Property of Drex (Book 1) (Death Chasers MC Series)

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Property of Drex (Book 1) (Death Chasers MC Series) Page 12

by C. M. Owens

  I look up to see two pairs of eyes staring expectantly—Sledge’s and Herrin’s. When I don’t respond, Herrin apparently realizes I’ve not heard him.

  “I said I apologize for Jessie’s behavior. It won’t happen again. We take care of our own.”

  What am I supposed to say? It’s fine that the big son of a bitch tried to rape me? It’s fine that you’d allow that if I wasn’t Drex’s girl? What the fuck happens when I’m not his girl? Because, it’s not like Drex is going to keep me around forever.

  The grim reality is swift and ugly. There’s no way I’d survive in this group without Drex’s protection. Even with it, I still almost ended up… I can’t even think about it.

  When I still don’t speak, Herrin frowns. I really don’t give a damn if I’m somehow insulting him. He’s a sick, twisted son of a bitch to think a simple apology somehow makes it all better.

  A knock at the door makes me jump, and Drex curses while tightening his hold on me. Sledge opens the door, and Axle steps in.

  He’s monstrous and scary as hell. Even without the snake tattoos that line his arms and neck, he’d be scary. A scar runs from his hairline down his face in a vertical line, barely missing the outer corner of his eye, and it curves and angles until it meets his chin, stopping just under his bottom lip.

  But he saved me. He’s still scary, but at least he’s not a sick bastard.

  His eyes scan over me briefly before he offers me a tight smile. I almost feel bad for how I reacted earlier when he tried to speak to me. But damn, I needed a second.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” Axle says gruffly, “but the guys downstairs are getting restless over the mess I made. Sorry.”

  He doesn’t sound sincere in his apology. I don’t know what he’s talking about, but he seems more proud than apologetic.

  “I’ll handle it,” Drex says, shifting, and my heart sinks as I cling to his arm, halting him from sliding out of the bed.

  By some miracle, I manage not to lose the sheet that is hiding my very naked body.

  His lips tighten as he looks at me, but I don’t care how pathetic I appear. I refuse to be left alone right now. I really refuse to be left with any other man but him. No, he doesn’t make it all better, but he’s sure as hell stronger than I am in case that ape comes back for round two.

  “We should get downstairs, boss,” Sledge says to Herrin as he studies me. “I doubt they’ll listen to anyone but you right now.”

  Herrin doesn’t take his eyes off me.

  “I just want to hear her speak. I apologized. She needs to acknowledge that.”

  Sledge makes a noise deep in his throat. Apparently he’s the only one who understands this is a seriously screwed up situation.

  I try to speak, just to appease him. Let them win the battles so you can endure the war.

  No words come out. My lip merely trembles.

  “You want to press her about this with me in the room?” Axle’s tone is like an electrical charge that forces all three men to bristle. A chill spreads as he glares at Herrin in challenge.

  Surprisingly, Herrin—the biggest alpha dick in the room—actually seems a little scared of Axle. Not that I blame him. Herrin is a tall man, but Axle is taller, and he’s nothing but a solid sheet of muscle, even though he’s not bulky.

  I know he handled that muscled-up barbarian with little effort. Maybe Axle is even safer than Drex, considering Herrin seems to waver. But it isn’t Axle’s arms I want around me.

  “I’ll let the dust settle,” Herrin says, acting as though he’s no longer interested in hearing me acknowledge his bullshit apology.

  Axle nods to Drex, who settles back down as the three men walk out together, leaving us alone. I shiver as the door shuts, and Drex wraps me up against his side, pulling me back down as he gets comfortable on the bed.

  I wish the light was off. Tears are trying to leak out, and I’m fighting hard to keep them back. One thing is for sure, I have to get out of here before it costs me my life. Even if I’m breathing, I’ll be dead if Drex ever decides he’s done.

  “Ignore Pop. You’re barely a blip on his radar. He just likes feeling in control.”

  “And you just give him that control,” I say before I can think, and I immediately wish I could suck the words back into my mouth.

