Night Train to Naples

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Night Train to Naples Page 7

by Caroline Valdez

  They moved back behind the wall. The salty air from the sea below was warm against Alex’s bare cock as Dante sank to his knees and sucked it into his mouth. His mouth was wet and busy. So very busy. The pleasure was almost unbearable.

  And then Dante released him. “Knees. Or I’m going to come before I’m where I need so desperately to be.”

  Through the hot haze of desire, Alex thanked the gods. I won’t be near that neck and the gushing stream of blood that draws me like a giant magnet. He knelt for the “you in me” sex as he’d written in his text message.

  Dante’s hands trembled as he guided his cock to the hard, tight opening in Alex’s ass. “Oh, yes.” He grunted when his crown slipped inside. He waited until the second muscle had opened for him, and then he was in all the way.

  The sensations were so intense Alex didn’t want to let them go. “Slower,” he said through a throat tight with pleasure. He coached Dante with, “In…out…in…out. Yes, that’s it. That feels so good.”

  Dante’s hands still trembled as he steadied Alex’s hips to anchor them tight. Alex could feel his excitement reach a fevered pitch as he pumped faster and faster. Their rhythms connected, and Alex thought he’d always remember this deep, soft night when they joined as one body in the shadows behind Apollo’s temple. Caressed by the sea breezes, only the stars shared the thundering moment when together they almost reached them.


  They rode in the cabin on the boat back to Naples, sitting close together. Alex had an arm around Dante’s shoulders. Dante rested his head on Alex’s firm shoulder. He was the one who hadn’t slept all day. Periodically, Alex would lean down to kiss his cheek.

  “I loved our excursion, especially how it ended, but what gave you the idea to take me to Pompeii?”

  “I hate being indoors. I lived by the sea when I was human, and now I live by a major river in America. I wanted to experience the lights on the bay at night with you beside me. For me, Pompeii under its lights is as fascinating and as much a fantasy as the world of Peter Pan.”

  “I feel sad at how confining your life must be.”

  Touched, Alex squeezed his shoulder.

  Dante continued. “I don’t get it. Explain to me why the vampire Giacomo is so hot and bothered.”

  “Do you know why you were asked to appraise some gems?”

  “No. That came out of the blue.”

  “For me, too. The prince must have known I’m a gemologist because he’d brought jewels for me to evaluate. Apparently, Giacomo served as his appraiser, and he lost face when I caught a serious mistake he’d made on the most valuable diamond. It had been enhanced until its color resembled that of the famous French Blue—which is more a light gray than blue. Sometimes enhancing raises the value of jewels, but it can sometimes drop the value of diamonds.”

  “Oh, that I understand. If an unscrupulous seller hadn’t offered it as enhanced, and Giacomo didn’t catch it, Massimo might have paid a great deal too much. Money he couldn’t regain if he was honest. And if he’d sold one without knowing it’d been altered, and it was later discovered to be so, his reputation would be tarnished.”


  “That would’ve been enough to remove him as gemologist, but it shouldn’t have been enough to kick him off the council.”

  “No, but ordering your death was. He tried to usurp the prince’s authority by ordering your death. Believe me, that’s a major mistake with an undead royal.”

  “I noticed the flare-up over that. Seems to me you stepped in front of me at that point.” Dante’s smile was grim. “Why were we warned about the vamp?”

  “Giacomo blames me for both problems. No doubt the prince has someone watching him, but if the vamp loses the tail and injures us, the prince loses serious face.”

  “So this thing about face is big among immortals?”

  Laughter rumbled low and deep in Alex’s voice. “I think it is for the living and the undead, isn’t it?” He squeezed Dante’s shoulder, then removed his arm and pulled something from his pocket and handed it to him.

  “What’s this?”

  “A key card to my room. Actually, I’d rather you stayed with me under the circumstances, but with our different sleep habits, I’m not sure how practical it is. If you feel you’re in danger, call my cell or come to me. It will be hard to wake me, but you can. Also, if we have plans together and I’m late, you can wait in my room rather than in the Stoker’s lobby.”

