Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer)

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Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer) Page 41

by Larry Roberts

  Jack turned to Pan. “You keep an eye on the ward but only glance one eye out for a second at a time every few seconds.” Grabbing the Commander by the arm. “We have to get that damn beacon out of your butt.” Jack dragged Glenn up to the Doctor just turning away from the patient. “I need you to take the damn tracking beacon out of her butt Doctor. Can you do that?”

  “I put it in. I can take it out but I can’t. The Commodore would kill me.”

  “Not if you cooperate so I can keep her alive until my reinforcements get here. Besides you can tell him if you have to that I held a gun to your head.”

  “The King does not take excuses. He killed his own Exec because she failed to kill Commander Glenn a month ago when she had the chance. He would not hesitate to kill me.”

  “You are the only doctor on the ship. He would be a mad man to kill you.”

  “But he could make me wish I was dead. I won’t tell you how many times he has made me have dinner with him while someone was being tortured to death as the entertainment. I was invited there to keep them alive. He is a sadistic monster who thinks that he can stay hidden here to save the human race after the Spiders finish exterminating the rest. With him as the God King.”

  Jack looked at Pan remembering what she had said and what he had seen. Turning back to the doctor Jack took a deep breath as he concentrated staring at him. “You will take the beacon out of the Captain’s Butt. Now.”

  Jack heard the Doctor babbling in his mind. “Yes ok. Sure no problem… No. Yes… No! I don’t want to die. That monster would kill me. Cut my balls off while laughing.” Jack felt the doctor’s whole mind cringed. Then out loud. “No! I won’t do it.”

  Jack brought up his hand and placed it on the doctor’s forehead. “You will take out Captain Glenn’s beacon from her butt. Now Doctor. I will protect you from the monster.”

  Batting his eyes the Doctor shook his head yes. “Nurse Peterson. Get her up on the second operating room’s table face down with her pants pulled down. So I can get at the injection sight.”

  They quickly got Captain Glenn ready but when the Doctor was about to cut an incision to allow what looked like a turkey baster to penetrate her butt, the Doctor suddenly jumped back from the table. “No. He will kill me. No!” Sweat popped out across his face as he reached for his chest and staggered from the operating room.

  Jack started to follow until the surgical nurse stopped him. “I will take it out.”

  Jack looked at her not sure if that was a good idea or not.

  “I am a full ship’s medic and trained in battlefield surgery. On a smaller ship I would be the only medical help and would be expected to do minor surgeries. Here I also finish up for the Doctor on the surgery’s including the one you helped calm the patient on. Don’t worry Captain. It is a more of a minor surgery than most I have performed.”

  She stepped up and went to work and two minutes later with the Commander grimacing and her fingers digging into the sides of the table, she sprayed healing foam on the wound and patted the Commander’s butt before she started shucking her surgery gown and gloves. “It is going to be sore and don’t sit on your butt too much for the next couple of days Commander and you will be fine.” Shaking her head as the Commander grimaced at her. “Sorry for not being able to use even a local anesthetic but the King has it all locked up for use only on his goons. Get an aspirin on your way out.” Picking up the little capsule. “I will put this on one of the cats they can chase around the ship for the rest of the day. Now get out the back before they get suspicious.” She left through the hatch into the prep room and on into the ward ignoring the goons who ignored her. She was out the Sickbay hatch in a few seconds.

  Jack stepped into the recovery/ intensive care room as several nurses and orderly’s cleaned up the passageway. Throwing the remains into the biological incinerator chute in the morgue through one of the hatches in the passageway. He could hear the roar of the furnace each time they through in a load. The length and loudness of the roar depended on how much body part mass they through in each time. The only surviving goon was now in his shorts with his suit laying on an empty bed. His hands and feet taped up. Lieutenant Shepperd was busy repairing the pieces of the light armored suits from the other goons as the orderlies finished cleaning them in the morgue.

