The Choosing tbabs-1

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The Choosing tbabs-1 Page 21

by Jeremy Laszlo

  Garret and Ashton burst into laughter. They had both been unsure as to how Seth’s question would affect the girl, but did not expect her almost sarcastic response. It was true, Sara’s mother had been a prostitute, and so would indeed probably try to bed any man who might have coins to pay for it. Seth’s jaw had dropped open at her reply, and Sara beamed at him, smiling as brightly as her face was able in response to his reaction. Sara couldn’t help herself, and despite her attempt to control it she giggled angelically at the man she loved. Laughter being contagious, consumed even Seth after he was able to somewhat recover from the shock of Sara’s answer. So they all laughed heartily, the mood dramatically changed for the better.

  They spoke merrily of the days ahead, making presumptions about the festivities that would be held within the city in the days to come. Garret once mentioned The Choosing ceremony at which point Seth and Sara shared a knowing look, having already prepared an escape plan in case they would need it. They had been talking for some time when the man in the strange white attire sauntered once again into the room. This time the man was followed by Sasha and each of them carried a tray.

  The man placed before Sara and Seth large, shallow, steaming bowls. The scent of the food enticed their nostrils and Seth’s mouth began to water. The bowls were filled nearly to the brim with large chunks of meat, small diced vegetables, and pale white strands of twisted soft noodles. All of this was submerged within a golden yellow broth that steamed and smelled of herbs and spices. It looked and smelled delicious.

  Sasha walked around the table and placed before Garret a large round plate. At its center sat a flaky pie crust with several slits in the top. From the slits bubbled a creamy white sauce releasing the scents of mushroom and pepper. The crust was baked golden brown and was trimmed into a perfect circle. It too looked and smelled delicious.

  Sasha then walked around to Ashton who smiled as she approached. In front of him she placed a large bowl identical to the ones Seth and Sara were given. Within the bowl sat a small melon with its top carved out in the likeness of a swan. Within the recesses created by the carving, grapes and cherries and other small fruits filled the hollowed center of the melon. Around the melon, ringing the entire bowl were cut strawberries, orange slices, and wedges cut from various types of apples. The bowl appeared more as a work of art then a meal. It was a fantastic display of the creator’s culinary skill, and Ashton stated as much. His compliment brought a huge smile to the man’s face and Sasha nodded to the man her approval. Wishing them an enjoyable meal Sasha and the man left the group to eat in peace.

  The four companions enjoyed their meals almost without speaking, but an occasional sound of delight penetrated the room as someone was overwhelmed by some succulent morsel or another.

  They finished their meals more quickly than they thought possible, obviously more hungry than any of them had presumed. Talking quietly around the table, they each graciously complimented the chef and waited patiently for one of the inn’s employees to return. Before long they could hear voices from somewhere down the hall but none of them were able to make out the words. Shortly thereafter, the muted conversation had come to an end and footsteps sounded on the stone floors growing increasingly louder with each step. Sasha’s heeled shoes clicked and clacked as she appeared from the hallway. Sasha’s face lit up as she responded to their intent gazes.

  “I hope your meal was enjoyable.” Sasha said in greeting.

  The boys each nodded their approval, but Sara turned to speak to their host.

  “It was perfect Sasha. Please send my thanks to whomever prepared the soup.” She said in earnest.

  “Oh I shall darling, is there anything else we can get for you? If not is there anywhere you should like to visit? There are still a few hours of light remaining within the city walls if you would like for me to direct you to some place of interest.” Sasha asked the questions as always with practiced perfection.

  “Didn’t you want to visit the knight’s training grounds Garret?” Sara asked turning to face him as she did so.

  Sara’s question was followed by a gasp from Sasha, and Sara quickly returned her gaze to the woman to see what had transpired that she must have missed. Sasha stood with a stunned look on her face, unable to believe something, though what it was no one knew. The woman’s lips moved a couple of times as if to speak. She inhaled deeply, regaining her composure and looked to them once more, this time pausing to inspect each one of them as if looking for something.

