Sophie's Journey: A steamy adult romance (Eternal Flame Book 1)

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Sophie's Journey: A steamy adult romance (Eternal Flame Book 1) Page 5

by A. J. Milton

  We both stared at each other and then grinned. I said, “I think she fancies you a little bit.”

  And he said, “Maybe so, but I actually think she fancies you even more.” I felt myself turning red. That hadn’t occurred to me. I had never been with a girl and it wasn’t something I normally thought of. Yes, I had a few drunken kisses with other girls when I was a wild teenager but nothing more had ever happened. “Of course, we could both be wrong,” Alex said, “She may just be a very friendly and touchy-feely person.”

  “I think I have enough relationship stuff to deal with right now,” I said. “I just met a rather nice man and I think he suits me quite nicely. Oh, I’ll let you know how that works out.” His smile then was worth a million. We hugged and kissed and then gathered our bags to check-in.


  The flight back was on time and uneventful. Absolutely no chance of joining the mile-high club on a crowded, busy holiday flight with minimal leg room and a more or less permanent queue for the restrooms. But I did put it on my brand new mental list of ‘Things I want to do with Alex’. So, we just snuggled up together, watched the in-flight movie, and dozed in between. We arrived back at London Gatwick airport at around eleven thirty pm.

  I felt both sad and happy. Sad because this wonderful week was now over, but happy that I had found a man who could handle me.

  ~ Alex ~

  I piled the bags into the back of the car and then got into the front with Sophie. Alone again we kissed and held each other. She was staying with her parents for a day or so before going back to university. Luckily their house was on my own way home, although it honestly didn’t matter as I would drive this girl to the ends of the earth. Our journey was relatively silent, as we both felt the impending separation very keenly and found it hard to find any words that felt right. I stopped at her parent’s house and we kissed and hugged desperately. “I’m going to miss you, little darling. Let me know when I can see you again.”

  “You bet,” she replied.

  I carried her bags to the front door. “Call me tonight,” she whispered fiercely.

  “I promise.” I couldn’t really kiss her again on her parent’s doorstep, so I turned and walked back to the car, and it felt like I was leaving part of my heart behind in the porch.

  ~ Sophie ~

  I paced up and down in my bedroom like a caged lioness. Even though I had left home two years ago to go to Uni, my old bedroom was pretty much unchanged. But even the familiar comforts of my old pictures and souvenirs couldn’t keep me calm. I wanted him to call so that I could hear his voice. It was ridiculous that I felt like a lovesick teenager, but I couldn’t help it.

  This morning I had gotten up late. I felt quite exhausted from the late nights, the travelling, the exercise, and the emotional turbulence of the past week. When I finally ventured downstairs, my dad had long since left for work and my mum was out of the house somewhere. She had a part-time job, or she might have been shopping. I had picked at some toast for ‘breakfast’ and chucked my holiday clothes in the washing machine.

  I was sorting out clothes for going back to my student accommodation when my mum returned home and called for me,

  “Sophie, are you there dear?” I heard from downstairs.

  “Coming Mum,” I called back. I hurried downstairs and gave her a big hug. My mum was small, although not quite as tiny as me and she has faded blonde hair and blue eyes.

  “Oh, you’re very tanned. Did you have a good time?”

  “Oh, it was fantastic,” I said, “let’s have a coffee and I will tell you everything.” (Well, not quite everything!)

  We got drinks and sat in the kitchen and talked for a while. My mum wasn’t into swimming or anything to do with water and she didn’t understand much about scuba diving. So, I explained how beautiful it was and showed her pictures of the coral reefs and many of the fishes I had seen, from a Red Sea diving guide book.

  “And did cousin Alex enjoy it too?” she asked. “And you weren’t too much trouble for him, were you?” If only you knew mum!

  “He was really nice, Mum, and I think he enjoyed it too.” Then I explained that we had been diving with a larger group of people most of the week and that there were plenty of younger people. I described the boisterous Italians, and told her that I had met a French girl who might be a nice pen friend to practice my French speaking.

  So hopefully I had left my mum with the impression that most of the week had comprised of my being part of an innocent social group. I knew deep down that she would find out sooner or later, so I didn’t actually lie to her. I told her a story that was perfectly true, but which omitted the fact that I had artfully and deliberately seduced an older man. And then had lots of rampant, passionate sex with him!

  My mum was nice and nowhere near as strict as my dad so I didn’t like hiding things from her. But now was not the time to say, ‘By the way I’ve met an extremely nice guy. And by the way he’s nearly thirty years older than me, and by the way he’s married to one of your cousins.’

  Even though my mum was quite gentle she was the same as my dad in thinking that I was still fifteen years old and she couldn’t come to terms with the fact that I was an adult and a grown woman, albeit a youngish one. So, I hoped that ignorance could continue to be bliss for at least a little while longer!

  I returned to my room to continue packing and preparing my return to University. Apart from clean clothes, I needed to check my study schedule and reading list, so I spent a while on my laptop checking things off. So, that had been my day so far, and now it was early evening and here I was pacing up and down hoping that Alex would call soon.

  My phone buzzed and I snatched it up. You have a new text message from ‘My Man’.

  “Hi, let me know when you are free to talk, A xx”

  My reply was almost immediate “Call NOW! xoxoxox”

  One minute later my phone rang. “Hey you,” I said.

  “Hello my little darling.” I turned the light off and lay down on my bed so I could concentrate on his voice while I talked to him.

  “I miss you already,” I muttered.

  “I know, it feels so lonely without you.”

  We talked aimlessly for some minutes, and then I asked him, “So when can I see you again?”

