Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer)

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Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer) Page 64

by Larry Roberts

  “Damn it, the squadron is in a hurry to get here and already slowing down at maximum deceleration. What the hell is Glenn trying to accomplish?”

  “The Bounty is accelerating up the shaft toward the Squadron Captain.” The Tactical Officer said. “I have heard of playing Chicken with ships in open space but this is ridiculous Captain Turner.

  “Captain Glenn on the Comm Captain Turner.” Said the Communications Officer.

  “Put her on the screen.”

  “Captain Turner.” Captain Glenn said as soon as she came on the screen. “This should buy you another 10 to 15 seconds. You can light off your engines with enough reserve for some safety.”

  “Damn it Captain I don’t need a reserve that endangers some 50,000 people. Every one of these engines have been overhauled in the last month. You are the one with new untested mass driven engines that could fail at any time. Hell the Exslaves aren’t even sure as big as they are and they are the ones that made them. Now turn around and get out of there.”

  “Yes Captain Turner, just a couple more minutes and I will do just that.”

  It suddenly dawned on Jack what the Captain was doing making him smile as he tapped the button to light off the engines a full 5 seconds early. Feeling much better about the docking but then he started worrying about the Squadron being delayed long enough as he turned to the tactical screen.

  The engineer turned. “One of the engines failed to start on time. They are working on it now. Should have it up in a minute or two.”

  Jack closed his eyes shaking his head. “Their goes one second. Four left.”

  Chapter 15; The Skeleton Crew

  Admiral Halsey looked up from his desk as his eyes caught something moving. The woman Hippie floated in front of his desk frowning at him. “Jack Turner is in danger.” She said without preamble.

  Jumping a little with a start at her appearance, the Admiral Composed himself. “Ok. Hi to you. It has been awhile Zoote. Jack is in a Hulk Spider Battleship attached to a giant bubble made into a station. Repairing his ship. I have been reading the reports from Jack now I have been bypassing the Security Chief and the second Spider Battleship stuck in that same bubble shell half way around the bubble has been taken with practically no casualties. I know my latest report is 4 weeks old as they are shuffled around the cloud to keep the enemy from tracing them back here but the next one should arrive tomorrow if Turner keeps to his schedule.”

  Sitting back in his chair and stretching. “I can’t see anything bad happening even in 4 weeks with all the scouts and hundreds of transports running in and out of the cloud reporting no sightings of even one enemy ship since Jack took out that fleet. With his weapons and the two squadrons of destroyers he is safer there than here with all the damn Anti-enemy slave hysteria going around The Rock. I swear half the Captains and Admirals are ready to shit their pants the first time someone says boo since the fleet lost that damn battle. So how do you know Jack is in Danger? All direct ship to ship communications have been suspended in and out of The Rock for security reasons.”

  “I am no longer on The Rock. Vice Admiral Ditzen stole my core and put me on a prison ship he has made from a bulk carrier to hold the ex-slaves of the enemy and extract information from them using torture compartments he had specially built. He is about to arrive at the Station with a force of 8 battleships from as many squadrons and 4 assault carriers filled with marines. His aim is to destroy the Battleship Hulk Station and Jack. Then proclaim that the Battleships were not hulks but that he was able to destroy them and kill the traitor Jack, saving The Rock from an enemy attack. His backers back at The Rock are waiting to proclaim him a hero complete with back dated orders and a fleet to command once he returns with the secret weapons Jack has developed from the advanced enemy technology.”

  Shaking his head. “I don’t think we need to worry. The Red Pepper should be rebuilt by now according to his progress reports and will have no problem taking out 8 Battleships even if they are our newest. Now how the hell are you talking to me if you are that fare outside The Rock?”

