The Debt of Tears

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The Debt of Tears Page 18

by Cao Xueqin

  ‘What is the meaning of this?’ asked Cousin Zhen, addressing Bao Er and Zhou Rui simultaneously.

  ‘What’s the point of my being here if no one listens to my opinion?’ replied Bao Er.

  ‘Who asked for your opinion?’ said Cousin Zhen brusquely.

  ‘I’m tired of spying for other people!’ muttered Bao Er to himself.

  ‘Sir,’ put in Zhou Rui promptly, ‘I have been in charge of farm rents and income here for years, and on average I should say around four hundred thousand taels’ worth passes through my hands each year, and I have never had a word of complaint from the Master or their Ladyships or the young mistresses about anything, let alone such a small matter as this. According to him, we are supposed to have made off with the family’s entire property and estates!’

  ‘It looks as if Bao Er has started some sort of quarrel,’ thought Cousin Zhen to himself. ‘Better get rid of him.’

  ‘Out of my sight!’ he barked. Then turning from Bao Er to Zhou Rui:

  ‘That is all. Carry on with your work.’

  The two servants left.

  Not long afterwards Cousin Zhen was resting in the study when he heard the most terrific din break out in the direction of the main gate. He sent a servant to inquire, who came back to report that a fight had started between Bao Er and an adopted son of Zhou Rui’s.

  ‘Who is this adopted son?’ asked Cousin Zhen.

  ‘He San is his name, sir,’ replied the servant. ‘A worthless fellow who spends most of his time drinking and causing trouble. He sometimes comes round here and hangs about in the porter’s lodge. Apparently he got involved in the argument between Bao Er and Zhou Rui.’

  ‘This is the limit!’ exclaimed Cousin Zhen. ‘Have Bao Er and this He San character bound immediately! What about Zhou Rui?’

  ‘He disappeared when the fighting started, sir.’

  ‘Find him at once! This is preposterous!’

  ‘Yes, sir!’

  In the midst of this commotion, Jia Lian returned and Cousin Zhen told him what had happened in his absence.

  ‘What next!’ cried Lian. He sent an extra servant to help apprehend Zhou Rui, who soon realized that escape was impossible, gave himself up and was led before the masters.

  ‘Tie him up as well!’ ordered Cousin Zhen, and Jia Lian added, addressing himself principally to Zhou Rui:

  ‘Mr Zhen settled your petty differences once and for all. Why go out and start fighting all over again? And as if that wasn’t bad enough, you have to drag in this brat of yours, He San! And when you should have been bringing them to heel, you disappear and leave them to it!’

  He dealt Zhou Rui a few hefty kicks.

  ‘It’s no good punishing only him,’ said Cousin Zhen grimly, and ordered his men to give Bao Er and He San fifty lashes each and send them packing. This done, he and Jia Lian sat down to discuss family business.

  In the servants’ quarters this incident became the subject of many a private exchange of opinions. Some saw it as an attempt on Cousin Zhen’s part to cover up for incompetence; others said he was just inept at handling people; while others saw it as yet another instance of his unpleasant character. ‘Wasn’t it he who recommended Bao Er to Mr Lian in that sordid business with the You sisters? What’s probably happened is that Bao Er’s wife won’t oblige Mr Zhen as she did Mr Lian, so now he’s taken it out on the husband…’ There were many differing interpretations.

  Meanwhile the Jia clan lost no time in turning Jia Zheng’s promotion at the Ministry of Works to their financial advantage. Jia Yun was certainly not going to be left out, but went around promising work to contractors (and negotiating percentages for himself), and having bought a quantity of fashionable embroideries, made his way to the apartment of his erstwhile patroness.

  Xi-feng, who had just learnt from one of her maids that ‘Mr Zhen and Mr Lian were in a temper and beating the servants’, was on the point of sending someone to discover the details when she saw Jia Lian himself walk in, and was able to hear the full story from him.

