Alphas Gone Wild

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Alphas Gone Wild Page 25

by Unknown

“Sure!” She was plucking pieces of hot garlic bread from a cookie sheet and tossing them into a towel-lined basket, blowing on her fingers between each one.

  I opened a drawer and pulled out a spatula. “Here.” I slipped the utensil under the rest of the bread and up-ended it into the basket.

  “Thanks.” God, that smile. It reminded me once again why I put up with the fifteen cats, the menacing spectre of her ex-boyfriend and Katie’s endless bouts of frigidness. I just couldn’t help smiling back at her, even though it felt goofy to be standing there in our kitchen just smiling at each other. “You’re sweet, you know that?”

  I shrugged, looking down to see what was rubbing against my feet, and Katie moved around me to grab the plates. It was the huge orange cat, fatter than any television Morris or Garfield. He always muscled out the rest of them at dinner time. I opened the drawer back up that I’d just closed and grabbed two forks.

  Katie retrieved our drinks from the living room, shooing two cats out of the way as she went who were trying to make figure-8’s around her ankles. I got napkins from the counter and put the basket of garlic bread on the table.

  “Wow!” My eyes widened, my mouth already watering as she pulled the lasagna out of the oven. “You went all out, baby! That’s not even Stouffer’s!”

  She laughed, using the spatula to cut a huge corner chunk and plopping it on my plate. The fat orange cat was sitting at my feet, looking up at me and blinking like he was bored, but his tail swished and his gaze was on my plate. The lasagna was too hot to eat so I munched on garlic bread while I watched Katie serve herself about half my portion.

  “So how was work?” I asked, although most of the time I didn’t. Katie was majoring in veterinary medicine and her internship often involved disgusting medical procedures she liked to discuss in gory detail.

  “You don’t want to talk about that.” She smiled, tucking her foot under her as she sat. I looked at the pink instep and found myself wanting to kiss it.

  “How did you guess?” I grinned, watching a grey cat appear from around the corner and jump up into her lap. She adjusted as it settled in.

  “How was the after-party last night?” She blew on a piece of lasagna hanging off her fork. Her mouth made a little ‘o’ when she did that and it enthralled me.

  “Not bad. Wish you could have stayed.” I took another bite of garlic bread and followed it with a swig of soda. Katie had begged off, complaining of a headache. “But Theo was all depressed and being kind of a dick to everyone. You know how bitchy he can get.”

  “What do you expect?” She tested the pasta with her lips and found it cool enough to slide into her mouth. “I think you may be the only one in the entire performance who isn’t gay.”

  “Just because I sing opera doesn’t mean I’m gay.” I tried out my lasagna. It was still way too hot. I knew I was flushing. I could feel the heat creeping up my neck. “Quit teasing me, Katie.”

  “I like teasing you.” She reached for her glass of wine, smiling. She knew I was sensitive about it. Singing opera didn’t exactly make me a chick magnet—quite the opposite, since girls seemed to find it about as masculine as a guy sporting a tutu.

  “Besides, I know it’s not true.” She licked a bead of wine from her lip. “Believe me, I know. I’ve always thought it was sexy. Italian, German, French… you sing in all the romance languages.”

  She knew just how to twist me around her little finger. “You know, most opera singers don’t know the languages they sing in. They just learn the words… but you do.”

  She smiled at me with those dark blue eyes. The cat in her lap had nearly identical ones, and they were both staring at me, blinking. “Fluent in seven languages and conversational in twelve.”

  “Almost as many languages as we have cats,” I joked. “You really find that sexy?”

  “Uh-huh.” She shooed the cat off her lap and I blinked in disbelief as she crawled across the kitchen floor, nuzzling my crotch under the table.

  “Katie?” I said her name as if to check—who was this girl and what had she done with my girlfriend? The one who had to have sex in the dark with most of her clothes still on, the one who barely made a sound, even when I knew she was having an orgasm? Who was this Katie?

  “Mmmm, I think it’s time for that hero’s blowjob,” she murmured, working on the zipper of my jeans.

  I stared at her, wondering if it was the wine gone to her head. I didn’t want to even entertain that it might have been the visit from the ex that had precipitated her change of sexual mood. It had to be the wine.

