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Government Z (Book 1): The Beginning

Page 23

by Reid, Bryan D.

  Being out of harm’s way Rus parked by the clubhouse of the golf course and looked at a map he got from the apartment Bev and him crashed at the night before. All right the back roads leading to Las Vegas seem to not be the best route Rus said. We need to find another way Rus added. Look here Bev said as she pointed on the map. This road will take us on the freeway and connects to the major highway Bev said. I can use the binoculars and scout ahead while we are driving so we can avoid anymore confrontations Bev added. Well let’s get back at it after I update the outpost Rus said. Rus to the Michigan Militia Outpost do you read me? Rus asked. Go ahead Rus. Don replied. Taking shelter for the night soon then headed for the Las Vegas strip tomorrow. We will update after our searches in Las Vegas in two days Rus said. Good hunting Don said as the air waves cleared. They head back to the motorcycle and headed for the ramp to the freeway. Bev scouted the road ahead through the binoculars as Rus continued down the highway. Most of the communities were abandoned the closer they got to Las Vegas. Windows and doors were broke out and stores were raided not that it wasn’t expected since these horrific events started over fourteen months ago. Bev and Rus stopped on the highway hundreds of yards from the Las Vegas strip so to observe the area for activity before starting their search. So any idea where in Las Vegas or which casino we need to search? Bev asked. No details from the reports, just said just a casino was the base of operations in Las Vegas Rus said. So I guess we start with the famous strip hitting the major casinos that would hold the best technology and then we will head for the main city, but first I think we take refuge to rest today and start searching at first light tomorrow Rus added. Rus and Bev took refuge in one of the abandoned homes just outside the strip. Rus and Bev spend the remainder of the day preparing their weapons, filling their stomachs, and getting some much needed rest to be ready for an all day hunt on the strips major casinos.

  Meanwhile, the outpost continued to prepare for battle to come. Don and I made a trip to our old work where we knew we could find lots wood pallets and metals to make stabilizers for the sniper rifles on the walls. To our surprise while we were taking anything useful from work we found a small group of co-workers that had taken refuge in the office area. We explained to them that a fight was coming and we could use everybody’s help and we could offer them food, shelter, and a little hope, but if we lost they could be next anyway if they stayed here. They all agreed and we lucky got ten more bodies to help in our fight. We returned with our supplies and fed our newest members. While they ate we explained what we had learned over the past year. After they ate and cleaned up we showed them around the compound. Don and I gave directions to everyone and they started preparing the stabilizers, planting landmines, and loading clips with ammo. Don, Bruce and I headed to the command center to discuss what was on the USB we downloaded additional info on. Don loaded the USB while Bruce helped me hang a map of the United States and the state of Michigan on the wall. I drew a dot which represented our outpost. Alright so what else do we know about what’s going on so far? I asked. Don started reading over the information and said well each capital has a wall build around it twenty-five miles in diameter. I circled all the capitals and then marked the roads we had already traveled, plus Rus’s trip to Las Vegas to the best of our knowledge. What else did you find? I asked. Most of the information is what we learned while in Washington D.C. Don said. Well let’s look through the DuKoppus file and see if that’s who we need to go after next I said. We spent the rest of the night going over files of Washington, Militias, and Las Vegas. Tomorrow we continue preparing and waiting I said as I light a cigarette and poured a glass of rum.

  Back in Nevada as the sun began to raise over the mountains Rus and Bev suited up and headed for the first casino on the strip. Rus parked the motorcycle by a group of bushes that were planted outside the casino lobby. They walked into the lobby of the casinos hotel and looked around. Where do we start? Bev asked. I think we should search the casino floor first then the offices, then search the hotel floors one by one Rus said. The search over the first casino took a little over three hours and turned up no evidence. Rus and Bev moved down the strip and hit the four major casinos left. Well no signs of anyone in this area I guess we head downtown Rus suggested. I think we should find a place just outside of downtown and scout tonight before we make another move Bev said. Ok. Rus answered. They took shelter around seven at night in an eight story one star motel about one mile from downtown. Rus cooked the last little bit of fresh food that was left and suggested they head to the roof and see what is out there. Opening the latch to the roof Rus found some old milk crates they could use to sit on and rest their plates on while they ate their meal. After completing their meal Rus and Bev started scouting the casinos in the downtown area through their binoculars. Well I think we are on the right track finally Rus said. I can see lights on in all three hotels so at least we know we can hopefully find something or someone Rus added. Rus and Bev headed down to the only suite in the hotel which was on the entire eighth floor. Barricading the doors and windows which became a standard when being out of the compound Rus and Bev fell asleep each in their own king size bed.