  “The Battleship hulk station still has the enemy Comms. They are working on ways for us to intercept the God signals and translate them. Our planet to planet frequencies have not been used by the Gods for 10,000 years and are child’s play for them to produce and what is important is that because they are old tech to the exslaves and after thousands of years of research combined with human tech, they are now easy to concentrate into long range undetectable laser beams if you know how. Which the Gods know nothing about and could not detect if they did. The ex-slaves with our engineers have just finished developing the prototype. I am using their prototype test transmitter while they and the majority of the crew are off the Station in the greatly enlarged refugee ship Paprika and Red Pepper leaving the station deserted with only a skeleton crew. I am receiving your transmission back through the same tunneling beam. My instruments are telling me that the beam has not bloomed at all over this distance with little power loss and thus is undetectable even a few miles away. It may even have the range to cross the Republic. A Technology the God’s do not have.”

  “And you are sure that these ex-enemy slaves are not going to use the working transmitter to call back to their own fleet?”

  “The God Ship to Ship transmitters are at such a higher frequency than ours that they have always been untraceable by even other God Empires but are very crude and comparatively short ranged to less than 50 light years and easily interfered with by natural phenomena. They use curriers for all long distance communications. But no, they have not even tried to call the enemy scouts that may be around. Though the God ships are equipped with the basic lower frequency receivers like we have all across the Republic they do not have the new laser technology that precludes the God ships from even receiving the laser signal even if they knew about it and were in the right place to intercept the beam. Fact is the Ex-slaves even hid the old wide band God frequency transmit coils with booby traps to make sure no one could sneak in or even take the compartment and transmit without the compartment blowing up just to make sure. And by the way, according to Jack, an enemy fleet is headed this way. I am giving you the location now so you can check it out and prepare. You should have a couple of weeks before they reach the main supply route to Earth.”

  “It is about time. I have been running my transports ragged for the last 6 months bringing in supplies for when they showed up again. Half are overdue for overhauls.”

  “Yes I noticed that the transports are dumping most of their cargos at Q-19 before heading back out to Earth now that I am out of The Rock’s comm restrictions, (Q-19 was now the Prime Entrance Staging area on Earths side of the cloud, all the entry routes on the enemy side of the Republic had been terminated when it was realized the Republic had been invaded). Quite a stockpile has built up there.”

  Admiral Halsey took a deep breath as he started typing on his desk. “I am informing Scout Command of the sighting so they can send scouts to investigate and then I will start closing up the cloud as far as Transports go. Don’t worry about Jack. His ship will take care of any attacks on the Station by old Chicken shit Ditzen.”

  “No Admiral, I told Jack that he could not destroy the battleship squadron and that he had to obey the Vice Admiral’s orders or he would be labeled a traitor and mutineer. Why my subprogram told him that he could either make a run to Earth or dock the second battleship hulk to the Station making it a Basestation which would make him Commander and mandating him as a Temp Vice Admiral putting him legally over Ditzen. That is if he could mate the stations together before the Vice Admiral arrived.”

  That is why the Station has been abandoned while Jack is racing in with the other Battleship hulk trying to dock with the station before Admiral Ditzen arrives and either destroys or takes command of the smaller Station kicking Jack back to simply the Red Pepper’s Captain. Though even if Jack succeeds in docking the station and becomes a Temp. Vice Admiral, I do not believe the other Ba
ttleship Captains will listen to reason. Ditzen has done a good job of brain washing the Command Officers on those ships.

  Zoote drifted closer to the Admiral. “Jack being able to control the Attacking fleet is still a long shot even if he succeeds and out ranks Ditzen. Ditzen could still destroy the station continuing with his plan. The reason I am calling you know is that it is very likely that the station will be destroyed in just a few minutes, at most an hour. I will try to keep Jack and the prisoners alive giving you time to rescue them. I have also sent every scrap of information I can dig up on this ship from weapons to the ex-slave crewmen’s private video’s, pictures and correspondence in the hope that will make the crew more human if released to the public as well as help you finish the research the scientists are stalled on because of the lack of information about comparable materials and procedures the slaves take for granted. I understand just having the comparable elements, molecules, compounds and materials the ex-slaves have translated over the last 6 months will greatly speed up research. I have also included detailed breakdowns and complete engineering specs of pieces of equipment such as the factories. Which should enable you to copy their portable factories and produce most of their equipment using the included programs that have been translated.”

