ROMANCE: BAD BOY ROMANCE: Love Fight (Bad Boy College Alpha Male Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Romance Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: BAD BOY ROMANCE: Love Fight (Bad Boy College Alpha Male Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Romance Short Stories) Page 29

by Aubrey Moyes

  Next to Bridgette sat Travis. As usual, hatred was radiating from the young man. It was a shame that he was such a loner because Travis was actually a powerful shifter. Their descendants were alpha’s in another community, and it was clear that the bloodline was strong.

  Tension grew as the pack divided. Finally, Micah knew that he would have to step in. He raised his hands for silence, and the effects were immediate. Like a wave, the men and women sat in their chairs and quieted. Micah cleared his throat.

  “I can see that my recent actions have caused turmoil within the pack. I deeply regret that. With any big decision that I make, I do, of course, always wish to include the opinions of the clan. In this situation, if there were time, I would have done the same. Unfortunately, the time was simply not there. I acted on instinct and impulse to save the life of a young lady, and I will stand by those decisions. As pack alpha, I am entitled to turn humans. Obviously, it’s a power that we don’t often extend, but might I remind you that I have broken no rules. And if you believe that I made the wrong decisions, then you have two choices. You may either challenge me, or you may leave.”

  No one, of course, would challenge Micah. Despite what they may think about his actions to save Stacey’s life, no one thought Micah was a bad leader. It was in his blood.

  Still, the pack had questions. Halfway down the table, a hand tentatively went in the air. Micah nodded. “Fontana?”

  The man cleared his throat. “No one is questioning your leadership, Micah. But you have to admit that the action is unusual. No one in this pack has turned a human in fifty years. Most of us are wondering why you chose to turn her. If she’s important to you, then she’ll be important to us.”

  The other leaders nodded their head in agreement. Micah carefully avoided the questioning look from his mother and Bridgette. “I will admit that my acquaintance with the young woman is new, however, I do believe that her attack has more to me with than with herself. These were not humans that targeted her, and I will not have a human die because of me.”

  “Not human?” Bridgette sputtered. “How on earth do you know that?”

  Micah steeled himself as he turned to her. “I can feel the vibrations of the area. Cold. Calculating. And distinctly soulless. I have reason to believe that the vampires carried out this attack.”

  Immediately, the pack began to talk at once. Micah held up his hand. “Silence. I have no reason to believe that this is the work of de’Massier. We have a meeting set up at the end of the week, and I’ll know more then. As of right now, nobody is to assume that this was a personal attack on the clan. And no one is to retaliate. Do you understand?”

  Everyone nodded. “Sir?”

  Micah turned his head to the woman a few seats down on his right. She regarded him curiously. “If you were not with the woman when she was attacked, how did you know about it?”

  He felt the intense stared of Bridgette and his mother. He swallowed hard before he lied. “She called me.”

  Everyone nodded, satisfied with the answer. He dismissed the group and stayed his hand to keep Jackson and Brent from leaving. His mother and Bridgette didn’t move. Micah didn’t mind his mother staying, but he wasn’t quite ready to share his secrets with Bridgette. “Bridgette? I’d like to speak to my men in private.”

  She slid a cold glance at his mother before nodding and leaving. Satisfied that he was alone, he shut the door. Brent and Jackson immediately stood. “What are your orders?”

  “Brent, I want some men stationed outside the doctor’s office. It will take some time for Stacey to wake up, and I want to make sure she’s safe. I doubt a vampire would attack on our territory, but I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

  Brent nodded. “I’m on it. Want me to send some men out to check out the vampire territory?”

  Micah shook his head. “I don’t want this to turn into a war. I’ll know more after the meeting. Jackson, I need you to investigate Stacey’s house further. I didn’t get a chance to look around. See what you can find. Talk to her co-workers, but be discreet. If I can keep the police from getting involved, I’d prefer that.”

  Jackson nodded, and he dismissed them. Finally, he turned to face his mother.

