Alphas Gone Wild

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Alphas Gone Wild Page 37

by Unknown

  She followed him the rest of the way. He unlocked the door for her and brought her bag inside. It was actually super cute on the inside. It was basically a small open living and kitchen area with a bedroom off of it. Nothing fancy, and not someplace for long term, but more than enough for an overnight stay.

  “Call up front if you need anything.”

  She looked around the room and didn’t notice a phone and she had yet to pick up any bars on hers. Terrific.

  “Actually, I was wondering if there was a place nearby to grab something to eat? This was not an expected stop so I haven’t eaten since breakfast.”

  He leaned close to her, inhaled, as if taking in a huge whiff, and then whispered in her ear, “I’ll come get you in an hour.”

  Before she could even think to form a response he was gone. Left with an hour to kill, she did what any red blooded woman with panties as drenched as hers were would do. She grabbed her handy dandy vibrator and brought herself to climax before taking a shower and changing into much less business-like clothing. She was ready just moments before the knock at the door.

  Licking a stranger would be wrong. Right?

  If she thought coming was going to take the edge off her arousal, simply opening the door completely threw that out the window. A wall of arousal slammed into her and her brand new black lace panties were now a soppy mess. Fantastic.

  Bruno leaned in and did the weird whiffing thing again before leading her out the door. He had yet to say a word, but she was fine with that—she wasn’t sure she would be able to speak coherent sentences. All she wanted to do was to touch him. To lick him. To bite him. To—oh goodness gracious, her imagination was flying all over the place. Before they got down the path, she had envisioned him taking her every way imaginable. She was fairly confident that some of the positions were not even possible, but that didn’t stop them from flooding her mind.

  It wasn’t until they reached the parking lot that he finally spoke. “It is only a mile or so down the road. I’m thinking we should drive since you have those,” His eyes raked up and down from her calves to her shoes and back, heat evident in his eyes. “shoes on, but I’ll leave it up to you.”

  His voice sent a new wave of need through her and left it no secret that he liked her red pumps. A lot. Maybe he was a foot guy. She could deal with that. At first she was kicking herself for forgetting to pack some sensible shoes, but she was happy. Maybe she could parlay this into something more before the night was out. Maybe she would find her relaxation through multiple orgasms instead of facials and pedicures. She liked that plan.

  “I think we should walk, if that’s okay with you.”

  His eyes seemed to question her, more with worry than anything else.

  “I was in the office for far too many hours, followed by a car ride. I think the walk would do me some good.”

  Bruno looked her up and down one more time before shocking her by grabbing her hand. “We shall walk, then. This way.” He might be a man of few words, but his touch was communicating volumes. He wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  “So where were you going all dressed up like a naughty librarian?” he asked.

  She had never once considered her work clothes naughty, but from the way his voice deepened, they were naughty in the very best way.

  “I never thought of a business suit as naughty.”

  He chuckled as his thumb stroked the back of her hand and she nearly lost her words. “It hugs all your curves in all the right ways, so I beg to differ.”

  “I was going to a spa weekend and left straight from work.”

  She could feel him looking over at her, but didn’t give into the compulsion to turn her head. That would have only led to her attacking him and trying to strip him bare in the middle of town.

  He stopped walking momentarily, catching her off guard. “Are you supposed to be meeting someone there? I could drive you the rest of the way if need be.” He had barely spoken to her, and now they were on a maybe-date with him holding her hand and offering to drive her to her destination. The evening was getting odder and odder.

  “No. It was a solo trip. I have been working too many hours for too long. When they sent the memo stating the office was not safe for the weekend while they did some electrical rewiring, I decided to pamper myself.” Over-sharing time had apparently begun.

  “Were you working on a big project? Is that why you were so busy?”

  It was nice to have someone asking her about her. The last few attempts she’d made at dating were one date wonders where she spent the entire evening hearing about how great they were. Those were not the kind of guys she wanted in her life, to be sure.

