Home > Other > CARA’S MAN - TAROT: THE FOUR OF SWORDS > Page 4

by Fawn Lowery

  The breath caught in her throat at the sight of his extended cock. It was very beautiful in the full sunlight, very long and thick.

  “Gabe,” she said, her tone quivering. “Gabe.”

  She wound one hand around its thick base and dropped to her knees in front of him. The desire to take him into her mouth was more than she could bear. In the next instant, she was fitting her lips around its smooth head and feeling its hot length slide along her tongue.

  Gabe grabbed her head with both hands.

  “Oh my God, Cara!” he said, pulling in a quick breath. He pushed in slowly. He stared down at her face positioned at his cock. Her red lips slid along his length, taking more of him inside her mouth. Her tongue played along its length, teasing and taunting.

  He stepped out of his pants bunched around his feet and pushed them aside. Cara moved one hand between his legs. Her fingers began a slow inspection of his balls, tracing the circumference of each in turn, then traveling along the tight channel leading up to his anal opening. Gently her fingertip eased inside his sensitive opening —

  “Cara — Honey!” he yelped, wiggling his hips.

  Cara giggled suddenly and pulled her mouth off his cock. In the next second, she was diving over the side of the boat into the water, leaving Gabe dumbfounded.

  He dove in the water — once he’d managed to gather his senses — and became engrossed in a playful water ballet with Cara. She splashed and giggled and when he finally managed to catch her — simply slipped out of his embrace, ducking beneath the surface of the water and surfacing several yards away.

  She felt giddy, and sexy as hell! She loved the feel of the cold water against her naked body and since she’d had almost a month's rest, she felt rejuvenated physically, which made swimming so much fun. But while she was frolicking in the tropical waters, she didn’t forget the state of arousal her body was in. Sex was on her mind—hot, thrusting—mind-boggling sex.

  She swam around to the aft of the boat and climbed up the ladder to get onboard. She wiped the water from her face and combed her fingers through her hair, and then she stood in the middle of the deck, her hands planted on her hips, her legs spread to secure her footing, and waited for Gabe to join her.

  She stood naked on the deck, her breasts jutting forward, water streaming down her tanned, supple skin. Gabe treaded water and looked at her, his gaze traveling along her length then he kicked his feet and swam back to the boat, his cock hard and ready.

  Anticipation welled up inside Cara. Her recent sex act toward Gabe had given her a feeling of great power over him. It was lusty and arousing in a whole new way. Her crotch ached for stimulus and her nipples craved his mouth.

  She watched Gabe swim to the boat ladder; his eyes were pinned to her body, drinking her figure in, wanting her. She watched his body as he mounted the ladder, his powerful arms and shoulders pulling his body upward, then she saw his hard cock bobbing invitingly at his crotch as he traversed the steps and finally stepped aboard the boat. He raised his hands and swept his palms across his face, then over his head and neck, wiping the water away.

  “You brought condoms — right?” she asked, a smile on her lips, and the tiny dimple in her left cheek winking at him.

  “In my right front pocket,” he replied. He crossed the deck toward her as she stooped and rifled through his pants to retrieve the condoms. When she stood up, he took hold of her. “Feeling playful — are you?” he teased. He grasped her left breast in his right hand and cupped her crotch with the other hand, making her giggle in surprise.

  Cara leaned into his hands, wanting him to fondle her body. She grasped his cock in one palm, sliding her fingers along its length while his fingers slid amid her silken folds and tickled her clit.

  “I’m so aroused, Gabe.” She could hardly breathe with all he was doing to her. “Take me now,” she insisted, trying to pull away. She chose one condom out of the fistful she had pulled from his pocket and started to tear it open, but Gabe snatched it from her fingers.

  “That’s man’s work.”

  Cara giggled and dropped her gaze to his hands. He fumbled with the wrapper, turning it first one way, then the other, unable to rip it open.

  “Lay down,” Cara said, taking a step back.

  “Do what?” he paused and glanced at her.