  Bev woke Rus up in a startle. What’s wrong? Rus asked. I woke up early and let you sleep, so I went to the roof to scout. I could see smoke coming from near the casinos Bev said. Rus started getting ready while eating a protein bar and noticed that Bev was ready to go. Rus and Bev collected the gear and loaded up the bike. Rus and Bev approached the first two casinos which were across the street from each other. Rus parked the bike next to a party store down a small alley and hide the bike behind two dumpsters. As Rus and Bev walked down the street they saw two black hooded characters in the middle of the road. Hey stop right there we have questions Rus belted out in a commanding voice. The two hooded characters looked up at Bev and Rus before running in opposite directions and each headed to the casinos. Rus and Bev got to where they were standing and decided to split up and each search a casino. Bev headed to the seven floor Black Diamond casino and hotel, while Rus headed into the Dragon’s Den casino which was the smallest of the three casinos with only four stories of 16 rooms each and upon entering the lobby with his glock drawn headed for the hotel offices first in search of the mystery person. There were three small offices and the check-in counter that Rus searched first. As Rus made it through each room and found himself behind the check-in counter he noticed that one of the elevators had the fourth floor lit up. Rus headed over to the other elevator and made his way to the fourth floor. The ding went off as the elevator doors opened and Rus made his way out in search of the mystery person. Rus slowly crept down the hallway checking each room one by one occasionally finding a body of either a zombie or salvager riddled with bullets in the rooms and hallway. The doors were all open and the rooms tore apart, obviously raided for whatever could be salvaged Rus thought to himself. Rus made his way through all the rooms and approached the stairwell which was opened slightly. This door looks like someone tried to close it quietly without making any noise Rus thought. So Rus headed down the stairwell to the third floor and began searching again. As Rus made his way through half the floor he heard a loud crashing sound that shook the floor and knocked him to the floor. Rus staggered back to his feet. That must have been a tremor Rus said aloud to himself. Rus made his way to the stairwell and headed for the second floor. Rus was checking the second floor out about to enter room ten when he felt a huge gust of wind from behind. Rus turned around and entered room eleven to find a huge hole in the wall as if something had smashed through it. He stood at the edge of the hole with all the concrete walls and windows smashed under his feet facing the other casino examining what could have caused this hole. The debris was in the hotel, so whatever made the hole came from the outside Rus observed. Rus noticed huge claw-like marks with blood near the top of the hole. Rus dipped his finger in the blood. It was still warm and wet so it was fresh. Rus suddenly heard guns shots from the floor below followed by a horrific scream, then si
lence. Rus ran for the stairwell and sprinted down the stairs to the lobby. When Rus opened the door he noticed bullet holes in the check-in counter and the elevator door. The bullets looked like they have had to come from the casino entrance. Rus headed to the casino entrance and found a freshly detached leg at the entrance. The leg looked like it had been ripped off someone’s body. Rus followed the blood trail into the slot machine area where he found what was left of the hooded figure. Both legs and arms had been ripped from the body. The mystery person laid face down in a pool of blood from whomever or whatever attacked him. Rus rolled the torso over and pulled the hood off to reveal a blood soaked face. Rus removed a cocktail from the edge of a blackjack table close by and poured it over the face of the mystery person to wash the blood off and reveal a woman who got tore apart. Rus stared at the face as if he had seen it before. Wyoming! Lacy! Rus shouted aloud. He looked at the face harder and remembered seeing her as one of the Wyoming militia commanders when him, Don, Bryan were in Yellowstone Park. My God, Rus thought. They made it to Vegas. I have to stop Bev before she hurts the other mystery person since she won’t know who they were Rus thought as he sprinted to the Black Diamond.

