Beauty and the Beasts [Bride Train 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Beauty and the Beasts [Bride Train 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Reece Butler

  “I’d like to have what Gillis would call ‘a wee chat’ with that man.” Nevin looked down the empty street. “Come on, Billy. Help me look for hoof prints.” They walked up the street, hunkering down every few steps as Nevin pointed things out to the boy.

  “Ready to go home?” asked Doc.

  Home? The bakery was just a pair of almost empty rooms, but it was hers. At least, it was for now. All her life she’d dreamed of a loving home where she would be cherished. It was not to be, but she had her bakery, and her cat. She would not feel pity, either for her past or lack of future. She nodded at Doc.

  “This wasn’t Jennet’s doing,” said Frank Chambers. He looked up the street, toward the bank. “He’s not that type. Someone else is determined to get you, whether you want him or not.”

  “Could be someone who wants to get back at the Circle C,” said Doc, frowning. “Going after Sarah because she accepted their suit.”

  They all turned at the sound of a galloping horse, heading in from the west. It slowed after coming around the corner. The rider’s hat had fallen to his back and the last of the sun lit his hair. Sarah’s heart leaped when she recognized the red curls. He trotted toward them.

  “I thought I heard a scream. What in tarnation did I just miss?” Oz leaped off his dark horse, both of them hauling air into their lungs. He ran to Sarah and hugged her.

  “Are you all right?”

  She bit her lip and nodded, unsure if she could speak without bursting into tears.

  “A man tried to steal Miss Sarah, but I roped him, Mr. Cutler! Jest like you showed me!” said Billy, running up. “Only, he got away.”

  “Billy got him around the shoulders, but he managed to throw it off and escape,” explained Nevin as he followed the boy. “I couldn’t tell much from the hoof prints.”

  “Thank you,” said Oz. He held out his hand for Billy to shake. They exchanged solemn looks. “Could you walk my horse to cool him down, and then put him up at Stumpy’s for the night?”

  Billy nodded eagerly. The adults watched until the boy and horse were far enough away that he wouldn’t hear them. Though they stood apart, Sarah clutched Oz’s hand.

  “I don’t think anyone would be stupid enough to fire the bakery, but they may try to smoke Sarah out,” said Frank. He turned to Oz. “I don’t want you sleeping on the other side of a bolted door tonight. You sleep in the kitchen. Sarah said she has a pallet up in the loft. I don’t want there to be anything slowing you down if someone breaks in the back door.”

  The candle of heat which had blossomed in her pussy at Oz’s arrival flared to bonfire size.

  “I reckon I could bed down beside the stove,” drawled Oz. “Unless the lady thinks that wouldn’t be proper. Of course, I’ll put my pallet back in the other room before sunup. No one but us needs to know. That okay with you, ma’am?”

  His eyes said far more than his words. She didn’t trust her voice, so she just nodded. Oz’s Adam’s apple swelled when he gulped. A tingle went down her spine. Both of them knew, and agreed, what would happen that night.

  What she didn’t know, was what would happen after. Would Oz treat her like a lover, or a friend? She wanted Oz as a lover but, since she wouldn’t be marrying, she needed friends even more. Could she have both in one man?

  “If you’ll take Sarah to the bakery,” said Nevin to Oz, “I’ll get Oliver and meet you there.”

  Sarah heard a hint of laughter in his voice. Her face heated, which she hoped was hidden by the night. Nevin was trained to pick up on small movements that gave away a person’s intent before they even knew it themselves. Even if he hadn’t heard about their kisses, he couldn’t have missed the way she and Oz looked at each other. When the Circle C men were around, she couldn’t keep from looking at them, though she usually managed to keep her hands to herself.

  As soon as she and Oz were locked in her bakery, she could explore him all she wanted. Her body thrummed with an excitement she’d never felt before. She wanted to scream and run to the bakery instead of listening to the men chitchat.

  “I wish I’d left home ten minutes earlier,” said Oz to the two older men. “I could have chased him down.”

  Doc snickered. “You held off because you didn’t want to seem too eager?”