  That appealed to Dante. He’d noticed too many immortals around there to feel comfortable without Alex. And there had been the time they’d seen Giacomo go into the bar or the dining room. He put the card in his wallet. “Thanks.”

  “You haven’t had dinner. Would you like to sample American food?”

  Dante hesitated a moment before deciding. “I’m willing to try it. Not many Italians eat fast food, you know.”

  In his black pullover and slacks, his long blond hair gleaming under the cheerful lights inside the McDonald’s, Dante wasn’t surprised that all eyes, especially those of the women, were on tall, powerful, beautiful Alexandros Nicolaides. A wave of satisfaction rolled through Dante because he was the one with this exceptional being.

  As they waited in line, Alex leaned in to whisper in his ear, “Everyone is watching handsome Signor Rocco and envying me.”

  “Not,” Dante said and laughed.

  He decided to try French fries and a cheeseburger, choosing American rather than Italian style. He even tried a strawberry shake. Alex ordered French fries and a shake, but although he occasionally picked up a fry and dipped it in ketchup, it never reached his lips. He’d put his mouth to the shake’s straw, but Dante knew it was never sucked. It was all for show, to appear normal, and it was for Dante, so he wouldn’t be attacked if anyone suspected he was with a vampire. Dante sighed. He was a thoughtful and clever vamp.

  “Why are you smiling, Dante?”

  “Tell you later.”

  “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking there must be more to this Giacomo thing than you’ve told me.” He fixed his gaze straight into those green eyes.

  Alex shrugged as only he could. “Sex.”

  Dante choked on his shake. Alex continued when he’d recovered.

  “I didn’t know he was here, much less on the council. We’ve been enemies of a sort for several years. At one time, he thought he’d be my lover, and I was foolish enough to consider it. But then I saw how unstable he was. There were some murders in the town where we were living—bodies whose throats were torn and much of the blood gone. I suspected him, but there was no proof. I stopped seeing him.”

  Alex stirred his shake with his straw. “For a time, he tried to rekindle our relationship, but when I made it clear it was permanently over, he stalked me. I’m sure he was the one who entered my house one night when I was away and destroyed almost everything in it. My books, my music, my clothes. Items that had belonged to those in my family he knew were important to me. Eventually, he disappeared, and I moved to America. I hadn’t seen him again until the presentation.”

  Dante’s humor fled. “It wouldn’t be good if he knew we were lovers, would it?”

  The eyes that looked back at him were only mildly serious. Alex shrugged. “He was never a danger to me. When I did take a lover, he didn’t come back into the picture. I doubt he’s even interested in an affair with me anymore.”

  Oh, I bet he is, Dante thought. Who wouldn’t want you?

  “How’s your food?”

  “Let’s just say it’s an interesting experience.”

  “If you’re finished, we’ll go. I know it’s late for you. Shall we have the taxi drop you off? I have some work to do before I sleep at daybreak.”

  Dante wasn’t ready to let him go. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to have a glass of wine while you work. I won’t disturb you.”

  They ordered room service. Alex drank his mysterious drink as he worked, his golden head gleaming
under the lights and his glorious hair spilling over his shoulders as he sat at the desk doing paperwork.

  Dante sat in an overstuffed chair with his feet up, sipping his favorite Greco di Tofu, taking in its scent and letting the rich liquid roll over his tongue. Small biscuits had been served with it, but after his McDonald’s meal, he was too full for them. Contentment washed through him as he sat and watched Alex’s fingers move swift and sure over the keyboard while his brow knotted with concentration.

  He finished his wine, and then Alex’s voice and his lips against Dante’s cheek awakened him.

  “You fell asleep,” Alex said. “Ready to go home? Or will you stay?”

  Much as he wanted to stay, Dante got to his feet and pulled on his jacket. “I have to be up early tomorrow. I guess I should sleep at the Vesuvio.”