  The Lieutenant looked up as Jack came back in. “I thought that the black suits would come in handy letting us blend in with the rest of the kings goons along with having some armor protection.” Sticking a section of the two halves of the suit Red had cut up the middle back together.” The self-mixing surgical bone epoxy is working great Captain.”

  Krump sat next to the lieutenant with a big smile on his face. “This is fun Captain. I never realized how satisfying repairing things could be.”

  Red handed a piece of armor cut with her blade from a suit leg to Krump. “Try it this time. It should fit now.”

  Krump tried it and then took the glue gun and started running glue around the edges of the plate as Red held it in place. Completing another chest protector. Pan and Krump already had black roughly patched chest protectors on with nothing over their skirts which baffle Jack for a half second until he remembered that they were fish (or more exact, dolphins) below the waist. The Lieutenant had a full suit on with patches on most of the pieces cut from the legs of the lower suits the Dumonts were not wearing.

  “Ok hurry up guys we have to leave now.” Jack glanced at the goon for a second and started to turn away. As the furnace roared again for a couple of seconds.

  His mind was suddenly flooded with hate as words formed. “Just wait until the King captures you again. He will send you with the rest of the prisoners down the south chase as a diversion to get slaughtered while we go down the North side of the ship so we can trap and slaughter the rest of your crew from behind.”

  Jack froze staring at the Goon. “What?” Jack bent down and reached out slapping his palm against the goons head and demanded in his intense Command voice (The Game had taught him that no enlisted crewman could ignore as well as most officers) that had worked so well up on the deck above. “What!”

  Jack was flooded with details as the goon said out loud. “You are so fucked Captain.” The Goon smiled and continued to tell himself all the gratifying ways Jack and the other ship’s male crew would finely die leaving the Commodore Robinson’s men each with a harem and slaves to create their own dynasty when the enemy finished killing the rest of humanity and left.”

  Jack sank to his knees as he listened shocked. Finely with the goon getting into details of the sweat he was constructing for him and his harem, Jack dropped his hand and turned away. “Commander Glenn. This trap you set up for the Commodore wouldn’t happen to be down the south pipe chase would it?”

  The lieutenant was helping her put on the suit the Lt. had just finished gluing the halves back together. Using the large sized suit that fit the big man that had been wearing it to allow the chest peace to be formed around her large boobs with the belly plates over lapped on the sides leaving quite a shelf above. The lower half fitted easily around her large tender butt only having to narrow and shorten the legs to fit her. Much easier than trying to cram her breasts and butt into a smaller normal sized suit Jack thought as he shook his head.

  The Captain looked at him wondering why he was even talking about the trap there. “Yes, why?” She said starting to get pissed. Afraid talking about it would alert the Commodore King about the pending trap.

  Jack had already shucked the surgical gown before coming out of the second operating room as Pan handed him the complete goon’s suit laying on the bunk. And started helping him into it. Jack started to resist not wanting it on but with his thoughts elsewhere he stopped resisting after his first feeble effort failed. Pan having to do most of the work until Lt. Shepperd started to help when Pan had problems with the boots and legs as Jack just stood there. Between the two of them they quickly had Jack armored up against the standard lasers over his original Red B
attlesuit while he just stood there talking to Commander Glenn.

  “They know all about it and are setting up some kind of decoy to attack your troops from behind.” Raising his hand a few times mumbling something that sounded like a question then staring at the goon for a few seconds before returning to stare at the bulkhead or look at the Commander. Telling Glenn about the trap as the goon at first got pissed that Jack seemed to know some of the details and then shocked as Jack kept telling Cmd. Glenn about more and more details. Not realizing that the more he talked to himself about the details the more Jack knew. Not even wondering why he kept talking to himself about everything the Captain in front of him wanted to know yet again.

  The bio-hazard furnace roars started getting farther and farther apart in the back ground.