  “Oh god, Katie.” I moaned and she sucked and we forgot all about dinner and school and Malcolm’s unwelcome interruption. We forgot about everything but each other for a long, delicious while, and I decided that night, with Katie asleep in my arms, that I didn’t care if it would make her an alcoholic, I was going to make sure she had alcohol in her system as often as I could!

  * * * *

  I was lying on the sofa, balancing a bowl of Trix cereal on my chest. Deciding I was mostly done, I let one of the cat drinks out of the bowl. He lapped around the little fruity circles, his tongue soaking up the sweetened milk.

  “That’s not good for them.” Katie didn’t even look at me from her perch in the chair. She was peering out the window. Since the surprise kitchen-table blowjob, things had been cooler than ever. I didn’t get it. I’d tried everything—including lots more alcohol, which just ended up with me holding her hair while she puked in the bathroom—but she went back to the quiet, frigid Katie I’d come to know. And after getting a taste of sexy-Katie, going backwards was particularly painful.

  “He likes it.” I tipped the bowl so he could get more. He sneezed when some milk got up his nose.

  She snorted, tilting her head as she watched a bird move skyward. “Just because we like something, doesn’t mean it’s good for us.”

  “Tell me about it.” I pushed the cat off my stomach and sat up, setting the bowl on the end table. “The new director is a complete fuck-up. He emails line changes every night we’re supposed to learn the same day. I swear he sent me that virus. Hey, did you pick up my laptop from the computer shop?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot,” she murmured, absent-minded. She’d forgotten a lot of things lately.

  “I’ll get it before rehearsal tomorrow.” I just shrugged. “Anyway, he wants me to sing baritone, and he refuses to put Anne in the lead. Although, I don’t know why she’d want to dress up as a cat anyway.”

  “A cat?” Katie’s nose wrinkled and she did look at me then. She was sprawled across the chair by the window on her belly, her hands draped over the edge so she could look outside. Fall had finally come, and we’d been blessed with some cooler weather.

  “The English Cat.” I snorted. “That’s our next production. He wanted us to do The Fairy Queen—nude. Like a Midsummer Night’s Dream version of Hair. The dean shot that down in a hurry. Now we’re stuck with this—what are you doing?”

  Katie had rolled over and was leaning her head back over the arm and batting at the white filmy curtains. “Nothing,” she said, not stopping.

  “I almost didn’t get the lead either,” I said, noticing how her sweater rode up when she was arched backwards like that, showing her navel. God, I missed summer, just for the sight of her tank tees. “New director nearly gave it to a freshman, and I found out later, it’s his cousin. Holy nepotism, Batman.”

  I noticed that the cat had settled back in front of my bowl of cereal milk and was lapping away. The white cat, Sassy, was sitting below Katie’s chair and batting at her long dark hair hanging off the side.

  “But you got the lead right?”

  “Yeah,” I grumbled, leaning back on the sofa. “But this freshman kid is the new bane of my existence. Now he stalks me all over campus. I think he’s the one who’s been going all Hannibal on me and leaving dead animals in my car.”

  Katie looked over at me, eyes wide. “You’re kidding?”

e.” I watched her stand up, taking the bowl of milk away from the cat and shooing him off the table. I smiled, noticing that she was wearing the necklace I’d made for her out of the cat statue I took from Theo. I’d had a friend drill a small hole through the ears and had strung it on a soft leather tie. “I’m just so glad it’s my last year.”

  “Then what?” She walked the bowl toward the kitchen.

  “Sing or teach singing, I guess.” I put my feet up on the arm of the sofa so I could watch her. “Nothing else I’m qualified to do.”

  “I’m thinking about changing my major.” She was standing at the sink, her back to me.

  “What?” I sat up, stepping on Sassy’s tail as I stood. She hissed and bolted down the hallway. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “Not kidding,” she replied. “I quit my job last week.”

  “Why?” I leaned against the doorway, staring at her back.

  “The dogs.” She turned toward me, still holding the bowl of milk.

  “The—dogs?” I shook my head at her and we both jumped at a crashing sound from down the hall.

  “Damn cat,” I said. “I’ll get it.”