  At first, he thought Alex was also reluctant for their time together to end because he joined him in the taxi, and when it pulled up in front of the Vesuvio, Alex tipped the driver to wait. He walked Dante to his room and stepped inside. They embraced, and Dante clung to him, still hesitant to let go of the firm muscles, the smell of him, wanting to remember his touch.

  Alex’s mouth covered his and his cool lips slid across Dante’s without ardor or need. Sex beside the sea lapping the shores of Pompeii had satisfied their hunger. For now.

  “Goodnight, Dante Rocco,” he said.

  “Mmm. Love the way you say my name. See you tomorrow?” Dante asked, always aware that at any moment this relationship might end.

  “Yes. I’ll text you.”

  “Good enough.”

  “Lock your door.”

  “I always do.”

  “And think about moving in with me.”

  When Alex had left and he’d shot the two door locks into place so his lover could hear the noise, he realized Alex had accompanied him to his room because he’d been more concerned about Giacomo than he’d let Dante see.

  Chapter Eleven

  The shirt called to Dante. With its jewel tones in deep green and its faux turtleneck collar, it was perfect. He had to have it.

  Standing in front of the mirror while the tailor made the final adjustments to the dark brown business suit they’d made for him, he saw the shirt in its reflection.

  The tailor noticed. Removing the pins from his mouth, he said, “I’m sorry, signor. We no longer have it in your size.”

  “What size do you have it in?”

  Everything was still perfect, he thought, as he left the shop with the shirt in the gift-wrapped box under his arm.

  He was still carrying it as he entered the Stoker. Alex had an early appointment at sundown, and Dante intended to surprise him. He waited for the elevator. The lights indicated the car had been at underground level and was no doubt carrying a group of the undead up to go out for the night. With a soft, snicking sound, it stopped at the lobby. The doors glided open, releasing its occupants into the foyer. The last occupant to leave was Giacomo.

  Fear drove Dante’s heart into overdrive at the sight of the unstable vampire. For a split second, he couldn’t move as Giacomo glared at him and stomped toward him, his eyes turning red.

  Would these vampires care if he attacked me? Would they come to my aid? He’d never felt so alien, so out of place in his life.

  Those waiting for the elevator bypassed Dante to board, and Dante pulled his courage together and broke his paralysis. His nod of recognition to Giacomo was brief, business-like and guarded as he joined the flow.

  The doors closed. The elevator dropped, and Dante shut his eyes in relief that Giacomo hadn’t followed him in. He took Alex’s key card from his pocket.

  Once in the hallway, he crossed quickly to Alex’s room, but when he started to insert the card in the lock, he realized the door wasn’t completely shut. Now terror for Alex’s safety replaced fear as he pushed his way cautiously into the room.



  Tossing the package on a table beside the door and freeing his gun from its holster, he checked the bedroom, bathroom, and closets. No one. Nothing.

  He sank into a chair in relief. When he heard a key card in the door, however, he stood and aimed his gun at whomever or whatever might come through it, just in case Giacomo had returned.

  Alex froze the moment he saw Dante’s gun aimed at his heart. “Dante! What’s happened? Are you all right?”

  Dante holstered his gun and closed the space between them in seconds as he wrapped his arms around Alex. “That’s so like you. To be worried about me instead of yourself.” And to trust I meant you no harm.

  Dante told him about Giacomo coming up from the lower level and the unlocked door.

  Alex notified the front desk that he required a second room immediately and why. Then he notified Maciodi, who said he’d contact the prince as soon as he was off the phone. That done, Alex pulled Dante to him and they kissed hello.

  “I went through the rooms to be sure no one was here. I suppose I compromised it as a crime scene,” Dante said.

  “Not much to do about that now. As soon as they arrive, and we’re in the other room, the police will have me go through to determine if anything is missing.”

  The police did just that, after searching Dante thoroughly and questioning him as to exactly what he’d done and touched once in the room.

  From the new room, Alex ordered room service and the loan of a computer, then he accompanied the police so he could search his belongings.

  “Did he take anything?” Dante asked when he returned.

