The Choosing tbabs-1

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The Choosing tbabs-1 Page 23

by Jeremy Laszlo

  “Greetings honored guests.” He said to them a wide smile splitting his face in two. “What can I have the pleasure of preparing for you this evening?”

  Sara found herself once again unprepared for the question, but quickly decided upon a solution.

  “I really hadn’t thought about it sir, but it seems to me you enjoy cooking. Is there any dish in particular you enjoy preparing more than another?” She asked him happy to see his surprised reaction.

  “Indeed there is such a dish.” He stated honestly. “Would you have me prepare it for you?”

  “I most certainly would.” Sara answered.

  “What will you be having Master Seth?” The man asked Seth with a smile.

  “I will have what she is having if it’s not any trouble.” Seth replied

  “Me too.” Garret added.

  “I would like the same as well.” Stated Ashton.

  “You are all so very kind.” The man told them with a smile. “Four of my specialties coming up.” He added with a twirl of his finger in the air.

  With that the man spun and limped his way back across the room and disappeared into the hall. The four companions again spoke quietly while waiting for their food. They once had seen Sasha pass through the room and each of them flashed her a smile as she passed. It was not long before the man returned with their food. He placed in front of each of them a steaming plate. Each plate contained a small duck smothered in a thick tangy sauce that made all of their mouths water. Beside each duck was a large pile of mixed steamed vegetables, and several fried apples carved into the likeness of rose buds and drizzled with honey. Each plate was its own astonishing masterpiece and they each thanked the man whole heartedly before he left them to eat their meal.

  The meal was beyond delicious. Each savory bite left their mouths watering for another. The duck was tender and nearly fell from the bone. The vegetables were steamed to be tender, but not overcooked as to lose their flavor. The apples were like nothing any of them had ever tasted before. They were soft but not mushy, and the tart flavor hinted at wine and lemon, all the while added to by the sweet honey filling every carved crevice. The entire meal was like ecstasy to their taste buds.

  They finished their meal quickly and waited a while hoping the man would return so they could share with him their compliments. He did not return however and so they decided to head off to their rooms early for some sleep so they could begin exploring the city in the morning. They pushed in their chairs and headed for the hall. Telling one another good night, they departed at the room Seth and Sara were sharing, as the two other boys continued down the hall to the stairs that would lead them to their own room.

  Garret and Ashton entered their room and set about undressing. They climbed into their respective beds, and putting out their bedside lanterns went quickly to sleep.

  Seth let Sara through their door before him, and closed it behind him. As Sara crossed the room towards the bed Seth locked the door and tested it to be sure t worked correctly. Turning towards the bed Seth witnessed Sara picking up a small package. She peeked inside it with a smile as he approached.

  “What’s that?” Seth asked, eyeing the package suspiciously.

  “A surprise.” Sara answered a teasing smile on her lips. “There is one here for you too.” She added pointing to another smaller package.

  “Hmm…what do you think it is?” Seth asked reaching for the package.

  “Why don’t you open it and see?” Sara asked again with the teasing smile.

  Seth reached his hand into the small container and pulled out its contents. In his hand was a small bundle of silk. He unfolded the small bundle, and holding it before him revealed a pair of black silk men’s undergarment. These particular ones were fashioned as quarter length shorts. Seth eyed the garment scrutinizing it as if it might hurt him somehow.

  “What is it?” He asked her quizzically.

  “Something for you to sleep in.” Sara stated, eyeing the garment he held with a big smile on her face. “I like it.” She then added.

  “What did you get?” Seth asked silently hoping she did not have anything to sleep in.

  “I guess you will just have to wait and see.” She said in her most angelic voice, the teasing smile returning. “Why don’t you change here, and I’ll go change over there.” Sara instructed pointing to the small partition in the corner.

  Seth nodded his understanding, and waited for her leave. Sara walked across the room purposely accentuating the sway of her hips, knowing he watched her go. She stepped behind the partition and immediately began to undress.

  Seth watched Sara cross the room, her swinging hips holding his attention until she disappeared behind the screen. He undressed as fast as was possible, not wanting to get caught in the act, and pulled on the black silk garment he had been given. Looking down at himself he realized he didn’t look nearly as silly as he had imagined he would. He climbed onto the bed and sat patiently watching for Sara to reappear.

