Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer)

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Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer) Page 106

by Larry Roberts

  Not really believing that such work rules were possible even for Earth, Jack chuckled as his First Officer continued. “Can you believe that many of them brought their maintenance bots with them into captivity? At first I thought they were servant bots but no even if most are using them as such. Each of their crewmen was assigned a Maintenance bot to supervise to do their jobs for them and have become somewhat attached to them though a lot do seem more like servants. Basically their jobs have been to tell the bots how to do their jobs after they get their assignments and then watching instead of doing the job themselves. Then inspecting the finished work. Then spend the rest of the day playing in the resorts. Most of them have their damn General Quarter’s stations in their birthing quarters with the ship 90% automated. No one in the turrets or Torpedo rooms or damage control stations. It seems these new versions of the new Spider style Battleships with the thick Armored Decks are basically fought with only some 30 crewmen mostly officers at actual battle stations that have been trained on simple Politically Correct Union approved video Sims little better than kids games and not The Game Sim the Navy uses or even actual ship drills. Few have ever fired the ships weapons in practice. Which is probably why only half the turrets are working on the ships. The ship’s Captains are mostly Democrat Party Managers and Hacks that were owed favors and a few civilian Transport Captains with extreme salaries as squadron leaders which also explains why their attack maneuvers are so amateurish. The lower officers are more of the same using threats and intimidation for strict obedience. Though they don’t know enough about the battleships or what the crew’s jobs are to know when something is properly done so little gets done.”

  Shaking his head. “We best just send the volunteers and the ships back to New Home and put them through Bootships then work in the yards or expanding the Domes and send the other hard core prisoners to Gama 13 for now or the new Ice Mine.” The First Officer was disgusted with even talking about the captured crews.

  Jack found himself rubbing the bridge of his nose as the Office talked. When he paused, Jack was still trying to figure out why anyone would man ships using untrained officers and crewmen.

  Finely winding down the First Officer took a breath as Jack just shook his head and then the First Officer got back to ship’s business. “I added another life boat beacon on the other side of the Entry Head of the Maze Admiral. About 10,000 prisoners are on the Red Pepper from the hulks that we have taken with their engines knocked out so far. We actually have not taken any of the prisoners from the lifeboat beacons yet. We deployed the expandable tubes from the back of the Medical Shuttles we stationed at each of them and then took out a dozen of the emergency habitat Containers we picked up at New Home for TF-58 (just in case they needed emergency living modules for ship’s crews), out to each of them. The Containers expandable birthing tubes can house and support some 1,000 refugees each and are quickly filling. We are getting ready to send out more as more lifeboats keep arriving. At last count we had some 20,000. We have only brought the critical patients back to the ship so far. The prisoners are also still on a few of the ships that had one or two engines still able to run and we actually had to take a couple of the ones that were too close to leave and ignore with the marines when they refused to surrender but they really only put up a token defense after we told them that if they fired on our transports or marines, their ship would be destroyed. We approached them from their blind spot in front of their shield decks so there was really nothing for them to shoot at anyway.”

  Looking at the Tactical screen Jack frowned. “How many operational ships have you captured so far Number One?”

  “Twenty Eight so far not counting your 4 Admiral. Though your 4 are in the best shape. Another couple of dozen are barges up and down the passageways that could be easily salvaged when we get time. The problem is we have 3 more groups of enemy battleships. Groups of 3, 4 and even 5 undamaged Battleships respectively hiding down the passageways. Shall we ask them to surrender now as well? We have been so busy with the others, I did not think of even asking them to surrender yet.”

  “Let’s clean up the mess we have first. You have done an amazing job while I have been gone Number One.” Jack took a deep breath not sure if what he was going to do was right or not but it had to be done. ‘They came here to salvage a ship so they might as well get as many as they could before leaving. Especially if the enemy was going to stay on the back side of the Maze and leave them alone now.’

  “I need you to take command of the good Battleships that still have at least one engine left using a few Earth volunteers from the captured ships to show our crews how to run things. Shouldn’t take too many since they are so damn automated. I will have the DD’s grab and move the battleships engineless or not, you have captured from the Passageways using their scoops to get around any hostile battleships. I want you to strap 4 or 5 of the engineless battleships backwards with the crew/weapons section forward, armored decks to armored decks around the Battleships with the good engines and head for New Home with all the Earth volunteers not serving as crewmen locked up on the armored decks. Use one of the Ships with only one good engine and in the worst shape for the prisoners that do not volunteer and we will send it to Gama 13. Go down and pick your volunteers and line them up in one of the empty Holds for my inspection and vetting and call me when you are ready. Any questions?”

  The First Officer’s mouth dropped open for several seconds and then when he finally closed it he said. “Do you want me to pick you a new First Officer and the Commanders for the other ships and how many Navel crewmen from the Red Pepper am I allowed to take, Admiral?”

