Summer Nights [The Doms of Sybaris Cove 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Summer Nights [The Doms of Sybaris Cove 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 12

by Tara Rose

  “I would laugh, but I almost feel sorry for her,” said Kade, after Neeva returned to the bar.

  “Don’t feel sorry for her. She and Kirstie both chose this, remember? Tell me what Tim said.”

  “It was weird.” Kade popped a cheese stick into his mouth. “He said Norm was in his office, claiming to be looking for Carmen, and then he told us to keep a better eye on him.”

  “Are you his keepers?”

  Both men laughed. “That’s exactly what we told him. But it wasn’t so much the request. It was Tim’s reaction to Norm having been skulking around his office. Like he was afraid of what Norm might find.”

  “How would he even get in there?”

  “Tim’s administrative assistant is an airhead,” said Elliot. “She’d let anyone back there. And Tim seemed upset about us seeing you as well, which is the odd part. It seemed out of place for him to bring that up when he had supposedly sought us out to tell us about Norm being in his office. It was like he was connecting the two incidents.”

  Giselle glanced toward her mother. “Do you think she said something to him about us?”

  “I don’t know. I only know that Tim isn’t a man to say what he means. Asa, yes. Every time. But Tim is a coward and he’s sneaky. He’ll walk wide circles around an issue and sidestep it all day long, but he’ll never actually tell you anything directly.”

  “So, it’s more a feeling you both got about what he said, rather than the actual words he used.”

  “Yes. That’s it exactly.”

  “What did he say about you two seeing me? The same thing Asa did?”

  They exchanged another glance.

  “It’s all right. Please just tell me. I want to help you both figure out what the hell is going on.”

  “He said we should be careful of your family. Those were his exact words. Then we both stood up and I thought for a second Kade was going to punch him.”

  Her eyes widened. “You wouldn’t really, would you?”

  “Losing my job isn’t worth it, but I definitely wanted to deck him. Fortunately for him, one of the line managers knocked on the door, and then he left.”

  Giselle ate another cheese stick while she watched her parents. Her father was his usual, boisterous, happy self, but her mother kept giving the three dark glances. Her brow was wrinkled and she looked tired. Too tired. “You know, there is one simple solution to all this.”

  “What’s that?” asked Kade.

  “We ask her. Just flat out ask her whether there is something in her background, or Tim’s, or Asa’s that has the three of them so upset about us being together.”

  Kade snorted and Elliot chuckled. “Sweetheart, you know as well as we do that none of them are going to answer us directly. Well, scratch that. Asa might.” Elliot took a sip of his drink. “All week long I’ve been trying to find the words to use. I planned to go to him and just ask.” He glanced at Kade. “But now I’m wondering if it’s Tim we should be focusing on instead.”

  “You mean because of what he did and said today?”


  “This is silly, you know. All this subterfuge and secret shit. I’ve always just accepted my parents’ friendship with Tim and Asa as aboveboard. But obviously I was being naïve.”

  Elliot and Kade each stroked an arm. “Don’t blame yourself for this,” said Kade. “You grew up believing the best of them, just as we each grew up believing the same thing about the men and women in our families. We had no way of knowing this would happen.”

  “Well, I’m sick of it. I should be able to be with you two and not have my own family give me nasty looks for it.”

  “So what do you want to do?” asked Elliot.

  “I don’t know, but I know I don’t want to spend the rest of this evening talking about them. I want to enjoy my time with you two. Can we let it go until morning?”

  Kade raised his glass, and Elliot and Giselle followed suit. “To enjoying our evening, and letting the crap go until morning.”

  Giselle had such a wonderful time with them in the restaurant. It was like they were kids and good friends again, only it was so much more than that now. And she wasn’t about to let their families or her own ruin this for her. Whatever was going on could just stay buried in the past, where it belonged. This was what she’d fantasized about for years, and she wasn’t giving it up.

