Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer)

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Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer) Page 58

by Larry Roberts

  Looking around at the engineering console and the separate screens for the Red Pepper’s two engines Jack frowned. His eyes going to the new improved weapons consoles before looking at the God Weapons hanging along both sides of the Red Peppers crystal red hull forward of the Flying Bridge. He did not dare leave the Red Pepper with only one engine with the ship being the only protection the Basestation and the Spider /battleship hulk they were now in the process of transferring to the Gama 13 Hulk Station really had. Fact was, after hearing about the problems with the Republics new Battleships, the Red Pepper actually was the only Battleship the whole fleet had that could take on a Spider Battleship. That is in the cloud. But then the last place he would even think of trying to take on a Spider Battleship let alone a fleet, was a head to head battle in open space even with all the improvements. The only reason he had been able to take out so many battleships half a year before was by using the Nebula clouds to ambush them from behind where they couldn’t use their monster shield decks for protection. That would not be possible in open space with only a single ship not matter how fast it was.

  Jack’s stomach growled at him. Taking a deep breath he started to get up to head for the new Officers Mess when he caught the smell of food. Standing up he walked to the back of the Bridge past the main entrance and down the passageway to stop at an open hatch.

  An older woman turned around with an apron tied around her and smiled, wiping her hands on the apron she said. “I thought that if I left the hatch open you would follow your nose Captain. I could hear your stomach clear back here.”

  “Ok, who are you?”

  “I am your new Steward, Chief Truitt. You can call me Emily in private sir. Now come and sit before it gets cold. Your suit is telling me you are about to pass out from hunger. I have added some vitamins you are low on that will help you recover faster.”

  Jack took a couple of steps in and looked around the space souse cabin. It had almost as many clear ports as the bridge with the fighter/bomber flights and shuttles scurrying around in the background. “My suit said what? And what the hell is this?”

  “This is your Navigation Bridge… I am sorry Captain. Your Flying Bridge’s day cabin. Sir.” Turning out the swivel chair at the table that was facing the huge view port. Now sit and eat before it gets cold and then we will get you out of that nasty battle armor.” Watching Jack look around as he sat down still baffled. “You have a much nicer cabin in the core Officers Country. I hope you approve of my decorating them for you. I tried to accommodate your decor from your cabins in The Game and the pictures your family sent Captain. I am sorry I could not get ahold of anything you had on the other ships. I requested your personal belongings but we have yet to get any transports from The Rock.”

  Jack took a bite as he looked around and spotted the old battleship model behind the office desk in the corner with the deck to overhead view port behind it where all he had to do was turn in his desk chair to see the model floating in the air without blocking his view of the surrounding space. His old Assault transport modal sat on the corner of the desk. Both models were in perfect condition and not the much repaired and over glued modals he had left in his cabin back on the Turner Joy. Come to think of it, his brother had destroyed the Battleship with most of Jack’s other belongings yet again during yet another fit of rage the very day Jack had left the ship and joined the Navy. The thought starting to upset him yet again as he attacked his food.

  “Hey slow down Captain. You have plenty of time. Relax. I take it you approve of your desk placement and the ship models. I hope you like the rest?”

  “What? Oaa ya sure. An old bunk and a Sim booth and it would be almost like the Turner Joy Mam. That is except for the size, the desk and all the other shit being brand new.”

  “No Captain. I am not about to tear up your things and repair them just so you can feel at home. As for your Sim. You have a Class A Sim just through that hatch for your private use running battle Sims. Your Main Cabin has a Triple A Sim big enough for a whole bridge crew next to the conference room for training. The hatch at the rear next to your desk has your day bunk sir. Though it is a lot bigger than the ship’s normal bunks.”

  A shuttle slowly slid by headed for the boat bay hatch between the next set of cooling landing fins. Jack watched the shuttle turn into a ghost as it slide around and through the entrance hatch normally blocked by the fin between them. His eyes turning to the forward bulkhead toward the bridge that was plastered with a thousand readings and a dozen displays spread across it concerning the current operations of the ship and the space around them. He could not believe that the bulkhead seemed to have every console and screen on the bridge represented there with its own window.

  Noticing Jack staring at the huge bulkhead screen Chief Truitt smiled. “You can talk to the screen if you want to make changes. Enlarge or minimize a window or even if you need to talk to one of the console crewmen or Duty Officer. Simply say (Screen) or if you wish to use a different protocol simply ask for your virtual assistant by the name of Jeeves.”

  “What? Virtual Assistant? Jeeves? Who the hell came up with a name like that?”

  A figure appeared next to the forward Bulkhead. “Yes Captain Turner. Your Grandfather came up with that name Sir. I believe he meant it as a joke at the time. How may I help you?”

  “You have got to be kidding.” Jack said in disbelief as his mind raced.

  “That is not part of my Job description Captain but if you wish I will add it. Do you wish me to add, Humor, to my matrix?”

  “Ya sure. Why not? You said my grandfather? Why would my Grandfather create a virtual assistant for me?”