  Sara stood naked behind the screen. She was not worried that Seth might come and catch her in this condition. She knew he would wait patiently, though she thought it might be more convenient if he did appear. She reached into the package she had requested and pulled out two silk garments. Looking them over she realized they were actually two halves of one garment. She placed the bigger of the two upon the clothes she had just removed, and attempted to ascertain what the remaining piece was meant to cover. It was a small triangle of silk no bigger than her palm with a satin cord attached to all three corners. Two of the corners were connected by the cord in a large loop. The other cord was sewn by its end at the middle of the loop created by the first cord. Sara held the piece before her face turning it this way and that when it struck her. Holding the garment by each end of the large loop, the triangle in front of her, she stepped into it with each leg on either side of the remaining cord. She pulled the garment up her legs and into place expecting it to be uncomfortable. The placement of the cord that wrapped under her and up her backside was not as uncomfortable as she had assumed it would be, but it wasn’t exactly pleasant either and would take some getting used to. Having successfully figured out the first piece she reached down and retrieved the other. This one looked a bit more self explanatory, and only took her a second to derive its orientation. This too was made of black silk, but it was much thinner than her lower garment, nearly completely transparent. She flung it around her shoulders and pushed her arms through its sleeves. Pulling it around her she tied the single tie upon the front. Finally dressed, she turned to look in the mirror that sat behind the screen. Looking in the mirror she decided to unbraid her hair and let it fall around her shoulders. She ran her fingers through her hair straightening it as best she could and stood to look at herself. The top was open from top to bottom revealing her bare skin from her neck all the way down well below her navel. The only tie on the garment was just below her breasts, pulling the front together slightly. It accentuated her body nicely but left nothing to the imagination. The Sheer fabric was so entirely see through she hardly seen any use in wearing it at all. The bottom also left very little to the imagination. It was a thicker silk and so hid the portion of her body it was designed to conceal, but it left the rest of her totally revealed. The thin cords traced lines up over her hips and came together in the back. Her backside was completely exposed except the thin cord that ran down its length disappearing between her legs. The outfit was significantly more revealing than Sara had intended, but she found it did appear to make her body more attractive somehow. The black silk stood in stark contrast to her creamy white skin making her seem more visually appealing. Sara gathered what little courage she had, and with a nod to herself in the mirror, she turned and walked out from behind the partition.

  Seth watched the partition patiently waiting for Sara to reappear, all the while imagining what she might be wearing when she did. None of his imagined fantasies had prepared him for what he saw when she did.

  Sara stro
de out from behind the small screen, her head held high, and a look of determination on her face. Seth tried not to stare, but was unable to wrench his gaze from her. He could not believe what he was seeing and silently swore to himself if there was anything at all worth worshipping in the world, he had found it. Sara strode across the expanse of the large room and stopped at the foot of the bed smiling at him sheepishly.

  “Do you like it?” She asked, her teasing smile returning.

  Before he could reply she turned around slowly allowing him to see her from every angle. Seth, try as he might, could not help but study her inch by inch in fascinating wonder. Her outfit composed of two pieces, both made from black silk like the one he now wore. Her top was split from top to bottom revealing a trail of milky white flesh from her neck to her lower abdomen. The silk of the top fluttered at the edges with the rise and fall of her breasts as she breathed. These too he could see clearly through the clothing though he tried his best not to stare. As far as he was concerned however they were perfect, firm and round, and apparently she was a bit cold. As she turned he watched her hips twist, and his eyes followed her bare hips down the entire bare length of her tone legs. She paused briefly when she had her back to him, and he traced her body again with his eyes up her calves, to her thighs and up again to her completely bare backside. Seth’s breath caught in his throat at the discovery and he choked unable to control the reaction. He heard a small giggle escape Sara’s lips as she began to turn again. She twirled slowly to face him again, and it pleased her to find that Seth’s face had gone completely red.

  “So?” Sara asked. “How do I look?”

  “You look breath taking.” Seth said, having experienced the effect of her attire only seconds before.

  Seth fought his body’s urge to displace the blood his brain would need if here were to try and escape her advances this night. Seth knew though that if she pushed the issue he would be hard pressed not to give in.

  “I’m sleeping on top of the covers tonight.” Seth stated jokingly, though thinking to himself it was his best defense.

  “Don’t be silly my love, I will be good I promise.” Sara said, a bit disappointed by his statement.

  Sara walked around the bed to the side Seth was seated on, his eyes following her the whole way. She walked until her legs pressed against the mattress, and reached her arms out to hug him. Grasping his neck with one hand, and his hair in the other she pulled him to her, hugging his face into the bare flesh between her barely concealed breasts. She held him there for a minute before releasing him, and when she did he gasped for air and looked at her accusingly.

  “I thought you said you were going to be good?” Seth accused.

  “I’m sorry was that too much?” Sara asked in her angelic voice, the teasing grin returning once again.

  “Just a little.” Seth stated trying once again to overcome his body’s urges.

  “I’m sorry. I will try and be more cautious.” Sara said a hint of mischief in her voice.

  Without another word, or warning Sara leaned her body over his, and pressing as much of her body against his as she could manage she crawled slowly across him, to her side of the bed. As she cleared his body she paused, her bare backside in the air only inches from his face, and she gave her hips a little wiggle. Finished with her charade she settled into a sitting position beside him and waited for him to start breathing again.

  When Seth did finally start breathing once again Sara gave him a few moments to relax and regain control of his body. Feeling he had had enough time she placed one hand against his chest and let it rest there a moment. No protest forthcoming, Sara decided to once again push her limits with him just for fun. She slid her hand down from his exposed chest, tracing the line of his muscles. Leaving his chest she continued to slide her had down his abdomen. Not wanting her plan to be an obvious one she traced the line of his uppermost abdominal muscles across his stomach and slid her hand down his side. Tracing the black silk down his hip she slid her hand down the outside of his muscular thigh as far as she could reach comfortably. Tracing her fingers around the curve of his kneecap she began to slide her hand up his inner thigh letting her fingers brush his skin lightly. She watched his face out of the corner of her eye as she moved her hand further and further up the inside of his leg. Feeling silk once again she looked down to watch her hand trace the rest of the way up to her goal. She slid her hand up the remaining inches until Seth grabbed her wrist, only a fraction of an inch away from what she sought.