  Zoote floated back away from the Admiral taking up a position directly in front of him. I have put a full copy on each of my 5 branch or finger cores for safe keeping and will only give you 2 of them now while hiding the rest. The others will be programmed to remain hidden unless specific things happen just in case the obstructionists manage to destroy the first two when you try to use them. Though I would advise only revealing one leaving the other as a backup. The others will remain hidden for several years allowing things to deteriorate with the hope that saner heads will prevail as the war situation worsens. Just in case you fail.”

  “I would think that you are a bit crazy as paranoid as you sound there Zoote but after seeing the panic across the Rock I understand it is possible. The fact that you know a lot more than me and are still paranoid scares me.” The Admiral’s fingers tapped across his desk and then stopped as he looked up at the Tactical screen that popped up in front of him. “Ok. That Spider Battleship is coming in damn fast Zoot. Is that the Battleship that was stuck on the other side of the bubble?”

  “Yes Admiral. Jack was already bringing it around to join the Hulkstation when they discovered the incoming Squadron. He is trying to get it docked before the Vice Admiral arrives down the corridor through the cloud on the other side of the station and takes command of everything. But he has a problem. If he loses another Destroyer engine he will hit the station at several hundred miles an hour destroying them both.”

  “Is that a ship headed up toward the onrushing squadron? What the hell is he doing?”

  “Actually Admiral, the ship has turned around and is slowing to head back down the shaft. The mass exhaust hitting the squadron is slowing the Squadron through friction but I do not think it will be enough to make enough of a difference.”

  Then a voice jumped out at the Admiral. “Unidentified squadron, this is Hulkstation Approach Control. You have entered an unauthorized corridor without approval and are approaching a restricted area on a collision course with an unarmed transport. You are ordered to stop or leave the corridor immediately. Any hostile actions and you will be fired upon. If you do not identify yourselves immediately Corridor mines will be activated. Your ships will not survive. I repeat if you do not identify yourselves and your purpose immediately, you will be destroyed as attacking enemy intruders. You have 30 seconds until corridor mines are activated. Hulkstation Approach Control out.”

  “This is Vice Admiral Ditzen on a surprise inspection tour. You will disarm all mines and stand down all ships immediately. You will clear space for our priority one approach. All ships and spacecraft are ordered to dock with the station immediately for inspection. That is an order. Ditzen out.”

  “This is Approach Control. All ship’s and spacecraft will clear the area until credentials of approaching ships are checked. Repeat, all ships and spacecraft will clear the area until credentials are verified. Plan Alpha 7 is in effect. Repeat. Plan Alpha 7 is in effect until further orders. Approaching squadron you will remain on this vector and deceleration until you come to a complete stop and wait for further instructions.”

  “I am Vice Admiral Ditzen.” Screamed the figure on the screen. “You will comply with my orders immediately. We are going to approach the station without delay. Check our IFF you moron.”

  The IFF on the Station on Jack’s screen lit up identifying the approaching squadron as friendly using the new codes they had just down loaded from the squadron making Jack smile. “I am sorry but our old identification protocols do not match yours. But then we have been out of contact with The Rock for over a month. We will have to verify your credentials through inspection. You will stop and allow a customs boat to dock for inspection and verify your credential. If you do not stop as ordered you will be fired upon and destroyed as an Attacking enemy fleet. Until then all ships and mines will be targeted but put on standby. Approach Control out.”

  “That is ridiculous. I have 8 battleships and you have one lightly armed transport and this stupid transport that we do not recognize armed with only point defenses. If you fire on us we will destroy this transport, the armed transport and then the station. If you do not follow my orders we will fire and destroy your ships and the station as traitorous mutineers.”