  To my surprise, he doesn’t get pissed.

  “He’s my dad. And he’s President,” he says as though that explains everything.

  Because I’m overwhelmed and suddenly finding my voice again, my need to endanger my stay in his bed persists. “Axle didn’t seem to give a damn about who he was.”

  I don’t look at him, but this time he does tense.

  “Axle has my back. He knows he can cross lines that I can’t. He didn’t interject for you; he did it for me. I’m the one who brought Axle in. One day, he’ll be my right hand man.”

  I don’t point out the fact that Herrin seemed afraid of him. But he seems to feel the need to elaborate.

  “Axle is unpredictable, or so my father thinks. He doesn’t like him. Doesn’t want him here. And though he won’t admit it, he doesn’t want to cross Axle. But I got to choose a crew. I wanted guys more my age, which is why I chose Snake, Axle, Dash, and a few others. Some of them you’ve met, some you haven’t. I wanted guys I could trust and guys who weren’t stuck in the old ways.”

  I just nod, not really understanding this complex life he lives.

  He starts tracing imaginary lines on my body, and I battle with the internal war going on inside me. It’s no longer living from day to day… It’s worrying about the future.

  And an eventual escape plan.

  As much as I want to stay with Drex, I don’t belong in this world.

  Chapter 21


  “Don’t want no trouble,” Drake says, looking up from the tattoo he’s putting on a girl that barely has any more space for tattoos. “Go ahead and leave the way you just came in.”

  He does well not to show his surprise, but I can tell he’s ready for a fight.

  I’m not here to fight. This time.

  “I need some ink put on my girl.” Somehow, I manage to keep from grinding my teeth while forcing out the words.

  This time his surprise sneaks out, but he masks it with impassivity almost a second later.

  “Then make an appointment. I’m booked up for six months.”

  He goes back to his buzzing, and I run a hand over the scruff on my cheek.

  “I need it today. Now, actually.”

  The sound of the buzzing stopping is abrupt, and Drake’s cold eyes meet mine.

  “You lost the right to come in here and demand shit when you threw your fist into my face and put a ban on my place. Make an appointment. Be glad I’m even considering doing a damn thing for you.”

  Eve peeks out from my side, and she sucks in a breath when she sees Drake. Yeah… he’s a scary motherfucker to a sheltered girl like Eve. He’s tall, overly tatted, and has such light blue eyes that they almost look white.

  It’s freaky as shit.

  Those freaky eyes land on her, and his eyebrow cocks as though he’s shocked.

  “She can’t be your girl.” The surprise in his voice only pisses me off.

  Eve, however, steps closer.

  “Please,” she says, poking out her wrist for some weird reason. “I need that damn thing so those big bastards don’t try touching me ever again.”

  Her voice wobbles on the end, and I see Drake’s eyes go from cold to furious as his gaze snaps back to me.

  “You let them put their hands on your girl? Fucking unbelievable.”

  “It’s a long story. Just give her the ink, and I’ll lift the ban. You can start getting Death Dealer business again.”

  That sure as hell has his attention.

  “You mean the ban I shouldn’t have gotten? Not good enough. You want me to ink her, then admit you’re an arrogant ass.”

  “I’m an arrogant ass,” I deadpan.

lips twitch, but he rolls his eyes. “Fucking hell. Fine.”

  Eve pulls her arm back in, and I lean down to kiss her just beside her lips. She reaches up, slipping her arms around my neck, and she leans against me as though she’s finally relaxing.

  I love these shirts she keeps wearing—the ones that seem to always hang off one shoulder. And I’m about to take advantage of it.

  Drake finishes up what he’s working on, and I look behind me at Axle who is stifling a grin as he sits down. Yeah. This shit isn’t easy. I’m doing good not to choke on the wad of pride I’m having to swallow.

  Drake and I clashed two years ago over a girl. I had no idea he was fucking her. She was the one who came onto me. Then the asshole permanently fucked up some ink on my body as retaliation. I had to get the shit inked over so that I didn’t have a motherfucking daisy that said “cocksucker” on my back.

