The Choosing tbabs-1

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The Choosing tbabs-1 Page 12

by Jeremy Laszlo

  Ashton was awake now. He had regained consciousness sometime early in the afternoon. He was barely able to move, he had weakened himself almost to the point of no return. Garret had dug through their belongings and forced Ashton to eat what few scraps of food they had left, hoping he would regain some strength.

  Ashton recovered quickly after eating, and had told them that though he was unable to completely heal Seth’s wound, he had been able to repair his friends’ lung and heart before he had lost consciousness. He had regained enough strength at one point that he half crawled to Seth’s side, and praying to his Goddess, started a low chant, sealing what remained of Seth’s wound. Again he had drained himself, but he was still able to sit without any support, and so he did now.

  Garret on the other hand was doing his best to keep himself busy. He had dragged the creature (which Ashton had identified as a goblin) out of their shelter, and claimed from its corpse a few coins and the twisted blade. It was a gruesome looking creature. It had dark green, muddy looking skin streaked with a stripe like patterns of black. It had no hair, not even on its arms. The goblin had an oblong head, split in two by a wide mouth filled with razor sharp teeth. Its eyes, now rolled back into their sockets, were an eerie yellow color. It resembled a human in the fact that it too walked on two legs, had two arms with hands, but that was where the similarities ended. Its appendages were unnaturally long and its torso incredibly small. It was a lanky gangly creature to say the least. After studying the creature, Garret searched around for one of the scraggly trees that grew here in the plains, and removing a large branch from one, sharpened one end with his dagger. He then thrust the other end deep into the earth. Hefting the Goblin’s body high, it was lighter than it looked. He thrust it down upon the sharpened end of the pole, impaling it up through the ribcage, all the way up to the skull, holding the corpse firmly erect. Garret went back into the cavern and went about sorting the groups’ belongings and loading them into the appropriate packs grumbling something about cleaning up the damn goblin’s mess.

  It was growing late in the day, and Seth had yet to regain consciousness a second time. They had very little if any food left, Sara had no more water, and they still had at least one more day of travel to reach the nearest town. If that wasn’t enough, Ashton had told them it could be days before Seth regained consciousness. He had lost a tremendous amount of blood, and it would take his body time to replace it. Sara knew that no matter how long it took Seth to recuperate, she wasn’t leaving his side until he did.

  The afternoon eventually turned into evening which was followed rapidly by nightfall. Seth had not moved a muscle in hours. Ashton on the other hand was again able to walk, and had laid out his bear hide bed and was resting on it now. Garret too had laid out his blanket and sat on it looking off into nothingness. Amazingly enough, Seth’s blanket had managed to avoid the majority of the bloodshed, and what little blood did stain it had dried during the day. Sara had taken the blanket, as the night turned cold, and placed it over Seth to keep him warm. Garret had stirred from his day dream when Sara had finally stood, and he sat watching her cover his twin.

  “That’s gonna piss him off if he wakes up.” Garret stated smiling at Sara.

  “What will?” She asked not understanding his humor.

  “If Seth wakes up tonight, and your cold and shivering while he is covered with a blanket, he will be furious and you know it.” Garret stated finishing with a throaty laugh.

  Sara smiled in response knowing all too well that his words spoke the truth. She hoped though that Seth would forgive her if he did wake. In any case she had decided to stay awake all night just in case he did wake up.

  The sky turned black and cold, the previous night’s icy winds returning as well. Ashton hadn’t sat up since lying down in the first place so it was obvious he slept, hopefully regaining some strength. Garret too was sleeping, he had laid down saying he needed to rest his eyes, but had started snoring shortly thereafter. Sara was not worried about intruders. Garret had assured her that his little goblin on a stick decoration outside their shelter should keep anything with half a brain away. She sat quietly in the dark, Seth’s head in her lap, listening to his breathing. She shivered from time to time from the cold, but other than that she was comfortable, leaning up against the stone wall. She watched and listened for hours, trying with all her might to fight falling asleep. It was a losing battle, and eventually she was bested, and sleep took her.