  She studied him carefully. No doubt she was seeing the exhaustion on his face. She patted the seat of the chair next to her, and he sank into it gratefully.

  “I know when you’re lying,” she said softly.

  He closed his eyes. “I felt her dying,” he whispered. “One minute I was getting ready to close up the office, and the next, I felt like someone was stabbing me. My bear kicked in. I don’t think I’ve ever moved in human form so quickly in my entire life. I was almost too late. I had just seconds to make the decision.”

  Lynette Gordon reached over and grabbed his hands. “It’s not for the pack to say whether you made the right decision or not. You do realize that not everyone wants the kind of life that we live.”

  He nodded. When Stacey woke up and realized what Micah had done, she might pray for death.

  “It’s one thing to turn a human,” she said softly. “But it’s something else entirely to mate with someone other than the alpha. That’s a move that I doubt the pack would forgive. Tread carefully.”

  Micah stared at her. “You know?”

  “You felt her die, Micah. Of course she’s yours. There is no other explanation.” She reached up and stroked his cheek. “You’ve been so unhappy these past few months. I just wish you would smile.”

  He grabbed her hand and held it. “This is what I was meant to do. I just have to figure out how to do it my way.”

  Lynette leaned over and kissed him. “I’ll support you no matter what you decide. Your happiness means the world to me.”

  “I barely even know her,” Micah admitted. “But there is something very strong connecting us, and I can’t shake it. I certainly can’t ignore it.”

  She smiled. “The men in this family have always fallen quickly and hard. I have no doubt that what’s meant to be will be.”

  Getting up to leave, she ran a hand through his hair. He heard the door close softly, and he was alone with his thoughts.

  The consequences of his actions weighed heavily on him, but he couldn’t focus on that. Somehow, the vampires knew of his relationship with Stacey. And come hell or high water, he would find out who was responsible.

  Chapter Seven

  Nothing hurt. That was the first thing Stacey noticed as she swam closer to consciousness. Pain coursed through her memories, but now it was gone. She felt better. Stronger. That couldn’t be right.

  Slowly, she opened her eyes. Any pain medication should have made her groggy and hazy, but her vision was sharp. She immediately focused on her surroundings. The room was not one from the hospital. While she recognized the machines in the room, she realized she was only hooked up to the monitor. The familiar beeps on the machine comforted her.

  Micah sat in the chair by her bed. She stared at him. What in the world was he doing here? He met her gaze, and she saw the flash of fear in his eyes. Frowning, she opened her mouth to say something, but he beat her to it.

  “Easy. The doctors thought you’d be out for another day or two. Just relax while I get someone in here.” He reached over the squeeze her hand before bolting out the room.

  She prayed it wasn’t Littleton. Christ, if that man had seen her naked, she’d die.

  A flashback sliced through her memories. Stabbed. Immediately, she lifted her dressed the sheets and fumbled with her dressing gown. Lifting it, she stared at the stiches that ran across her abdomen. Someone must have found her pretty quickly.

  “Ms. Bronson.” She turned her head as a new voice entered the room. A short and jovial man smiled at her as he carried her chart. Micah wasn’t far behind him. “I’m Dr. Gratsky. How are you feeling?”

  “Where am I?”

  He exchanged an uneasy look with Micah. “It’s a private clinic just outside the Swahalla Forest. I’m work directly with Micah and
his pack. I hope you’re okay with that.”

  “I’m alive, so I guess I’m okay with that,” Stacey said with a small smile. “How long have I been here?”

  “Two days.”

  “Two days!” She jolted up in bed. “Why was I unconscious for two days?”

  Again, she watched the two men exchange a look. What the hell was going on? “I need to speak to the police and report the attack,” she said suddenly. “And I need to call the hospital and let them know why I haven’t been at work.”

  “I’ve already taken care of the hospital,” Micah said smoothly. “They think you’re out of town for an unexpected funeral.”

  “And why the hell would they think that?” Stacey demanded.

  “Because that’s what I told them.”