  Jackass dick.

  I messed his jaw up, banned him from inking Death Dealers, and essentially had him shunned. Not that it hurt his business, considering he’s the best in town, even better than Cecil.

  He stands, still dealing with the Ink Queen, and Eve looks up to me.

  “I’ve never had a tattoo. How bad will it hurt?” she asks, reminding me how fucking innocent she is.

  And I’m still the bastard who can’t let her go. Normally, I’d already be done with a girl. But Eve seems to be my weakness. I’m still deciding if that’s good or bad.

  “Not much. But you can squeeze my hand if it gets unbearable,” I joke, earning a small pout from her.

  I really love those damn lips of hers.

  My thumb rubs over her bottom lip, and she leans into my touch. She might be innocent, but she’s as tough as any Death Dealer in the club. Mentally, at least. Physically? I need to teach her some stuff. She needs to be able to protect herself in the future.

  “Alright. Let’s do this,” Drake says, eyeing me curiously as Eve reluctantly turns away from me and goes to the chair he motions her to.

  She sits down, and Drake comes over to me, leaving her in the room as he gestures with his head for me to join him. Great. He wants to talk. I knew this was all too easy.

  I look at Axle, who nods in understanding, letting me know he’ll keep an eye on my girl as all the curious ones in the waiting lounge glance her way.

  As soon as we’re in a different section far away from Eve and everyone else, Drake crosses his arms over his chest.

  “Why come to me instead of Cecil?”

  “He’s out of town. Family shit or something. And Eve needs ink. She was attacked a few nights ago. I’d rather it didn’t happen again, and we both know my name on her will stop all that shit.”

  His lips thin, and he groans before dropping his arms back to his sides. “The ban is lifted? Because I fucking hate Hell Breathers, and they’ve been coming in like crazy. It’d be nice if they had a reason to avoid my place again.”

  My skin prickles at the mention of their club. Why are they traveling to Drake? He’s way outside of their normal perimeter.

  “Why?” I ask him. “They used Michaels the last I heard.”

  He shrugs. “Don’t know. But they ask a lot of questions about your dad. I tell them the generic shit, let them think they’re learning more and more, when really they aren’t learning shit.”

  My teeth clench. “And you didn’t think to call me to warn me?”

  Drake was once my best friend, until two years ago when a girl got in the way. Guys only seem to have problems when pussy is involved.

  “I would have, if you hadn’t been a dick to me. Now you know. Like I said, they think I’m giving them something.”

  What the hell is Benny after?

  My eyes flick to the doorway as Eve crosses my mind. Pop is still leery of her and her intentions, finding her relationship to one traitor too coincidental. The fact she was gifted to us by Benny… Even I can’t deny something is up. But Eve hasn’t given me any reason to think it’s more than just all a coincidence. She’s actually making me believe in coincidences.

  “So you want the usual DD on her inner wrist?” Drake asks, snapping me back to the moment.

  Ahhh, so that’s why she stuck out her wrist. She must have noticed the other girls sporting the DD tat.

  “Nah. She’s not Death Dealer property. I want something special for her.”

  Chapter 22


  I was expecting a tattoo on my wrist, not on my shoulder. But Drex always seems oddly interested in that particular piece of skin, which is why I find clothes to wear that show it off, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

  But how the hell long does it take to put a simple DD on there? At least it doesn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. And no way am I looking. I don’t want to see blood, and Drake said there would definitely be some blood. No thank you.

  The stinging sensation continues, and I wince when he hovers over a sensitive area for much too long. Damn. He’s really putting a lot of work into those two letters.

  Drex walks up beside me, putting away his phone. He’s been in a private room for a while, so I assume he didn’t want anyone overhearing whatever he was saying.

  He peers around, and a smile blooms across his face as he studies what Drake is doing. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen him look so excited about something.

  “They won’t question if she’s your girl anymore,” Drake says, even though I still won’t look at him. Looking at him might mean seeing my blood.