  Seth dreamed a dark dream of a beast with razor teeth and a twisted blade. In his dream he was unable to move, so the beast made a game of skewing his ribs over and over again with the blade. There was no escape, and though the torment was excruciating he could not help but be gratified that neither his brother nor Sara was being hurt and his friend Ashton must have gotten away also. The dream seemed to continue for an eternity, thousands of times Seth felt the blade slice through his flesh glancing off of his ribs and cutting deeply into his organs. Eventually, as if the torture wasn't enough, Seth found himself unable to breathe, thus he started to cough. Coughing it seemed would be the release from his torturous nightmare, for as soon as he began coughing, the dream faded, and opening his eyes he was able to see both Sara and Garret. He tried to speak several times but barely managed any words. Before he lost consciousness again however he had seen Sara smile, and he knew everything would be alright.

  After losing consciousness the second time Seth found his condition puzzling, for outwardly he could not seem to wake, though he was perfectly capable of conscious thought. He didn't dream so instead he spent the hours thinking about the past few days. He had learned that his family wasn't his family after all at least not by birth. Then if that wasn't enough he and Garret had to leave their home and their father and friends behind, but had made a new friend of Ashton. Whose friendship has already become invaluable. So the three of them had made their way to Stone Haven where they had met Sara. Seth knew he was already madly and irrevocably in love with Sara, and he hoped that his growing relationship with her wouldn't hurt his relationship with his brother, and up to this point Garret seemed very supportive of them both. So Seth thought over and over, I am not who I thought I was just days ago, though James is still my father in my heart, and Garret my brother, I am unsure who exactly I am. I have lost my father now, but gained both Sara and Ashton, but in the days to come I will probably lose them all at the choosing. What am I to do, Seth thought, when the world takes everyone away from me? With that final thought Seth awoke.

  Sara woke with a start realizing she had fallen asleep when she had meant to stay awake. She must have gotten cold while sleeping, as she was now curled up in a ball, lying on her side. She reached down to push herself to a sitting position, and big arms wrapped around her, steadying her. She realized immediately her mistake. She wasn’t lying on the ground at all. She spun around in Seth’s lap and wrapped her arms around his neck crying. Seth pulled his arms around her, holding her as tight as he was able and kissed her forehead.

  Seth had woken up during the night, weak, but considering the day’s events he felt quite well. He found himself lying on the ground, his head cradled in Sara’s lap. She had been shivering uncontrollably, and Seth was a bit upset to find their blanket wrapped around him. Using what little strength he had, he managed to pull himself into a seated position, and inched his way to the wall, pressing his back against it, dragging the blanket with him. He then sat for a few moments beside Sara, regaining his strength before he carefully pulled her into his lap. He hadn’t been able to lift her, so he left her lying in a ball on his legs, and covered her with the blanket. Her shivering had subsided, and she slept for a couple of hours peacefully. As it turned out it was Seth who was the one to stay awake until she regained consciousness.

  Sara let her tears of joy fall unchecked onto Seth’s shoulder.

  She hugged him tightly around the neck, completely overcome with happiness. Seth just hugged her in his arms and whispered.

  “I told y
ou I would never let you go.”

  Sara nodded into his shoulder unwilling to release him even for a second. She did not deserve him she knew. He was hers none the less, and she would spend her life trying her best to live up to his expectations. She now owed him her freedom, her now mending heart, her soul, and after yesterday’s events, her life as well. She relaxed her hold on his neck, unwilling to completely release him, and moved her face to his and kissed him more passionately than ever before. Her entire body trembled with the passion of her kiss, and she didn’t stop kissing him until the trembling ceased. She pulled away from his face slowly, and Seth gasped for air. Sara giggled a little and kissed him again quickly just because she could. Wanting nothing more than to spend the rest of the night kissing him, she knew that he needed rest to heal and so she tightened her hug around his neck once again and whispered in his ear.

  “You need to get some sleep.”

  Seth’s head shook in response, and he replied.

  “No angel, I’ve slept all day. I’m not even the least bit tired.”