  Defeated, Sara sighed loudly. She knew she shouldn’t push him. She should just wait as he had asked her to do. But she wanted more than anything to give herself to him, and though teasing and enticing him was fun, she found it increasingly hard to wait. With her lower lip jutting out in a pout she turned her body to face him.

  “I guess that’s a no then?” She asked him.

  “No, it’s a not yet.” Seth answered.

  Seth fought hard to contain his body’s urge to have her, his entire body shook from the effort. He had almost let her reach her intended target, deciding against it at the last second. He wanted them to do the right thing, and be joined before he gave in to her. It was hard denying her desires though. Especially due to the fact he desired the same thing. It was now even harder seeing her actually pout over his denial. He felt bad for doing it, but figured it would only be a matter of time before she got her way. If only they could discover another way to share their passion, just to relieve some tension. Feeling as if he betrayed her, Seth decided to try and redeem himself.

  Rolling onto his knees Seth slid one arm behind Sara’s back where she sat next to him. The other arm he slid beneath her legs. He picked her up and held her to his chest a moment, enjoying the feeling of her warm bare flesh against his. Pivoting on one knee, Seth laid the woman he loved down in the middle of the bed, placing her head upon a pillow. He lifted his own body above hers, and placing one leg between hers he lowered himself to press into her. Beginning at the top of her head, and ending at the bottom of her feet, Seth kissed every inch of the front of her body. Whether exposed or unexposed he left no portion of her untouched by his lips. He too traced her entire body with his fingertips, lightly brushing circles upon her milky skin in no specific pattern. Often goose bumps arose on her flesh. Often too her body would shudder in delight. When his body got the better of him and sent blood coursing to parts of him he would usually protest, he let it happen. He did not try to hide it from her, and when it brushed against her body he was not ashamed. He continued showering her with kisses and let his fingers slide upon her skin until she panted loudly and sweat began to bead on her forehead. When he had finished he lay down next to her and pulled her body into his. Hoping he had done enough to redeem himself. Hoping he had given her enough to satiate her for a while so they could do things properly when the time came.

  Sara laid in Seth’s arms her back to him, her bare backside pressed warmly into his lap. She waited until her heart finally slowed, and her breathing returned to normal. When her body finally relaxed she crawled from his arms to the top of the bed and slid beneath the covers. She gestured for Seth to do the same, and hoped he would not deny her. He didn’t, and soon he too was beneath the blankets with her. She reached across the bed and put out the lantern that rested there and Seth did the same on his side of the bed. In the darkness Seth again began to pull her into his arms, but Sara was not yet ready for sleep, and so she decided it was only fair if she could return some of the pleasure he had given to her moments before. Sara rolled to face Seth. She did not want to upset him by pressing her limits too far and so decided to take it slow. If he wanted her to relent at any point she promised to herself she would obey. Sliding her body close to his she pressed his shoulder lightly, asking without words for him to roll onto his back. Seth relented and obeyed her silent command. Again Sara placed her hand upon his chest, and this time traced designs across his body with her fingertips. She let her fingers glide upon his skin up and down h
is arms and over his shoulders. Across his chest and down his abdomen her fingers slid. She did not move to kiss his body as he had done for her, knowing that he would not allow her near as much leniency as she allowed him. Instead she continued with her hands tracing every inch of his body with her fingertips. When she thought herself too close to the spot she had previously been stopped she would veer away and trace elsewhere with her fingers. Several times she approached his manhood with her fingers and Seth made no attempt to stop her, but each time she contained herself and led her hand away. In one such instance she had apparently gone closer than she believed and felt her hand brush against it unintentionally. Sara immediately withdrew her hand and apologized quickly. Seth then told her he had come to a decision. He had decided so long as they kept their hands above each other’s clothing, they could do as they wished, except that one thing that was permitted only to couples that had been joined. Sara accepted his decision happily, and thanked him for reconsidering. She continued to trace lines across his skin beneath the sheets, and this time when she neared the area where she would have previously changed direction, she continued her path drawing all of her fingers down the length of him, smiling to herself in the darkness.

  Long hours passed in the room Seth and Sara shared. They spent long hours taking turns exploring each other’s body in new and exciting ways. Eventually however they grew tired, and pulling Sara into his arms, they both relaxed and eventually went to sleep.

  Morning came quickly, though inside the city’s immense walls light did not readily come with it. Garret and Ashton awoke early feeling more rested today than they had for many days. They decided to not disturb their companions, and instead would go get some breakfast just the two of them. Unsure how the couple’s first night sharing a bed would go, they figured it best to leave them be until they emerged from the suite of their own free will.


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