  “Good.” Drex sounds entirely too pleased, and he runs his hand up my bare leg, stopping on my thigh just where my shorts start.

  His fingers toy with the flesh just under the hem of my shorts on my inner thigh, and I ignore the embarrassing shiver that wracks my body from that small, intimate touch.

  He held me all night that night. Kept me in his bed. And he never once tried to touch me in a sexual way. He was… considerate. Which isn’t what I expected from Drex.

  He hasn’t touched me like that since then, and he’s been attentive… even sweet? It’s been nice. It’s also been blurring those lines even more. Fortunately, I’m a little tougher to break than I thought. Or maybe I’m still suppressing feelings about this entire new world I’m in until it’s safe to really go crazy.

  “I expect to see some of you guys soon,” Drake tells him, and the buzzing stops as he starts wiping at my tattoo again. Shit, that burns.

  “I’ll spread the word,” Drex says absently, still smiling at my arm even as he continues to torture me with his fingers on my leg.

  “I take it you approve?” Drake asks, stepping back.

  Drex’s touch leaves me as he moves around to take Drake’s spot, and I glance up as his smile grows even broader.

  “Perfect.” His eyes lift to meet mine, and he winks at me. “What do you think?”

  There’d better not be any blood. That’s what I think as I turn my arm toward the mirror to see what has been put there. A small breath leaves my lips when I see what it says.

  No wonder it took so long.

  Just under my shoulder is a very easily read tattoo that proudly says, “Property of Drex” in some really neat font over the top of the Death Dealer grim reaper with a skull. Insulted is how I should feel. Relieved is how I actually feel.

  No doubt no one else will ever touch me with that thing on. Even though I’m still worried about what happens after Drex is done with me, I’m not worried about things right now.

  “It’s beautiful,” I say lamely.

  Drake rolls his eyes. “If he had his name put on me, I wouldn’t think it was so damn beautiful.”

  Drex glares at Drake as he walks off, but then his attention turns back to me. When his smile turns wicked, I can’t help but get a little excited.

  I’m warped like that now.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he says while tugging my hand.

  I stand as Drake comes over, putting a clear patch of some sort on my skin that feels cool to the touch. I
don’t ask questions. Drex is covered in tattoos, so I’m sure he knows how to deal with the aftercare for one.

  His hand finds the small of my back as he guides me outside. Axle follows us, along with two other guys I don’t really know. I also don’t ask for names, especially since Herrin still acts like I’m some majorly awesome spy that is fooling everyone.

  “You look sexy as hell with my name on you,” Drex says. No one has ever accused him of being humble.

  I smile about the claiming, like the idiot I am.

  But his smile falls as his phone buzzes. He looks down, and he holds up a finger, gesturing for me to stay put, as he walks off to answer it.

  Axle is left alone with me as the two other guys walk over to speak to Drake, who has come outside. I look at Axle, who is looking anywhere but at me.

  In the sunlight, I notice that big scar isn’t the only scar on his face. He has a smaller one that goes vertically over his lip, curling down to his chin, and two on his right eyebrow that seem to cause very thin spots where hair can’t grow—they ride up into his hairline. That had to have been something massive.

  He catches me staring too hard, and his eyes narrow threateningly. Immediately I clear my throat, feeling like an ass.

  “I never thanked you,” I say quietly.

  His look softens, but he doesn’t speak. Only nods.

  Drex’s arms wrap around my waist, tugging me back against him as his chin rests on top of my head. To the outside world, we look like a normal couple right now.

  “We’re going home,” Drex announces. I thought that was the plan anyway.

  “Home?” Axle asks in surprise.

  “Yeah. Pop says he wants to cool things down for a week or two. He’s moving our business dates back a few weeks. There are three cars camped outside the warehouse right now. He worries they know something, even though I don’t know how they would.”

  I don’t want to hear this. I don’t need to hear this. However, Drex and Axle keep speaking in front of me as though they aren’t worried about what I overhear.

  “Shit,” Axle grumbles, not seeming happy about any of this. “Fine. I’ll see you when I see you then.”


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