  Rus headed out the lobby doors and realized Black Diamond had a hole on the fourth floor similar to the one he had just found on the second floor of the Dragons Den. Rus entered with caution just in case Bev hadn’t found her mystery person yet or whatever tore that other person apart was still in the hotel. Rus headed to the seventh floor and began researching what he had hoped was already searched by Bev. Just like his previous search Rus found all the doors on the floor opened and raided. He also came across a random body of a scavenger or zombie. Rus quickly made a pass through the seventh, sixth, and fifth floors. Cautiously Rus entered the fourth floor knowing this is where the creature put a hole in one of the rooms. Rus entered the room once he found the hole and looked over at the Dragon’s Den hotel. Something is different about this hole Rus thought. Rus noticed that there were no claw marks on the walls or near the hole and that the debris was on the street and none in the room. So whatever made this hole went from this room to the second floor of the Dragons Den without touching the ground Rus said to himself. Rus continued searching for the mystery person, Bev, and this creature. Rus made his way through the hotel and was now headed for the casino. As Rus entered the casino area sections of slot machines and card tables were over turned forming a path through the casino. Something very large was pursuing someone through the casino. Rus found some bullet holes in the wall near a cashier booth and more in the house restaurants. Rus entered the restaurant to see what he had feared the other hooded person laying on a huge fancy table with a large black diamond chandelier broken from the ceiling and pierced through the stomach area. Rus walked up and removed the hooded mask to reveal Mike from Wyoming another commander. Rus didn’t have time to think as he heard gun fire coming from the street. Rus ran outside and saw another hooded man running toward the final casino firing his gun over his shoulder as he ran as fast as he could. Rus gave chase keeping an eye out for whatever the hooded figure was firing at by ducking and dodging in and out of the buildings leading to the newest and biggest casino in Las Vegas the Queen of Hearts. Rus ducked into an old pet store as he was avoiding the wild shooting of the hooded stranger. Whimpering sounds came from the back of the store. Rus went through a set of doors marked employees only and found a bullmastiff dog about 4 years old still locked in a cage. Rus approached the frighten dog with his hand extended out. The dog gave him a sniff and then started licking his hand. Rus pulled out his water canister and filled up a small bowl which the now happy pup drank up very quickly. Rus scratched the dog behind the ears saying you are just thirsty and probably hungry aren’t you boy. Rus found a piece of beef jerky in his sack and fed it to the dog. Rus started to head for the door with his new companion right on his heels.