  She clenched her jaw. Why was Micah even here? “Dr. Gratsky, may I speak to you in private?”

  He looked at Micah helplessly, and an uneasy feeling came over her. Micah sat on the edge of the bed. His eyes were pools of desperation. “Stacey,” he said softly. “You almost died.”

  Suddenly, she knew what was happening. “No,” she muttered. Fear and denial both gripped her chest. She tried to slide away from Micah, but there was nowhere to go.

  “I had to make a choice,” he continued. “You just had seconds left. I came as fast as possible. Maybe if I had been faster…” he shook his head.

  She ripped off the sheets and began to examine her body. “Where?”

  “Stacey,” he said softly.

  “Where did you bite me?” she demanded harshly.

  He seemed to shrink in front of her bitter gaze. “The left side of you abdomen,” he said finally.

  She ripped up her gown and frowned. Sure enough, there were fading remnants of a bite mark. The whole world stopped as she stared at it. She could hear the pounding of her heart in her ears, but everything else fell away. What would happen to her now? What would she do?

  “I would like to speak to the doctor in private,” she said softly.

  Micah closed his eyes, but he nodded his head. Whispering something to the doctor’s ears, he walked out and left them alone. “What’s going to happen to me?” she asked.

  “Unfortunately, we’re not sure. Your body accepted the shift gene. If it hadn’t, you wouldn’t be alive right now. But the truth is that no one has bitten a human in decades, so our medical studies are not all that up-to-date. There are three different scenarios. The first is that the body rejects the bite. Nothing happens, and if that were the case, you would not be here. The second is that the body only carries the secondary gene. That means that while you do not change, it’s possible that your offspring do. And finally, your body could completely accept the change.”

  Stacey absorbed the information. “And you don’t know what differentiates between the three alternatives?”

  Dr. Gratsky shook his head sadly. “I’m afraid I don’t. I have a feeling that it helps that Micah carries the alpha gene, but for him to have bitten outside the full moon, it means he would have only partially shifted. It’s possible in the stronger shifters, but it means that the bite might carry less punch. And of course, I have no idea what your body carries. Cross-contamination is widespread today. You could carry any number of different genes whether it be shifter, witch, vampire, or demon.”

  She ran her hand over the bite. It was amazing how one mark could have such influence over her future. “You haven’t run the tests yet?”

  “Micah didn’t want to intrude any more on your privacy. If you’d like, I can take a blood sample, but research into the differences of our kind is still preliminary. I can find common markers and make a hesitant educated guess, but that’s about it.”

  “Don’t,” Stacey said suddenly. “I’m a firm believer that what’s meant to be will be. Am I okay right now?”

  The doctor nodded enthusiastically. “More than okay. I prepared you for a blood transfusion, but your body began to heal itself at a remarkable rate. It wasn’t even necessary. The wound itself is taking a bit longer to heal, but other than that, you are the picture of health.”

  Stacey snorted. Sure. The picture of health. “I get why Micah lied to my coworkers, but I was attacked. Why didn’t he call the police?”

  “The pack takes care of its own. Rest assured, Micah seems to have a vested interest in you, my dear. He’ll take care of the problem himself.”

  Of course he would. It seemed that Micah made quite a few decisions on his own. It was bitter thought, but one that Stacey couldn’t shake.

  Still, she knew that without him, she would be dead. And when she really searched her soul, she knew that she’d rather be a shifter than be dead. So really, she owed him her life.

  Chapter Eight

  The accommodations in the condo were far better than she was used to. Her own house was practically falling apart, but here, she had state of the art appliances, a fireplace, a beautiful patio overlooking the woods, and high-end designer furniture. Never if her life had she imagined that she’d be staying at a place like this. But Micah’s message convinced her that she’d be safer here.

  Stacey, I’ve made arrangements for you to stay within my territory. I have reason to believe that your attack was because of me.

  Why would any of his enemies attack her? It wasn’t like she meant anything to him.