  Looking down at the deck Cmdr. Glenn took a deep breath after Jack had finished. “If my crew is concentrated around the south shaft watching our captured crewmen get slaughtered. They will never see the Kings men sneaking down the hull to attack them from behind. He will kill them all.”

  Shaking her head as she took a breath. “That just means we are going to have to stop them.” Cmd. Glenn stepped to the ward hatch glancing through the port with the helmet with the glue line running across the middle on and the visor down and darkened. Waved at one of the Blacksuits that happened to look at the movement in the port and waved giving the thumbs up before turning back around. Slapping Jack on the shoulder breaking his stare at the bulkhead. “We need to go Captain. Especially if we have to stop my captured crewmen from dropping down into the trap at the bottom.”

  Captain Glenn took and strapped the blast pistol’s holster around her waist. “Since I at least have shot the Gronk weapons a few times I will take them.” She reached for the assault blaster…

  Jack slapped his hand on it knocking it back onto the bunk it and the suit had been placed on. “I will take that. I have had a lot of experience with Gronk Assault Blasters in combat. Believe me, stay with the Blast Pistol. You should be able to control it well enough to at least hit something as long as you use both hands and keep in on single shot. Even the big guy there had problems with the assault gun keeping it pointed in the right direction and he was twice your size and at point blank range.” Jack picked it up with one hand while Cmd. Glenn had to use two. Jack started to take off the laser pistol but realized that they had plenty of weapons now. Though he knew that both Pan and Red had some training he was rather leery of Krump even handling the laser pistol. Though he seemed damn proficient with his homemade arsenal.

  Looking around for the Doctor he realized that he had gone to his office. Turning to the head nurse. “Slap that asshole goon in one of the morgue drawers well taped so he can’t make any noise or move.” Staring at the goon Jack could not help glancing repeatedly at the nurse, Jack swallowed shaking his head as he cringed at what he was hearing from the goon. Jack finally turned to the head nurse. “Oh by the way, he killed your husband and your baby boy so he could have you as momma number two in his harem when this is all over.” Glancing at him again. “He also killed your overweight friend just after he forced her to give him a blow job and is making plans to mate with your daughter even if she is only 8 years old. That is if he can wait that long.” Taking a deep breath. “You have my permission to feed him alive straight into the bio-hazard furnace.” Knowing that no one would ever dare do such a thing but hoping she would at least go out of her way to keep him from escaping and warning the king what they were doing.

  “How did you know that?” Bellowed the Goon. “I only told my friends that when I made dibs on the fucking nurse there. I just killed her ugly fat faced friend before someone else could put her out of her misery. The Commander does not want any ugly fat ones left when we get done to create ugly kids.”

  Controlling her anger Red lifted the Goon and slapped him on a nearby gurney. The Nurse came out of her shocked expression and told Red to lift him back up as she pulled something out of a drawer. Red did as she was asked and then dropped him back down after the nurse had spread a sheet across the top of the gurney. As Red turned around disgusted at the nurse worrying about the comfort of the Goon that had killed her husband, son and friend.

  Jack watched Cmd. Glenn start back down the passageway again as she started practicing changing the Blast Pistol’s magazines over and over again. The others following in their original positions from a half hour before. All of them taking a cue from the Captain and started practicing changing their weapon’s magazines as well over and over again. Shaking his head with a smile. “Don’t forget your safeties. Lock the safety on then take the mag out and put it in the pouch then take another one out to insert into the gun. After you put the new mag in take off the safety as you bring it up to fire. Then start over again. Safety, take the mag out, pouch it. Put in a new mag and then take the safety off as you bring it up to fire. Each and every time now or you will forget when it counts and either blow yourself up if the trigger is pulled when you slam the new mag in and it fires with the blast or laser hitting a bulkhead, overhead or deck close to you or your combat brother. And even worse if you forget to take the safety off and it won’t fire loosing you that second you needed to save your life or mine.” Smiling at the group staring at him. “Though in combat, just drop the mag out and grab a new one to replace it. You don’t pouch the old one. You may grab an empty by mistake.”