  ‘It may all have been over a trifle,’ she commented, ‘but we must put a stop to such behaviour at all costs. If they think they can get away with it now, when the family fortunes are supposed to be flourishing, what is going to happen when the younger generation takes over? They’ll have a mutiny on their hands. I remember a year or so ago witnessing the most appalling scene at Ning-guo House – Big Jiao sprawled all over the steps, blind drunk and swearing sixteen to the dozen. None of us was spared. I don’t care if he has rendered distinguished services in the past. Servants should know their place, and show a proper sense of respect. The trouble with Cousin Zhen’s wife – please don’t misunderstand me – is that she is much too unsuspecting and lets her staff get away with anything. This Bao Er of theirs – or whatever his name is – is typical. Come to think of it, hasn’t he been rather useful to you and Zhen in the past? Aren’t you being a bit ungrateful to start flogging him now?’

  Stung to the quick, Jia Lian sheepishly tried to change the subject. Presently he remembered a pressing engagement and left.

  Crimson now came in to report the arrival of Jia Yun.

  ‘I wonder what he’s after this time?’ mused Xi-feng to herself. Then aloud to Crimson:

  ‘You’d better show him in.’

  Crimson went out. She looked Jia Yun in the face and gave him a cheeky smile. He (swift on the uptake as ever) advanced towards her and said:

  ‘Did you tell Mrs Lian that I was here, Miss Crimson?’

  She blushed.

  ‘I suppose you have a lot of important business, Mr Yun…’

  ‘On the contrary, I only wish I had had cause to come here and trouble you more often, Miss Crimson… I remember last year when you were employed at Uncle Bao’s…’

  He was about to say more but Crimson, who was afraid someone might interrupt them, asked in haste:

  ‘Did you ever get my handkerchief?’

  Her words provoked Jia Yun to such a pitch of excitement that he was ready to burst. But before he could say a word a maid came out from Xi-feng’s room, and he and Crimson were obliged to go in together at once. They walked side by side, close enough for him to whisper:

  ‘When I leave, be sure to see me out. I’ve something to tell you that might amuse you…’

  She blushed fiercely and flashed her eyes at him without a word. Going ahead to inform Xi-feng of his approach, she returned to usher him in, lifting the door-curtain and beckoning to him, while announcing in her most formal tone of voice:

  ‘Madam will be pleased to see you now, sir.’

  With a smile Jia Yun advanced with her into the room and greeted Xi-feng. He conveyed his mother’s regards, which Xi-feng returned politely before asking:

  ‘And what brings you here today?’

  Jia Yun embarked upon his speech:

  ‘Auntie’s great kindness to me in the past has been ever present in my mind and a source of endless gratification. I have been awaiting an opportunity to present a token of my esteem and have only held back for fear that you might consider such a gesture inappropriate. The forthcoming Double Ninth Festival finally seemed sufficient justification for my purchasing a little something which, though I know you have more than enough of everything here already, I humbly pray you to do me the honour of accepting as an earnest of my humble devotion.’

  Xi-feng laughed.

  ‘Come on. Cut the cackle. What’s it all about? Sit down and tell me.’

  Jia Yun took a perch and deposited his offering gingerly with both hands on the surface of an adjacent table.

  ‘I know you’re pretty hard up,’ Xi-feng went on, ‘so why go spending money like this? I have no need of such things and don’t expect them. Come on now, tell me what you have really come for.’

  ‘Truly for no other reason than my deep and hitherto unexpressed sense of gratitude…’

  There was however by now a trace of a smile.

  ‘Come off it,’ said Xi-feng. �
�I am perfectly familiar with the state of your finances. Don’t expect me to go taking things from you for nothing. If you want me to accept your present then tell me the truth. If you carry on beatmg about the bush like this, I shall certainly not accept anything from you.’

  Jia Yun was forced to come to the point. He rose to his feet and donned his most obsequious smile.

  ‘I did entertain one modest and I trust not altogether unreasonable hope. It reached my ears a few days ago that Sir Zheng had been given the overall supervision of mausoleum construction at the Ministry, and as I have one or two friends with considerable experience in that line – extremely competent people, I might add – I would just like to ask if it would be at all possible for you to put in a word for them with Sir Zheng. If a job or two were to come their way I should be indebted to you for eternity. And need I add that my own services are always at your disposal should anything materialize in the way of work here at the mansion.’

