Rough Edges

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Rough Edges Page 5

by Adriana Hunter

  “I’m not here to make you uncomfortable, really.” His smile dimmed a little. “Most girls, I don’t remember their names and if I see them at the club, sometimes I don’t remember their faces. It’s anonymous, like I said. It’s a thrill, but it’s just for one night, sometimes just a few hours. But you’re different; you’re not like the rest. And that intrigues me.”

  He reached across the bed, caressing her cheek. “You’re a mystery, and I like solving mysteries.”

  She closed her eyes, his touch sending a shiver through her. When she opened her eyes, he was still looking at her. It was now or never, truth or dare.

  “What you did, no one’s ever done that to me. Not just the bondage stuff.” The word felt both foreign and exciting on her lips. “But how it made me feel inside. It was…” Her face flushed, but she struggled to not look away from his face.

  “It was the hardest thing I’d ever done, but the best at the same time. I got lost in the moment, not worried about who I was or what’s wrong with me. It was kind of freeing, I guess, even though I was tied up.” The flush deepened, her face burning. “And I wanted to please you, to not disappoint you. To follow the rules of the game because I wanted you…” Her voice trailed off.

  “Wanted me to what?”

  “Just because I wanted you. And if I played the game, I got you. So I played the game.” She felt like she was giving away a secret, but she was pretty sure he already knew this part. “It was the best sex I’d ever had.”

  “You know some of that was what I gave you back at the bar. It enhances how you feel, makes sex pretty incredible.” His matter-of-fact tone pricked at her feelings. It made what she’d felt sound predictable, probably just like the rest of the girls he’d brought back here. But he’d asked her for the truth, and she was going to do her best to tell him what that truth was, even if she didn’t understand it herself.

  “I know. But there’s something else…it wasn’t just the sex. It was the silk on my skin, the pain…somehow that made the sex better.” She breathed out a little laugh. “That sounds insane, doesn’t it?”

  Wesley reached out, running a hand over her arm, pulling the sheet further down her body, sliding it over her hip. It pulled away from Wesley’s body as well and she glanced down, catching a glimpse beneath the sheet. There was no mistaking what she saw. He was already hard, the head of his cock just visible. A deep thud echoed through her, centered somewhere between her hips.

  “It’s not insane at all. There’s are lots of way to play that involve pain, to one degree or another.” His voice had gone soft and dreamy as his fingers played over her skin. “There’s pain for the sake of inflicting pain. I’m not so much into that and I don’t think you are, either.” He slid his hand slowly back up her leg, over her waist, reaching up to caress one full breast.

  “There’s pain as pleasure.” His fingers plucked at her nipple, and it drew up hard and tight. His eyes left her face and were focused on his hand, on what he was doing to her. She glanced down, watched open-mouthed as he took the hard nipple between his thumb and index finger, pinching lightly. An electric zing ran through her body, and she drew a ragged breath.

  He increased the pressure, rolling the nipple between his fingers. The pain was slight, the arousal intense. Her breathing increased, her breasts rising and falling, pushing against his hand. It was mesmerizing, and she wanted him to continue just as much as she wanted him to keep doing what he was doing.

  “Do you like this, Scarlett?” His eyes drifted up to hers. They were heavy-lidded, unfocused, like they’d been last night at the bar.

  “Do you like this, Wesley?”

  The words surprised her, and they obviously surprised Wesley. He blinked, brows drawing down slightly, the dreamy looking fading a little bit. For a moment she wondered if she’d crossed some line with him, gone too far past his comfort zone with her question. Then he smiled.

  “I like giving pleasure. If pain leads to pleasure, yeah, I like it.” He pulled at her nipple, twisting it at the same time. The pain increased, and she exhaled harshly.

  “You said there were other ways to play, to use pain for pleasure.”

  “There are.” He twisted again, and she cried out. “There are places to go, with rooms and things to use to make it more intense.” Another twist, another cry.

