Government Z (Book 1): The Beginning

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Government Z (Book 1): The Beginning Page 3

by Reid, Bryan D.

  After about four hours with no luck Rus and I woke up from our naps. We got everyone together to decide what needed to be done next. Rus and I will head back to town. I can get the keys to my parent’s house and maybe a few more supplies I said. Then we can move some of the supplies into the house and clear the trailers. Maybe two of you can head to the next couple of towns and see if you can find any more survivors. The other two can stay and watch over the camp. Christi said Bev and her will head to the next few towns I know the area pretty well. Abby and Bruce, you watch over the camp she said. Rus and I went over to the trailer to gear up for a trip to town. We both picked out almost identical outfits. We both had cargo camouflage pants, heavy duty steel toed army boots, and t-shirts. The only difference was Rus wore a camo baseball cap and I had a bandana on. Once we dressed we headed for the weapons truck. Rus had two knives strapped to both biceps easy to grab, his machetes on his back again, a small .357 magnum strapped to his right ankle, two glock handguns strapped mid to upper thigh, and a camouflaged colored sawed off pump action shotgun. I grabbed my new battle axes and strapped them to my back, put the desert eagles in my back belt area so they could be grabbed quickly, a large combat knife strapped to my left calf, and I also got a camouflaged colored sawed off shotgun exactly like the one Rus grabbed. I gave Christi a big kiss and told her to be safe. Bev walked over to Rus and gave him a hug, keeping her head resting on Rus’s chest for several seconds. We jumped into the Semi and left for town shortly after eleven o’clock.

  Christi and Bev started preparing the weapons truck to head to the other towns to see if there are any survivors. Christi kept the 9mm berretta I gave her. She had never shot a gun before and was really against having them in our house. She knew she had to do what she could because she wanted to save our kids and make them better if she could. Bev packed the magnum in the truck and grabbed two shot guns, the .22 rifle, and two colt anacondas just for extra protection. Bev then drove the truck over to the trailer where Abby, Bruce, Christi, and she unloaded the weapons truck into the trailer. If we find any survivors we will need all the room we have Bev said. Shortly around noon Christi and Bev left for Richmond which was nine miles away.

  Once Christi and Bev arrived in Richmond they decided to spend no more than an hour driving around the streets. They started on the east side of town driving down street by street shouting out the windows. As they approached the ice cream shop they saw three zombies trying to break in. Bev pulled the truck over and pulled the .22 rifle out. She took aim and one by one picked off all three of the zombies. As she started to reload the rifle a fourth zombie appeared out of nowhere. Oh shit Bev shouted. Christi raised the berretta up and shot six rounds off all into the zombies face. She screamed a loud ahhhhh as she shot the gun. Afterward she burst into tears. Bev grabbed her and hugged her. It will be alright Christi, you did what you had to do Bev stated. I am alright search the shop and see why they were trying to get in Christi said. Bev and Christi tried opening the door but it was barricaded so they broke out one of the windows and shouted inside. The outside is clear right now is there anyone inside Christi shouted. Is it safe to come out a voice shouted? Yes we have a truck and have to move fast we are searching for more survivors. There were nine people hiding in the ice cream shop. Six men ranging in age from eighteen to forty five and three women two in their late thirties and one in her sixties .The group of people that were held up inside the ice cream shop was a range of characters. They all loaded into the truck. First there was Mrs. Babcock an elderly lady who was about sixty two years old and had recently had hip replacement surgery. Steve who was forty five and the owner of the ice cream shop, his girlfriend Janet thirty nine who also worked at the ice cream shop. Then there was Blake, twenty one, Brent, twenty, and Bart, nineteen, three brother who had just returned from college in Missouri on summer break. Brianna, twenty four who also worked at the ice cream shop while she was going to hair styling college. Finally there was George thirty and his brother Jason twenty seven who had just returned from a tour in Iraq. As they entered Bev asked who knows how to handle a gun? George and Jason said they were both in the army and could handle any weapon. Bev gave them both shotguns and said you now have a bigger responsibility. You will be on search, save, and rescue when we stop to look for survivors. Let’s finish our search here and head east toward my work Christi said. There is a hospital there and maybe we can find some more medical supplies and medical staff that can help us more. After searching for another half hour they found four couples and two men. They were located at their homes and approached the truck as it was heard driving down the street. Mike forty a construction worker, his wife Jennifer thirty eight a housewife, and their son Jon eighteen a senior in high school. Ben twenty, a friend of Jon’s since they were in elementary school together. Then there was Chad thirty nine, a retail manager at a local suit store and his wife Kathy forty, a secretary at a lawyer’s office, Chris twenty five, a laid off electrician and his newlywed wife Janelle twenty three, an EMT for the local county. Final couple found was Sean thirty six and his wife Stephanie thirty three, who owned their own lawn cutting service on their first job of the year. We can provide you with a camp site, food, and weapons if you are will to put your share in right now we are headed east to search the hospital in the River District area.