  Oz laughed. The carefree sound floated into the night. “Damn right.”

  “Don’t blame you, boy,” said Frank. He slapped Oz on the back. “Come on, Doc, we’ve got that game of checkers to finish before you go back to honeymooning.” He nudged Doc with his elbow. The two older men, snickering like boys with a secret, shuffled across the street to the jail.

  The heat from her blush spread from thighs to forehead. Did all of them know what she planned to do with Oz that night? Or was it just men being men, assuming she would be agreeable? A gust of wind blew up her skirt. She shivered in spite of the heat blossoming inside. Oz immediately took off his coat.

  “You’re cold,” he said, and wrapped it around her.

  She could have protested that it wasn’t far to walk and she was used to being chilled, but his warmth and scent enfolded her. She didn’t complain when he put his arm around her shoulders and guided her down the boardwalk. Sometimes it was nice to be cared for. Their steps echoed in the quiet street.

  “I should tell you that I never intended to sleep on the far side of that bolted door tonight.” Oz whispered the words into her hair. “But I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.”

  They walked silently past the hotel and stopped in front of the bakery. She turned to him and looked up. Lights from the hotel windows lit his face. She smiled at the worry wrinkles on his forehead.

  “I should tell you that I never intended to bolt that door against you,” she whispered. “And there’s very little that I don’t want you to do with me.”

  “You may live to regret those words.” He grinned like an evil imp.

  “You two finished discussing who’s sleeping where?”

  Sarah jumped at Nevin’s quiet words, spoken from right behind her.

  “Haven’t started on the where,” drawled Oz. He gave her an exaggerated leer. “We’re just discussing if.”

  “Then you’d better get inside,” said Nevin, chuckling. He opened the door and walked in, a very contented Oliver around his neck like a bandana. He carried a lamp in one hand. Sarah, her body flaming, followed. She waited, still wearing Oz’s coat, as Nevin set the lamp on the table and carried Oliver to the loft. He spoke a few words with Oz, clapped him on the back, and then walked away. His long legs took him into the front room. Oz followed to lock the front door. A moment later he returned and bolted the thick kitchen door, locking out the world.

  “If we ever find out who that was, I’ll have to send flowers for his casket, to thank him,” said Oz.

  “Whatever for?”

  “For giving me the chance to do this.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Oz stepped behind Sarah. Close, but not quite touching. He set his hands on her waist to orient himself, leaned over, and kissed her neck. She trembled. His cock throbbed harder than he could ever remember.

  His heart had almost busted out of his chest when he heard a faint scream coming from town. He didn’t want to think about what went through his brain. Finding her safe turned his fear into lust. It bugged his ass that he’d been unable to protect her. But now he’d prove how he could make her forget everything but pleasure. Even though she was a lady and he’d always been trash, tonight he’d show her how a lover treated a woman he cared about. He’d banish every hint of her memories, leaving her eager for more. No preacher, no paper, just two people who enjoyed sharing loving. Whether Sarah opened her arms to Gabe tomorrow night, and eventually Luke, was up to her. But that was for later.

  “This is your last chance to say no.” He forced himself to let go of her and step back. He had to make sure she wanted this. “It may half kill me, but I’ll keep my hands off you tonight if you don’t want—”

Her hands reached out blindly, finding his shirt and grabbing on. “I want you to touch me. With your hands, your mouth, your—”

  “Thank God!” All the tension that kept him from reaching for her, escaped with those two words. “Let’s get closer to that lamp.”


  “So I can see you.”

  “You don’t have to see to touch me. You can feel your way around.”

  He chuckled. “I see you’ve got a few things to learn.” Sarah rubbed her left hip and looked away. Did she have a bruise from falling as she escaped her attacker? Whatever it was, he’d kiss it better. “Nothing about you will make me care for you any less.”

  He let her pull out of his hands.

  “Put the lamp on the shelf so it lights the table,” he ordered.

  She pushed her lips into a bit of a mulish pout. He waited while she thought it over before finally following his order. While she bustled around he took off his boots. Few things were more embarrassing than a man hauling his pants down, taking a step toward a woman and falling flat on his face. And if he hurt his cock doing it, the night was over.

