Legends Of Thamaturga The Guardian : The Guardian

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Legends Of Thamaturga The Guardian : The Guardian Page 8

by HC MacDonald

  “You will, you are strong. If you do not, know they will be loved and cared for. Your mind needs to be focused on the fight, not them.”

  “What of Sanna, Sasha and the others? What if I can’t protect them.”

  “Then bring them here. Bring anyone unable to fight here. This village, they will be out of your way, out of Nezra’s way.”

  “What will stop him from killing them all himself? He can do what I do. Would it make a difference to move them?”

  “Saving a life always makes a difference. If he should come they will fight him. You must have faith.”

  “Yeah, look where it got me last time.”

  “You shouldn’t let the egos of a council affect you. It’s unfortunate that it happened, but you are better than this. This is why you fight. This is what you have prepared for. Have faith my child. It will make a difference. Now go see your friends and bring them here.”

  He was right, usually was. I needed to see Sanna before the battle began. I knew when the raiders hit the wall, Nezra would know. No longer would I have the element of surprise. I needed to act. I gathered the kids together and said my goodbyes. I hoped it was not my last. I stood in the field watching as they were escorted to the house. Then turned and walked up to Sanna’s front door.

  When the door opened, she stood there in silence. I couldn’t tell if she was happy or mad that I was there. Then all at once, she grabbed me into a hug and pulled me inside.

  “What are you doing here? Where are the kids? What is happening? There is so much turmoil. We are preparing for battle.” I couldn’t get a word in edgewise, but that was normal with Sanna. I was happy to see my friend.

  “I come to take you away. I couldn’t bare you being caught in the crossfire, or worse, killed or imprisoned. Please let me take your family from here.”

  She only hesitated for a moment. “It is time then.”

  “Yes, it is time. Where is Ethan?”

  “He is in at the council chambers. They are strategizing the battle plan.”

  “Get Ethel and pack lightly what you need. Spread the word to anyone who is not in the fight to meet in the ceremony grounds. I will move them out of harms way. If we win this battle, they will be able to return to their homes. If not, it will buy them more time to hide.”

  Sanna shook her head in agreement, grabbed Sasha and ran out the door. I thought of Leon and found myself standing next to him on a platform address the small army they had forged.

  The crowd gasped. Leon turned ready to attack. I held up my hand, causing everyone to be froze in place. I then began to address them.

  “You do not know me, but I know you. You are a proud people. A kind people in need of help. I have watched you.” I could feel Leon’s eyes burrowing a hole in the side of my head, making my body anxious.

  I had never addressed a crowd before. For that manner, never asked anyone for loyalty and help. I kept reminding myself we had a common enemy, that would unite us if only for a while. As Raoul said, I needed faith. “I am here to help you in your fight. I have already given you time to prepare. You have felt the wall protecting you. Some of you have even seen it in action. The raiders will soon be upon it. Once that is so, Nezra will destroy it. Then there is nothing to protect you from his wrath. Your lands, your homes, your families will be destroyed. I ask you now to join me in this fight. To align with me to defend our loved ones. What say you?”

  I released my hold on them, the crowd now calmer. Leon and the council I kept pinned to the ground. No one answered my call. I could feel the tension in the air.

  “We can’t trust her! She is a spy for Nezra.” Someone from the crowd yelled.

  “What can I do to show you that I am on your side?” I asked, frustrated by their lack of faith.

  “Can you guarantee our families safety?” A man asked.

  “I have asked all those wanting to be moved to the western shoreline meet me in the ceremonial grounds. This is far from the battle, the safest place I can offer them. I cannot however guarantee anything. We are either in this together, or alone we fail. We need each other. I can tell you they will be safe for the time being.”

  “How do we know this isn’t a trick?”

  “I can only give you my word. I would offer a few of you to go with them, to ensure it is not a trick. Do I have a volunteer?” I was hoping Ethan would take the bait. So I could keep him safe with his family. I looked over the crowd waiting for anyone to answer.