  “I’m sorry.” Sasha stated. “How rude of me to stand here staring at you all, it’s just that I had heard the name Garret recently, and I now presume that the two are the same.” Sasha stated, explaining her reaction only a moment ago. “I realize it isn’t any of my business, but could I ask you a few questions?” Sasha asked them as a group, looking to each of them hopefully.

  “Sure.” Garret answered, intrigued by the woman’s previous statement about his name.

  “Well then I must ask if you are the same Garret that met three Kingdom knights upon the road between Raven’s Hold and Stone Haven?” Sasha asked, eyeing Garret intently.

  “Yes ma’am one in the same.” Garret stated and then as if to prove the meeting added. “They approached me looking for signs of a goblin who had visited the area.”

  Sasha nodded in reply and her eyes drifted from Garret around the table and fell upon his twin Seth.

  “You then must be the brother who sustained injury in the encounter.” Sasha stated recalling the details she had been told.

  Seth nodded in response, unsure of the direction of the conversation.

  “It appears you have recovered then from the injury you reportedly sustained. I suspect it was no great injury then if you sit here already just a couple days later.” Sasha spoke as if making notes of the details mentally as she did.

  “Well actually…” Ashton chimed in not wanting her to presume incorrectly. “The goblin was able to drive his blade between Seth’s ribs and up into his lung and heart.” Ashton spoke evenly as a physician might of the injury.

  Seth shuddered at the thought, remembering too well the pain of the injury and the grief it had caused Sara.

  “Truly?” Sasha asked as if unconvinced. “Yet you sit here with a beating heart, breathing air easily at my table. How is this possible?” She asked this time the disbelief audible in her tone.

  “Like this.” Ashton said, slightly annoyed by the woman’s disbelief.

  Ashton pushed back from the table and kneeled beside it, raising his face to the heavens he spoke a prayer silently to himself. Then focusing his gaze inward he chanted almost silently. Twisting the power surging within him he began to focus the power at his hands. Deciding that would not be dramatic enough he refocused the power to consume him and molding it to his will he unleashed it. Bright light exploded from Ashton’s entire body consuming him in its soft yellow tinted glow. The light pulsed more brightly than any of his companions had ever witnessed before, and the light appeared to dance around the boy’s body clinging loosely to his form. As quickly as the light had appeared, Ashton forced himself to once again contain it as to not tire his body. A smile spreading across the lanky man’s face the light vanished with a wink. Ashton opened his eyes to find Sasha staring at him, her mouth wide open in disbelief. Attempting to regain her composure, Sasha peeled her gaze away from the young healer and looked away to gather her thoughts before she spoke.

  “A young powerful healer.” She stated more to herself than anyone else. “Who would have known? Please accept my apologies for not readily accepting your tale. It is just a surprise that you travel without the robes of your order.” Sasha mused of her own thoughts as Ashton began to reply.

  “I have not yet received my robes Miss Sasha, as I have not yet attended The Choosing, nor have I been properly trained. My abilities are what my mother was able to teach me, as well as the result of much trial and error.” Ashton stated honestly.

  “I see.” Sasha proclaimed.
“May I have the honor of learning your name?” She asked having derived the rest of their names from the conversation. His name alone was the only one not known to her.

  “My name is Ashton Rayne, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Ashton replied earnestly.

  “No my young friends, it is I that has the pleasure of meeting you. I must send word to my husband that you have arrived safely.” Sasha stated. “He was most hopeful to see you again at The Choosing Garret, and I am sure he would be happy to learn that you have arrived intact.” She stated happily.

  “Who is your husband and why does he want to see me?” Garret asked thoroughly confused.

  “Oh how silly of me, one of the knights you met on the road was my husband, Lord Sirus.” Sasha stated a look of pride spreading across her pretty face.