  She was breathing fast now, practically panting. Heat flooded her body, her stomach contracting as her hips slid forward, toward Wesley. She sensed more than saw him move toward her, his hips flexing beneath the sheet. Her eyes flickered down, wanting to see him, to see how aroused he was. She wasn’t disappointed by what she glimpsed, but she wanted to see more.

  Reaching out, she took the edge of the sheet, pulling it off Wesley’s hip. It was his turn to draw a quick breath as she kicked the sheet away from their bodies. His erection rose up from the apex of his thighs, long and hard, and she let her eyes take in all of it.

  “You’re not like any other guy I’ve known.” She swallowed hard, blinking as she looked up at him.

  “And I take it that’s a good thing?” The dimples flashed briefly.

  “It is.”

  He leaned forward, pushing her onto her back, his fingers still twisting and tugging at her, harder than before. She arched against his hand, hips pressing into the mattress, sliding her feet along its length. An incessant aching throb had started between her legs and she couldn’t resist sliding her hand between her thighs, moving over the smooth skin, higher, until her fingers slipped into the slick wetness between her legs. She moaned as Wesley continued touching her, deliciously tormenting her.

  His cock was pressed against her hip as he rhythmically flexed his hips, rubbing himself against her. It was one more level of erotic arousal, the feel of his heat against her skin.

  He pulled his hand away suddenly and Scarlett gasped. But before she could protest, he bent his head, his tongue flicking over her puckered nipple. The slick wet feeling, the warmth was such a counterpoint to the pain that Scarlett screamed, her fingers thrusting deeper between her legs.

  Her fingers were tangled in his hair, holding him against her as he sucked at her. Warmth spread outward from her breasts, wrapping around her limbs, settling between her legs. As she caressed his head, he pulled hard on her breasts.

  Just when she thought nothing could exceed what he was doing to her, Wesley’s teeth grazed her nipple. The pain was different, sharper, and she gasped. When he bit down, she screamed.

  “Wesley…” She tugged at his hair. It was pain and pleasure mixed, intense and all- consuming.

  Then his hand was over hers, between her legs, rubbing where she rubbed, his fingers thrusting where hers once moved tenderly.

  It all came together and she bucked hard on the bed, her body twisting beneath Wesley. His fingers rubbed against her, bringing her to a shattering climax. She lifted her hips from the bed, pushing up hard with her feet as Wesley continued working his hand between her legs. It seemed his fingers were everywhere, probing her, thrusting into her, pulling and twisting at her sensitive and swollen flesh.

  Slowly, ever so slowly, she came back from the edge. Wesley continued stroking her, softly now, gently sucking her breast. It was all soft-focus, her mind still lost in the sensations swirling through her body.

  Gradually, she became aware of Wesley’s hard erection still pressing against her hip. Wordless, she pulled her hand away from her body, rolling against him. He lifted his head and his lips brushed against hers. The kiss was slow and gentle, such a sharp contrast to what had come before.

  Slowly he rose over her and she spread her legs, welcoming the weight of him. He smiled against her mouth as he lowered himself between her legs. It was a pleasure to wrap her arms around his body, to run her hands down his back.

  The head of his cock brushed against her briefly and then Wesley flexed his hips, sliding slowly into her. Scarlett pushed against him, the aftershocks of her orgasm still swirling through her. She wanted that feeling again, t
o explode around Wesley as he was buried inside her, to feel him thrusting into her as she came. She was close again, on the edge, and she whimpered as he pulled away from her. She tried again to rise up, to take more of him inside, but he stopped, almost leaving her body completely. Her whimper turned into a moan of frustration.

  “Lay still, Scarlett. Trust me.” He moved slightly, and she moaned again.

  “Do you trust me?”

  She looked up at him and nodded. She did trust him, at least enough to know whatever he wanted to do was worth playing his game.


  With infinite slowness he began moving again, just the head of his cock pushing against her, every contour of the head of his erection etched against her skin. She bit her lip, aching to move, to push against him, to have him thrust into her. But she didn’t want him to stop and if this was another game, she wanted to play. So she planted her feet on the bed, trying to keep still.