  “I am sorry Captain Turner but you were not even born at the time. When you Grandfather added The Game to the Command systems of the fleet, he decided that each officer would benefit from having a virtual assistant to connect them directly to the game to help train and advise them. Making them into better officers. Each ship starts out with this avatar and it is up to the ship’s Captain to change it to his preference. Do you wish to change my shape at this time?”

  “I have never even heard of this before.” Taking another bite as he looked over at Chief Truitt. “But then I have not been an officer very long.” Looking back at Jeeves. “How come you are just appearing now? I could have used some help 6 months ago.”

  “You were not in direct contact with The Rock 6 months ago Captain Turner. As for your first question. You are the first to have an AI that is authorized to act as the Captains Personal advisor and assistant. Though each ship has an AI with an avatar to assist in the ship’s operation. The Game Master felt you needed the personal help. Espeacialy with you out of contact with The Rock most of the time.”

  “What? Why me?”

  “You are the first and only Naval Officer to reach the rank of Supreme Admiral in the game. You now have the authority to control and change The Game. You also now have the authority to Command the entire Republic fleet. Making changes in the makeup, construction of new ships and the deployment of the fleet.”

  “Oh come on now. The Navy has all kinds of Admirals coming out their butts.”

  Jeeves smiled at Jack. “None of them have attained the rank of Supreme Admiral in The Game. And you are the only one that has destroyed any enemy Ships as well as defeated an entire fleet. You are also one of the few Admirals that have survived the last Fringe Battle with most of their replacements being appointed by the Republics Central Congress controlled by Earth. Fact is most of the new Captains are now Earth Civilian Political Appointments outside the Fleet. Not from Fleet personnel.”

  Not really understanding what the AI had said. “Again why am I just now hearing about this and not 6 months ago?”

  “The Master Game Program is in The Rock’s core computer. Only sub programs are attached to ships with apps attached to individual computers spread around the Republic. Apps or even Sup programs do not have the programing to decide or run a Supreme Admiral upgrade. Your ship the Red
Pepper had to make contact with The Rock before your personal app could be upgraded properly. The fact that the Red Pepper was being over hauled for the last 6 months was the main delay as the Spider Battleships are not authorized for the program or the upgrade at this time.”

  “What the hell?” Shaking his head Jack suddenly smiled. “That is right. I told you to get a sense of humor and this is one big joke. Good for you. You got me good. Now enough with the humor crap I have a ship to run and a hulk to get back to the damn Basestation not to mention a Battleship hulk that could be plastered all over the damn bubble or lost in the cloud by now.” Jack turned the swivel chair from the now empty plate as Chief Truitt handed him a hot towel to clean his face and hands while she held a dry cloth towel waiting for him to finish. “You want to do something that will help. Get me sick bay. No, security first.”

  The Chief of Security appeared in a window on the forward bulkhead as the Steward cleared the table. “Glad to see you back on the ship Captain. How can I help you?”

  “Aaa… We are bringing over the wounded from the hulks and some of them are criminals, even murderers and rapists mixed in with their victims. I want a heavy presence of security down there to keep the victims safe until I can get time to talk to each and weed out the guilty. There are also hundreds of prisoners over in the hulk that need to be transferred here. I want them locked up tightand separated and restrained at all times if you have more than one in a cell or use a cargo container or hold. Weld short chains to the deck or bulkheads to hand cuff them to if you have to. I don’t want them murdering each other trying to shut up witnesses. I also need you to send over some investigators to document the atrocities as well as the battles that went on over there.”

  “Captain if I may interrupt.” Jeeves said from the middle of the cabin. “I have already down loaded the files from the hulks and have extensive recordings of most of the murders and rapes that occurred on those ships. Commodore Robinson insisted that detailed recordings be kept of all his crewmen’s’ activities for his own pleasure. Playing selected features for dinner entertainment when live victims were not available. With your permission I will give the Chief a list and the evidence, as well as the location of most of the suspected men and women that are already in Sickbay wards and their crimes. I can also mark anyone coming aboard I have evidence on since the Doctors are sending all the criminals they know about to us just to get them off their ships.”

  Jack looked at Jeeves. “Well that should make the job a lot easier.” Turning to the Chief. “Will that work Chief?”

  “Yes sir. I will have the Doctor designate a separate ward for only those on the list sir and keep them well guarded.”

  “Very well then. I still want the other wards well covered until I can check for anyone that did not keep video records. I have already come across a few that did not keep records while murdering and raping in the shadows.” Frowning as he took a deep breath and stretched. “There is one special prisoner over there I want isolated from everyone. Commodore Robinson is to be placed in the smallest cell you can provide with the bar minimum of sanitation. No one is to talk to him or visit while recording all he says or does. In secret if possible. Right now he is welded inside a cargo mech he had converted to a killing machine hanging on a Gundeck bulkhead. For all I care you can bring him over in that and leave him in it hanging from the middle of a cell for now.”

