that lit up in the permalloy wall behind the gravity conduit. “Larissa recognized. Former Governor of D Habitat. Delivery ready. Awaiting your pickup. Do you wish delivery now?”

  “Yes,” Larissa answered.

  “Well, if the weapons and supplies arrive, and they work, we will be better off,” Brinley commented.

  “Audio alert system responding,” TSI-2229RF stated. “Voice recognition confirmed. Subject Brinley.”

  “What?” Brinley said and stepped back a bit.

  Larissa ducked away from the gravity conduit in a different direction. “That is some kind of alarm which you have tripped. Perhaps set by the CPO.”

  A beam of light came from the display on the wall. It raced quickly around the room illuminating both Larissa and Brinley. “Physical scan initiated. Confirmed. Subject: Brinley. Message relay begun,” TSI-2229RF stated.

  A still image of Gretchen appeared on the display. Then her recorded voice came through, “Begin. Brinley, this is Gretchen. Go to a gravity conduit to receive a parcel of Dome 17 gear. End.”

  “Gretchen?” Brinley asked.

  “Parcel delivery scheduled for subject, Brinley,” TSI-2229RF stated. “Delivery will be immediately after the delivery for subject, Larissa.”

  “I am not sure what is happening,” Brinley said.

  “It sounds like we are both getting something at this juncture. That was your friend from Earth, right?” Larissa asked, already knowing the answer.

  Brinley nodded. She wondered about what was happening. “Larissa, if this is a trap, they have given us each specific bait we would follow.”

  “That is a consideration,” Larissa said.

  Lights flashed all around the gravity conduit platform. The opening at the top constricted closed.

  “Incoming shipment,” TSI-2229RF relayed. “Three separate arrivals constitute the entire shipment for Larissa. Please keep all hands away from the receiving area while parcels are delivered.”

  The top of the gravity conduit dilated. A shiny new red automacube was lifted up on the cushion. It hovered there for a moment. The cushion dropped away and the top constricted. The machine dropped a tiny amount as it came to rest on the platform. It spun its drive wheels and rolled down off the platform. It was marked with LS-1 on its side.

  “Part one of three delivered,” TSI-2229RF stated.

  The top of the gravity conduit dilated again. A second shiny new red automacube was lifted up on the cushion. Its manipulation arm was folded down on its top, and its wheels were dull black without spot or blemish. It also hovered there for a moment. The cushion dropped away and the top constricted providing a floor for the automacube. The machine settled onto its drive wheels. It then rolled down off the platform. It was marked with LS-2 on its side.

  “Part two of three delivered,” TSI-2229RF stated.

  The dilation and lifting process happened again, but this time there were two handgun in holsters, six magazines of ammunition, two multiceivers, two packages marked, ‘Personal Defense Gear’ and a box labeled ‘Ten Day Food Allotment’ resting on the platform after the top constricted closed.

  “Part three of three delivered,” TSI-2229RF stated. “Order for Larissa completed. Please take your items.”

  Larissa grabbed the weapons, both of them, and placed them on her belt, along with the ammunition.

  “Larissa?” Brinley asked.

  Larissa looked at her. She then unhooked one of the holstered handguns and handed it to Brinley, along with three magazines of ammunition. “I should have designated which type of weapon to receive. These are probably adequate against the Roe, but will have no effect on those Jellies.”

  “Please remove your items. The next delivery is waiting to be unloaded,” TSI-2229RF stated.

  Brinley and Larissa both removed the other items and pulled on the body armor which only covered the torso. The body armor consisted of taupe colored rectangular
blocks of resistant materials linked into a vest shape.

  “Larissa, it looks like the CPO did provide what they said.”

  “Indeed, but what is coming here for you? That could still be a trap, especially if the CPO arranged it.”

  “But you work for the CPO,” Brinley asked as she tucked the handgun into the holster after she had loaded it.

  “I work for the people of the Wilds. The CPO was a tool to help those people,” Larissa replied.

  The food and defensive gear was unloaded. Larissa took both the multiceivers, and did not offer one to Brinley.

  The lights flashed on the gravity conduit platform.

  “Incoming shipment,” TSI-2229RF announced. “One parcel for Brinley. Please keep all hands away from the receiving area while parcels are delivered.”

  The top of the platform dilated and up on the cushion rose the items Paul and Gretchen had ordered for Brinley. She was shocked when she saw what they were.

  Sitting on the platform were a new communication link, a Dome 17 pistol, a molecular disruptor, a Dome 17 Medical Kit, and a Dome 17 Fusion Pack.

  “Delivery for Brinley completed,” TSI-2229RF stated. “Please take your items.”

  Brinley saw Larissa snatch away the Dome 17 pistol. Brinley grabbed the molecular disruptor.

  They were both pointing the weapons at each other. There were mirror images of determination in the eyes of each one as they looked at the other. Hazel eyes faced the icy blue eyes.

  “I suppose I could order the automacubes to open fire,” Larissa said, but her finger was on the trigger of the pistol designed by Willie. “I am not sure this is powered or loaded.”

  “And I suppose I could discharge the molecular disruptor, but I doubt you would die before issuing a kill order, and I would not escape the automacubes,” Brinley replied.

  “So if we kill each other, what happens to the Jellies?” Larissa asked. “Who will kill them?”

  “Or to those androids who run the CPO?” Brinley countered.