  I went to investigate, finding Sassy sitting on the bathroom counter, her tail swishing as she looked down over the edge—there was water everywhere.

  “Stupid animal,” I muttered, heading back toward the kitchen for a broom. I turned the corner to the kitchen doorway. “Sassy knocked a glass off the—”

  Katie was on her hands and knees on the kitchen table with my cereal bowl in front of her. Her eyes were closed, and I stood, transfixed, watching her tongue dipping into the bowl and then pulling back into her mouth as she lapped at the milk. I’d seen enough cats drinking to know what it looked like.

  “Katie?” I whispered, still not quite believing what I was seeing. Her bottom was way up in the air, waving a little, and her hands were flat on the table as she leaned in to the bowl. When her eyes opened and she looked up at me, they were a huge, luminescent green and I noticed she had milk dribbling off her chin.

  The pounding at the door made us both jump. Katie leapt off the table, eyes wide.

  “Yeah?” I opened the door, still too stunned by Katie’s behavior to react. It was Malcolm. He didn’t say anything to me. It was like I wasn’t even there. Katie was standing in the doorway to the kitchen as he just barged in, stalking over to her.

  “Where’s my stuff?” He leaned his hand above her head against the door frame. “I need my stuff, Katie!”

  “I can’t find it.” Katie’s voice was small, and her hand was at her throat, fingering the cat statue there like it could protect her.

  “Dude, I suggest you get the hell out of my house, before I call the cops.” It took everything I had to stay still and not make a move on the guy, no matter how big he was.

  “Fuck you, Debbie Boone.” Malcolm snarled in my direction.

  “Get out.” I opened the front door.

  He laughed, looking back at Katie, and then stopped. When he turned back to me, his eyes were dark. “Listen, fairy boy,” he said, stepping toward me. I didn’t move back an inch. “You don’t tell me what to do.”

  “This is my house. Get out of it.”

  He snarled at me, and pushed me hard in the middle of the chest, slamming me against the door as he went out.

  “This isn’t over! I want my stuff!” he yelled as I shut the door and hooked the chain. I hadn’t expected that to go so well. In fact, I’d expected to end up in the hospital. My heart was hammering in my chest.

  “Baby, are you okay?”

  She was collapsed on the floor, curled around herself, and I knelt beside her.

  “Katie? Katie-did?” I used my nickname for her, trying to call her back from wherever she seemed to have gone. It wasn’t working. I tried to get her to stand, but she just went limp again, eyes blank. I listened for sounds of Malcolm coming back but didn’t hear anything.

  I was no He-Man, but I got her propped over my shoulder and did a fireman’s carry to our bedroom, laying her on the bed. She curled up around herself like that again, her hand clutching the necklace I’d given her, and I just slid in beside her and curled myself around her too.

  I held her like that, stroking her hair, waiting, half-listening for Malcolm to come back, wondering if I should call the cops. Or maybe an ambulance. Because Katie seemed almost catatonic.

  “I’m sorry.” Those were the first words she said, and they startled me.

  “For what?” My voice was thick and I realized that my hand had found its way up under her sweater and was resting flat against her bare belly. I started to withdraw it, but she tucked her hand over mine, pressing it there and then sliding it further upward.

  “Oh, Katie.” I sighed. “No. Not like this.”

  “Yes.” She slid my hand up over her bra and wiggled back against me. “Just like this.”

  Turning in my arms, she wrapped herself around me as her mouth found mine. This was no chaste Katie-kiss—her tongue probed deep and her hands grabbed at my t-shirt, pulling it out of my jeans, seeking skin.

  “Katie…” I groaned when her thigh moved between mine, rubbing there. I knew I should stop her, that I should call the cops about Malcolm, that we needed to talk, but the more she rubbed her soft body against me, the harder she kissed me, her mouth eagerly sucking and licking at mine, the further that part of my brain seemed to get.

  She shoved my t-shirt up over my head and I let her as she nuzzled my neck, biting there, her teeth sharp, making me wince. She was sitting up on me then, looking down with greedy eyes in the half-light, pulling off her sweater, unhooking her bra. Her body was incredible. The necklace I’d given her swung between her high, pink-tipped breasts above her smooth, flat belly.

