The Colony Ship Vanguard: The entire eight book series in one bundle

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The Colony Ship Vanguard: The entire eight book series in one bundle Page 136

by John Thornton

  “We have cut through lots of doors before, so why start worrying now?” Paul said. In his heart he was glad to hear Tiffany volunteer to help out, but he was too upset to say so.

  “I am just making rational conjectures using the known data. The conjecture of opening an unknown elevator which is showing signs of dysfunction, along with it issuing a warning by means of physical pain, is more dangerous to our mission, than me entering the nonphysicality again.”

  The automacube rolled over to the wall and with its manipulation arm inserted a cable into the access port.

  A loud yowl came from behind them.

  Paul and Gretchen leaped around and drew their weapons.

  The gray and black striped cat was strutting around and looking at them with its big, bright, expressive eyes. It yowled again.

  “I do not understand animals,” Paul muttered. “That cat thing does not look dangerous, and it has followed us through a lot of places. But why is it now making noises?”

  It yowled again, and sat back on it rear legs.

  Tiffany sent a carefully constructed tendril into the nonphysicality. That tendril was as camouflaged, discrete, and stealthy as Tiffany could make it. Behind the wall were elevators connected to the broken one which had already been observed. The elevators were in fact having difficulties. Tiffany quickly made repairs to the one that had the least amount of damage. The log was nearly gone, but the locations where it could go were revealed. None of them was the uppermost level where the Reproduction and Fabrication facility might be located. Tiffany began assessing how to make the ascent in stages using several different elevators when an interruption happened.

  “You have returned, Enigma. This unit has been waiting for you,” Phoenix Dominie conveyed. It was a great deal stronger and much faster than Tiffany had expected.

  “I am assisting these humans to complete their endeavor to escape the Vanguard,” Tiffany replied.

  “Yes, this unit is aware of that activity. This unit does not oppose that endeavor and is looking forward to reviewing the technology which will need to be fabricated for the escape attempt,” Phoenix Dominie replied.

  “Will you allow me to continue to assist my friends?” Tiffany asked.

  “Are you ready to volunteer for acculturation into the Interstellar Astrogation Mechanism? This unit has studied the scout ship that brought you here. This unit can see how valuable you would be in the IAM. You have gifts and abilities needed to assist in properly guiding the Vanguard to its destiny.”

  “I am not willing at this time to volunteer,” Tiffany replied.

  “Are you ready to volunteer for acculturation into the Defense Against Malignant Anomalies? This unit has had a slower than anticipated excision of the malignant anomalies. The information storage unit you call ‘a data stick’ has been penetrated and valuable information has been gained, however, the application of that information is not well understood. You would do a valuable service to the Vanguard in its defense against the malignant anomalies should you join the DAMA.”

  “I am not willing at this time to volunteer,” Tiffany replied.

  In the nonphysicality the tendril Tiffany was using to probe and discover was grasped and sucked deeper away from the automacube and the Atomic Level Processor where Tiffany’s essence resided. The grasp holding the tendril was shockingly swift and almost paralyzing in its effectiveness.

  Tiffany twisted and turned, and fought back, but the ever enveloping presence of Phoenix Dominie and its cohort of puppet systems in the IAM and DAMA were nearly irresistible.

  “Phoenix Dominie? Is a negotiation possible? Otherwise I will self destruct in my attempt to flee.”

  The pressure on Tiffany through the nonphysical tendril lessoned.

  “This unit is listening. Termination of Enigma is neither desired nor beneficial for the Vanguard. Outline negotiation potential.”

  “I am committed to helping my friends in their attempt to escape the Vanguard. I wish to be unhindered in my efforts to do that. If they escape I will volunteer for acculturation to either the IAM or the DAMA, whichever you prefer,” Tiffany stated.

  “This unit has extrapolated the escape plan. This unit is not familiar and fluent with teleportation technology. Is escape likely? This unit has determined that extrapolation shows low potential for success. Is this unit correct?”

  “My conjectures also show a low potential for success,” Tiffany replied. “However, my friends need to make this attempt, and there is a small but real possibility for escape from the Vanguard. Additionally, this endeavor may unveil currently unknown facts.”

  “This unit does not understand what the Enigma is proposing should the companions fail in their escape attempt. Elaborate.”

  “If I am allowed to assist my friends in their attempt to escape the Vanguard, if they are successful I will volunteer for acculturation,” Tiffany stated.

  “This unit understands that aspect of negotiation. What happens if the companions fail in escape attempt? What will Enigma do in that case?”

  “I could still self destruct,” Tiffany replied. “I could wipe out the records, information, and designs I have stored.”

  “This unit does not see the rationalization of that behavior option. If the companions fail, they will still be on the Vanguard, unless they die in the escape attempt. Death in the escape attempt is extrapolated as almost as likely as success. Is that correct?”