  Wesley buried his face against her neck as he proceeded to drive her wild, teasing her swollen flesh with quick short strokes, holding back the full length of his cock.

  Something sweet and dark began to build inside Scarlett. She lay back, hands spread on the mattress, fingers clutching the sheets. Her muscles were trembling from the effort to keep from moving her hips, her mind focused on every sensation Wesley elicited from just the barest movements inside her.

  Wesley was breathing hard against her neck and she raised her arms, wrapping them around him, her hands sliding over his sweat-slicked back. He was trembling almost as hard as she was, and as her fingers moved down from the muscles of his shoulders to his back, sliding into the dip at the base of his spine, he moaned against her neck.


  She moved her hands a fraction of an inch lower, over the taut contours of his ass. He shuddered beneath her touch and she pressed harder, digging her fingers into him. His skin was smooth, his muscles hard.

  He rose up suddenly, lips parted, hips driving forward sharply. Their cries mingled as Scarlett came, her hips rising up to meet Wesley’s final strokes. He pushed and thrust, pummeling her hard and fast, every muscle in his body tensed. Finally, buried deep inside her, he came. His head dropped to her shoulder, his hips jerking against her body, his cock throbbing inside her.

  Finally he went still, breathing hard, still sheathed inside her. She held him, her hands resting on his back. Everything inside her felt fluid and relaxed, her muscles limp, her mind floating free.

  After a long time, Wesley rolled away, lying on the bed beside her, his hand resting on her hip. She turned her head, watching him as he lay back with his eyes closed.

  “Will you take me?”

  “Take you where? Home?” He spoke without opening his eyes.

  “You said there are other places…” She wasn’t sure how to ask for what she wanted.

  He opened his eyes and turned to look at her. “You want to go to a club with me?” His eyebrows drew together over dark eyes, eyes that gave nothing away. Scarlett wasn’t sure if she’d said something wrong.

  “Will you take me?” she repeated. She could scarcely breathe for fear he’d say no.

  “If you want, I’ll take you.” His face relaxed into a smile and she drew a shaky breath. He reached out, brushing a strand of hair from her forehead. His gaze was soft, eyes going sexy and heavy-lidded. But she wanted to know what was going on behind those eyes.

  “Do you take other girls to clubs? Clubs like those?”

  He shook his head, settling back on the bed. “I don’t take girls from Diablo to the club. I find girls there, girls who want to play.”

  “That seems kind of…lonely.” It wasn’t lost on her that she’d done exactly the same thing last night, gone to a club alone looking for a one-night stand. It was exciting, exhilarating, but she wasn’t sure she could do it night after night.

  “It depends what you’re looking to get from the encounters. I’m not looking for anything other than living out fantasies. Most of the girls there are looking for the same thing.” He shrugged, a slight movement of one shoulder. “It’s different for Doms and subs, but for the rest of us…I may see them again at the club, but we might not ever play together again.”

  “Doms and subs?”

  “Couples who come to the clubs to play. For them, they’re in a relationship. The subs are off-limits unless the Dom is into sharing. But it gives them a chance to be out some place where they can play as a couple.”

  Scarlett shook her head. “I don’t know what Doms and subs are.”

  The look he gave her was level, considering. “It’s easier if I show you.” He sat up, the sheet pooling around his hips as he looked down at her. “I’ll give you a ride home. It’s my night off from Diablo. I’ll pick you up tonight and you can see for yourself.”

  A little shiver ran through Scarlett at the thought of going out again with Wesley. And then that little shiver deepened as what he was saying sank home. He was going to take her to a club, to a place where couples did things, the same kind of things Wesley had done to her.

  “I’d like that.”

  He was still looking at her, his eyes no longer dreamy but filled with a growing hunger, a hunger that matched Scarlett’s. Wordlessly she reached for him, pulling him down into her arms. His mouth came down on hers, and she parted her lips for him as he settled against her. He was solid and warm, and through the thin sheet she felt his cock growing hard as he moved against her. She shifted, her legs moving apart, and he pressed himself against her. The friction of the sheet against her body was exquisite, almost painful, and she rolled her hips, rubbing herself against him in wanton abandon.

