Stitch: Satan's Fury MC

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Stitch: Satan's Fury MC Page 11

by Wilder, L

  She stood up and walked over to me, winding her arms around my waist as she hugged me. She rested her head on my chest and said, “I hate him. I don’t even know him, and I hate him for doing that to you.”

  Chapter 15



  “What about your sister? Did he hurt her too?” I asked. His muscles became tense, making me instantly regret asking the question.

  “No, darlin’. I would’ve killed him if he ever laid a hand on her,” he answered. He kissed me softly on the cheek, then pulled back from our embrace as he took his plate off the counter and placed it in the sink. With his back to me, he asked, “How long are your parents planning to keep Wyatt?”

  The way he’d just shut down reminded me of Wyatt, pulling back into his turtle shell. It was clear that he wanted to change the subject, and even though I had a thousand questions I wanted to ask, I let him. “I have to finish up a paper for one of my classes, so they are keeping him until tomorrow.”

  I started putting the rest of the dishes in the sink, making myself busy cleaning up the mess I’d made while cooking breakfast. Griffin followed suit, and in no time, we had almost everything cleaned and put back where it belonged.

  I was putting the last few dishes in the sink when he asked, “Can you do it here?”


  “Your paper? Can you do it here?”

  “I guess so. My laptop is in the car, but…” I started.

  “Then, do it here,” he said, giving me a sexy wink. “I’ll grab your stuff out of your car.” And just like that, he was out the door. Seconds later, he returned carrying my laptop bag and all of my books.

  “Okay, I guess I’ll get to work then,” I told him.

  “Where do you want all this?”

  “Mind if I do it in the living room? I like to watch TV while I work.”

  He laughed as he said, “Didn’t your mother teach you not to do your homework in front of the TV.”

  “She tried, but it never really stuck,” I admitted with a smile.

  “Imagine that,” he laughed. “Make yourself at home. I’ve got a few things to tend to, but I’ll be around if you need me,” he explained.

  “Are you sure you want me to stay?” I asked, giving him one last opportunity to get me out of his hair.

  He stepped over to me, placing his hands on my jaw, and said, “I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t.” Then he leaned in and kissed me. It was short, but effective.

  With a satisfied smile on my face, I curled up on the sofa with my laptop in my lap and got busy. I already had most of the research done, so it was just a matter of actually writing the five-page paper. It didn’t take me long to get most of it written, even with one of my favorite movies playing on the TV. I’d almost forgotten that I wasn’t alone, when Griffin walked in the living room and sat down in the recliner next to me. When I glanced over to him, I couldn’t stop myself from laughing out.

  I was barely able to form the words when I asked, “What are you wearing?” I couldn’t believe what he’d done. It was the funniest, crazy thing I’d ever seen.

  “What?” he asked innocently. “You don’t like my old man pants?”

  “Griffin! Where on earth did you find those?” He was wearing a pair of ratty jeans that were at least three sizes too big, and an old Notre Dame sweatshirt with a matching Divecap.

  “I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about,” he said, looking down out his outfit.

  “Seriously? Griffin, this is not the sort of thing I’d ever expect you to do,” I said, trying to reign in my hysterical laughter.

  “So you’re saying you don’t like my big ole’ sweatshirt?” he asked.

  “You got me… it was a bad idea, a very bad idea,” I admitted as I placed my laptop on the coffee table and walked over to him, quickly pulling the hat off his head. I tossed it to the floor, and said, “Take it off.”

  “Not happening. Now go sit your pretty, little ass back down on that sofa and finish your paper. When you’re done, I’ll lose the sweatshirt.”

  “So you are blackmailing me now?”

  “If that’s what you wanna call it,” he said with a sexy smirk.

  Shrugging my shoulders, I headed back to my spot on the sofa and said, “What goes around comes around.”

  “I don’t respond well to threats, Wren,” he teased.

  With an audible huff, I sat back down on the sofa, pulling my laptop in my lap and grumbled, “Mr. Baggy pants doesn’t do threats.”