  This time it was the four companions whose jaws dropped open. None of them could believe that this woman’s husband had been the one to supply them with horses and food, and money for shelter. The money that in fact had been used to pay for their stay at this inn. The very inn owned by the man and his wife. It was just too much to comprehend.

  Allowing her four guests to regain their composure, and to let the information settle upon them, Sasha waited patiently. When they all had appeared to recover from the news, Sasha decided to finish answering Garret’s question as best as she was able.

  “When my husband met you he was able to determine that with training you could become a knight like himself. He said he could sense…” Sasha’s words broke off as she pondered something. “Wait if you are twins though than that likely means that Seth too has…” Trailing off again Sasha was consumed by her own thoughts momentarily before she continued. “Never mind me. It will all be sorted out in the days to come. That much I am sure of, but I must leave you with my apologies. I must send word to my husband. Perhaps he will even come to visit you before the ceremony. In any case don’t worry about the meals. They are free of charge, as well as any further services or food you might require whilst you stay under our roof.” Sasha spoke the words swiftly, and when she finished speaking she turned and strode elegantly out of the room.

  The four companions sat looking around from one face to another. The meaning of Sasha’s words had been lost to them, and none of them wanted to voice their shared questions. Yet her generosity made them all feel somewhat comfortable with the fact that something obviously beyond their understanding was going on. Feeling concerned and a bit frightened Sara took in the faces around her. Seth looked deep in thought, his eyes focused on some point straight ahead of him. He still held her hand beneath the table, though his fingers felt limp, unfeeling. Sasha had said that Seth apparently shared some unknown talent with his brother, a talent that could possibly lead him to being chosen for the vast armies of Valdadore. This Sara knew was not what Seth wanted, nor did she want him to go with the army. The possibility worried her, as it must be worrying him, judging by the look on his face. Sara then looked to Garret. He sat tall and proud in is chair beaming a smile across the table at his brother, however the look went unnoticed by its intended target. Garret felt that in this moment his dreams and hopes had been assured. He would be chosen to join the armies protecting Valdadore. He might even be trained as one of the elite knights that served the Kingdom. Not only was he happy that he would get chosen for what he wanted, but it seemed as if Seth was likely to be chosen for the same reason. If they were both chosen for knighthood, then they would remain together. Garret’s wishes all seemed to be coming true, and he rejoiced in the feeling. Sara’s gaze left Garret and she turned to look upon Ashton. Ashton sat across from her, looking back and forth from one twin to the other as she had just done. Only his face was not troubled by concern as hers was, instead he looked inquisitive. He looked from one brother to the other then back again searching for something he could not see. Not finding what he searched for he sat back in his chair, slumping into it slightly as if defeated. Sara looked back to her guardian, and seeing the pain still on his face she could not stop the tears from brimming her eyes. She squeezed his hand lightly, all the while keeping her eyes focused as best she could through her tears, on his face. When she squeezed his hand his expression shifted. Turning his head slightly his eyes finally focused and he turned his gaze to Sara. His face immediately twisted to one of concern and he pulled her to him wrapping his arms lightly around her. He was trying to protect her even from her own feelings. Seth kissed the top of her head and whispered into her hair.

  “It is going to be ok angel, and if it turns out badly, we have already made such plans.” Seth finished with another kiss to her head.

  Sara nodded in his embrace and he carefully released her as to not make her lose her balance and fall from her chair. She sat up and immediately looked to his face, assuring herself that his pained look had not returned. It had not. In fact his expression now looked as if nothing had even transpired. Seth looked to his brother who was still smiling as if trying to air dry his teeth. Seth nodded to his brother in understanding and then turned out of his chair and stood.

  “So what do we do now?” Seth asked no one in particular.

  “Well it is getting a bit late in the day to explore the city.” Ashton replied. “However if you guys are up for a challenge, or a test if you prefer, I would like to try something.”

  Sara, Seth, and Garret all looked to Ashton for explanation, and realizing that he had gained their interest he continued.