  “Well, yes and no. Yes, I was working on a big project, but that wasn’t why I was working so much. I always seem to have a big project.” They had been walking for almost ten minutes now and were in the center of town and she had yet to see a traffic light. This town was smaller than she first thought.

  “Do you like it? Work, I mean?”

  She was not sure what to make of the man next to her. She would be gone in the morning, so it didn’t really matter much, yet somehow it seemed to be the only thing that mattered.

  “That’s a loaded question. I like the consulting work I do, but the hours are killing me. I thought I would be moving up the corporate ladder and be poised for vice president by now, but instead they just look at me as someone who will do all the grunt work.” Saying it out loud for the first time helped some pieces click into place that hadn’t before. She had been so wrapped up in her goals, she’d never looked back and really examined what she was doing with her life.

  “So I get all the pain in the neck cases because they know I put work first. I guess the answer is that I don’t mind it, but it’s not my passion as much as my ambition to move up was. Now I’m starting to reconsider the whole thing.” She hadn’t confessed that to herself before and it felt like a burden lifted from her shoulders. She would need to think on that later. Right now, she needed to get her some of the yummy goodness next to her.

  “What did you do before you took over the inn, Bruno?” She loved the way his name sounded on her lips and she imagined it would sound even better as she screamed it in ecstasy as his tongue laved her clit. She was going to be a wanton woman tonight if she had any say in the matter.

  “Actually, I was, well, am the mayor. Now I am the mayor slash inn keeper.” He sure didn’t look like any mayor she had ever seen. Politicians always seemed, well, not at all like the sex on a stick holding her hand.

  “That sounds like a lot of responsibility lies on your shoulders.” At least for her it was just work. Being mayor meant impacting lives—not just making businesses more money. When he squeezed her hand it felt less sexual and more like a thank you.

  “Yeah, that is how things work out sometimes. It would be easier if I wasn’t alone, but that’s looking up now.” While she tried to decipher the implications of his words they were interrupted by a man walking out of the shop they were passing.

  “Excuse me, mayor? May I...umm…have a word?” The man looked unsure of making the interruption and she felt bad for him because he was visibly shaken. Whatever he needed to talk about must have been important.

  “Hey, Bruno, is that it over there?” She pointed to the bar a few doors down. He nodded. “Well then, I’ll meet you there. Sound good?” Leaving him didn’t sound good to her, not at all, but she wanted to give him space.

  “Can this wait, Mr. Behr?” Bruno asked with a voice that was very different than the one he had been using with her. This one was commanding. Which made it even hotter. Lordy, Lordy. She was in trouble.

  “Umm, sir, I’m not sure.” The poor man was a nervous wreck.

  Bruno turned to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. “That sounds good, sweetheart. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Please order if I am not there in a couple of minutes. You must be starving.” He squeezed her shoulder a bit and she nodded before heading to the
bar and allowing him to focus on the issue at hand.

  He called me sweetheart.

  It is better to give.... Heck yeah it is!

  The bar was exactly what she expected to see in a town like this. Dated decor, but a warm, lived in feeling. A quick glance around showed that the tables were all full. The place was happening. Then again, it appeared to be one of the only places in town to grab a bite to eat. While it was not ideal, she sat at the bar. She hated the way barstools left her feet dangling. The silly foot rests were designed for tall people and at five four, she wasn’t one of those. She had been hoping to find a quiet table for two and to work her wily ways on Mr. Mayor. Looked like she would have to change up her game plan.

  “The gentleman at the end of the bar sent this over.” The bartender was holding a beer in front of her. Well, that was fast. Not that she wanted to gather the attention of random strangers tonight, but being invited to the party was always fun.

  “Take. It. Back.” She heard Bruno in his demanding voice and quickly thought of naughty time fun. Would he be domineering in bed? Good god, she hoped so.

  “Yes, sir.” The bartender scurried away.