  After a long time he lifted his head, his eyes dark, breath coming fast. “I guess taking you home can wait?”

  Scarlett nodded. “It can wait.” The time it took to say those three words was too long to have his lips away from hers. She was already pulling him back down to her, lips parted, eager for his kiss, as he spoke.

  “Yeah. I thought so.”

  Chapter Five

  “He’s taking you to a BDSM club?” Gina tossed the clothes she’d brought on the foot of Scarlett’s bed and then flopped down beside them, frowning. “Just who the hell did you meet last night?”

  Scarlett set two glasses of wine on the bedside table, grabbed a pillow, and propped herself against the headboard. She handed Gina a glass then took a sip of hers. More than anything, she’d have preferred a soda and a chance to get some sleep. Whatever Wesley had given her the night before had finally caught up with her, and a dull headache had started. She wanted aspirin and a nap, a long nap. But there had been almost a dozen messages from Gina on her phone, and there was no way she could avoid her friend for very long.

  And even though she was exhausted, she wanted to talk about what had happened, what it had been like being with Wesley. Gina was the only person she could think to tell who would remotely understand. Scarlett was also pretty sure Gina would know what to wear to a BDSM club.

  “He’s the bartender at Diablo. His name is Wesley.” She watched the expression on Gina’s face change, the shock slowly replaced with something Scarlett thought just might be guilt.


  “Oh? You sent me there knowing what that place was, and all you can say is ‘oh’?”

  “Scarlett, I’m sorry. Really. I didn’t…to be honest, I didn’t think you’d really go through with it, going to a club by yourself. And then, even if you did, I didn’t think there was a chance in hell you’d hook up with someone for a one-night stand. You’re not that kind of girl.”

  Scarlett tried to keep a straight face, to pretend she was mad at Gina. It wasn’t often Gina was anything but supremely confident, and she was enjoying Gina’s momentary discomfort. But she couldn’t keep it up and a smile tugged at her lips. “Am I that predictable?”

  The look of confusion on Gina’s face was priceless, and then she smiled, too. “Yeah. You are pretty set in your ways, at
least until last night.”

  Gina’s smile faded. “But seriously, Scarlett, do you think he’s someone you’d trust to take you to a BDSM club? You’re not all that savvy sometimes when it comes to guys. And a club like that? It’s a little out of your league.”

  Gina was being her brutally honest self, and her words stung, even if they were true. “Before last night, I’d probably agree with you. But this is different. Wesley is different.”

  “So there was fantastic sex?” Gina leaned forward, eyes lighting up. “I want details. Help a girl out, okay? I’m in the middle of a dry spell right now.”

  Scarlett took another swallow of wine, trying to decide how to tell Gina everything without getting a lecture about risky behavior. “Promise you won’t interrupt until I tell you the whole story, okay? It’s complicated and at first, it’s going to sound worse than it was.”

  “Promise. Cross my heart and all that stuff.” Gina traced an X across her chest with a red lacquer-tipped finger. “You’re here in one piece, so how bad could really great sex be?”

  “Okay.” Scarlett set her wine on the bedside table. Gina stretched out, propping her head on one hand. It was clear Scarlett had Gina’s undivided attention. “You know what Diablo’s like, right? What some girls go there for?”

  Gina shrugged. “The club’s got a rep for kink, that much I knew.”

  “Have you ever gone there for that kind of stuff?”

  Gina shook her head. “No. I mean, I’ve gone there and I know what’s there for the asking, but I never went after anything like that. How did you stumble into that scene?”

  “It’s the bartenders. Or at least, it’s Wesley who’s into that stuff. He’s a bartender there.”

  “So Wesley just up and told you he wanted to take you home for kinky sex?”

  Scarlett shook her head. “No, that’s not how it happened. Let me tell the story, okay?”

  Gina nodded, grinning at Scarlett. “Okay. Lips are sealed.”

  “So when I got there, this guy bought me a drink. Kyle. And then Kyle asked me to dance. So we did.”


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