  I didn’t have to look at him to know that he was smiling. I could feel it. His good mood radiated off him, making the entire room light. I felt so at ease with him, happy. We spent most of the afternoon just sitting in that living room, enjoying each other’s company while I worked on my paper. I loved that he was so patient, and how he understood that my classwork was important me, never making me feel like I needed to rush. As the day passed, he made himself busy with odd jobs around the house, quietly working on his computer or doing small projects outside. There were a couple of times that I heard him talking on the phone, and I became concerned when he raised his voice, growling at someone on the other end of the phone about a warehouse.

  Moments later, he walked into the room, and I could see that his lighthearted demeanor had disappeared. He was wearing his cut and a pair of jeans that actually fit, and his body seemed tense. Something was weighing on his mind, and his good mood was quickly fading. Feeling guilty that I might be keeping him from something, I said, “You know, you don’t have to entertain me. If you have something you need to do….”

  “I’ve got to take care of a few things,” he said, forcing a smile. “Maverick and a couple of the other brothers are coming by for a minute. We’ll be out in the garage, but you can call me if you need anything.”

  “Okay,” I answered. Henley and Cassidy had already warned me about club business, so I knew not to ask him what was going on. It felt strange not talking about something that seemed so important to him, but I kept my mouth shut as I watched him fiddle with his computer. His eyebrows furrowed into a scowl when he read whatever information he’d pulled up on the screen. Something was going on – something that obviously concerned him, and I couldn’t help but wonder if it had something to do with that phone call.

  He was still focused on his computer when the rumble of motorcycle engines drew his attention to the driveway. Without a word, he shut his computer down and walked over to me, giving me a light kiss on the lips before heading out the front door. I could hear their muffled voices as they greeted one another, and then everything fell silent. Curiosity washed over me, making me want to jump up and peek out the window, but I stayed put. Instead, I pulled out my phone and was surprised to see that I had several text messages from my mother.

  Mom: I don’t want to worry you, Wren, but there is a strange man on a motorcycle outside of the house. He seems to be watching us. Do you know anything about this? 10:45 a.m.

  Mom: He followed us to the Science Museum. 1:35 p.m.

  Mom: Your father is about to go out there and ask him what he is doing. 2:15 p.m.

  Mom: Your father asked him. He wouldn’t tell him anything. Said he was just doing what he was told to do. 2:35 p.m.

  Mom: Your father was out there talking to him for a very long time. He thinks they are friends now. 2:36 p.m.

  Mom: I think I should call the police. 2:38 p.m.

  I had no doubt that Griffin had something to do with the biker in the driveway, and the last thing my mother needed to do was call the police. Thankfully her last text was just a few minutes ago, so hopefully there was time to stop her before she made the call. The phone only rang once when she answered, “Hello?”

  “Mom, don’t call the police,” I demanded.

  “Wren, this man has been sitting out there for hours, and he’s not the only one. I’ve seen other of these motorcycle men come and talk to him. It’s strange,” she explained. “Do you know these men?”

p; “Uhh… yeah, I do.”

  “Are you going to tell me who they are?” she pushed.

  “They are just trying to keep an eye out for Wyatt, Mother. It’s not a big deal.” I knew the minute those words came out of my mouth that I’d just said the wrong thing.

  “Not a big deal? Seriously? There are men on motorcycles sitting in my front yard, Wren. They look like those men from those movies, and I’m pretty sure he has a gun. Then your father goes out there and talks to him, like he can do anything about it,” she huffed. “These men look dangerous!”

  “I’m sorry. I know this is hard to believe, but I trust them. They are going to make sure that Wyatt is safe. That’s all you really need to know,” I explained.

  “Safe? From what?”

  “I don’t want to worry you about all ….”

  “Wren, I am your mother!”

  “Yeah… and you’ve got enough to worry about with Grandma Pip and Dad’s retirement. There’s no point in me…”

  “Wren Mathis, you know that you and Wyatt mean the world to me. I worry about you even when everything is fine. It’s who I am, so if there’s something going on, tell me.”