  The kitchen was a big room, but the stove, cupboards, shelves, and counters filled most of it. In the middle was a large, sturdy table. Oh, yeah!

  “I’ve got a few things to teach you,” he told her, “but not tonight. Tonight is all about fun.”

  He curled his finger at her. She shook her head. Her pout increased, but so did the rate of her breathing. Her nostrils flared as well, and her eyes glistened in the lamplight. Though Sarah had said yes to him, perhaps she wanted to be urged into it. He didn’t know what had happened to her in that damned whorehouse, but whatever it was hadn’t broken her spirit, thank God. He liked women with spirit. He enjoyed pushing them just a bit farther than they expected to go.

  He stared her right in the eyes as he stalked across the room. Since he’d gone without the patch, his eyesight seemed to have improved. Another thing to thank her for. Later. Much later, if his plans went well. Maybe by daybreak they’d be tired enough to sleep.

  He walked behind her, stopping when his chest touched her back. Her heat seared him. The vein in her neck pulsed as rapidly as his heart.

  “That’s a nice, sturdy table,” he murmured into her ear.

  “It has to be.” She turned her head down, to the side. She twitched when he blew gently on her neck. “I use it for rolling dough, pounding meat, and grinding spices.”

  She frowned when he burst out laughing.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I’m going to roll you on that table, and do some pounding and grinding of my own.”

  “Oh!” She squeaked the word. “We’ll have to be quiet.”

  She might try to be quiet tonight since the hotel was right next door. But once she was at the Circle C, he’d help her scream as much as she wanted.

  Oz set his hands lightly on her hips and pulled her against him. His cock rested in the curve above her ass.

  “You got anything under that dress but skin?”

  She gasped, but still didn’t move.

  “Guess I’d better find out for myself.”

  He sank to his knees behind her and set his hands on her slender ankles. He closed his eyes and trailed his fingers along her outer leg. He continued all the way up her wool stockings until he came to her bare thigh. The contrast between her silky skin and the rough wool shot a bolt to his swollen, aching cock. She trembled but said nothing. He rolled her stocking down her leg. He left it rolled at her ankle, above her boots.

  He repeated the process with her other leg, again reached high up her thigh. The temptation of her naked skin, and what waited above her thighs, made his fingers tremble. It took him twice as long to roll this stocking down.

  He placed his palms on her calves, thumbs in. Slowly, he skimmed his hands to her knees. Her dress rose as well, caught by his arms. He stopped when he reached her knees, giving her time to complain. All he heard was their rasping breaths, echoing in the empty room.

  He ducked his head under her skirt and moaned at the sight. Right in front of his nose was the most perfect peach of an ass. Her thin dress filtered the light, making her flesh seem even more mysterious. He inhaled the scent rising from between her legs.

  What would she taste like, if she smelled so good? He’d soon know. He’d arouse her with his fingers and tongue until she needed his cock so bad that she’d explode when he finally entered her pussy.

  Oz placed his palms on her cheeks, thumbs together. Tiny hairs covered her skin, like the fuzz of a peach. He slowly pulled her cheeks apart. A tight brown ring waited above her weeping pussy. He nosed between her cheeks and licked that ring. She bent over slightly, perhaps unaware she did it.

  Damn, he wanted her ass. With encouragement, she might let him enter her there someday. He brushed his knuckle against her tight ring. She shifted her legs farther apart, arching to give him access. Oh, yeah! He dipped his finger in her pussy and pressed on her puckered asshole. She gasped and tilted her ass to encourage him. He rubbed the tip of his finger over her, and a pink ring flashed. When he pressed on it, she quivered.

  She wasn’t ready today, but she’d soon welcome him there. He’d make damn sure they had the time so he could stretch her gently.

  He stood up, lifting her skirt above her waist. He caught the fabric in his left hand and used his right to reach around and feel her pussy. She was swollen, and wet.