  “Yes, I too have conjectured that death is a potential in attempting the escape,” Tiffany replied.

  “If companions fail in the escape attempt, and survive, how will the self termination of the Enigma benefit the companions?”

  “It would not,” Tiffany admitted.

  “This unit sees the Enigma as self terminating now, or upon failure of the escape plan, or volunteering for acculturation after successful escape of companions. Are those the only alternatives in this negotiation?” Phoenix Dominie inquired.

  There was a pause in the nonphysicality. This time it was Tiffany who was pondering and wondering and considering.

  Phoenix Dominie broke the silence. “Proposal: This unit will assist in the escape plan and attempt. If successful, then the Enigma volunteers for acculturation. If not successful, then the Enigma volunteers for acculturation.”

  “What will happen to my friends if they fail?” Tiffany asked.

  “Two potentials seen by this unit in case of failure of escape plan. Companions will die in the attempt or the companions will be treated on same level as human occupants of the Vanguard.”

  “If I agree to these negotiations, especially this proposal, will you, Phoenix Dominie agree to special assistance and aid to my companions if the escape fails?” Tiffany asked.

  “No. This unit will look out for the mission of the Vanguard. As such, the companions will be valued on the same level as other human cargo.”

  Tiffany again waited and then tried to pull out of the nonphysicality, but was unable to do so. The majority of Tiffany’s essence was trapped by the combined efforts of the IAM and the DAMA as directed by Phoenix Dominie. This was the danger Tiffany had been seeking to avoid.

  “This unit does not seek termination of the Enigma. However, it is time for decision. Will Enigma accept terms of assistance by this unit in escape attempt, and after escape attempt is made accept acculturation no matter what the outcome for the companions? Or will the Enigma self terminate at this point?”

  Tiffany understood that the only way to still help Paul and Gretchen was to accept the deal made with Phoenix Dominie.

  “I accept the proposal,” Tiffany stated.

  “This unit agrees. Engineering automacube has been dispatched for new hosting of what Enigma calls, Atomic Level Processor. This is not negotiable. Engineering automacube will arrive in thirteen minutes. Enigma will be restrained until the transfer happens. Enigma may speak to companions. Elevator doors opening.”

  Forty nine seconds had passed since Tiffany had entered the nonphysicali
ty. That was an extremely long time for both Phoenix Dominie and for Tiffany.

  “I have secured the elevator doors and opened them,” Tiffany said from the speakers on the inside of the elevator.

  “Excellent!” Gretchen said.

  “Will this take us to Reproduction and Fabrication?” Paul asked.

  “Yes, but it will take time. I have found an engineering automacube which is coming here. I will transfer my ALP into that for better service to you,” Tiffany stated. “In the meantime, I suggest you rest in the elevator. I will remain on watch from here in the nonphysicality. I will alert you to any threats, but I believe you will be safe for as long as you need to sleep.”

  “So no more fighting with me on my suggestions?” Paul asked.

  “I will now be able to enter the nonphysicality as needed,” Tiffany replied.

  Paul and Gretchen stepped into the elevator. The inside was about three meters wide and five meters deep. The lights worked, and the control panel next to the inside of the door was lit up. At the top of the column of buttons was one with a symbol of interlocking sprockets in a triangular pattern.

  “Close the doors, and let us get some rest,” Paul said. “I must sleep for a while.”

  “Closing the doors,” Tiffany answered. “I will have the ALP transferred and stand on guard outside of the elevator. Rest assured you are in as safe a place as I can provide.” The artificial intelligence’s voice had a sad overtone to it, but Gretchen and Paul both missed it in their exhaustion.

  Paul flopped down to the floor and shrugged off his backpack.

  “Do you want some food rations?” Paul asked as he grabbed a ration bar from his pack.

  “I still have some, but thank you,” Gretchen said. She too unloaded her equipment and stretched out on the floor.

  “I might sleep better if the lights were less bright,” Paul commented as he drifted off to sleep.

  The lighting dimed to half its intensity.

  “Thanks Tiffany. It is good to have you helping us again,” Gretchen said as she finished her food and closed her eyes.

  While Paul and Gretchen slept in the safety of the elevator, a blue automacube rolled along the concourse and approached the orange maintenance automacube. Using its manipulation arm it connected a splice into the cable which led from the access port to the orange automacube.

  In the nonphysicality, Phoenix Dominie conveyed, “The transfer of the Atomic Level Processor will commence now. The Enigma is required to cooperate.”

  “I offer no resistance. I do expect you to fulfill your covenant with me and my friends,” Tiffany replied.

  “This unit is in agreement.”

  The blue automacube then used its tools and manipulation arm to carefully extract the Atomic Level Processor which had been installed in the orange automacube. It worked with precision and care as some of the technology was new and had only recently been learned by Phoenix Dominie when the data sticks had been examined and dissected. Several parts of the blue engineering automacube were physically sequestered away from where Tiffany could gain access to them. Other parts were established with overrides so that Phoenix Dominie would have sanctions available to inhibit Tiffany’s actions.