  Rus continued to hear occasional gunfire as he approached the red carpet walkway that lead to the new luxury hotel. The dog began to growl from the sound of gunfire. Rus held his hand and the dog instantly stopped. Walking down the red carpet Rus walked pass the large double stacked hearts and playing card soldiers holding spears with spade and upside down hearts for spear heads. The hotel was made famous for all the female entertainers that graced the hotel weekly, thus creating the queen name for the hotel. Rus entered through the double wide doors into the lobby where he was facing a large heart shaped fountain. As Rus approached the fountain he noticed a ring of blood in the fountain water. Looking up at the stone statue that was in the center of the fountain Rus saw two halves of a woman pierced on a spear the statue was holding. Rus could tell by the clothes that it was not Bev. Rus headed for the casino with the bullmastiff running ahead sniffing the floor. The dog seemed to be on a trail of some sort. Rus walked up to see an overturned roulette table and a pair of legs sticking out from underneath. Rus lifted the table and found the hooded man with a large gash across his chest and stomach area. Rus noticed the chest moving up in down whoever this was they were still breathing. Rus slowly pulled the hood down to reveal the face. Papa, Rus said. Papa looked up and got a small smile on his face. Rus from Michigan Papa said. Rus helped Papa to his feet as Papa pushed his hand hard against his abdomen to slow the bleeding. Get me to the northwest elevators Papa asked Rus. Rus helped Papa over to the northwest elevator which required keycard to access. Papa pulled a lanyard from around his neck and swiped it at the keycard sensor which accessed the elevator. Rus and Papa entered the elevator and started descending down. Where are we going? Rus asked. Down to the vault Papa said. There are three offices and the vault was cleared out to make room for the studies to find a cure Papa added. Papa started to tell the history of this search for a cure. “About six months after the first leak of this zombie apocalypse a team of scientists and doctors started working with these creatures at the local hospital trying to find a way to cure them. Once the city started to get raided a Nevada militia formed and over took the Queen of Hearts hotel and casino. Moving the scientist and doctors here to continue their work the militia kept them safe and supplies in full stock. When we arrived from Wyoming and explained what had happened we were welcomed with open arms. We also meet two technicians on our way here from Wyoming. They were able to develop some high tech weapons for us but slowly the militia lost battle after battle and our numbers became fewer and fewer. The leader was killed in one battle and they asked me to take over which I accepted. We put the casino on lockdown and didn’t allow the scientists or doctors to leave the vault. We were told the cure was being worked on in a casino called the Sands Bar? Rus asked. Never heard of it, but I did send my two best fighters to Michigan in search of your militia to ask for your help here Papa said. They kill the zombies for pure enjoyment and usually sell their services for the fights. Last night we were attacked by a huge creature and again this morning just before you found me. I think the creature is part human too because after I was under the roulette table I saw it transform back into a human before leaving the casino just before you arrived.” Papa explained. The story ended as the doors dinged and opened to the vault. Smoke instantly filled the elevator as Rus, the dog, and Papa exited. The orange glow and smoke coming from one of the offices indicated a fire had broken out. Rus grabbed a fire extinguisher and headed for the office as Papa limped slowly behind. Rus put the fire out as Papa looked on in horror. My god the files Papa said as he limped to the other offices. Rus caught up to Papa standing at the main entrance of the vault were the lab was completely destroyed and bodies in white lab coats spread across the vault floor. Papa and Rus started checking each body for any signs of life. Rus pulled one of the scientists back into a chair from the computer and desk he was hunched over. Rus noticed the scientist left hand was clinched tight in a fist. Rus pried the hand open to see a small USB drive in his hand. Rus pulled it out and put it in his backpack. Everyone’s dead and everything is lost Papa cried out. Looks like the only thing not destroyed was this and I want y
ou to have it. Papa said. Papa handed Rus a twelve inch long gauntlet that will your over hand and forearm Papa said. At the end of it was a small sixteen pound shot-put ball. Put it on Papa said. Rus put the gauntlet on. So what does it do? Rus asked. Can you feel the buttons with your index finger and thumb? Papa asked. Point the gauntlet at that picture on the wall and push the button with your index finger. Papa said. When Rus pushed the button the shot-put ball attached to a ten foot long chain launched at the painting at over fifteen miles per hour and embedded into the wall. Now push the other button with your thumb Papa said. When Rus did the ball ripped from the wall and retracted back inside the gauntlet. That is amazing Rus said. This was some of the tech we were working on Papa said. A crackle started coming across a radio in the laboratory. “Begin your attack now on the enemy in Michigan. They know too much and I will finish these enemies in Nevada. Over.” the transmission ended. Where else do you have communications? Rus asked Papa. This is the only location in town that has a working radio Papa said. Rus got a surprise look on his face. I know where its coming from Rus said. Rus headed for the elevator followed by the dog and Papa. Where are we going? Papa asked. If you don’t have another radio then that call came from my motorcycle Rus said. I have a satellite radio installed to communicate with home Rus added. Returning to the northwest entrance of the casino Rus, Papa, and the dog exited the elevator. After only a few steps the dog stopped and started growling fiercely. Rus squatted down and asked what’s wrong? Rus looked up to see Bev standing near the roulette table where he had found Papa. Her clothes looked shredded from her body and she had blood on her shoulder and arm