  Part of me was still listening for Malcolm coming back, but that part of me was losing focus too. She grabbed my hands and put them on her breasts, leaning over to kiss me, grinding her hips into mine, denim against denim. God, the feel of her flesh under my hands, the way she moaned against my mouth when I squeezed her nipples, making her pelvis rock—I couldn’t resist.

  I kissed her back, sucking her tongue into my mouth. Her belly undulated against mine, and I rolled over onto her, unsnapping and unzipping her jeans. My cock strained against the material as she rubbed her hand between my legs, scratching her nails there.

  “Hurry,” she murmured as I tugged her jeans off. She was wearing a pair of pink panties, her pubic hair a dark patch underneath the pale material, and I remembered my comment in the laundry room about the neighbor’s pink panties. I wondered if Katie had gone out and purchased them just for me—but I didn’t have time to finish the thought before she was peeling them off, exposing her soft, glistening triangle.

  “Come on.” She grabbed the waistband of my jeans as I knelt between her thighs, tugging at the snap, unzipping me, pulling them down my hips. It still wasn’t fast enough for her, and she knelt up, kissing me as she slipped a hand into my boxers, squeezing my shaft.

  “Oh god.” I thrust into her hand and pressed her to me, her breasts flattening against my chest.

  “Mmmm.” She hummed against my mouth, pushing me back onto the bed and then pulling my jeans and boxers off. My cock pointed straight up to the ceiling as she crawled up my legs on her hands and knees, her nipples grazing my thighs.

  I groaned when she slipped the tip of my cock into her mouth and started giving me a hot, wet suck that seemed to go on and on. I couldn’t keep up with her—her hand and mouth and the eager noises she made. My breath came faster and faster, and my hand went to her hair, pressing in deeper. It just made her moan louder and the sound of her lust made me want to come in her mouth.

  I held back, my eyes looking for a distraction. I could hear purring, and saw Sassy, the white cat, lazing on the dresser, watching us with half-closed eyes. Her motor was really running, and I wondered if cats knew when humans were having sex, what they were really doing and feeling. Ah, that was better—thinking abou
t that helped hold off my climax.

  I felt Katie’s nails scratching lightly over my balls, sending shivers through me. My eyes rolled back into my head as she continued to swallow my cock again and again, and I found myself petting her head, her hair soft under my fingers. Her tongue slipped underneath my cock as she sucked me, running under the shaft, and then she used her hand, pumping as she slid her mouth further down.

  “Oh, Katie!” I cried, feeling her tongue moving over the sensitive skin of my balls. She lapped at me, long, rough licks that worked their way back up my shaft again. The skin there was tender, and her tongue was softly grating, almost irritating. The sensation was oddly familiar but somehow completely out of context. I couldn’t place it.

  Jesus, what the hell is she doing?

  My hand tightened in her hair, but there wasn’t anything to grip. I felt something softly pointed on the side of her head, moving, nuzzling, underneath my hand. When I looked down, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Katie’s eyes glowed a bright, luminescent green—that was the first thing I noticed and the one thing my mind seemed to want to stay focused on.

  Blue. Katie’s eyes are blue.

  My mind didn’t want to register the rest, and it was happening too fast for me to try to digest it. She slid her body upward, and I felt the skin of her belly and breasts, and that was all right, in fact that was incredible, but her thighs, spreading against mine, were so soft—impossibly soft, really, like she was covered in some sort of velvety down.

  What the fuck?!

  “Katie?” The light in the room was fading, but I could still see her eyes, that odd luminous green, as she nuzzled her way up my chest. Her body rumbled under my hands as she kissed me, her tongue rasping over mine, and I realized with a sudden jolt that it wasn’t Sassy I’d heard purring—it was Katie. The sound quivered through her and seemed to be coming from between her breasts as they pressed hard into my chest.

  She sat up on me and pressed my cock between us, trapping me between her pussy lips and rocking. I gasped, looking up at her, my breath gone, just gone. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t think, I couldn’t possibly be seeing—was her hair pulled back? No—it was gone, just gone. My brain tried to assimilate the transformation, but there wasn’t enough blood left there as Katie tugged on my erection, which was still like steel in spite of my shock—it was as frozen as I was.


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