  I spent the next twenty minutes telling her everything that had happened over the past month with Wyatt and Michael. The news did not surprise her, and she pleased to hear that Wyatt’s visitation with him had been suspended. When I started talking about Griffin, she became oddly quiet, and I wasn’t sure what to make of her silence. I started to become anxious, worrying that she would have something negative to say about him. Until that moment, I hadn’t realized how important it was to me that she liked him. I hated that it mattered so much to me, but the fact was… it did.

  When I finished talking, there was a brief moment of silence before she said, “You care for this man.”

  “Yeah, I do,” I answered. “He’s so good with Wyatt, and there’s something about him that makes me feel safe. I don’t know how to explain it.”

  “You’ve been through so much, darling. Michael put you and Wyatt through hell, and he’s still doing it. Even though he’s made it difficult, you’ve managed to make a life for you and my precious grandson. You’ve done everything you could to make sure that Wyatt has everything he needs, and it’s time for you to do the same thing for yourself. If you think this man will make you happy, then maybe you should give it a try. Just be careful,” she explained.

  That was not what I expected her to say. A smile slowly began to spread across my face when I said, “Thank you, Mom.”

  “I love you, sweet girl. I just want you to be happy,” she started. “I don’t know what to make of these young men on motorcycles, but I think it’s best that you keep them away from your father. You should’ve seen the way he was looking at that man’s bike. Wren… he’s too old to be riding on one of those things.”

  “You’re probably right,” I laughed. “I better get going. I need to finish up this paper, but I’ll check back with you later on tonight before Wyatt goes to bed.”

  After I hung up the phone, I spent the next half-hour finishing up my assignment. Once I was done, I emailed it to my professor and shutdown my laptop. Just as I was putting everything away, Griffin walked through the front door. I could see by the expression on his face that his mood had improved considerably. There was a hint of a smile on his face when he asked, “You finished with your paper?”

  “Yep. All done.”

  “Good,” he said, as he took off his cut and laid it over the back of the chair.

  “I just talked to my mom.”


  “She was asking me about a biker that was parked outside of their house. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?” I asked.

  “I might,” he said as he made his way over to the sofa and sat down next to me.

  “You know, a heads up would’ve been nice. Mom was a little freaked out,” I explained.

  “Probably should’ve mentioned that,” he admitted. “Sent Q’ over to keep an eye on Wyatt.”

  “Well, my dad seemed to really like Q’,” I told him smiling.

  “Is that right?”

  I leaned forward, kissing him lightly on the lips before I said, “Thank you for making sure my son is safe. You don’t know how much it means to me.

  “Can’t say that every decision I’ve made has been the right one, but looking after Wyatt… there’s no doubt I did the right thing there. He’s an amazing kid, and his mother, she knocks me off my feet.”

  “You think so?” I teased.

  Without saying a word, he reached for me, pulling me into his lap. He pressed his lips against mine, kissing me with a passion that made my body tremble.

  Chapter 16



  The minute her lips touched mine, everything else immediately faded away. It was just her and me, and nothing else mattered. I loved the way she felt in my arms, so fucking perfect. I couldn’t get enough of her. Her breasts pressed against my chest as I claimed her mouth, fueling my need for more… I had to have more. Her eyes filled with wonder as I eased her back down to the sofa, slowly lowering her lacy panties down her long, slender legs. I needed to taste her, sweet and warm. With her eyes still locked on mine, my hands traced along her legs, gliding tenderly over her calves to her knees, pushing them apart, as my hands skated up her inner thighs. My thumb brushed back and forth across her clit, tormenting her with a barely-there touch. She lifted her hips, pushing against my hand as she tried to increase the pressure.