  They ate dinner and drank only one Hurricane each because the guys had told her earlier in the week how important it was to be completely sober whenever they played. By the time they climbed into Kade’s Jeep and he drove them to Elliot’s house, Giselle was not only stone-cold sober, she was so horny she could hardly stand it.

  They’d laughed and goofed around at dinner, and she’d totally ignored the nasty looks from her sisters. Never again would she let anyone make her feel guilty over this, or like she had no right to be with them. Those days were over. She was going to enjoy this night, and all the other days and nights they’d give her, and she dared anyone to say one damn thing about it.

  Elliot led her and Kade to the room with all the bondage equipment and showed her their newest cross. It was in the shape of an X, but allowed access to both the back and front of whoever was on it at the same time. “What do you think?” he asked, nuzzling her neck. “You game?”

  “Anything. I told you both that, Sir. Anything.”

  “There is something I’d love to try after we play,” said Kade.

  She looked into his eyes, and it struck her in that instant that she was in love with him. With both of them. It wasn’t a great shock. She had been for most of her life. But now she could finally acknowledge it, and the result was a sweeping rush of freedom that she couldn’t remember ever experiencing before.

  She wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. She almost squealed and put her hands in the air, twirling around. The urge was that sudden and that powerful. “Name it, Sir. I’ll do it. Whatever it is.”

  He gave her a long, searching look, and she couldn’t help but wonder if he was able to see right into her thoughts. She hoped he could because despite her earlier resolve to not let anyone make her feel as if she had no right to be with them, she wasn’t sure when or if she could say the words out loud. She’d never said them to any man. It was a huge step, and required the utmost trust that the person she said them to wouldn’t laugh or look like he wanted to slink away.

  Maybe one day soon, but not right now. For now, she was content to know in her heart that she felt this way. She’d hold it for a while, like a marvelous secret, and take it out and examine it whenever she was afraid or unsure.

  Kade pulled her into his arms. “Well, in that case, we’d like to fuck you in both your ass and your pussy at the same time. What do you say?”

  Giselle shivered. “That sounds amazing. I say yes, Sir.”

  She laughed when Kade released the embrace and he and Elliot high-fived each other. Underneath the aura of professional businessmen they had to maintain at work, they were still the fun-loving boys she remembered from her youth.

  They both undressed her, spending long moments kissing her and caressing her body, until she was ready to explode. By the time they fitted cuffs around her wrists and ankles, she was already a melting pile of goo. She’d do anything they asked her to.

  They attached the cuffs to rings along the X of the cross, and once they positioned her, she found it very comfortable because the X was made of soft, padded leather. The guys walked around both sides, whispering and pointing, and it was all Giselle could do to keep breathing. She wanted them to touch her, flog her, paddle her…anything.

  She suspected they were prolonging it on purpose, and while that made it more exciting for her, it also increased her arousal to a fevered pitch. When soft rain splattered against the windows and thunder rumbled in the distance, she moaned softly.

  “Perfect,” said Kade, grinning. “A thunderstorm.”

  “I have an idea.” Elliot sprinted from the room while Kade began gatherin
g toys, staying within Giselle’s line of vision. He hummed softly while he worked, and every few seconds he’d wink at her, or hold up an implement with a question in his eyes. Whether she nodded or shook her head, sometimes he added it to the pile, but sometimes he didn’t.

  “You’re such a tease,” she said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I mean you’re such a tease, Sir.”

  “That’s better.”

  Kade made eye contact with her, nearly taking her breath away with the sexy look in his beautiful eyes. “That’s right. I am. We both are. But that’s because we want you so hot for us…so ready and willing to take anything we give you, that you will absolutely melt at our touch, and fall head over heels crazy in love with both of us.”

  “I’m already there, Sir,” she whispered. The words had simply slipped out. She hadn’t even thought about it first. Tears slipped down her face as Kade’s gaze softened. He strolled toward her and kissed her.

  “So are we, sweetheart,” he whispered.