  Truitt started stripping Jack’s combat armored suit off of him in the middle of a stretch getting a dirty look from Jack before turning back to the Security Chief. “The main point is that I don’t want any prisoners left over there. They already have their hands full trying to stay alive, mesh the two crews and getting that mess straightened out. Oh by the way there is only one Captain over there for both ships now and that is Commander Glenn. Which reminds me. We need to promote her to Captain. Lieutenant Shepperd is now her First Officer.” Smiling before Truitt made him stand up to split the armored suit down the middle and slip it off of him then giving her another dirty look. “Best make that acting Commander Shepperd shouldn’t I.” Jack shook his head. “She will only have the rank until we get to The Rock but she is the best officer for the job right now.” Looking out the port at a passing fighter section. “Hell I don’t even remember what my fucking permanent rank is anymore. Is it Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant or Lieutenant Commander? Certainly not Commander. Well whatever the hell it is, at least when we get to the Rock I can get myself a decent night’s sleep for a change and let someone else worry about everything and just follow simple orders like supervising a crew to clean the heads.”

  The Security Chief broke out with a smile. “You are out of uniform Captain since you asked. Before all communications with The Rock was cut when the Battleship hulk that was discovered stuck around the bubble, your promotion came through with a few letters from the Admiral. It just took this long to get it decoded after the Red Pepper was again put back into service a few days ago. The Spider Battleship could not decode it. You are now officially a scrambled egg capped Captain with the Temporary rank of Commodore or Lieutenant Admiral in Command of the Gama 13 Hulk Station. Congratulation’s Admiral.”

  “Come on guys! Enough with the jokes already. I am too damn tired to find them funny.” Jack sat down at the desk and touched the Battleship model turning it to look at the bow.

  “Good.” Truitt said as she hung Jack’s armored suit up in the suit storage closet then programed the maintenance panel next to it. Then as the closet started its maintenance and cleaning cycle, she went around behind Jack and started rubbing his shoulders.

  “Ooh god. That feels so good.” Jack started to melt. “Get back with me in a couple of hours Chief with an estimate on how much longer you need to finish the transfer and investigations please. We need to get out of here and back to the Bubble as soon as possible.”

  “By your command Commodore.” The Chief’s window disappeared and was replaced by Sickbay.

  “Jeeves, make sure our new Temp. Captain gets her Promotion Orders.”

  A few seconds later the Chief Surgeon looked up. “Yes Captain. How can I help you?”

  Jack had to take a deep breath and look up at the Ships Chief Surgeon before answering. “Aaa. I am sorry for not giving you more warning about the casualties Doctor but it couldn’t be helped.”

  “No problem Captain. We arrived expecting Battle casualties and were prepared. What we were not prepared for are the massive number of sexual rape and blunt force beatings most of the victims have. Very few are actual gun shot or blast casualties. Though I am told by the Doctors on the ships that they are taking care of most of the battle casualties while only sending us the most critical ones they can’t handle with the rest. Though most of the victims were sent over simply because they mentally could no longer stay on the ships after their abuse. Hundreds of patients have multiple injuries many of them months old making it harder to find with so many new injuries let alone treat them.” Looking up above Jack at Truitt as Jack let his head loll over onto his shoulder as she worked on the other. “I know I told you we could handle it Doctor Truitt but as I said. I was not expecting anything other than combat wounds. We are going to need you down here as soon as possible. We are swamped and many of the patients fall under your specialties.”

  Jack groaned as he tried to turn his head around to look at Chief Truitt. Catching her out of the corner of his eye. “You’re a Doctor?”

  “I will be down as soon as I get the Captain put to bed.”

  The Chief Surgeon looked back at Jack. “Is there anything else you need Captain?”

  “Aaaa. Shit.” As Truitt dug her fingers into the shoulder muscles at the center of his back right where the blast that destroyed the tank-mech had hit him. “Aaa, some of your patients are murderers and rapists. Oaa Yaa aaa.” Jack rubbed his eyes. “Security should be arriving shortly and I need you to cooperate with them to keep victims and witnesses from being intimidated or killed by messing with I.V.’s or drug machines.�
� Rubbing his temples. “Da… Do not take anyone’s word for symptoms or problems and be ready for distractions while witnesses are silenced or an escape is made. I also don’t care how sick someone is that is on the list security has. They are all to be removed from the general wards and isolated under guard. You have been telling me for the last two months that you are running low on everything. So listen carefully. Anyone that is on that list also goes to the back of the line for treatment with none of the drugs on your critically shortage list. These people have been denying even aspirin to their victims while hording all the treatment drugs including anesthetics for surgeries. Nor are extreme measures to be taken to keep them alive. I will not risk the life of even one of their victims while you spend one minute attempting to keep one of them alive. Worse yet using supplies we may need later. Is that clear Doctor?”

  “You can’t tell me how to run my Department Captain.”

  Jack leaned forward away from the massaging hands of Truitt. “I can and I have just done so. Not one drug from your shortage list is to go to those murderers and rapists.” Turning to Jeeves. “Send our Chief Surgeon the list.” Turning back to the screen. “You will stop any operations you are doing or have scheduled and start moving the ones on the list now to the ward that is the farthest away from Sickbay and isolate them from all other patients.”

  The Doctor looked at the list that came up on her screen. “You cannot condemn these people without a trial Captain.”


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