  Sara nodded, and with a kiss to his neck slid comfortably into his lap, and turned her body to face him. They could not see each other through the darkness, but that did not keep them from peering into each other’s eyes.

  “I’m glad your back.” Sara whispered into the darkness.

  “Did I go somewhere?” Seth answered sarcastically.

  “Yeah, you went to the one place I couldn’t go to be with you.” Sara stated a tone of defeat in her voice.

  “I’m sorry.” Seth replied to her earnestly. “I promise I will try to never do it again.” He added.

  They sat for hours, against the wall, Sara in Seth’s lap, wrapped warmly in his arms. She slept on and off, waking several times suddenly to look up at him, as if assuring herself that he was indeed ok, then she would go back to sleep.

  Though his body did need rest, Seth could not sleep. He sat holding Sara’s body to his until the sun rose outside, and he held her still when she woke long after sunrise. The previous day must have been very trying for everyone, because even after Sara had awoke again, Garret and Ashton still remained asleep. Seth was happy they slept, as it gave him more time alone with his angel.

  As Sara woke for the last time that morning, she smiled knowing, even before her eyes opened, that he was looking at her, watching her sleep. It seemed to her that this was becoming a common occurrence. She liked it. She liked waking in his embrace. The first sight she would see of the new day would be his smile. The first voice she would hear was his voice. It was her own personal heaven.

  Seth watched Sara stir, watched her beautiful smile spread across her delicate face. He looked at her waiting patiently for her to open her eyes. He didn’t wait long, and he greeted her with a smile. Her Golden amber eyes shone at him like two little suns, they lit a fire in his soul every time he looked into them. The feeling was like a drug, and he was terribly addicted. They sat silently looking into one another’s eyes until Garret awoke.

  Garret stirred, stretching, then yawning, opened his eyes. He had been sleeping on his side, facing towards Seth and Sara when his eyes opened. They nearly popped out of his head. Not only was his brother awake, he was sitting up, Sara in his lap, as if nothing had ever happened. Garret jumped to his feet, and would have ran up to them if the low ceiling had permitted.

  “Lookin’ good.” Garret stated then a bit more cautiously asked. “How do you feel?”

  “Better than you might anticipate bro, but I’m still weak as hell.” Seth answered with a crooked grin on his face.

  “I’ll take weak over dead any day.” Garret responded laughing loudly.

  Ashton woke to Garret’s laughing and turned to see the occasion. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He had not dreamed, hoped, nor did he even pray that Seth would recover this fast. He too hopped out of his makeshift bed and came to listen to the twins’ conversation.

  “Well…” Garret started to speak again. “As it turns out we are out of food, but I think I can remedy that, that is if Sara will loan me her crossbow and a few bolts for it.”

  Sara nodded in response and reaching down, she unclasped her belt and pulled it around her body freeing it. She handed it to Garret and told him to have fun. Ashton, wanting to help said he would go gather some herbs, or whatever wild vegetables he might find. Both Garret and Ashton left the small dwelling quickly, eager to see if food would rouse Seth’s body.

  Again Seth was alone with Sara, his Sara. He held her still, and resumed satiating his addiction. He traced her every feature with his eyes. Starting at the top of her head he tried to memorize every strand of her midnight hair. Her face he dwelt on for many moments, taking in her soul penetrating amber eyes, high cheek bones, and her plump, firm lips. He next admired her slender, petite neck, a place he had never kissed her, though knew he would not resist it much longer. Seth continued to study the small form in his arms meticulously. He had nearly lost her, or rather sacrificed himself to save her, and so also sacrificing a future with her. He found it odd just then. There it was, right there in his mind, the inevitable word, Sacrifice. Seth had heard and thought the word entirely too much as of late, and he quickly tried to put it out of his mind. Refocusing his thoughts, he returned his gaze to Sara’s entrancing, depthless eyes.