  “I will go with the group. If it is a trap, I will send word.” Ethan said.

  “I will go also, it will take only a few of us, so we will need two more volunteers.” Thibault said.

  I soon had a third and fourth.

  “Please gather your things and gather those unable to fight. I will be at the ceremonial grounds.”

  I turned to the council now. “Are we in agreement to align and fight this evil that is at your doorstep? When it is done, however it ends, we will leave each other in peace. Are we agreed?”

  Erebos stared me down, it was another member that finally spoke. “Yes, we are agreed.”

  “Who else have you aligned with?” We needed more than this handful of men. I looked at Leon, releasing my hold on them all. He eyed me with suspicion.

  “The southern lands and river pixies are current allies. We have asked others to the west and north to join. They are still a day away.” Leon said through gritted teeth.

  I was sadden, he really hated me. The pain of my broken heart came back full throttle. I thought I was over it, but not enough time had passed.

  “Thank you. We attack tomorrow at light. Please organize the warriors to prepare for the fall of the wall and protect the border.”

  I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I was standing next to Sanna at the ceremonial grounds.

  Ethan, Ethel, and some I had met at the wedding were all huddled together. Thibault walked over to me. “Here’s how it will work. You will take Ethan and Brock first, no one else. They will let us know if it is safe. When we know it is, you can then take those that are waiting. Ethan and Brock will await the arrival of all the others. Myself and Tagger will be last to go. If you are lying, or deceiving us in any way, we will kill you. Understand.”

  “As you wish.” I wanted to smack some sense into them. I knew they were scared. Raoul’s words reminded me to have patience with them. I was trying. Around me were huddled scared groups of people. Some refugees and some wounded.

  I looked at Ethan. “Ready” I asked. He nodded and gave Sanna a quick smile. I then sent them away. I stood patiently awaiting this magic symbol. Knowing they were fine and Raoul was at the other end with Robyn ready to greet them and organize them into living quarters. An hour went by. Then, I heard the faint whistle.

  Thibault came to me then. “It appears you are telling the truth for now. You may send the others.” At that, I looked at Sanna.


  “Ready” she replied and winked.

  I looked at them all. Closing my eyes to focus, sent them on their way. They would arrive in the field outside my home. Raoul and other villagers would be waiting for them. It was now just Thibault and Tagger. I closed my eyes and watched Sanna, Ethel, and Sasha. They would stay in my home. I waited for them to be settled before looking to the last two men. A blink of my eyes, and they were gone. I sat on a chair by the platform, waiting for anyone else to show.

  No one did. Instead I was greeted with a pair of eyes watching me from across the clearing in the shadows of the trees. I knew it was Leon. He had been watching me all morning. When everyone was gone, I walked to the edge of the border. Sat down at the edge of my blue glistening wall. Waiting for the raiders I knew were coming to arrive. Leon followed me the entire way. I could feel him watching me even now. I closed my eyes in an attempt to calm my nerves.

  Chapter 15

  The Wall


  This was the girl. If she wasn’t so wicked and deceitful she would have been a beautif
ul person to look at, but her lies made her ugly in my eyes. Her scent, made me sick. It so sweet and endearing to the scent, making you feel warmth, hope and safe. I felt nauseated thinking of it. I heard the rumors. She would draw you in with kindness, then betray you. It was all a facade. Her look, her scent, her words. All their to trick you. I wasn’t going to fall for her deceit.

  I watched as the others left. Fools. Just because the signal was given, did not mean it wasn’t a trap. All lies. When we were done dealing with this raider situation, I would go find the others and bring them back. She would pay for her deception of them all.

  She just sat there now, staring at the forest beyond. The wall she claimed was hers, was another one of her lies. We all knew there was no invisible wall. No one, not even Nezra could create a wall of protection that spanned the length of the land like she was claiming. I had to watch her tell her lies to my people. Was powerless to do anything. She had muted my tongue, I assumed the council as well. None of us were able to counter her lies. It was fine. If she was indeed with Nezra, she was no threat. We would kill her as we would him. They were one and the same. A simple parlor trick to teleport was no match for our tracking and hunting skills.