  She was about to speak again but Elliot returned, holding two hurricane lamps with large candles burning inside. The rain was heavier now, and lightning flashes accompanied the thunder. He placed the lamps on tables in front of the cross, about ten feet apart, and they lit up the space around the three. Then he turned off the overhead lights. “What do you think? Enough light by which to play?”

  Kade glanced around and nodded. “Absolutely.”

  Giselle didn’t say anything. Her mind was still reeling at Kade’s comment. Had he meant it, or was it merely the heat of the moment talking? Just something he’d said in response to her comment, without thinking about it? Did he realize she’d meant what she said, or had he assumed that she, too, was merely reacting?

  And it did it matter? She was here, tied to a cross, and a thunderstorm was approaching. They were ready to play with her by candlelight, and she didn’t see how anything could possibly top this.

  This was the best night of her life.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Elliot kissed her gently as he put the blindfold on. “Just like last time, one of us will have a hand on you at all times. Do you remember your safewords?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl.” His voice washed over her, soft and sultry. She craved to hear those words now, because pleasing them meant more to her than anything when they played.

  The first sensation was soft, like a piece of fur. “Tonight there will be no impact play,” said Kade. “It’s all about sensations. We want you to relax and enjoy this, sweetheart.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” Did you mean what you said? Do you and Elliot both love me, too?

  She recognized the falls of a thick flogger as they gently brushed it over her back, ass cheeks, and the backs of her legs. One of them brushed it across her nipples as well, and tossed it lightly between her legs so it grazed her pussy.

  Giselle moaned with each lazy pass of the falls, and when she recognized the edge of a leather strap caressing the same areas, she ached to feel its sting on her ass. “Just a little paddling or spanking, Sirs? Please?”

  “No. None.” Kade’s voice was filled with humor, and she knew he meant it. They were going to torture her with gentle play tonight, and that thought nearly made her cry again. This wasn’t about making her ass red or pushing her to the edges of her pain limits. It was about giving her such intense pleasure that she couldn’t even stand it.

  All her years of fantasies hadn’t come close to the reality of being with these two men. She was going to tell them that she loved them, and this time she’d make sure they both heard it, and knew she meant it. She had to. They needed to know. Too many of their own family members had kept things from them, and Giselle didn’t want to live a lie like so many before her had done. She wanted everything out in the open.

  The rain was very heavy now, and beat a pattern on the roof that reminded her of the Cuban music. She could hear the wind howling outside, and although she couldn’t see the lightning flashes, she heard loud thunder.

  But all that faded into the background as the guys now ran something sharp and metallic up and down her arms. It was no more than an inch wide. The sharpness wasn’t concentrated, like the point of a knife, but rather was spread out along the width of the implement. “Sir? May I ask what that is?”

  “Do you like it?” asked Kade.

  “Very much.”

  “Tonight I’ll tell you what we’re using. This is called a Wartenberg wheel, but it’s not a single circle. It’s a wide circle with tiny points all along it.”

  “Thank you, Sir. I love it.”

  He grasped her hair and pulled her head back, then ran the same metallic edged implement he’d used last weekend across her neck, then down over her nipples. “I know you want to know what this is.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “It’s a knife point.”

  “Oh…wow. You’re so gentle with it.” The idea that he’d been wielding something that could be so deadly, yet had used it in such a seductive, tender way brought fresh tears to her eyes.

  “I’m glad you approve. You know Elliot and I would never hurt you, right?”

  “Yes, Sir. I know that.”

  “Good girl.”

  Her soft moans competed with the noise from the storm as Kade kept up his teasing with the knife and the Wartenberg wheel, while Elliot used various floggers, either letting the falls slap her skin gently, or running the handle along her skin.

  They didn’t neglect any part of her body. They brushed the implements along her back, arms, legs, nipples, the undersides of breasts, her ass cheeks, and even her clit. Her pussy was so wet she was certain the tiles underneath her must be damp by now, and as they continued, her moans became one continuous whimper.