  “My computer flash drive was on the floor near the front door. Once I’d put on latex gloves, they let me take it to see if my files had been compromised. I’ll have to return it for fingerprint dusting when I’m through.”

  “Was that all?”

  “Send him to everlasting darkness, he’s taken the gems I had with me. They belong to the courier service and they’re insured, but they disappeared under my care. That makes me look either incompetent or dishonest.”

  With a flick of his hands, Alex opened the computer provided by the hotel, booted it up and inserted the drive. “He’s been in here. I don’t keep my personal records on this machine, but he’s hacked into Global’s business items.”

  He set up a call to Hank Walton.

  “Will you notify the police? I mean, is there a separate force for the undead?” Dante asked.

  Alex gave a tight laugh. “Yes, there is. But I’ve notified Prince Massimo. His people will be far more thorough than even the Naples undead detectives will. You surprised me by being here. I love it that you are, but unhappy Giacomo knows my room and knows you were here to see me. That’s the second time he’s seen us here together. It puts you in danger.”

  “I have another surprise for you.” Dante held up his hand when he saw the beautiful brow crease in a frown. “A much nicer surprise. Actually, I’d intended to leave it for you to find before I arrived a little later.”

  Alex’s gaze fell on the box Dante handed him. “This is my surprise?”

  Dante nodded and congratulated himself on his taste when he saw it on Alex. It was indeed perfect for him. The deep green of the knit shirt brought out the depths of those jewel-like eyes, and the fit displayed Alex’s superbly muscular physique. Dante almost drooled over him. Wanted to jump him, yank off all his clothes, and have sex right then and there.

  Room service and dinner interrupted the possibility of such sensual delights.

  They ate in the new room, which the hotel had provided free of charge because their security system had been breached. Maciodi arrived to introduce the prince’s detectives, and they took notes when they questioned Dante and Alex before going to the crime scene. There they conferred with the Naples detectives, and after those detectives had left, they began the work all over again.

  Hank’s call came through, and Dante stepped out of the room while he and Alex talked.

  At last, they were allowed into the crime scene to remove Alex�
�s belongings to the new one. A very apologetic hotel manager arrived with two new key cards.

  Dante was exhausted by his usual bedtime, but when he turned to say he was leaving, he noticed Alex was sitting on the couch. Naked.

  “Strip for me.” Alex’s voice was thick with the husk of desire.

  Dante felt his blood race to his dick. He was instantly hard. Alex’s beautiful eyes deepened in color and glow as he unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off. Alex’s prick seemed to take its time swelling. Excitement tore through Dante as he toed out of his shoes, and when he reached for the buckle on his pants, Alex moaned soft and low. By the time Dante had stepped out of his pants and shorts, Alex’s cock was so big and stiff it hugged his belly, and Dante trembled because he wanted his vampire lover so much.

  “Come to me. Straddle me,” Alex invited.

  Dante sat in his lap facing him, his knees bent, their cocks touching, his sac hanging down and brushing against Alex’s. He leaned in and captured Alex’s mouth with his own while he rocked carefully.

  Alex groaned. Then he sighed with pleasure as Dante took his cock in hand. In return, Alex closed his fingers around Dante’s and slid the skin up and down, up and down. His thumb toyed with the tip, caressed the tender under lip until Dante was ready to explode.

  This new position, the seductiveness in Alex’s words when he’d said, “Straddle me,” brought Dante to a fevered pitch. “I’m going to come, going to—”

  Alex’s mouth closed in a hot, sucking kiss on Dante’s neck where it joined his shoulder, and his excitement rushed through Dante as if they were one body.

  “I promise I won’t hurt you, Dante, but I must do this. I must.” Then came a sharp prick and a measured, steady pull.

  As Dante felt the blood leave him through those pricks, sexual heat speared through his entire body, and he cried out as a mind-shattering climax coursed through him, and through Alex, too.

  When he had stopped pulsing, he went limp.

  In the aftermath, he felt Alex’s tongue licking the site of the pricks. Turning his head, he saw fangs slowly retracting in Alex’s mouth.


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