  With the exception of the message, Micah hadn’t communicated with her again. She’d stayed under Dr. Gratsky’s care for another day, and a few hours ago, two men escorted her to her new home. Her head was still swimming with thoughts.

  But most of all, she remembered seeing the pain on Micah’s face when she’d sent him away. Somehow, she needed to tell him that it was okay. She needed to know that he wasn’t feeling guilty on her behalf.

  There were clothes in the closet. As she shuffled through them, she realized they were all her size. She’d been wearing her scrubs when she’d been attacked, and the client had some sweats for her leave the clinic in.

  She pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She nearly laughed out loud when she realized the shirt had Bite Me scrawled out in white lettering.

  If she could laugh about it, that was a good sign.

  Pacing nervously, she finally opened the door and stepped out into the hall. No one jumped out at her and screamed for her to go back inside, so she bolted down the hall and hit the elevator button. She was restless, and she wanted to find Micah.

  An older woman was already in the elevator when the doors opened. She was attractive with silver hair and a gentle smile. Stacey nodded nervously as she stepped in. Glancing at the buttons, she realized the woman should have been getting off on this floor. Hastily, she punched the doors open button. “Is this your floor?”

  The woman looked her up and down. “It was,” she said softly.

  “But now it’s not,” she asked slowly. Suddenly, it dawned on her. “Oh. You were looking for me.”

  “I was.” The woman stuck out her hand. “Lynette Gordon.”

  “Gordon as in Micah Gordon?” Stacey asked nervously.

  “He’s my son.”

  Stacey nodded and racked her brain for something to say. Awesome job raising an alpha bear? I’m sorry your son bit me? I’d really like to spend all night in your son’s bed?

  Nope. None of those things sounded appropriate. Luckily, Lynette broke the silence first. “You must be feeling brave if you’re leaving your apartment so quickly.”

  “It’s more like a hotel room,” Stacey said hastily. “I’m sure I’ll go home once Micah has this all figured out. But I’m a little restless. And hungry. There’s no food in the condo. And now I realize that I don’t have my wallet on me. So that’s also going to be a problem.” Stacey frowned. She was babbling.

  “I’ll treat you to dinner,” Lynette said with a smile. “I’d like to get to know you more, and the pack is curious about you. I’m sure they’d love to meet you.”

  She wanted to reject the woman’s offer, but her stomach picked th
e inopportune time to rumble. She smiled. “I’ll pay you back.”

  Lynette nodded. “I have no doubt that you will,” she said mysteriously. “The diner is actually just down the street. Are you okay to walk that far?”

  Stacey nodded. She felt better than okay. She felt like she could run a marathon. Lynette chatted amicably as she pointed out the different buildings they passed. Stacey listened half-heartedly. There were clearly questions simmering below the woman’s friendly façade, but she, for whatever reason, chose not to ask them.

  All eyes were on her when they entered the diner. Most of them were curious, but she felt waves of hostility coming from a couple of the patrons. Lynette led them to a booth, and Stacey slid in and immediately held a menu up to her face. “Everyone is staring,” she moaned.

  “You’re all anyone can talk about, my dear. I’m sure the doctor told you that it has been some time since a bear shifter has bitten a human. You’re a bit of a celebrity around here.”

  “But I’m nothing special,” Stacey muttered. “I just happened to die at the right time.”

  Lynette laughed softly. “Oh, my dear. You’re more special that you can even imagine.”

  “Why would you say that? You don’t know even know me.”

  “Everything Micah does is deliberate. If he saved you, it’s because you’re special to him. And everyone knows that.”

  Nervously, Stacey tucked her hair behind her ears. “We just went on one date. That’s all.”

  “It’s more than that. But I think you already know that. Excuse me. I’m going to go wash my hands. Look over the menu,” Lynette ordered as she slid out of the booth.

  No sooner had Lynette left than a beautiful blonde slid into her place. Stacey blinked when she felt the waves of hostility. This woman hated her. “Stay away from Micah,” she hissed.

  Stacey blinked. “I’m sorry. Do I know you?”


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