  Jack smiled at his Ex First Officer. “You worry about picking the Earth volunteers and I will worry about the rest. You may not like who I get but they will be the best people we have for the jobs and you will work with them. Make the Earth volunteers understand that union rules no longer apply. They are volunteering for the Navy now with 8 hour plus work days 7 days a week unless given the week end off. Dismissed Captain Murphy.” Jack saluted. The new Captain left the bridge with the marine making the proper announcement. “Exec, report to the bridge please.” Then cutting the Comm. “Number 2 you are now First Officer. Don’t disappoint me. You have the Conn. Keep a close eye on those enemy ships down the passageways and be prepared for them to shorty at a moment’s notice. You won’t have time to call me to the bridge so you will have to do something until I get here. Make sure it is the right move. A new sensor sweat is being installed in the next few hours, make adjustments accordingly. Also make sure the Volunteers get transferred with plenty of guards to make sure the prisoners don’t interfere with the Volunteers leaving. I am taking it for granted that you already know everything else your predecessor was doing so I will leave them in your hands as well. I will be in my Ready Room. Have the Exec report when he arrives.” Jack saluted the white faced 2nd Lieutenant trying to swallow his fear and left.

  Jack was just sitting down at his desk when a gun drill was announced making Jack smile. ‘Always when in doubt, run a drill. The 2nd Lieutenant was off to a good start at least.’ Looking out his ports at the growing fleet around the Red Pepper that were more hulks than Battleships.

  Hitting his Comm. As one of Admiral Spencer’s Aids walked in looking much better than she had even days before. “Can I help you Admiral?”

  “What...Captain Clancy?”

  “Admiral Spencer assigned me as your Aid or Adjunct. I will make sure your orders are carried out relieving you of the headaches and the time needed to manage anything beyond the initial order. At the moment you have talked about 5 orders in the last 10 minutes that you have yet had time to flesh out or make the necessary assignments to carry them out. If you please I will get started on pairing the DD’s to start moving the captured hulk ships to a staging area outside the Maze. With your approval I will also assign Captain Coyote, your Marine attaché to continue securing the abandoned barges and capturing the barges that have not yet surrendered and
then arrange for them to be moved. With the Red Pepper static at this time. I will have Commander Morgan start transferring prisoners from the medical shuttles and beacons to the Red Pepper to be processed separating any that volunteer from the prisoners for transport to the proper Station. By your Command Admiral. I will be using the Conference room next door as my temp office. Do you need anything else at this time Admiral?”

  Jack sat back looking at the Captain. “MMM. This could be interesting. Thank you for your help. I do have a habit of babbling on and then trying to keep up with what I said. To many times I forget important things and then have to go back and catch up. Have you ever served on a bridge Captain or are you another one of those aaa, clerical ranks of convenience?”

  “I have served on many bridges including Captain of DDs, several Cruisers and a Battleship Admiral. Though I have never been in combat before this.”

  Glancing at his chest of ribbons and wings. “Ok. I see you have fighter and ship pilot wings as well with several awards beyond the Gee dunk ribbons. Well what do you think of our situation Captain?”

  “I think you kicked butt sir. Though I am worried about there still being a hundred ships out there yet. I don’t think they will make the same mistakes these made after they regroup and come out again Admiral.” Taking a breath. “I also don’t understand your Pick of a 2nd lieutenant as your first officer simply because he was the Second Officer. I believe there are several other candidates amongst the few officers that I have met and seen the folders on that would be better choices Admiral.”

  “Good. Then you can help me keep an eye on our new First Officer. I have been watching him and he has performed quite admirably so far. Help break him in with the proper training between standing watch and all your other new duties as my attaché’ or Adjunct or whatever.”

  “Watch Admiral?”

  Jack smiled from ear to ear. “You are now the Temporary Commanding Officer of the Red Pepper while you are my attaché. Don’t disappoint me or I will have your head as I did to the last Commanding officer I assigned to the Red Pepper. As I told our new Lieutenant Commander. Don’t get caught flat footed if those squadrons decide to shorty.” Jack watched the Captain’s eyes dart back and forth as her face turned paler than the new First Officer’s. “Thank you for volunteering to take care of the prisoners and hulks but let’s get the volunteers off the life boat beacons first and worry about the prisoners later. If nothing else we will just leave the hard core Earth crews at the inflatables and let their comrades pick them up later.” Taking a deep breath. “Well. That is one less worry. You can use the bridge as your office for now. Dismissed Captain. I will be here if you need me.”

  The shocked Captain little better then skin and bones still, got up and walked out of the cabin and strait onto the bridge and sat in the Command Chair staring around the bridge for a good minute. Then stood up straitened her uniform before sitting back down and started issuing orders. Using the bridge as her office. She was not happy with the gun drill that had just finished, ordering another one while changing a few things on the bridge and then the ship. While not forgetting the Admirals tasks that needed to be done.