  Rus and I arrived back in Port Huron around eleven thirty and headed toward my house. It was a clear safe drive back to town. We arrived at the house and I noticed right away the remains of Mr. Jones were still lying next to the driveway. All that remained was his skeleton. The only reason I knew it was Mr. Jones was the fact that my steak knife was still embedded in the skull. I headed for the front door and unlocked it. I don’t know if the kids are still locked in the dog cage so go in with caution and please don’t hurt my children I said. We opened the door and I heard a commotion coming from the kitchen. I went and looked with my shotgun drawn. The kids were still locked inside the dog cages but were really aggressive. They looked starved and I tried to feed them meat from the fridge, but since they had become zombies the only thing they craved was human flesh. We searched the house and all was clear still. Rus checked out the backyard and saw two zombies walking through the backyard. He went out on the deck and shot both zombies with one shot from his shotgun. I then went and checked out the backdoor Rus was dragging one of the dead zombies back into the house. What are you doing Rus? I asked. Rus threw the zombie across the island in our kitchen and pulled out one of his knives. Kids need to eat whether its moral or not this is the best way to feed them Rus said. He started to filet the dead corpse and put a lot of the cut up meat into the cages and the kids devoured it as soon as it entered the cage. After that I found the keys, Rus grabbed the other zombie corpse and loaded it into the truck. We need to go to my house so I can check on my kids too Rus said. Let’s head there now and then we can stop at Bruce’s place too and check on his daughter. We made our way back out to Rus’s house. I asked where he had put the children. I built a kennel in the garage and secured them there Rus said. There is a latch on the roof that gives us access to the garage Rus stated. We lifted the zombie’s dead body to the roof. Rus opened up the latch and looked inside. He couldn’t see anyone so he threw the corpse down the opening then all of a sudden out of nowhere the children ran over and started tearing apart the body. Rus’s eyes were beat red as he was fighting to hold back tears. Let’s get going we can drop off food to Bruce and Abby’s kids and then we will see what else we may need.

  After we dropped off the corpses and fed the children I got on the CB to contact Christi and Bev. I asked how the search and rescue was going. Christi said it was going real well for the most part. We found nineteen so far and are headed toward River District hospital looking for more survivors and medical supplies. That’s awesome I am glad you have found some survivors I said. How are you guys doing? Christi asked. Well we got the keys to the house, but we realized the zombies become more aggressive the longer they are detained and no
t eating I said. How did you find that out Christi asked? I told her about the kids and how all the zombies only eat human flesh so we went and fed all the kid’s zombies Rus and I had killed and it lowered their aggression. We are headed to the hardware stores we have some ideas for traps and coverage for the house. We should be headed back to camp around four this afternoon Bev said. Ok have everyone fed and ready to work when we get there Rus said. We have a lot still to do before we can rest, over and out I said. I then sent out a call to Bruce and Abby to see if they were ok. Bruce come in Rus called. How is everything going? Bruce asked. Rus told them about all the survivors that Christi and Bev had found and that they would be back around four if they could prepare food. Bryan and I are headed to some of the hardware stores to get some supplies we have some ideas for the camp. Be prepared to get working tonight along with all the survivors Rus said. We will get to work right away over and out Bruce said.

  Bev and Christ’s group arrived at the hospital around two in the afternoon. Ok so here is the plan Christi said. We will break into groups of three and search for everything we can get and bring it back to the truck. Since Mrs. Babcock can’t move to well that group will stay with her and protect the truck. Alright grab all the bandages, medicines, surgery tools, syringes, braces, and cast equipment Christi said. Take caution and keep an eye out for any survivors find what you can and we’ll meet back here after you clear your area, then we can head for the camp we have set up Bev added. If you find any dead shoot them in the head or there is the change they will rise up as a zombie Bev said. What do you mean zombies Mrs. Babcock gasped? We have seen what can happen to the dead and if your bitten you will become one as well Christi said. We have witnessed someone die at the diseased hands and come back to life infected Bev explained. George you take Sean and Stephanie, start in the ER. Jason you take Chris and Janelle and go start in the East Wing. Blake here’s a colt anaconda, take your brothers and start in the West Wing. Bev you take Chad and Kathy and start in the doctor’s office area. Steve, here take this rifle and stay with Janet and Mrs. Babcock. Mike you take this Colt Anaconda and go with Jennifer and Jon start in the Main Lobby, and then check the gift shop and waiting room. I will take Ben and Brianna, Christi said. We will go check out the operating and x-ray rooms.

  George and Blake took their groups to the ER entrance and slowly entered the hospital. Everyone else headed for the Main entrance to begin the search. Upon entering the hospital the groups saw blood spread everywhere. On the walls, desks, chairs, and spread across the floor like someone getting dragged away. Everyone proceed with extreme caution and do not be trigger happy we don’t want anyone getting hurt Bev said. The main entrance was clear so Mike took his family to investigate the waiting room first which was also empty. The others headed for the double doors that lead to the hospitals procedure rooms. Let’s check out the gift shop then wait for the other to return so we can protect the exit Mike said. The gift shop had minimal food so they packed all of it into bags and waited by the front door for the others to return.

