Gaming The System [Book One]

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Gaming The System [Book One] Page 12

by Parker Mayhem

  When she'd stood up, he'd gotten rude.

  "What I ain't good enough for ya? You can't sit and have an appropriate conversation?" He'd said.

  Even said she lacked manners and class. She wanted to slap him, but stopped herself, the inmate would probably snap.


  At least, she was free to live her own life.

  She went to end the interview several times, but he hinted at some juicy knowledge or tidbit, dangling it like a damn carrot on a stick. And like an idiot she'd been suckered into listening a while longer, the promise still unfulfilled.

  Piper shifted again and raised the back of her hand to stifle a yawn as Bass droned on.

  "What, am I borin' ya? Guess the dirt I got on this place isn't worth it to ya."

  She shifted again and waited for him to continue. She was being played, she knew it, he knew it, but there was a look of crazy in his eye, brewing just beneath the surface that made her stay. She wasn't sure if she was waiting for it to manifest in some interesting way, or if it made her sit there out of fear.

  Pusitz stood a few feet away, his hands resting on his duty belt. Close enough he could stop the inmate if he got out of hand, but she wasn't entirely sure she trusted the rookie's skills.

  She busied herself by mentally plotting out how she might make an escape or counterattack if Bass unleashed the crazy. Knowing Jason and Rico were by her side, helped put some of her fears aside.

  One of us will make it, I hope.

  She was fighting another deep yawn when several officers rushed by the room and she couldn't help but let her eyes follow. Something was up. Her eyes darted to Pusitz, watching him closely for any hint of what was happening. It had to be better than the snooze fest Bass provided.

  Pusitz turned and watch the group of officers disappear down the corridor. A moment later, he cocked his head to the side as if listening to something. Piper imagined Control rattling off in his ear, whispering all the secret happenings, all the inner workings. It drove her insane that she wasn't in that loop. She knew she didn't have any right or real claim to the knowledge but that didn't make it any easier.

  "What's going on?" She figured she'd at least ask.

  "No idea," Pusitz said, never quite meeting her eyes.

  She fixed him with a hard stare and he shifted slightly from foot to foot, his hands fidgeting with the equipment on his duty belt. He was a terrible liar. He had to know that.

  "I know, you know."

  He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding her eyes again.

  "Hey, we were talkin' here," Bass said.

  Piper ignored him and took her chance to ditch the chair.

  "You gonna tell me? Or do I need to go find out for myself?" She stepped closer knowing her proximity would fluster the rookie.

  And it worked. A deep flush started just above his collar and stretched up to his ears.

  " wouldn't."

  "Hey, bitch, what about my story?" Bass slammed a fist on the table.

  She'd had enough. Perhaps being closer to the officer gave her an extra jolt of courage, she wasn't sure. She turned on the inmate and glared him down. Rico and Jason took a cautious step back.

  "Interviews over." She snapped.

  "Over? What you mean, over? I just started. Sit down!"

  "Now, we're done."

  Bass jumped from his seat, his face glowing every shade of red his skin would allow. The crazy was slowly bleeding through. Pusitz must've noticed too because he quickly stepped forward and grabbed Bass's arm, shoving him toward the gate.

  "You heard her, inmate, interviews over," Pusitz said as he pulled out his keys.

  "This is some bullshit. She disrespects me, and I'm in trouble? How ya figure that?”

  Pusitz opened the gate and Bass looked over his shoulder.

  "You best hope I don't see you out and about girlie. You gonna be real sorry you ever pissed me off."

  Piper glanced from Pusitz to Rico and nodded, her eyes flicking to the door.

  Pusitz had his hands full trying to force Bass back out onto the block. Piper took her chance and rushed for the door, Jason and Rico right on her heels.

  Pusitz must've glanced over his shoulder. "Hey! Hey, you can't..."

  He shoved the inmate through the gate and turned to follow after her.

  Behind her, she could hear the inmate cursing and shouting.

  "Hey! You can't leave these on me! Not in here! Hey!"

  The gate rattled as Bass kicked it in a rage.

  Piper tore off down the corridor, following the path she'd seen the officers take earlier.

  Better to ask forgiveness than permission.

  She followed a couple of guards and was thrilled to find the block locked down. She could easily go through the gate with the guards.

  She tapped Rico and Jason and nodded for them to start recording as she started her ocular cam. Shitty quality compared to the equipment out there to enhance or catch video but something was better than nothing. Plus, she liked to think the shaky, lower quality conveyed a grit that only real life could give. Made it more powerful and moving when done right.

  They split up among the small group of officers. Rico weaseled his way in between two officers across from her.

  They'd only been rolling for a few minutes when Jenkins noticed them.

  "Hey, shut it down," he said grabbing Rico's arm. "I mean it."

  Rico glanced her way and she nodded.