  Larissa flipped the Dome 17 pistol around in her hand and then handed it butt first to Brinley. “It seems our common enemy is again making us work together. You have a way to contact your friends, and I have a way to contact the people in the Wilds.”

  Brinley took her finger off the discharge button on the molecular disruptor. She took the pistol Larissa was offering. “Shall we learn more about what is happening before we turn on each other?”

  “Yes. The more facts we have, the better our chances at success against our enemy.”

  “First, let me show you how this medical kit works. It will make you immune to the Roe,” Brinley commented. She took out the wires from the medical kit and offered them to Larissa.

  “Now, I am to trust you as you connect me to a machine I know little about?” Larissa laughed and attached the wires to her arm.

  “What was it you said to me? I would rather have you as a live enemy of my enemies, than as a dead enemy of mine,” Brinley replied.

  “I agree.”

  “Prepare medications for making Larissa immune to the Roe infection,” Brinley commanded the medical kit.

  The screen lit up and ‘Assessment taking place. Completed. Ingest both tablets.’

  Two yellow round tablets were dispensed from the side of the medical kit.

  Without hesitation Larissa took them and swallowed each, then drank some water. “Now we both are immune to the Roe infection. That does not make us equals,” Larissa said. “Now we are equipped to confront and defeat our enemies.”

  15 striving for Inaccessible island

  “I know where we are,” the Free Ranger said as he stood at the back of the control room slightly to the side of the command chair. “We are not far from a main passageway which leads to the tunnel system under Inaccessible Island.”

  “Remington? Are you certain?” Jodie asked.

  “If Remington says he knows, he knows,” the other Free Ranger replied.

  “Gordon, I do not doubt Remington’s word, I am just concerned about getting somewhere safe,” Jodie said.

  “There is nowhere safe,” Paul lamented. “Did you see what just happened?”

  Gretchen had shut down the display screen. “Paul, we all saw what happened.”

  “Is there any use in going on? Any use at all?” Paul said.

  “We need to get away from here, that is for certain,” Jodie said. “I am just not sure which direction to go. You mentioned Brinley?”

  The artificial intelligence system Tiffany replied, “Yes, I am still tracking a directional vector to the communication link.”

  “Is it the same direction as Inaccessible Island?” Jodie asked.

  “There is not a straight path to Inaccessible Island from here,” Remington stated. “But I can show you the way.”

  “I can check it with the readings as we proceed,” Tiffany stated.

  “How are we set for weapons?” Gretchen asked. “Paul and I are armed, but I imagine there will be Roe between here and Inaccessible Island.”

  Gordon and Remington both indicated they had sidearms. Jodie did not.

  Paul stood and walked over to the door. He said to Remington, “Point me in the right way and let me go first.” He had drawn out the pistol.

  Remington looked to Jodie who nodded.

  “The main corridor is over that direction. When the corridor ends there is a stairway. The passage we need is one level down. It will then lead us to a companionway which we will take to the clear tunnel system that extends under the sea,” the man replied. “Last I heard, Herric’s troopers were storming down the freight elevator. I am not sure if they reached the clear tunnel or not. We may meet the remaining Free Rangers, or Herric’s troopers, or they could still be fighting.”

  Tiffany rolled the automacube around and to the door. “I will also go in the lead. I can use my scanners and equipment to look for any signs of enemies.”

  “Why bother to look out for the enemies? They are only the Roe, and the troopers, and those sphere alien life forms. What are they to us? The worst they can do is kill us,” Paul said sarcastically. He stepped down the corridor.

  The way was in good repair, but the air was musty and stale. The lighting was functioning with overhead fixtures shining down. The walls were a dull off-white color, the floor a dark green.

  The automacube rolled down and caught up to Paul.

  Jodie and Gretchen walked together.

  Remington and Gordon walked near each other and warily watched from side to side as they passed open and shut doors. The rooms and passages beyond the doors were dark, but nothing emerged from any of them. Paul was setting a fast pace, and the Free Rangers thought he was being careless and they did not want to be close to him when a Roe attacked.

  “I can see the stairs up ahead,” Paul yelled. “The stairs are lit with that yellow light that flashes. That always contrasts with the orange eyes of the Roe.”

  “Paul, you are being reckless. Slow down,” Tiffany stated. “We are much safer when in a group and when we move with caution.”

  “Who cares about being safe. There is no safe place,” Paul said overly loud.

  Gordon ran up to him in anger. “You keep your voice down, or you will have an enemy of me right here! The Roe are attracted to noises.”

  Paul looked at the man who was larger and more muscular than he was. “Sorry. I am just so sick of it all.”

  “Paulie? Gretchen? Tiffany? This is Brinley,” the communication link came on and all three heard her call at the same time.

  “Brinley!” Gretchen squealed with glee. “Where are you?”

  “I am deep beneath Inaccessible Island in the corridor systems,” Brinley replied. “I am so glad you escaped from those things. I was afraid they had killed you. I received the gear you sent me.”

  “Brinley, this new communication link provides me with visual as well as audio connections,” Tiffany stated. “I am surprised by the visual images, are you safe?”

  “Oh… well… it is complicated. Tiffany can you devise a route so we can meet?” Brinley asked. She was very hesitant to tell them about Larissa but knew Tiffany had seen Larissa standing behind her speaking on the multiceiver.

  “Brinley? What is the matter?” Paul said. “Are you still a captive of the spheres?”

  “Paulie, I am free from them. They call themselves Jellies,” Brinley replied. “Tiffany, can we find a place to meet?”


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