  Sara smiled at Seth, not knowing why he stared at her. She sat up in his arms, and pressing her lips gently to his, crawled out of his embrace. Seth stared at her with a confused look on his face. She recognized the look and tried to reassure him with a wink. She turned and walked across the open room accentuating the natural swing of her hips to be sure she kept his attention. When she reached an area she could stand comfortably, she turned around, and with one raised finger she signaled for him to join her. He half crawled, half walked to where she was, careful not to bang his head on the rock above him. Sara then asked him to lie on his stomach, and he did without complaint. Sara knelt beside him, and pulled up his shirt to inspect his back. Nothing but a hair thin scar remained where a gaping hole had once been. She traced it lightly with her fingertip asking Seth if it hurt. He shook his head in reply. Sara then asked him if he would like a treat. Not knowing what she was talking about, Seth began to roll over to try and determine her intentions, but before he could shift his weary body she was on top of him, pinning him face down, to the floor. She straddled his body with her legs, and slid her hands up the back of his shirt. She began to massage the muscles in his shoulders, and slowly worked her way down his back, all the while pressing parts of her body into him that made blood rise to his face. It was a good thing his face was buried in the floor. Sara kneaded the muscles in his back from top to bottom time and again until she felt that they were all relaxed. When Seth was completely relaxed and unwilling to move now that he felt so good, she pushed his shirt up his torso all the way to his shoulders. She then pressed her warm lips to his back. Over and over she kissed him hovering so closely he could feel her breath. She kissed him all over leaving no bare flesh untouched. When she kissed the new scar on his back she let her lips linger, this scar was because of her. The wound had nearly taken him away from her, and though she had only known Seth a short time, she could not picture her life without him. If only she could find some way to tell him how she felt. Finished with his back, Sara pulled his shirt back down, and crawled up his body still straddling him. She laid her body, pressing it firmly, against his. It lasted for only a moment fore she knew well his rule about lying together. She kissed his cheek, and not wanting to push her luck, she sat up. Reluctantly she got off of Seth, and asked him to just lay there and relax. Not waiting for a reply she rounded his body, sat near his head, and absently ran her fingers through his short brown hair over and over.

  Garret had only left their shelter a few moments before. He had fought, once again, through the thick brush to the wide path they had traveled two days before. Here he hoped to find an intersecting game trail he could follow to hunt up some food. Reaching the trail, Garr
et turned left, the direction they would soon be traveling, and walked examining the ground. He had taken only a few steps when he heard a snort. Jerking his head up he stared down the trail ahead of him where three men on horseback stood. Garret froze, he could not make out much detail at this distance, but even from where he stood he could see the gleam of their armor, and their weapons glinting in the sunlight. The men must have noticed him at the same time, and kicking their horses’ flanks, the beasts exploded forward at a neck breaking speed. Garret was frozen. He did not know whether these men were friend or foe, but was afraid that if he ran, and they were not friendly, he might mistakenly lead them to the others. The horses and their riders approached him without slowing. The armored men reigned in their steeds only inches before trampling Garret, who was frozen in terror. One rider remained directly in front of him, his mount’s hot breath exploding in great bursts into Garret’s face. The other two riders urged their mounts to either side and behind him, leaving him no room to flee.

  Ashton was kneeling in the dirt, expertly removing some wild onions from the soil when he heard the thunderous pounding of hoof beats coming down the trail. Leaving the onions on the ground, he crept through the brush to see who had approached, and why they had stopped. Reaching the edge of the trail he could see Garret surrounded by three heavily armored, heavily armed men. Each of the men sat upon an enormous white steed. It was a breed Ashton did not recognize. From this distance he could not hear what transpired, but he gathered from the men’s postures that they were not to be taken lightly. He watched the three armored men dismount their steeds, their highly polished armor all the while shining in the sunlight. Then Garret was off into the brush, and the men followed directly behind him. Ashton, unsure of what was happening raced through the brush, sure he could beat them to the shelter where Sara and Seth remained, unaware of the coming danger. Racing to the clearing Ashton paused to be sure Garret and the men had not yet arrived. Assuring himself they had not, he raced into the stone shelter not stopping until his eyes found his companions in the dimly lit space. Sara sat at Seth’s side near his face, and as Ashton approached, she raised a finger to her lips telling him to be quiet, telling him Seth was asleep.


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