  "Alright, alright," Rico said as he stopped his hand held cam, raised his hands and stepped back.

  Jason followed suit and lowered his high-tech sound catch.

  Fuck that.

  Piper left her implant recording. No way was she going to miss all the excitement. She hoped Rico was recording with his. He hadn’t let her down so far.

  Jenkins gave out a few orders then handed a knife to Ortiz. Ortiz took the blade and turned it over in his palm.

  Piper pushed forward straining to get a better look. Her heart started drumming. She recognized that knife. She'd taken it from the bar.

  She shook her head and glanced up at Rico, wondering if he'd noticed too. He was grinning like an idiot.


  He planted the knife, she wasn't quite sure when or how but he must have. Of course, he did. He was just as hell bent on scandal and revenge as she was. The only difference between them was that she hadn't fabricated a situation.

  Piper stepped back torn between disgust and admiration. There was enough scandal at MAX Corp they didn't need to create it, only be diligent and aware. Watch and wait. Eventually, they'd slip up.

  Rico was only trying to help. To protect her. Either way, she wasn't going to throw him under the bus. She kept her mouth shut and watched.

  "We have to report it to Delgado," Ortiz said, looking at the bodies as a few officers prepared to bag them up.

  Jenkins nodded in agreement but neither man moved.

  Piper watched the two closely. If a mountain of shit was sliding her way, she wanted to know. At least, that way she could try and maneuver around it, or minimize the damage.

  "Well, I'm not doing it." Jenkins shook his head.

  "You're the senior officer. You're like her damn lap dog," Ortiz said.

  "What the fuck does that mean?" Jenkins stepped closer to Ortiz, standing nose to nose with him.

  Piper could see Jenkins fist flex slightly.

  Her skin tingled as her heart sped up.

  Here comes the drama…

  A fight would be perfect.

  "Nothing, forget about it," Ortiz said but didn't back down. Instead, he held up his own fist.

  Her breath caught in her chest.

  Jenkins raised his own hand.


  “Roshambo.” Ortiz nodded.

  When they shook their fists and Ortiz held out two fingers and Jenkins' hand laid flat, she let out a breath and laughed nervously. Crisis averted.


nbsp; “Shit!” Jenkins cursed.

  Ortiz grinned.

  "Fine, I'll do it," Jenkins said, yanking the offered knife from Ortiz's hand. "But you fuckin' owe me."

  Ch 31 Piper LaRue

  The block felt more like a morgue than a prison. It was probably a more accurate description for the place. The nondescript, black bags were the only way the inmates were leaving the system. You could see it on the everyones faces. The elephant in the room. They all knew it. It was depressing as hell.

  Piper left as the officers bagged up the two bodies. She caught the first moments and decided that was enough footage. Just enough for dramatic effect. Not enough to be disrespectful.

  Keep it tasteful.

  Jason had left before that. She figured he’d had a weak stomach for that sort of thing. Not that she could blame him. It wasn’t exactly a cozy experience. Some things you couldn’t unsee. It was probably better he left.

  As she stepped into the hall, she noticed a few lingering officers but didn’t see her sound guy. He probably went back to the break room.

  She scanned the cell block and initiated her ocular cam again. Greenlit inmates rested against the bars, their heads bowed in silence. Piper kept recording, wanting to catch every second.

  The air filled with shouting and the sounds of aggression ruining their solemn moment. A sign The Game was always live, always going. They weren't even allowed one minute of uninterrupted grief. She cut the recording out of respect and moved toward the gate.

  Rico quickly caught up to her and matched her stride. He glanced at the officers and gave them a quick nod as they passed. He waited until they turned the corner, heading out of the block to talk.

  “Shit, I knew you were devious but damn. I did not think you had it in you!” Rico said with a smile. “I gotta say I’m impressed.”

  Piper's brow furrowed. What the hell was he talking about? The filming?

  "I like vengeful Piper. It's kinda hot,” Rico said, slipping his arm around her shoulder.

  "Still not gonna happen." It took a moment for his words to really sink in. "Wait, wait, wait, hold on, you didn't? You think I—“

  Rico pulled his arm back and slowed down. She stopped and watched him closely. She could see the confusion in his eyes mirroring her own.

  “You didn't? That wasn't you?”

  Relief flooded through her. They hadn't fabricated anything. At least she could sleep better knowing they hadn't artificially tainted their work. Her eyes met Rico's as he pieced it all together for himself.

  "Oh, that bitch done fucked up!" Rico bounced slightly as his face lit up.

  She nodded her own smile breaking out.

  "Sorry, I got your hopes up. I'm going to have to decline your invitation for a night of hot sex. I like my women feisty. You just don't seem to have it in you after all." Rico teased.

  Piper rolled her eyes and flipped him off as she started walking again. Rico's footsteps trotted after her and he started talking but a message popped up on her display and his words faded into the background. It was from Archer.