  “Do you like it when I play with your pussy like this?” He tugged on her outer lips. She jerked her head in a nod.

  “You want my tongue there, as well as my fingers?”

  She moaned, which was close enough to a “yes” for him.

  He encouraged her forward until her hips almost touched the table. He used his left hand to unbutton his pants, holding her dress up with his right. He sighed in relief once he got his cock free.

  Her perfect peach of an ass curved toward his cock, as if asking for it. It was too much to ignore. He flexed his knees and slid his cock between her thighs, brushing the underside of her pussy. She was so wet and swollen he easily thrust back and forth. She pressed her thighs together, increasing the pressure on his cock.

  “That’s it, angel. Take your pleasure from me.”

  When he was all the way forward he used his right hand to rub his cock against her clit. When he pulled back, he used his thumb to circle it. She leaned forward and put her palms on the table. The minx tried to angle herself so that he’d enter her, but he kept up the slow thrusting just below.

  He stopped for a moment, belly snug against her ass and his hard balls touching her thighs. It left his hand free to open her dress and release her breasts. He groaned when they filled his hands.

  “I don’t know which I want most right now.” He gasped. “Your nipple in my mouth, or my cock in your pussy.”

  She wriggled her ass, and he made up his mind. He pressed on her back, bending her over the table. She eagerly went along with it, dropping to her elbows. She spread her legs and tilted her ass, silently begging. He slid right in, all the way to the hilt.

  “Oh, God, you feel good!” he moaned.

  “Then use what God gave you,” she replied, panting.

  She tightened her muscles around him, and he couldn’t stop his reaction. He thrust in and out of her pussy, his balls slamming between her thighs. He held on to her left breast with one hand and used his right thumb on her clit. She was as primed as he. After only a few pumps, she gasped and clutched him tight with her sheath.

  He grabbed her hips with both hands and pounded against her, releasing the wild animal within. He held back, just barely, until she clenched him again and shook with her release. Finally! Stars exploded behind his eyes and he went blind, deaf, and dumb.

  “Oh, my. I think I have to lie down.”

  The light voice came from far away. Oz knew it was a good idea, but wasn’t sure he could move without falling.

  He had Sarah. In his arms. With his cock stil
l hard in her hot flesh.

  “Hold on,” he croaked.

  He shuffled to the nearest wall and put his back to it. He slid down, using it as a brace, until his hot ass hit the cold floor. He straightened out his legs and relaxed. The tiny woman in his lap was still connected to him. He released his grip on her hips and went for her breasts again.

  “I knew these would feel good.” He looked down, over her shoulder. His tanned hands cupped milky-white breasts. He flicked her large nipples with his thumbs. He chuckled when she gasped.

  “You’re gonna be sore tomorrow, my angel.”

  “Mmm,” she murmured. “Do you think anyone heard us?”

  “Nope. These walls are thick.” He didn’t care if anyone heard, but he wouldn’t tell her that.

  “Will Gabe and Luke know that we did, um, this?”

  “Does it matter?”

  Having to fight to survive meant Oz learned to read people, and situations, very well. He would notice if one of his partners changed in any way, but Luke’s life had been easy. Usually the man didn’t see much more than the scarred, broken nose in front of his face. Gabe, however, picked up on things almost as much as Oz. He also had far more schooling, and had paid attention to his lessons more than Luke.

  “I don’t want to rub their noses in it.”

  He slid his finger between her wet thighs. “Can I rub my nose in this?”

  She slapped his hand and struggled to get up. He released her, admiring the view of her ass and wet pussy curls as she stood. Too soon, her nightgown dropped over her body. He felt light, as if everything bad that had been bottled up inside him for years was gone. He struggled to stand with his pants still around his legs, then bent over to take them off. He winced when he discovered a number of splinters in his back.

  “I won’t marry you,” said Sarah. She crossed her arms, which should have made her look stern. Since he now had proof they supported lovely breasts, her frown lost its power.

  “Good. I’d make a lousy husband.” He winked and pecked her on the cheek. He caressed her ass with his hand. “But I’ll make one hell of a good lover.”


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