  Jack smiled as he watched her get into gear. A Big contrast to his laid back approach. Shaking his head he got back to business. “Zoote, time to come out and play.” Zoot and her magic carpet appeared in front of Jack’s Desk. Before she was half way solid Jack started in. “What do you think of my new First Officer?”

  “Well now. You made a good pick for a Captain though why you only made it temporary is puzzling. You need a full time Captain for the ship and you can’t be it period. As for your new First Officer, I don’t think you picked him. You just got lazy and threw a dart at the bulkhead Admiral. But he shows promise in The Game where he has been serving as a first officer for several months now. I am truly surprised though that you gave your old First officer Commander Clancy so much responsibility. Not only making him a Captain where he should excel at, but in command of getting the whole Prize fleet put together, manned and to New Home. That is a big undertaking and responsibility. I am not sure he is ready for that much responsibility quite yet. ”

  “Ok? Well to bad. Then you are going to love my next trick. You get to come up with the Prize crews. I need Captains for all the ships with working engines and crews that can take care of themselves and work with and control a few ex-enemy volunteers showing them the equipment and ropes and marines to take care of any that don’t like the hours and change their minds. Don’t fail me. This is your big chance to prove yourself as the master trainer of crews Zoote. I have high hopes for you.”

  “That is quite a few ships with working Engines Admiral. I will also include crews for the hulks whose engines I believe can be readily repaired and it just so happens I can put together 30 experienced Republic crewmen, 5 officers and a Captain for each ship that fits your bill.” Zoot smiled at Jack. “Though it will include commissioning several ratings as officers for both the Prize crews and the Red Pepper. You also have the opportunity to advance many of the Volunteers into the Navy at my request to fill out the Prize crews to 140 giving them basically full crews using Standard Navy work rules, procedures and the bots for the trip to New Home. I can give them full 300 man crews if you wish to use them in the coming battle. I will also be able to re-man the Red Pepper and the DD’s back up to full crews.” Jack’s mouth dropped open as he stared at Zoote dumbstruck not believing at first she was actually proposing to use Captured Earth Crewmen as full fledge crewmen. “Most of the Volunteers I have seen so far and put on my list have spent years on The Game and will make good crewmen until they can be sent to Bootship for toughening up and the additional training that The Game cannot provide.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Many of the volunteers that are headed for the Red Pepper’s volunteer Holds, spent most of their free time in The Game and not the two dimensional Sim the Congressional crew was supposed to use. Including years as civilians before they were drafted. The ones I have on my list are all prime loyal trusted crewmen that tried to enlist into the Navy but were prevented or told that they were enlisting in The Navy and only found out later that it was the Congressional fleet. You said your new Captain may not like his new crews. The thing is that you may not like who I enlist but they will be the best people we have for the jobs and you will work with them. Admiral.”

  “What! Giving me orders now?”

  “You gave me Orders and I followed them. It is for you to use the result of your orders to the best of your ability Admiral and not whine because you do not like what you see.”

  “Damn! You can be a butt and twist words around can’t you?”

  “Yes Admiral. You gave me orders that can lead to changes in recruiting Navy personnel that will help win this war. I am pushing you to carry out your own orders for that reason.”

  Jack thought for a few second and then smiled. “Ok, Well. Does that mean you can get me crews for the hundred DD’s now sitting at the other end of the Maze?”

  “What DD’s…? Oh yes I see them now. Yes Admiral I can get you crews for each and every one of the hundred DD’s using Volunteers from the refugees at the rally beacons. Stats show that half of the refugees on most of the Battleships were on The Game and should volunteer. Many have experience on the DD’s in the game. Though 25 % of the Congressional Fleet are manned totally by hard core Communist Democrats down to the cooks. But those ships where mostly held back to let the Cannon Fodder as the lead ships were called, to make the first attacks on TF 58. Just in case TF-58 had a bigger bight than expected and Congressional ships started dying. Exactly what has happened here today? Leaving the hard core ships with the Congressional Fleet Admiral to come in and take the credit without any losses. The Fighter Carriers that have appeared around the Staging area are part of those Core Squadrons. Luckily their training is worse than these crewmen since most have followed Union orders not to use The Game for training or fun.”

>   “Ok if you know so much about this damn Fleet, how come you didn’t warn me of the new attack date days ago or the damn DD and Battleships on this end? Why was all this such a fucking surprise?”

  “I am only a training node with nodes on each ship that do not have constant communications with every ship or the Central Core at The Rock at all times. I did not have any knowledge of the attack or the ships before you did. Though with the recent contact with the Battleships training cores that are now in range, the attack was moved up when they found out about the Battleship you destroyed from a passing Transport headed into the Maze to the Staging Station. You waited too long to retrieve it.”


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