  ‘In most matters I know I have a certain amount of influence,’ replied Xi-feng. ‘But when it comes to this sort of thing, the major contracts are completely in the pockets of the President and other senior officials, while the smaller jobs are handed out by the clerks and runners. No one else gets so much as a look in, I’m afraid. Our own people can only work for Sir Zheng as his personal staff. Even your uncle Lian only goes in when there’s something directly connected with the family. He has nothing to do with official business. At home, as soon as things are patched up in one place they break out in another – even Mr Zhen can’t keep order properly. A junior like you would never be able to cope. No, I’m afraid whatever jobs there might have been at the Ministry have nearly all gone. People are desperate for work. Surely there’s something you can turn your hand to at home, to keep body and soul together? I’m being serious. Go home and think it over. As for your gratitude, consider it expressed. And take these things back to wherever they came from.’

  While she was speaking, a group of nannies had come into the room with little Qiao-jie, dressed in a colourfully embroidered smock and clutching an armful of toys. She went running over to her mother, laughing and prattling away, and Jia Yun stood up once more and swiftly transferred his attentions and unctuous smiles from Xi-feng to her daughter.

  ‘So this is my respected cousin? Now is there any little present you would like me to get you, dearie?’

  A loud Waaah! burst from Qiao-jie’s lips and Jia Yun retreated hastily.

  ‘There, there, my darling! Come here!’ Xi-feng held the child closely to her. ‘This is your cousin Yun. Don’t be shy.’

  Jia Yun tried again.

  ‘What a sweet little girl! Such a pretty face promises a lifetime of happiness.’

  Qiao-jie turned her little head to take another peep at him and immediately burst out crying again. Jia Yun sensed that he was no longer welcome and rose to leave.

  ‘Don’t forget your things,’ insisted Xi-feng.

  ‘Oh please, Aunt Feng! Do me this one favour…’

  ‘If you don’t take them yourself, I shall send someone after you with them. Honestly Yun, this is not the way to go about things. You are not a stranger here. If something crops up I will certainly let you know. Until then there is nothing I can do, and there is nothing to be gained by wasting your time and money like this.’

  Jia Yun could see that she was not going to relent. His face flushed as he took his leave.

  ‘I shall nevertheless continue to search for an acceptable present.’

  ‘Crimson, carry these things to the hall for Mr Yun,’ said Xi-feng curtly, ‘and see him out.’

  ‘People are right,’ thought Yun to himself on his way out. ‘She’s a real tyrant! Won’t budge an inch! Hard as nails! Serves her right if she can’t produce an heir. That little girl of hers gave me a queer feeling too…She seemed to take against me, almost as if we had some feud from a past life. What damnable luck! All that work for nothing!’

  His rebuff came as a disappointment to Crimson too, who picked up the parcel and followed him out. He took it from her and, when no one was looking, undid the wrapping, took out a couple of pieces of embroidery and gave them to her. At first she would not accept them and protested under her breath:

  ‘You shouldn’t, Mr Yun. Think how dreadful it would look for both of us if Mrs Lian found out.’

  ‘Don’t be silly. Keep them. She’ll never know. If you don’t, I’ll take it as a personal insult.’

  Crimson smiled vainly and took them from him.

  ‘If you insist. But I don’t want them. I really don’t know what to think…’

  Her face was burning again. Jia Yun laughed, and said:

  ‘It’s the thought that counts…’

  By now they had reached the inner gate and Jia Yun concealed the remaining gifts inside his gown while Crimson urged him on his way.

  ‘You must go now,’ she said. ‘If ever you want anything here, contact me. Now that I’m in service with Mrs Lian, you can approach me directly.’

  Yun shook his head bitterly.

  ‘She’s too much of a tyrant. I shan’t be coming back in a hurry. Don’t forget what I said just now though. If I do have a chance to see you again, I’ve more to tell you.’

  Crimson blushed from ear to ear.

  ‘You’d really better go now. Come again as often as you like. If you’ve become distant from Mrs Lian, you’ve only yourself to blame.

  ‘All right, I understand.’