  “Been thinking about having you like this since I saw you standing there in my t-shirt. Couldn’t even concentrate on what my brothers were saying, knowing you were in here waiting for me. Can’t stand it a minute longer,” I told her as I pulled my shirt over my head. I lowered my mouth down between her legs, and she gasped when my tongue skimmed across her clit. I teased back and forth in a gentle rhythm against her sensitive flesh, loving the way her body instantly reacted to my tongue. Her fingers delved into my hair, gripping me tightly as her hips squirmed below me. Her breath became ragged and short when I thrusted my middle finger deep inside her, twirling against her g-spot with a slow and steady pace. I added a second finger, driving deeper, sliding farther inside her. She tensed around me as her body rocked against my hand. I smiled against her flesh when I noticed the goosebumps prickling across her skin, loving my effect on her. I continued to nip and suck the inside of her thigh, just inches away from her clit. Her hips lifted up from the sofa, begging for me to give her more. I instantly drove my fingers deeper inside her pussy, caressing her delicate flesh. Her body shuddered beneath me as I began to fuck her with my fingers. She released my hair, and her hands dropped to the cushions of the sofa, digging into the fabric as she started to tremble uncontrollably.

  “Oh my god, Griffin,” she shouted as her head thrashed from side to side. I continued to curl my fingers inside her, teasing that spot that was driving her to the edge as I licked her clit. She murmured my name over and over as the walls of her pussy clenched around my fingers. She was still in the throes of her release as I dropped my jeans to the floor. I slipped on a condom and settled between her legs, pulling her closer to the edge of the sofa. She looked so fucking beautiful, looking up at me with intensity in her eyes. This woman was getting to me in a way that I’d never expected; I was falling for her, falling fast and hard. Her eyes sparked with need when I hovered over her, brushing my cock across her clit. She didn’t move; she laid there, legs spread around my hips, just begging to be taken, and my heart stopped beating in my chest. Fuck! I couldn’t imagine wanting anything more as my cock pressed against her entrance. With a devilish grin, she shifted her hips, forcing the head of my cock inside her. Unable to resist, I thrusted deep inside, then stopped just long enough for her to adjust to me.

  “Never knew,” I whispered in her ear as I slid her t-shirt up over her stomach, revealing her perfect round breasts. “I never knew it could feel this good.” I took
her nipple in my mouth, and I felt her breath quicken as my teeth raked across her flesh.

  “Yes,” she moaned, her legs instinctively wrapping around my waist as she pulled me deeper inside her. I slowly withdrew, then gradually eased back inside her. My pace was steady and unforgiving, and she took it, wanted it even. She was everything I needed and more. My eyes roamed over her, taking in every inch of her gorgeous body. Her chest rose and fell as she tried to steady her breath, each gasp of air sounding more desperate than the last. Shifting her hips upward, her tight pussy gripped firmly around my cock. I growled with satisfaction when I felt her squirming beneath me. My pace never faltered as I continued to thrust inside her, over and over, constantly increasing the rhythm of my movements.

  “Fuck!” I shouted out as my throbbing cock demanded its release too fucking soon. I wanted to take my time with her – memorize every move, every whimper – but she was just too fucking tight, felt too fucking good to stop. I plunged inside of her again and again, feeling her pussy spasm with her release. My hips collided into hers, my thrusts coming faster, harder with every breath I took. I looked down at her, amazed that she’d been able to reach me, break through my walls and make me feel so strongly for her. She made me a better man just being around her, and I wanted to be everything for her. Wren’s body jolted as her orgasm riveted through her body. Hearing the light whimpers of my name echoing through the room sent me over the edge, and I couldn’t hold back any longer. I was done holding back. She was mine in every way.

  When I stood, her legs fell limp against the cushions of the sofa. I eased down, carefully lifting her into my arms and headed down the hall towards my bedroom. She looked up to me and cleared her throat before saying, “I’m… gonna need… a minute before … we do that again.”

  I laughed and gave her a light kiss before sitting her down on the edge of the bed. I left her just long enough to start a hot bath. When I walked back in the room, she said, “I don’t think I’ll be able to move my legs for the rest of the night.”


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