  “Sasha said that Sirus had seen something about you that had caught his attention. I recall someone once telling me that all Knights to the Kingdom possess the gift of magic. Though each of them has varying talents, each of their talents lends to their skills of battle. If Sirus thinks to make you a knight than he must have surmised that you have the gift.” Ashton waited a moment to let his words settle in before he continued. “If you do have the gift we can try a simple test to confirm it. It is a test my mother used on me when I was young, and though she did not teach me how to perform it, I think I can replicate it well enough.”

  Garret nodded immediately and so it was left to Seth to decide for himself. Seth was a rational person, perhaps even calculated in his decision process. Seth knew that no harm could come from this knowledge and so he agreed to the test. Sara waited just as anxiously for Seth’s answer as Garret and Ashton had, and seeing him agree, she hoped that this test would not alter Seth’s perception of her or of himself. They decided to return to Seth and Sara’s room for some privacy to perform the test.

  Seth unlocked the door and allowed Sara to enter first. Garret and Ashton followed her through and Seth entered behind them closing and locking the door. They walked to the seating area with the overstuffed, upholstered chairs and benches. Seating themselves comfortably, they prepared themselves for Ashton’s instruction. All too ready to begin Ashton immediately started talking.

  “Ok guys all I want you to do is clear your minds and relax. Try to focus yourselves, but remain aware of your mind. If this works you should be able to feel the power flowing through me, and if you can I want you to try and absorb that power and contain it within yourself. It sounds easier than it is, but we have time to make a few attempts if needed. I am going to pray and summon my Goddess’s blessing and through me I will try and channel her power to you. Are you ready to try? Ashton asked with a wide grin on his face.

  Garret was the first to nod his readiness and so Ashton walked to him and knelt down beside him.

  “Ok now relax and clear your mind, focus yourself inward and wait until you can feel the power.” With his instructions completed Ashton tilted his head to the heavens and prayed.

  His prayer completed, Ashton began a low chant. As the intensity of his chant increased the holy light of his Goddess began to dance across his skin. Ashton held the power within him. Molding it to his will he let it consume him. Reaching out with his hand he grasped Garrets exposed arm. Not requiring healing Ashton released the power slowly in its pure form allowing it to flo
w unchecked into Garret’s body. Garret gasped.

  Garret sat still, his body as relaxed as he could make it and did as he was told. He focused his mind inward pushing all thoughts and memories that tried to assault him away. Clearing a space for him to focus Garret imagined himself in a pure space, surrounded by white nothingness. He could vaguely hear his friend chanting but as soon as he realized it he washed it away as well. Garret floated within his own mind waiting to see or feel something both magnificent and foreign. He did not notice when Ashton grabbed his arm, he was too disconnected at this point for his body to relay the message. He sat surrounded by a white abyss when he felt the tingle. Reaching towards it with his mind he was able to see it for what it was. A vast ocean of yellow light churned upon itself within him. However try as he might he could not reach it, he made attempt after attempt to grasp it, yet the power remained elusive. Then something struck him, the power was here, he knew it was here he could feel it and see it, but Ashton had told him to contain it. Slowly carefully Garret lowered the barriers within his mind he had built to keep out unwanted thoughts and memories. As the barriers slipped away Garret’s mind was flooded with images and thoughts but he ignored them, instead focusing himself on the power within himself. This time Garret mentally envisioned himself building the barriers around his entire mind contained, as the power reeled away from a barrier Garret would let it fall allowing thoughts and images escape. Before the power could too find the hole in his defense he replaced it. It was a task that seemed to take a life time, forever removing his mental shields allowing thoughts to pass beyond, then, replacing the shield. He slowly destroyed and rebuilt the barriers each time making them smaller forcing the power pulsing within him to focus tighter and tighter until at last a perfect sphere of roiling light was encased within his mind. Garret reeled at the realization and without knowing it he gasped. He had been able to detect, locate and contain the power, but now what was he supposed to do?


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