  She opened the link and felt her pulse double.

  "Hey, might have found a hit on the tattoos. Nothing concrete but I might have narrowed it down. Call me when you get a sec."

  "Oh, I see. Now I get the cold shoulder?" Rico said.

  "Got a message from Archer,” she said turning to face Rico.

  His expression turned from playful to curious in an instant.


  "And...he said he thinks he has a lead.”

  Ch 32 Lenox

  Lenox bent over and peered inside the small fridge. How many people had told her she'd needed a new one? At least a dozen. She never answered them, just gave them an indifferent shrug. She didn't see the point. More often than not, she was on the road anyway. The damn thing worked, that was all that mattered. It kept the beer cold.

  It kept everything cold.

  She didn’t need a new one, this one was fine.

  She let her hand drift along the three rows of different brews. It was important to have options, choice. She grabbed one and straightened as she popped the cap off. Her eyes found the small, white plastic container and she smiled as she took a drink. Grabbing the container, she turned and kicked the door shut before sauntering back into the living room.

  She plopped on the couch and sat the container down on the scuffed coffee table. The deep hitting bass of her favorite song filled the room syncing up to her heart. It never failed to get her pumped. Like she could take on the world. Soothing.

  She took another sip and opened the container with one hand. She glanced around for the small jewelry gift box she'd gone out of her way to get on her way home. With meticulous purpose, she opened the gift box and sat it on the table.

  Lenox glanced from the container to the gift box then back again and smiled.

  She'd guessed right, it would be a perfect fit. Damn, she was good.

  She rummaged in her pocket for the small, metal case and pulled it out. Opening it, she let her fingertip run across the row of cigarettes and then skip to the neatly packed joints in the next half. Pulling one out, she placed the end in her mouth and lit up.

  She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, letting the music flood in around her.

  Fuck that's nice.

  Just what she needed.

  She was feeling much better.

  After another few drags, she set the joint in a chipped ashtray on the table and reached into the container.

  She pulled out a human finger and turned it between her own, examining it a moment. It was cold, for sure, but not quite right. Maybe she should've kept it in the freezer? Probably one more thing that didn't matter in the grand scheme of things. She took a swig from her beer with her free hand and sat the bottle aside.

  She whistled to herself, forgetting the hard hitting music as she gently placed the finger on the tissue paper inside the gift box, black nail polish up. Placement and packaging were very important. No one took you seriously if you just threw shit together all willy-nilly. Any successful business would tell you that. Appearances were everything. Corporations paid teams of people just to research shit like that.

  With her free hand, she took another drink before packing more black, tissue paper around the finger. She would've liked to use white, but appearances being what they were, the black was much more aesthetically pleasing. At least, that’s what she thought. Really allowed the color of the flesh to pop. Drew the eye right in. She chuckled to herself. Maybe she could get one of those fancy corporate jobs?

  Satisfied with her work, Lenox carefully placed the lid on top. She took another drag from the joint and stared at the box. Something was missing. She shuffled through the clutter on the table top and found the strand of ribbon she'd purchased. How could she forget? The woman that had sold it to her had been overly nosey and peppy. Real in-your-face type.

  What color? How big? What was it for? Who was the lucky lady? None of her fuckin’ business, that's who.

  Lenox had merely stared at the woman from behind her sunglasses and fought the urge to strangle her with her own damn overpriced string. The red would’ve looked delightful around the woman’s thin neck. She seemed completely oblivious to Lenox's mental death threats and kept her annoying smile the whole time. Too damn peppy. In the end, Lenox went with the red.

  She smiled as she tied a bow around the box. She couldn't recall doing such a thing before. Usually, her gifts, the rare times she'd actually given one, consisted of a bag or no packaging at all. She sat back and surveyed her work. It wasn't the most attractive bow, but it wasn't half bad either. She was kinda impressed with herself, more than kinda.

  Well, look at you! Regular Holly Homemaker. Doin’ normal people shit.

  Lenox took another drink, letting the feeling of accomplishment soak in.

  Lenox leaned forward and reached for the pen on the table. Hunching over, she found the fancy gift label and scrawled out one name: Anezka.

  She sat back and stared at the label. No, it wasn’t quite right. She wanted this to be perfect.

  Lenox snapped up the label, crumpling it and tossing it aside before grabbing another. She had to get this right, she only had one more. She took another drag then a drink and scrawled out the name again, taking her time on each letter.


  Again, she sat back on the couch and put a foot up on the edge of the table as she sipped her beer.

  Not half bad.

  Lenox smiled.

  See, you're calm, you're good.

  Lenox took another drink and let out a breath.

  She had it under control.

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  Crawling On Your Knees Bk 2

  Need Control Of You Bk 3


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  Broken Bk 4

  The First

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