  Our allies were already here. Had been for days. When she had asked, I wasn’t about to tell her that. It wasn’t her fight. We had been tracking the movement of this party for some time now. All of us eager as we watched it grow in size. Moving north toward our borders. Her information was nothing new. Anyone could have determined when they would reach us. As for her fight with Nezra, no one had seen him yet. Chances were no one would. Just more lies to push her agenda, whatever that may be.

  Everyone was getting into position. We wanted to be ready when they came. My scouts, checking in with me now on the hour. The advance raider parties were moving faster. They could make it to our border before nightfall if they continued at the speed they were traveling.

  It would be a mistake, getting to us tired. We would have the advantage. My group had arrived. I moved with them prepared to flank our guest to the South. We would be able to circle north and hit the party from behind. Then have plenty of time to regroup for the next wave. My strategy was sound. We were now to wait for the last scout to cross our border, then I would give the signal to attack. I transformed to match my brothers. Never taking my eyes off her.

  It was in the twilight hours of the evening, when the sun is sitting on the horizon that I saw our scout racing toward our land. Behind him a mist rolling after him, as if it would swallow him whole. He ran toward me, howling a warning to run. I watched as trees and shrubbery burst into flames upon the mist touching it. He passed the girl, still sitting in place. I watched in horror expecting her to be consumed in a fire from this mist. Instead I heard the crack of a hammer hitting glass. The mist billowing up as an invisible wall grew before our eyes, sparking with energy as it crawled past the canopy. The impact of the mist showing us the length and magnitude of the wall. It was a spectacular site to see. Stretching as far high and wide as the eye could see. I searched for the scout. He was laying on the ground panting from exhaustion. I looked at this girl, amazed at this trick. She stood up. Her eyes closed.

  That’s when the battering began. I could see arrows and rocks hitting the wall. The mist began to dissipate. I heard the arrows and catapults stop. The raiders were at our door. Pounding and banging their swords and spears. Shots began against the wall, bursting like fireworks. I watched as the girl continued to stand perfectly still, unmoved by this threat. I grabbed my ears at the loud boom that came off the wall and shattering of invisible glass. The first raider ran at the girl. She took off running toward him. I howled our signal to start the fight. Our talismans glowed in activation. With my team, I ran toward the raiders running toward the girl and us. I watched her movements. They were fast as lightning. She ran faster, moving through the crowd of fights, then up into the clouds she ran.

  The fighting began to grow in intensity. Hoards of raiders continued to come. All the while the clouds began to thunder with anger.

  Chapter 16



  I could see them coming. I could see Nezra creating the burning mist. The wall would hold. Not for long, but long enough for me to rid the land of the mist. I concentrated. Looking for the signs and symbols that created it. Taking them apart in my mind. The mist hit the wall, I only need a bit longer and I would have it.

  I had practiced this with Robyn. She would create a potion, and I had to undo it. She was a great teacher. Taught me so many things. She reminded me of my mother. I found the last piece of the puzzle and unraveled it in my mind. The mist began to disperse, no longer a threat to anyone.

  I could her the raiders. I could see them inches away. They would be on the wall soon, know it was there. The first arrived further north. I could see the call go back to Nezra. He began taking my wall apart. It was only a matter of time. I took the distraction as a chance to focus on him. Find him. He had hidden himself. Like all puzzles, I needed to figured him out. I saw the magical signature and followed it. He was above the battle, watching.

  I heard the wall start to crack. I was the only one that could see the great crack that stretched across the land in my blue glistening wall. Then, with an ear smashing sound, I watched it crumble to the ground in tiny peoples. I was ready to attack. Nezra needed to be stopped.