  “Lay down on the deck. I want to sit on your cock.” She reached for the condom, pulling it from his fingers.

  He smiled slyly and released the condom, then he sprawled on his back, his hard cock standing up in his crotch.

  Cara brought the condom wrapper to her mouth and bit its edge with her teeth, making Gabe laugh out loud. In the next second, she dropped to her knees between his splayed legs and positioned the rubber onto his cock. With nimble fingers, she rolled it down its length.

  She watched him watch her as she tended to his cock with gentle, nimble fingers. She smiled broadly as he reached one hand to her breast and tweaked a tight rosy nipple. The gesture made her draw in a quick breath.

  Cara straddled his abdomen, easing her hot canal onto his cock. Slowly, she eased her body down, lowering herself until he was fully inside her cave, then she began to move, her eyes locked with his.

  He clutched her rounded buttocks in his hands and thrust upward into her cavity.

  “You’re hot and tight and you clasp my cock like a warm fist.”

  Her fleshy breasts jiggled on her chest. Her lips parted, her breath come in short gasps. She arched her throat and laid her head back, closing her eyes.

  Suddenly as orgasm arrived, Cara pushed her crotch furiously against his and he grasped her buttocks and lunged upward into her body. In the next moment, Cara was proclaiming her ecstasy.

  “Oh damn! Gabe! I’m coming like I’ve never come before!”

  * * * *

  The picnic lunch the restaurant at the hotel had prepared contained roast chicken, fruit, bread, and a bottle of champagne, along with plastic plates and glasses and utensils.

  Cara sat on a red deck cushion across from Gabe with the checked linen cloth from the picnic basket spread out on the floor. Her feet were tucked beneath her, and she nibbled on a piece of chicken. Her stomach was empty, due to all the activity they had been having. She raised her eyes and gave Gabe a coy look.

  “What are you thinking?” he voiced, tossing a chicken bone into the picnic basket.

  “I was just thinking that I’ve never been naked at a picnic before,” She laughed.

  “This was your idea,” he reminded.

  “Sex gives me a ravenous appetite,” she confessed, stretching both arms over her head. Her breasts rose with her movement, then jiggled softly when she lowered her arms, making his cock jerk wildly in his crotch. He was ready to take her again. Cara saw him glance at the tattered condom covers lying across the teak deck There was one left. And she hoped he was ready to use it—if one of them could get it open.

  “Have you ever had anal sex?” she inquired. She squirmed around on the cushion, opening her thighs to display her golden haired crotch.

  “With a man or a woman?” he quipped, grinning slightly.

  Surprise wreathed her lovely features. “You intrigue me.”

  He laughed out loud. “Are you wanting to have anal sex?”

  She batted her long eyelashes at him. Anal sex had been a fantasy of hers but she’d never been with a man who she wanted to touch her in that way.

  “Yes,” she said in a tiny voice.

  He growled deep in his throat.

  “Of all the dreams to come true —“

  He rose and came around to help Cara to her feet, and then he scooped her nude body into his arms, nestling her warm flesh against his muscled chest. He went toward the cabin of the boat. It was time they initiated the bed on the expensive craft.

  The bedroom was warm and brightly lit from the sun shining in through the double window. A seafaring motif was carried throughout the space in navy blue and shades of white and cream. Little touches, pictures o
n the walls and a small lamp in the shape of a lighthouse, brought the theme together.

  Gabe placed Cara on the bed and lay down beside her. He began to kiss her mouth while he stroked her hips, and then slid his hand between her legs to delve inside her blond bush.

  A few seconds of Gabe’s nimble fingers on her sensitive clitoris and Cara was wiggling her hips and wanting sex. Her mouth fed hungrily on his, tasting the spicy chicken and champagne they had shared at lunch.

  Momentarily, when Cara was on the verge of orgasm, Gabe rolled her over onto her stomach. He then turned his attentions to her rear orifice. He began to play with it, pushing apart her round buttocks and poking the tip of his tongue against the brown ring.

  “Oh, that feels wonderful,” Cara exclaimed, thrusting her butt in the air.