  “That was fast.” She ignored his comment about the beer. If this were a real date, she would have had to let him know that she was dealing with it herself and didn’t need his interference. Ruining the possibility of one night of yummy goodness was not worth the risk of an argument over something that dumb.

  “Why are you at the bar?” Had he not seen the tables all full?

  “There are no tables?” It wasn’t a question, yet came out like one.

  He looked around and mumbled something about how the man would have been able to smell her if she had been at a table and then grabbed her hand.

  “Come on. I have a table over here.” He wove her through the tables. The wide eyed stares of the people sitting there didn’t go unnoticed. She was used to ignoring them. People always seemed to stare when she had a hotty on her arm, as if her weight meant only uglies for you. “Here is my table.” Sure enough, there was a table with a reserved sign on it.

  “I didn’t know.” Why was she making excuses? They sat at the table, which was tucked nicely into the back. They could see everyone, but people would have to go out of their way to see them. Perfect.

  A waitress was there before Victoria had even slung her purse over the back of her chair. “Regular, mayor?” He nodded. “For you, ma’am?” That was the second time today she had been called ma’am, only this time it was not a sign of respect. This woman seemed irked that she was there. Oh well. Too bad, so sad.

  “The same, please.” She had no idea what in tarnation she had just ordered, but seeing the look on the waitress’s face was worth it. Mission accomplished. She made the waitress nervous, and that served her right. The waitress mumbled something about being right back and scampered away.

  “So, Bruno.” She leaned in really close. “What did I just order?”

  “Nothing too crazy. A beer and a cheeseburger, rare, with the works and a side of onion rings.” He was so close she could feel his breath and it sent a shiver through her.

  “Well that’s good. I’m starving.” She had an urge to nip his ear. She had never been a biter, but she wanted to bite him now.

  “You ordered that way to shut her down didn’t you?” He sounded impressed.

  “She seemed to want my appetizer and I wasn’t about to give that up.” She hoped she made her intention crystal clear. The lust in his eyes fuelled hers as he grabbed her by the hand, pulling her from her seat as he stood. His jeans did a poor job of hiding the bulge beneath them. Damn that had to be uncomfortable. She would have to fix that. As he practically dragged her down the hallway, she knew she had succeeded in letting him know exactly what she meant by appetizer and she could hardly wait. She was famished.

  “Woman, you are driving me insane.” He growled, yes, growled as he pulled her into a storage closet. Normally she would have wanted a bit of wining and dining, but right now this place was perfect.

  She was pushed against the back of the door as it slammed closed. What did she care if anyone heard? She was leaving in the morning and he gave no indication that he cared one bit if people knew he was getting some.

  “Your curves and smell have been driving me crazy since I first saw you. If Martha hadn’t been there I probably would have...”

  She had no idea what he would have done because his mouth came crashing into hers.

  This was no gentleman’s kiss. It was hard and powerful and made her knees nearly buckle. He nipped her bottom lip, and as she sighed in pleasure, he interpreted her open lips as an invitation. Which, quite honestly? It totally was. He explored every inch of her mouth with his and only broke contact as he removed her shirt, followed by her bra. Here she was with a virtual stranger in a storage room, topless. Even a week ago she would have been mortified by exposing her excessive sexiness like this on a first date. For some reason, with him, it seemed exactly perfect.

  “My god, woman, are you trying to kill me?” His lips went from hers to her breasts which were heavy and much more than a mouthful, but he gave it his best effort. Her nipples had been almost uncomfortable against her bra and were now so very sensitive, receptive to every touch of his lips, tongue, teeth and fingers. His left hand lowered to the button of her jeans and she placed her hand on his to stop him. If she let him get in her pants, her plan would be long forgotten and it was a yummy plan.

  “Sorry. I got carried away.” He was out of breath.