  Jia Yun went on his way and Crimson stood in the gateway, following him into the distance with a thoughtful gaze. Then she turned and went inside again.

  Xi-feng meanwhile was giving instructions for her dinner, and asked the maids if they had cooked her congee. They hurried off to inquire, and returned after a short while to report that the congee was ready.

  ‘I should like a couple of dishes of those pickled vegetables that have just come up from the South, to go with it,’ Xi-feng said. Autumn took charge of this and detailed the other maids to proceed with service. Patience came in and said with a smile:

  ‘There’s something I forgot to mention earlier, ma’am. At midday, while you were over at Her Old Ladyship’s, one of the prioress’s women from Water-moon Priory came to see you, to ask for a couple of jars of southern pickle and for an advance of a few months’ allowance. The prioress has been in poor health, she told me. I asked what the matter was, and she said it had all started four or five days ago. She had been having trouble with some of the Buddhist and Taoist novices at the Priory, who despite several warnings kept leaving their lights on at night. Then one night she noticed the lamps still burning at midnight, and called to them several times. Hearing no reply and thinking that they must have fallen asleep with their lights on, she went herself to put them out. When she came back to her room, the strangest thing happened: she saw a man and a woman sitting together on the kang, and when she asked them who they were, had a noose slipped round her neck by way of reply. Her cries for help aroused the other sisters, who lit their lamps and came hurrying to the scene to find her prostrate on the floor and foaming at the mouth. Thank heavens they managed to bring her round. She still cannot eat proper meals, which is why she thought of asking for some pickles. Since you were not in, I felt I could hardly give her any on my own authority, so I explained where you were, said that I would mention it to you later, and sent her back to the Priory. I should have forgotten all about it if I hadn’t heard you asking for pickles just now yourself.’

  Xi-feng stared thoughtfully for a moment.

  There’s no shortage of pickles,’ she said at last. ‘Send her some by all means. You can see Mr Qin in a day or two about the money.’

  As she was speaking, Crimson came in to report the arrival of a messenger from Jia Lian. Business had detained him out of town, and he would not be back that night. This had received a perfunctory acknowledgement from Xi-feng, when suddenly there was a burst of crying from the back of the house and one of the junior maids came running bre
athlessly into the courtyard. Patience was already there and now several of the other maids gathered round and began whispering among themselves.

  ‘What’s going on out there?’ asked Xi-feng.

  ‘One of the maids has had a bit of a fright,’ replied Patience. ‘She says she’s seen a ghost or something…’

  ‘Which maid?’ asked Xi-feng sharply. The maid in question entered the room.

  ‘What’s all this nonsense about ghosts?’ asked Xi-feng.

  ‘I was out at the back just now, ma’am,’ replied the maid, ‘asking one of the women for more charcoal to put on the braziers, when I heard this eerie noise coming from that small empty building. At first I thought it was just a cat chasing a mouse, but then I heard it go whee like somebody sighing. I was very frightened and came running back.’

  ‘Stupid creature!’ snapped Xi-feng. ‘I won’t have people talking such superstitious nonsense in my presence! I’ve never believed in such things. Go on – get out of my sight!’

  The maid fled. Xi-feng sent for Sunshine and checked through the day’s remaining accounts. It was nearly nine o’clock by the time they finished. She and the others sat for a while chatting, and then she sent the servants off duty for the night and went to bed herself. Just before eleven o’clock she was lying in bed still half-asleep, when suddenly her flesh begin to creep and she awoke with a start. She lay there trembling in ever-increasing terror until she could bear it no longer, and called Patience and Autumn to come over and keep her company. Neither of them could understand the strange state she was in.

  Autumn had originally been rather hostile to Xi-feng, but she had fallen from favour with Jia Lian because of the part she played in the persecution of You Er-jie and had subsequently been drawn into Xi-feng’s camp, though her loyalty remained a matter of convenience and did not compare with the devotion of Patience. On this occasion, seeing her mistress in such a troubled state, she stood dutifully by the bedside and served her with tea. Xi-feng took a sip and said:

  ‘Thank you. You can go back to sleep now. I shall be quite all right with Patience here.’


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