  Gabe pulled her to her knees and hands and began massaging her sensitive little brown spot with his finger.


  “Yeah babe?”

  “You use a condom for anal sex — don’t you?”

  He almost groaned out loud. “If you want me to.”

  “I’ll open it,” she informed him.

  He chuckled. “Details,” he muttered, as he listened to her bite on the foil package. Her hand appeared then, jutting between her legs, the condom in her fingers. He let out a sigh, and rolled it on his hard cock.

  Cara wiggled her butt at him and he resumed his play. He poked his tongue against her orifice getting it wet so he could enter her without causing her too much pain, and then he reached his arm around her hips and began stroking her clitoris with his fingers.

  “That feels marvelous!” she exclaimed, hunching her hips.

  He grasped his cock in his right hand and placed its gloved head against her little round orifice. Then he began to push in — slowly, steadily.

  “That hurts!” she said in a surprised voice, but she didn’t pull away from him.

  He paused and stroked her clitoris until she just started to pant, orgasm on the way, then he resumed his entrance into her rear orifice. He pushed deeper into her body, savoring the tightness. He pushed in further, drawing a quick breath. His fingers continued to stroke her clitoris, moving faster, firmer, against her little nub.

  She was on the verge of coming, yet the sensations he was giving to her rear orifice were all so new. She felt filled up, yet wanting him to push deeper inside her. Then a most unusual feeling began to travel along her nerve endings — increasing the orgasm from Gabe’s stroking fingers — to such a heightened degree of climax that she couldn’t resist bucking her hips wildly, pushing her butt against Gabe’s hard cock in need of something more.

  He rammed inside her wildly, thrusting so hard that Cara was knocked to her stomach with the force.

  “I’m coming!” he announced. He clutched her hips and hammered her rear orifice madly.

  Cara withered against the bed, her body alive like never before. She had never experienced such an all-consuming orgasm. Who knew anal sex would be so good — once the initial hurt passed.

  Gabe milked his cock slowly inside Cara’s anal orifice.

  Cara lay face down on the bed, her breathing ragged, her body savoring the waning sensations traveling through her insides.

  “Have you ever spanked a woman?” she asked in a low whisper. “I hear it’s a very erotic experience.”

  Gabe chuckled softly and leaned down to kiss her back, then he nibbled his way up her spine to her ear.

  “We’re all out of condoms,” he whispered. “And spanking leads to sex.”

  * * * *

  It was late afternoon when they returned to the resort. Cara was amazed at how quickly the time had passed. And how relaxed and satisfied, sexually, her body felt.

  “Dinner at eight?” Gabe asked, kissing her lips.

  “Mmmm. Yes. Dinner at eight.”

  She felt all dreamy inside and in need of a nap. And all she could think about was Gabe Collins joined to her body, bringing her ecstatic bliss.

  She rode the elevator up to her suite, parting from Gabe in the hotel lobby after he announced he had some phone calls to make and a little business matter to tend to. Once inside her suite, she took a quick shower and sprawled out on the bed. A little nap was all she needed to compliment the day.

  * * * *

  The telephone was ringing off the hook and Cara was struggling to get her eyes open, fighting the deep slumber she had slipped into. Finally she managed to rouse and pick up the noisy menace.

  “And you wanted more sex,” Gabe said in a teasing tone.

  She laughed into the phone. “I guess I don’t know my own limit,” she remarked.

  His laughter was husky coming over the line and the deep sound went straight to her senses. “What time is it?”

  “Time I stocked up on condoms and came upstairs.”

  “Hmmm. I think I’m interested.”

  The phone clicked in her ear and she laid back against the bed, a smile stretching across her lips. “I wonder if too much sex is harmful to a person,” she said in afterthought. She drew in a long breath and stretched her body. Then she levered herself off the bed and headed for the bathroom. There was no sense in getting dressed — Gabe would just undress her — but she should at least brush her teeth and comb her hair.

  Gabe was knocking on her door in fifteen minutes, a brown paper bag in one hand, and a bottle of champagne in the other.