  The troop had stopped moving when Jack had started talking. When he finished, they all quickly went through the drill adding the safety to the routine before continuing down the passageway. Repeating the drill again and again and again. Several dropping mags and having to pick them up again and start over. The sound of, Flick, clip, slip, snap, slam and flick again coming from all four of them over and over again.

  Jack stopped at the beginning of the passageway next to the end counter to let Red go first. Noticing that the nurse had neatly folded the sheet up over the Goon tucking it in around him leaving only his face uncovered with a flap folded over. He though it a bit strange when the nurses lifted his feet and wrapped tape around his legs but he had other worries. When Red didn’t move Jack looked up at her and frowned. “Isn’t this where we were at before all the shit hit the fan?” The nurses sat the goon up and wrapped tape several times around his upper body and arms making Jack smile. At least he wasn’t getting loose to escape even if he could get out of the morgue drawer.

  Red with a much too small breast and back plate leaving most of the sides of her chest uncovered smiled and just placed her hand in the middle of Jack’s back and shoved him down the passageway. “No. This time I’m not arguing with you Captain.” The passageway looked clean enough to eat off of. Not a trace of the dead goons remained. Jack started practicing changing his mags, taking his own advice as he listened to the gurney rolling into the morgue.

  Captain Glenn checked the passageway at the exit hatch then stepped through and headed away from the front of the sickbay. Followed close behind by the others.

  Reaching the hatch Jack suddenly heard a scream from back down the passageway. Jerking around ready for anything as he ran back down the passageway with Red close beside him. Except for several nurses and orderlies clustered around the hatch into the morgue, Jack could not see anything wrong as they reached the morgue hatch. Then the furnace started roaring louder than any time before and the scream became piercing before it cut off with the sound of the closing furnace hatch slamming shut. His energy sight caught a writhing body bouncing around from side to side, surrounded by flames inside the Bio- hazard furnace.

  As the nurses and orderlies returned to their jobs, Jack and Red walked back down the passageway, stepped through the hatch and out of the Sickbay. The furnace was still roaring as Red closed the hatch to the Sickbay behind them.

  Chapter 10; Hide and seek

  Jack ran down one side of the passageway finding locked hatches while Cmd. Glenn ran down the other side. Suddenly a door opened under Jack’s hand and he stopped not even bo
thering to look in. “In everyone, hurry they will be coming around the corner in a few seconds.” Without looking in Jack grabbed Cmd. Glenn and shoved her in and then Pan and Krump followed by Lieutenant Shepperd and finally Red.

  Jack started to follow but found Red’s butt hanging out and realized that it was only a cleaning closet. “Damn it. Make room in there! Hurry.” Jack could see the patrol start around the distant passageway corner as he tried to hide behind the partially open door.

  Jack heard things breaking and crashing and then Red’s butt finally slid farther in giving him just room enough to slide in next to Red with his head pushing up against her huge naked breasts. She had taken off the breast plate using it more as a shield on her arm now. Complaining of being too hot with it on and her suit fastened up to her neck. She was standing along one side with her back along the top of the low overhead with Pan and Krump using their gravity cans to lift themselves up over the collapsed shelves on each side and the cleaning sink at the back, their backs against the overhead to make room for Captain Glenn and Lt. Shepperd.

  Stepping between Reds legs his head between her breasts. Jack could see the squad coming down the passageway as he pulled the door completely closed hoping that none of them noticed in the distance. Fumbling with the lock for a few seconds before he heard the click.

  “Krump, move your can over! It is digging into my side.” Someone said.

  “I’m trying. Move the barrel of your gun, I don’t want to suck on it.”

  Jack heard something crash to the deck. “Damn it guys if they hear us we are dead knock it off and shut up.”

  “Easy for you to say, you don’t have something sticking up your butt where it don’t belong.” Jack did not recognize the strained gal’s whispered voice.


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