  “Sorry? You have nothing to be sorry about.” She dropped to her knees. “I told you earlier I didn’t want her to get my appetizer and if I won’t let her stop me certainly I won’t let you.” She had his button undone and fly down in record setting speed. “If you had kept going I would have missed this.”

  She pulled his jeans down and his cock popped out. Not a pair of boxers to be seen. It was standing proud as a peacock and was worthy of worship. It was thick and long enough that it would hit in all the right places, but not so long that he would need to worry and hold back. She in no way wanted him to hold back with her. She wanted it all, and planned to get it tonight.

  “Victoria, what about—”

  She wrapped her lips around his engorged cock to interrupt what she was sure was going to be some silly notion that she didn’t need to do this. The truth was, she never needed anything more than she needed to taste him. He gasped. Mission accomplished.

  With his girth, she could barely fit him in her mouth, but it felt so right being there. She moved up and down his member, taking him deeper and deeper with each swipe, all the time, playing with his sack. When she got him all the way in and swallowed, the noise that game from him was animalistic and her time of being in charge was over. He grabbed her by the back of her head and held her still as he pumped into her repeatedly all the time mumbling words of praise. She could feel his balls tightening and knew he was about ready to blow.

  Fear of him pulling away hit her hard and she grabbed him by the thighs in a feeble attempt to keep him from pulling out. He got her wordless plea and she felt him shooting into the back of her throat. She swallowed every bit with greed and as she released his cock, the most intense orgasm of her life hit her. Well. That had never happened before in the history of mankind.

  Victoria was being held by Bruno as she began to come out of her orgasmic haze. He was looking at her with so many emotions passing through his eyes that she didn’t even attempt to decipher them all.

  “Are you back with me, love?”

  “Yeah, that was...umm, I have no idea what that was, but wow.”

  “Wow indeed. I had heard, but you know how stories go...” He wasn’t making much sense, but her brain was not all the way back in the on position, so that was no surprise.

  “Eat now?” Yes, siree, she sounded like a cave man. Or was it cave woman?

  “Yes, love. Eat now.” He helped get her up and dressed.

  She caugh
t a glimpse of herself in the reflection off of one of the pots. “I look well fucked, don’t I?” His face held an I did that smile. There was no doubt that everyone who saw her from here on out would know what they had just done. “Who gives a shit? Not like I live here.” He stiffened at that and she quickly added, “But you do...sorry. Want me to sneak out the back or something?”

  “That. Will. Not. Happen.”

  Okay. Dinner it was. He leaned in close to her ear as he opened the door. “I like that everyone will know you are mine.”

  That was not what she had been expecting, but before she had time to think about it he playfully smacked her ass. “I’m starving, woman. Food time.”

  She laughed and made her way back to the table. She could feel his presence behind her. If only he lived nearby. She would most assuredly like to make this a regular thing. Oh well, one night of hot animalistic crazy sex would have to do. No part of her questioned if he would be able to go again. The question was, how many times?

  The table was waiting for them, but the food was not. She had been sure it would be ready by now, but was actually pretty glad the beer was not there yet. Not much yuckier than tepid beer.

  “Food’s not ready yet.” She was making chit chat and it came out as complaining. “I mean, we don’t have to eat cold, not where the heck is my food.”

  He just watched her as she spoke. He too looked completely well-fucked. She couldn’t wait to see how he looked once she actually had him where she wanted him most.

  “Here comes Sarah now. Beers and food in hand.” Then he leaned in. “She was waiting until we were done to bring it.” Fan-freakin-tastic. Sarah had known what they were doing as they were doing it.

  “She better not have spit in it.” She was only partially kidding. The glare on Sarah’s face was obvious from across the room. As the waitress got closer, the intensity grew. Yep, Sarah wanted Bruno. She would just have to wait until tomorrow for that. The thought hit Victoria like a brick. She had this very unnatural feeling that she should stay. Stay in this crazy little town and spend her days naked with the man sitting next to her. Damn endorphins.


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