  “Room service is bringing dinner,” he said, stepping into the room. “You might want to put on a robe — since I don’t really want any other guy feasting his eyes on your body.”

  Cara smiled at him and went to get her robe. When she returned to the living room of the suite, their dinner was being brought through the door and Gabe was instructing the waiter where to park the rolling cart. She stood aside and watched, contemplating Gabe’s last remark to her.

  He sounded quite possessive — or was he merely making a sexual comment to her? After all, their entire relationship had been based on sex — hot, torrid, fantastic sex. She stifled a shiver of longing that threatened her spine.

  The waiter left the suite and Gabe slipped the DO NOT DISTURB sign on the doorknob before closing and locking the door. Apparently, he intended to stay the night. Another shiver — quite erotic and of epic proportions — raced along her limbs. She pulled in a quick breath and tightened the belt of her white satin robe, suddenly quite conscious of her budding relationship with Gabe.

  In the past she hadn’t given much thought to the future — content with her choice of career — and constantly strived to excel and make a reputation in the industry for herself. But since she had been forced to slow down — to take time off and concentrate on herself — she had come to the realization that there was more to life than work. There was personal satisfaction on a more private level — a sexual level that, when honed, could offer many pleasures. And also, since her affair with Gabe began, she found she was much more aware of being alone in the world. All of her friends were married — some with children. Now, it seemed, she had a different understanding of what life might be, given the opportunity to find the right person to share her life with.

  Gabe was busy preparing the small linen covered table near the balcony doors, opening the champagne, pouring two frothy glasses. He held a chair for her, his gaze locking with hers.

  Cara crossed the room and slid into the chair, a sweet smile on her face. This man — this sex machine — was rapidly capturing her heart. Her admission seemed to solidify the thought in the back of her mind. If she could only figure out if Gabe was interested in her for herself — instead of thinking he might just be having sex with her because he could. Because she was willing, she reminded. Very willing.

  He had ordered seafood, oysters on the half shell, the resort’s specialty, and an aphrodisiac as old as time. When he lifted the covers and Cara saw the meal, she burst into laughter.

  “Do you really think either of us needs an aphrodisiac?” she quipped.

  He pi
cked up her hand from the table and brought it to his mouth. Tenderly, he kissed her knuckles. “I’m covering all bases,” he replied, laughter in his tone. He then took the covers off the remaining plates to reveal thick, juicy steaks with buttered potatoes.

  “All right!” Cara exclaimed, grabbing her fork.

  They laughed and began eating.

  “Tell me about yourself,” Gabe said, digging into his food.

  Cara raised her eyes and glanced at him. “There isn’t much to tell. You know I’m an interior designer. I have a business in New York. I have three employees.” She paused and chewed a piece of steak. “I’ve just finished taking a ton of medication because I nearly worked myself to death —“ She glanced at him and saw he was staring intently at her. “It’s hereditary, I think. My father worked himself into a heart attack and died when he was forty. I hadn’t planned on following in his footsteps, but —“

  “What’s your favorite color?” he cut in.

  “Red. It makes me look hot when I wear it.”

  “What’s your favorite food?” he continued, smiling broadly at her.

  “Steak — because I like meat.” She winked a green eye at him. “What’s your favorite food?”

  “You,” he replied in an instant.

  “Mmmm. Good answer,” she said, smiling broadly. She took a sip of champagne and gazed across the table at him. She was glad he was there — glad he had come to spend the night. She was in need of a bed partner — in need of waking up nestled against a hard male body.

  “Now tell me about you,” she cooed, raising her glass to her lips.

  “What do you want to know?” he countered, finishing his steak.

  “Have you ever been in love?”

  “With a woman? No. Have I ever been in love with my career? Yes.” He chuckled out loud when Cara raised one eyebrow at him. “In my line of work, you have to love it, or it will drive you crazy.”

  She was suddenly given privy into his private emotions. And she felt honored for him having let her in. And in a lot of ways, she related completely with his words. Her career was so parallel to his.


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