  When they began using their fingers as well as the toys to tease her, she started begging them to fuck her.

  “Just a bit longer,” said Elliot, his voice silky smooth and teasing. “I’m not sure we’re ready yet to fuck you. This is so much fun.”

  “I don’t know when we’ll be ready,” said Kade, “I think we should wait until the rain stops, at least.”

  The rain didn’t sound as though it had even slowed, let alone would stop tonight.

  “Please, Sir…please. I need you both inside me.”

  One of them pulled her head back again and slapped her nipples with the leather strap. “Tell us what you’ll give us,” teased Kade. “In detail.”


  He slapped her nipples again. “Not good enough. We want graphic details, Giselle.”

  They expected her to paint a verbal picture at a time like this? “Um…you can suck my clit and my nipples, and spank me, and… shit. I don’t know. I can’t do this right now. I can barely think.”

  Kade laughed softly, but it was sexy and fun, not derisive. “Okay. You’re right. There’s no more blood in your brain right now than there is in ours.” He kissed her mouth. “And you’ve earned the fucking, sweetheart.”

  They took her off the cross and removed her blindfold and cuffs, then checked the areas underneath the cuffs for irritation. She stared at each of them, the words right there, aching to be said. Kade watched her face carefully, then he captured her mouth in a kiss so hot she thought her brain cells would fry.

  When he released it, Elliot did the same thing, and she moaned loudly into his open mouth. He picked her up and carried her over to a low, narrow bondage table. Placing her supine on the pad, he knelt between her legs and began to suck and lick her clit. She exploded in a crazy orgasm that had her grabbing fistfuls of his hair, oblivious to anything else.

  Kade sucked her nipples, and when Elliot finally stopped, he pulled her to her feet and lay on the pad, then told her to straddle him. She did, sheathing his dick with her pussy. Closing her eyes, she threw back her head and just let go as he grabbed her hips and moved her up and down, fucking her deep and rough.

  Kade stepped in front of her face and she didn’t
have to be told what to do. She took his cock into her mouth, and relaxed her throat muscles as he grasped her head and fucked her hard.

  The men switched places after only a moment, and by now Giselle was out of her mind with frustration. How they could have such strength and stamina was beyond her, but at the same time she loved it. Her need for them was past anything she’d experienced yet.

  As Kade helped her ride his cock, she took Elliot’s into her mouth, and just let go once more to enjoy the sensation of being filled by both of them at the same time. Elliot withdrew again after only a moment, but Kade kept her on top of him. “Lie prone against my chest, sweetheart. And don’t be afraid. Your safewords apply. We won’t hurt you.”

  “I know you won’t, Sir.”

  Kade didn’t thrust. Instead he stroked her hair and back as Elliot filled her asshole with lube, put on a condom, and then gently slid his dick into her. She moaned softly as the fullness grew to an uncomfortable intensity at first, but then quickly subsided as soon as she got used to it.

  “Are you all right?” asked Kade.

  “Yes. Yes, Sir.”

  He kissed her hair, and then he and Elliot began to thrust, timing them so they both pushed into her at the same time, and then changing to alternating thrusts. “This is incredible.”

  “Oh my God it really is,” said Elliot. He caressed Giselle’s ass cheeks. “Please tell us you’re okay, love. Tell us you like this.”

  “I love it, Sir. It’s unbelievable.” She couldn’t even process it. She’d never felt anything like it, and knew it would be difficult not to beg them to do this every night from now on.

  Another orgasm was close, and when they increased their thrusting and it crashed over her, she cried out weakly because she was so exhausted, but the contractions were just as strong as her last one. She never wanted them to stop. This was the ultimate surrender and she loved it.

  When they pulled out, Elliot removed his condom and Kade put one on, and then they helped her lower her pussy over Elliot’s dick, and Kade entered her asshole from behind. Her moans became whimpers as the men fucked her, stroking her hair and back, and telling her how much they were enjoying it. She whispered her enjoyment as well, barely able to remember her own name.


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