  On cue I ran toward the wastelands. The land around me, burnt and destroyed. I attacked the first raider. A quick bind to his movements and a slit of his throat. He fell to the ground. I didn’t miss a beat in my chase of Nezra. I ran faster. Levitation not my strong suite. I felt, if I could get closer on the ground to him, then it would be easier for me to levitate myself and fight at the same time. I ran through the fights, eliminating Raiders on my path. I began moving into the sky, up to the clouds. I would be the only thing between Nezra’s wrath and the land below. My fear, anxiety, and nerves were getting the better of me. Because here, now, I had no one to turn to.

  I focused on the signature I was following. It drifted behind a cloud. I begged for courage and went, ready to face him.

  He was moving toward the fortress, I could see it below me off in the distance. I threw the first punch. I hit him with a powerful blast of magic, hoping to bind him from his. It didn’t work. He swung on me, anger and surprise. He threw a spell back. We went back and forth, chasing and being chased. Casting and being cast on. Robyn mentioned his curses may not work on me, nor mine on his. I had in fact been branded with protection from my mother. Most likely, he had a similar one, but it would not be as strong if he administered it to himself. This is what I was banking on.

  We battled for hours, going back and forth. Bursts of light filling the skies above the clouds and lighting the night. Then when I thought it couldn’t get worse. There were more than one of him. I was encircled by Nezra. I knew this was possible, but which one to focus on. They were all hitting me with powerful magic. I didn’t know how to do that. I started to let my fear of failure enter my mind. He was more powerful. He was more knowledgeable.

  The words of Raoul entered my mind once more. Have faith child. I needed to have faith in myself. I would take out one at a time I decided. I could handle one. So, I focused all my efforts on one. While moving about in the clouds to avoid and dodging the others. The clouds were dark. The night had come and gone. The new day brought grey storm clouds. I continued evading and attacking. I had rid my self of all but two. Hours it took me to fight. I was feeling tired and weak. I told myself I couldn’t stop now. I threw another hit at the Nezra I was fighting. He disappeared in a mystical grey magical cloud. One left. It had to be him. I tracked him down and we engaged in a long tiresome battle. I was running through the clouds now. Avoiding him, avoiding the lightning the clouds were making. Trying to keep myself levitated. I rounded the billow of a storm cloud. I saw him, back to me. I threw all my energy into one more hit. It landed square in his back. I watched as the mystical cloud formed
and disappeared. I had been tricked. He was no longer in the battle. He had slipped out in all the commotion. I turned to search for him, when I felt the powerful sting of magic rip through my shoulder. My body drained of magic instantly. I began falling to the ground. My mind dipping in and out of consciousness. I knew I would hit the ground. I tried to keep myself coherent and stop myself from falling to my death.

  I landed with a hard thud. I knew I had broken every bone in my body. The pain surged inside me. I looked through the field towards the fortress that faced me. There running to its open doors was Nezra. I gathered every ounce of strength and magic I had left and threw it as hard as I could at him. I watched as the red stream of milky arms raced toward him. It exploded across his back. I saw him fall to his knees then tip over on his side. It was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

  Chapter 17



  The night turned into day, it wasn’t much of one. The clouds dark with rain. The thunder and lightening reverberated through the land. I didn’t know if it was them, or the storm. One blended into the other. If it wasn’t for the flashes of vibrant color I would have thought it just a storm. We fought valiantly Raider after raider, battle after battle. Our allies doing their part, we were pushing them back. Retreat was already being called by the raiders in certain parts of the land. It was just a matter of time, till they all would be gone or dead. It didn’t matter to me which it was.

  The sky was starting to lighten up. The thunder clasps, slowing down in frequency. My team was regrouping to go find another battle to fight. We were winning. Victory was in the air. We were headed to the edge of the wastelands when we all heard the deafening scream that echoed from the sky. I looked up. I saw the girl fall from the sky. We watched till she was no longer in view. Heard a loud thud and the ground shook.


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