by the looks of it. Rus moved closer and said I think they found the bike. Papa pulled on Rus’s shoulder and whispered in his ear. I saw those boots walk away while I was under the roulette table Papa whispered. Rus took a couple of steps back. Bev looked at Rus with a satanic look in her eyes. What’s the matter Rus? Bev asked through a devilish smile. Bev reached up and pulled on her hair revealing her beautiful eighties puffy hair was a wig now and now she was displaying her natural short black hair. Would I look more familiar like this? Bev said as she held up a syringe filled with a lime green substance. I’ve seen that vial before Rus said through anger and grinding teeth. Bev jammed the needle into her neck and emptied the syringe into her body. Similar to everyone else injected with the substance the sound of breaking and dislocating bones started as Bev’s body started to transform. Bev grew a foot in height, her face opened up and formed the dreaded talons, then her index and middle fingers and pinky and ring fingers connected giving her three fingers on each hand, and a second set of arms formed making her look like the Greek mythological titan Atlas with the same three fingers. The dog barked rabidly while Rus and Papa looked on in disbelief. Bev let out a scream with her talons opened up and her four arms spread wide. Bev thrust her lower right arm at Papa putting her hand inside his already cut open stomach area and ripped his internal organs right from his body. Papa fell to the floor with blood pouring out his wound and his body seized for a minute before becoming still. Rus turned to the Bev creature. You BITCH! Rus yelled. Rus pointed his new weapon and pulled the trigger launching the shot-put ball toward Bev. Bev moved sending the shot-put and chain between her two left arms and missing her all together. The bullmastiff jumped toward Bev with his teeth looking to bite her arm, but with a hard swing of her upper right arm her clinched fist struck the dog in the side of the head sending it sliding across the floor. Bev then picked Rus up with all four arms and started squeezing the air from his lungs. Rus pulled the trigger on his new weapon retracting the chain. The shot-put ball struck Bev in the rib cage between the left arms as it retracted into the gauntlet. The pain of the shot-put hit caused Bev to drop Rus. Rus fell to the floor with barely enough time to catch his breath. Rus got to his feet and started throwing punches with his fist and shot-put gauntlet hand. Rus continued to stagger Bev backwards with his punches when she grabbed both his clenched fist with her lower arms. Bev leaned in screaming in Rus’s face with her talons flared out. Rus threw his head back and with all the force he had head butted Bev in the bridge of the nose breaking it. Bev looked back at Rus with her now broken and bleeding nose; she started punching Rus with her upper arms while still holding Rus’s fist with his lower arms. Rus tried to free himself but Bev’s grip was too tight on his hands so Rus raised his leg up and kicked Bev in the knee dropping her down. Bev still didn’t release Rus’s hands so Rus head butted her again in the nose cause her to release her grip. Rus ran for cover to try and think of a plan of attack. Rus ran past Papa and pulled the lanyard from around his neck as he headed for the northwest elevator. Rus swiped the card and headed back for the laboratory. As Rus descended in the elevator he packed his gauntlet away when a loud smashing sound landed on the elevator roof. Rus could hear something moving on the roof. Rus pulled out his glock and opened fire into the roof when suddenly the emergency hatch ripped from the hinges and two massive arms reached in and pulled Rus thru the opening. Rus found himself on the roof of the elevator facing Bev once again. Rus exchanged fist back n forth with Bev for a few minutes. Rus pulled out one of his knives as he grabbed a hold of the cable line and then jumped up to kick Bev in the chest with both feet and cut the line of the cable. Rus rode the cable back up to the main floor as he watched Bev and the elevator fall at rapid speed into the darkness of the elevator shaft. Rus got back to the main floor and released the elevator doors so he could enter the casino. Rus started to head toward the dog to check on him, when he heard a loud banging sound coming from the elevator shaft. Rus stood at the edge of the elevator and looked back down the shaft. To his surprise Rus saw Bev with all four arms extended on each wall crawling back up the shaft. Rus looked down at Bev. Why won’t you just die bitch! Rus shouted. Rus started shooting down the shaft trying stop Bev. Bev continued climbing up the elevator shaft avoiding Rus’s bullets. Bev made a lunging move the closer she got to the floor and as she lunged feet first she kicked Rus in the chest knocking him to the ground as she reentered the casino floor. Bev started walking toward Rus when the bullmastiff leaped and grabbed onto Bev’s lower left arm. Rus reached in his pack and pulled the gauntlet back out. Rus aimed at Bev’s head and pulled the trigger. The shot-put ripped thru the middle of Bev’s face as Rus retracted the chain pulling Bev’s head off as it returned. The bullmastiff released his grip as Bev’s body stumbled backward arms still swing and fell back down the elevator shaft. As Rus sat there the bullmastiff walked over and started licking his face. Rus got a smile on his face as he looked at the bullmastiff noticing the wounds he had received from Bev. The bullmastiff was bleeding badly from the eye when Rus realized the dog’s eye was missing. You are one tough dog Rus said. I think I’ll call you Bullseye Rus said with a smile.. Bullseye barked excitedly. Rus jumped up and started walking for the main entrance. Come on Bullseye we need to go warn the other Rus said. Rus made it back to the motorcycle and attempted to contact the outpost. As Rus picked up the radio he found the cord had been pulled out from the last transmission and the satellite had been destroyed. We have no way to warn them Rus said aloud. Rus jumped on the motorcycle and revved the engine while Bullseye jumped into the sidecar. Rus drove off while the sun was setting hoping to make it home in five days and help stop the war that was coming to the Michigan militia.


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