  As they entered through the double doors Christi took her group to the ultra sound room first. Everyone else made their way to their designated areas. There wasn’t much electrical equipment in the ultrasound room so Christi said let’s head to the x-ray room I’m sure we will have the same luck there. They started searching the x-ray room next. Grab that gurney we can use it to hold the supplies we find. They found crutches, braces, and a wheel chair they put on the gurney and started for the operating room when they heard a sneeze. Christi drew the 9mm and slowly entered the x-ray office. She checked under the desk but didn’t see anything. The only place left to check was a small closet in the corner. Christi pointed the gun at the closet while Ben and Brianna each grabbed a handle. Ok on three open the doors. One, two, three! Christi yelled. The doors swung open to reveal two women holding each other crying in fear. Please don’t shoot one of them screamed. Are you ok Ben asked? Yes we hid in here when we heard all the screaming throughout the hospital. What are your names Christi asked? My name is Jessica I am a nurse in the ER and this is Samantha she is my intern in training. Well ladies I am Christi and this is Ben and Brianna, we are here to help come with us. Have either of you been bitten Brianna asked? No we haven’t what’s going on Jessica asked? We will explain after we leave here first we got to check the operating rooms for more supplies first then we will head for our truck outside Christi said. The group of five now made their way to the operating room. Once they reached the doors to the operating rooms Christi glanced through the windows and saw someone on the operating table. They opened the door slowly. Christi had the 9mm drawn and aimed at the center table. When they got closer they found a zombie eating the insides of a patient that was left on the table during surgery. Christi took aim with the 9mm and shouted smile you son of a bitch. The zombie turned toward them and as soon as it did it was met with a 9mm shot threw the left eye. Christi walked up the table and pulled the eye lids of the victim left on the table and saw the eyes were turning white, so she took one step back and unloaded another round into the dead patients head. Grab all the surgeon tools, syringes, and vials of medicine you can find Christi said. They cleared out the entire operating room which had most of the tools and medicines located there. They started pushing the gurney back to the main entrance where they saw Mike and his family watching the front entrance waiting for everyone.

  Jason and George’s teams entered the ER to see the same horror that everyone else saw in the main entrance. They decided they would search there areas together since the ER was very open and would be done quicker. They found a small medicine room behind the nurse’s station which they broke into and cleaned out. They found a few bodies, two nurses, three patients, and one EMT. Jason and George went through and shot all of them in the head per the orders of Bev. Janelle went over and searched the EMT’s pockets. I found the keys to the ambulance outside Janelle said. Maybe we can load everything in the back and the people in Bev and Christi’s truck Janelle suggested. Great idea why don’t Janelle and I make sure the ambulance is clear and I’ll have her drive it around by the truck and then I’ll rejoin you before we move on to the east wing George said. Janelle carried all the supplies they found in the ER out to load them in the ambulance. The ambulance was clear so Janelle loaded the supplies found and drove around next to the truck and talked with Steve and Janet about what they saw and what was happening so far. George rejoined the group and they made their way the east wing. The east wing was not much success for anything, so the group exited to the main entrance since the vehicles were parked in front of the hospital. When they entered the main entrance they were greeted by the two groups waiting there.

  Once exiting the main lobby and heading into the heart of the hospital Blake and his brothers headed for the west wing. There are eight rooms and sixteen beds to investigate. Let’s start at the far end and work our way back to the main hallways Bart suggested. They slowly walked past the closed doors and started on the left side first. The first three rooms were clear and really had no supplies worth taking. When they entered the fourth room Brent entered first, as Blake was followed him in all of a sudden the door slammed into Blake’s face breaking his nose. A small Chinese man in a white lab coat jumped on Brent’s back and tried to stab him with a scalpel. Blake had dropped the gun which Bart picked up and kicked the door open again. Bart ran over and hit the Chinese man in the back of the head with the butt of the gun. The small man fell to the floor hard moaning in pain. Are you two alright Bart asked? Brent gasping for air said I’m ok. Is he dead Brent asked? Not sure Bart answered. How are you Blake, Brent asked? That asshole broke my fucking nose, how the hell do you think I am Blake said sarcastically. Brent grabbed the scalpel off the floor. Bart and Brent sat the small man up asking why he attacked them and who he was. He said I’m sorry I thought you were those things. My name is Dr. Chen Wong; I am the head physician for the hospital’s west wing. I am sorry about your nose if you will I can reset it
for you Dr. Wong said. Blake said it’s understandable go ahead and set it. Dr Chen put his two thumbs on each side of Blake’s nose and with a hard jerk Blake’s nose popped back into place. Bart told the doctor we have a truck out front and a group of survivors that were rescued by their leaders Christi and Bev. Would you join us Brent asked? Dr Wong gladly accepted the offer. We need to search the rest of the rooms for any supplies and then get back to the main lobby. They searched the last four rooms and found three brand new hospital beds still wrapped in plastic. Let’s get two of these out to the main lobby and loaded into the truck then come back for the third. They wheeled the two beds out to the lobby to find most of the other groups waiting there. There is one more bed in the west wing in the first room on the right if someone can grab it we will load these. George and Jason ran to get the third bed. Everyone head out and load the truck up and then come back for the third bed Christi said. I’ll keep Jason and George with me and wait for Bev, Christi added.


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