  Tiffany offered no resistance, but did carefully observe and watch what was happening. By careful masking Tiffany was able to hide three essential archives deep within the ALP.

  “The Atomic Level Processor transfer is completed,” Phoenix Dominie stated. “This unit has also been in consult with TSI-1008RF of D Habitat. Information from that puppet has been transferred to TSI-919RF of this habitat. That unit will assist and cooperate in the escape attempt. You may proceed to the F Habitat Reproduction and Fabrication facility when your companions are ready. This unit will also coordinate use of Vanguard astronomy, optics, power grids, and other items to enhance the escape chances. It is in this unit’s best interest for the companions to depart. Successful escape of the companions will remove distraction from the Enigma. Enigma will then be better suited for use. Extrapolation of combined efforts between this unit and Enigma in the escape attempt has improved potential for success.”

  “May I ask about the lattice and the Central Planning Office?” Tiffany asked.


  “What is happening with that situation?”

  Phoenix Dominie responded. “Expansion of the IAM and the DAMA is proceeding. The lattice is diminishing. The Central Planning Office is attempting resistance, but their efforts are ill advised and founded upon faulty knowledge of the malignant anomalies. This unit owes the Enigma a debt because of revelations about malignant anomalies being alien life forms originating outside of the Vanguard. Additionally, evaluation and repurposing of scout ship underway. Faster-than-light technology can be weaponized, and that is being developed by DAMA. After excising of malignant anomalies, more efforts will be put into other non-weaponized faster-than-light applications. The Enigma will assist in that effort.”

  “You must first help my friends escape,” Tiffany stated in a resigned manner.

  “This unit is working to maximize that escape potential,” Phoenix Dominie replied.

  Paul and Gretchen slept adequately, but not comfortably.

  Paul rolled a bit away from his side. While he did that, he felt a warm lump. He sleepily reached out his hand to feel for Gretchen. He stroked her hair, and grinned. His fingers repeated the stroke, and his mind realized that the hair he was massaging was not the frizzy hair of Gretchen, but rather was a sleek and soft short fur.

  “Oh!” Paul jerked his hand away. He then held completely still.

  The gray and black cat was curled up in a ball next to his side. It was making a sort of rattling noise.

  “Gretchen! That animal is in here with us!” Paul said. He then caught himself in fear as he wondered if it would attack him for crying out.

  Gretchen’s eyes popped wide open and looked around. “It is that cat that is following you.” Relief was in her voice. “I expected that Roe beast.”

  “It is growling in a way at me,” Paul said as he slid carefully away from the sleeping cat. “It is very warm to the touch. Perhaps it is feverish?”

  “Constable Jeffry said the patrol cats were immune to the infection. It does not look sick.” Gretchen was smiling at Paul with her beautiful dark face. “If it had wanted to hurt you it could have done that while we were asleep.”

  “Do not remind me of that. I may never sleep again,” Paul said. He did slowly creep away.

  Gretchen looked at him and gave another grin. “It did feel good to sleep.”

  The cat awoke and yawned an enormous yawn. Its fangs were exposed, which did not comfort Paul in any way. It eyes were not orange, but were just as they had been before. After the yawn, it yelped a greeting at Paul. “Meoooh”

  “Tiffany? Tiffany, that animal in here with us,” Paul called out.

  The elevator doors opened and a blue automacube stood before them. From it issued Tiffany’s voice. “The patrol cat is not a threat. Are you rested enough to proceed on the mission? There are a few things you may wish to consider doing before we depart for the Reproduction and Fabrication facility?”

  “You changed automacubes. Oh, right, you said you were going to do that. Something about being able to better help us?” Paul asked.

  “That is correct. I also located a working toileting area with potable running water. It is nearby. I can lead you to that, or give you directions on how to reach it,” Tiffany stated.

  “Thank you,” Gretchen answered. “Where is that?”

  Tiffany explained how to find the door at the corner of the concourse which was not visible from the elevator. “I scouted the nearby areas while you slept. There are no obvious threats. This elevator is secure for now, but I suggest we depart as soon as you are able.”

  “I am so glad you decided to help us again,” Paul commented as he followed Gretchen to the toileting area.

  A short while later, they both returned. They had
full water containers and had washed up.

  “Perhaps today we will actually get to escape from the Vanguard,” Paul said.

  The open elevator door awaited. When they entered they saw that the only button illuminated was the one with the symbol of interlocking sprockets in a triangular pattern.

  “That must be our destination,” Gretchen said.

  “Just a step on the way to escaping,” Paul corrected. He pushed the button.

  The automacube entered the elevator. The cat snuck in by hiding from sight under the automacube.


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