  The hulk Battleship approached the station with its 48 engines blasting away sending torrents of reaction mass out across bracketing the station as Jack came on the Comm. “Now that is the most moronic statement I have heard in 7 months since the last Spider Battleship the Red Pepper destroyed. We have the weapons of two Spider battleships, an armed transport the Red Pepper armed with super weapons you can’t even dream about and over 20 confirmed Battleship kills. We also have two squadrons of Destroyers along with thousands of torpedo mines not to mention the thousand fighter bombers sitting in the cloud waiting to pounce and you actually think you can out gun us. Come. Not even the famous Vice Admiral Ditzen who fired on his own ships would be stupid enough to think that. Which makes us believe you are an imposter enemy that has taken over captured Republic ships and is trying to bluff his way inside our defense perimeter. Stop to be inspected or all 8 battleships and 4 assault transports will be fired upon and destroyed within seconds. Here is a shot across your bow to demonstrate our power.” The Red Peppers 4 God Guns and a dozen 16/8 inch guns (16 inch guns reduced to 8 inches to increase their power and range against Spider Battleships) from the Red Pepper flashed across the corridor a few thousand yards in front of the bows of the squadron’s lead ship. The plasma generator powered guns at quarter power sent 12 rapid fire streams of shots through the cloud for some 10 seconds before falling silent.

  “That is just the guns from the Red Pepper. Only a fraction of the guns pointed at your pitiful squadron Vice Admiral Ditzen if that is who you are. Allow us to inspect your ships and credentials and we will allow you to dock with my apologies. Fail to follow standard Republic procedures and you will all be destroyed and I will apologies to the survivors if they turn out to be Republic crews for your continued stupidity Vice Admiral Ditzen. Which brings up another point since your fleet command flag was pulled. What are you doing out here aboard a squadron you have no authority to Command when you are supposed to be back at The Rock in charge of Security and not out here Supposedly Inspecting Stations? Do you have a Commodore in Command of the Squadron as per Republic protocols? I demand to talk with the squadron’s Commander before you get them all killed since you are refusing to follow standard Republic operating procedures. I hope the transports following a day behind you are not as stupid. Perhaps if you really are Vice Admiral Ditzen you can tell us where all our supply transports have gotten to? That is if you are not the enemy that has been blockading us.”

  Admiral Halsey smiled. “I love this kid mo
re all the time. He is sitting there arguing with a damn Vice Admiral. I should be getting mad at him for showing such disrespect but then he is right about procedures and that Ditzen should not even be out there.” Tapping his Comm. A few seconds later his attaché came on the screen. “Get me Marine Commandant Quinten immediately. And then Vice Admiral Ditzen if he is in The Rock. Break in immediately if you find him. Also find out where these Battleships are on The Rock since I don’t’ think they are where they are supposed to be. Then I want to talk to Admiral Shinn at supply. And have Vice Admiral Weathering report to my office immediately and have a marine guard standing by.”

  A perfectly dressed Marine Commandant appeared on the Admiral’s screen. “Commandant Quinten, I want the marines called out to find Vice Admiral Ditzen immediately, search every nook and cranny of The Rock. I have good reason to believe he has left the Rock without orders. You have authorization to search all security offices and installations. I also want the following ships verified as to being in the maintenance docks they are assigned. If not, find them priority 1-A. is that clear. I also want a head count of Marines done as well. I believe you will be missing two divisions and 4 assault ships unless you are part of this mutiny which I cannot believe.”

  “Well hi and good day to you Admiral Halsey. Mutiny you say. Give me a minute to get things started and then you can tell me what this is all about?” Turning to a screen next to him. “General’s Briefing in 15 minutes. Put the base on lock down war footing, mutiny protocols. Muster all units in full combat gear and equipment. Establish all class 1 checkpoints immediately throughout the base.” Turning back to Admiral Halsey. “Ok Frank, my base will be secure in 5 minutes and a hundred thousand men will be ready to move out across The Rock in a half hour in force. Now what is this about?”

  “I believe that Vice Admiral Ditzen has left The Rock with 8 Battleships from different squadrons, 4 Mountain class Assault ships and is attacking what has become known as the Hulk Station at Entry point Gama 13.”


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