  “Sophie, darling that’s up to you. I don’t want to get in the way of your studies, but I will come and see you any evening, or we can meet at the weekend.”

  “OK… I’m going back tomorrow afternoon and I will be quite busy with new class schedules until Wednesday. But we could meet for a drink or something on Thursday evening and then make plans for the weekend?”

  “That sounds great,” he said. “Just let me know where and when, and I’ll be there.” I felt much better now I knew I would see him again in just three days’ time. It was quite weird, ten days ago he had only been a distant relative that I had met a few times, and I would hardly have given him a thought. And now I was missing him dreadfully and it had been less than twenty-four hours since I last hugged and kissed him. Life could be totally insane. Feeling happier we both chatted for a bit longer, but then I heard my Dad’s car pulling up outside the house. I told Alex that I would have to go, but I would text him later as long as he didn’t mind me messaging him regularly like a fixated stalker.

  He laughed. “No problem darling. Text me whenever you like. I’ll see you on Thursday.”

  “I suppose it’s not so long in reality,” I whispered. “See you soon.”

  I summoned my courage and Little Miss Sophie and went downstairs to see my dad. I love my dad and he’s not that bad, but he is very strict and still thinks I’m his little baby girl. And he has never been tolerant of any of my boyfriends. So, I didn’t think he would react positively to a boyfriend who was a few years older than him! Still, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

  Over dinner, I repeated the same positive and innocent version of events that I had told mum earlier, and my dad seemed quite happy. Phew,
I hate this but it’s much too early to come into the open yet.

  It turned out to be a pleasant family evening, although I pleaded weariness and went to bed early. Which was actually perfectly true, but I also wanted to be alone with my thoughts. I replayed some of the past week in my mind, thinking mostly about Alex. Then I got ready for bed and texted him.

  “Good night, sleep well, Sophie xoxoxox”. A few moments later “Sweet dreams, little d see you soon A xxx”

  I turned off my light and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 5

  Feels like home

  ~ Sophie ~

  It was Thursday evening at last. The last couple of days had been quite hectic getting out of holiday mode and getting back into study mode for the final term of my second year. But, tonight was all about My Man. In the end, we had agreed that he would pick me up from my student house and we would go and eat at a pub out of town.

  I hadn’t told my housemates about Alex yet, as I’d hardly had time for much in the way of conversation. I wasn’t ashamed of him and I wasn’t going to hide him from them. They were all girls so they might understand, or maybe they might find it shocking, but we were all going to have to deal with it. I thought that Suzie would probably understand but I wasn’t so sure about Rachel and Fiona. We had all brought boys back to our rooms sometime in the past few months, so it wasn’t like we were living in a convent. But Alex was a bit out of the normal range of student relationships.

  My student wardrobe was not that extensive. Apart from a few party clothes that weren’t suitable outside of student binges, I mostly had assorted jeans, tops and t-shirts. I dressed in one of my neatest pairs of black jeans plus a smart cream top and a navy jacket. It was April but the weather wasn’t that warm yet. I thought longingly of the balmy sub-tropical heat of the previous week.

  As I was mentally listing all the clothes I would buy if money was no object, my phone buzzed. He was parked outside and my heart sang. Nearly tripping as I hastily jumped into my shoes, I grabbed my bag and rushed towards the stairs.

  “Whoa, you’re in a mega rush!” said Suzie as I deftly negotiated a passage past her on my way down.

  “Sorry Suze, can’t stop. I have a date tonight.” I added my most enigmatic smile and hoped that would be enough to confound her. I felt more than heard the front door as it closed in my wake.

  I leapt into the car with a massive smile on my face and pulled the door shut. Then I threw myself at him and kissed him enthusiastically. He endured my assault with very good grace, and we grinned at each other. “Yes, and I’m delighted to see you too,” he chuckled. I saw Suzie peering out of her bedroom window, but Alex had a big 4x4 SUV with tinted windows so I don’t suppose she could see anything much. I knew I would be subjected to a full-on girlie interrogation as soon as I got back!

  We drove out of Southampton to the edge of the New Forest and stopped at a pub there. Although it was mid-week, the buzz of conversation and the clink of glasses extended a friendly welcome. Grabbing the bar food menu, we found a cosy corner with a table for two and settled down.

  The young waitress who was about my age, gave us a slight double take when she saw us holding hands and acting quite intimately with each other. But she served us with a smile and didn’t appear bothered. I decided I would have to stop being paranoid about what other people thought as there was nothing I could do about it. And anyway, waitresses must see all sorts of mixed couples in any given week. We probably weren’t that unusual at all.

  The food was good and I managed a whole pint of fairly strong beer, while Alex just had one small one, because he was driving. But we immediately settled back into our easy companionship mode. We talked about all sorts of things and enjoyed another sociable evening together. When we got back to the car I kissed him hard yet again and sighed, “I don’t want to go home just yet.”

  He grinned and said, “Well we could go somewhere and make out on the back seat for a while before I take you home?”

  “Just because you buy a girl a drink doesn’t mean she is ‘easy’. This is our first date in the UK after all,” I teased.

  He laughed, “I promise not to take unfair advantage of you.”

  “OK then, let’s go,” I giggled and buckled up.

  The New Forest national park has lots of car parking areas scattered around for walkers and tourists. They are usually empty at night, apart from the occasional young couple in a car with the same sort of idea as us. So, it didn’t take long to find a suitably deserted place some way from the road. His 4x4 helped to go a bit further away from the entrance than normal! Satisfied with the privacy we got into the back seat together and he grabbed a sleeping bag from the back. It was much warmer and softer than the cool leather seats.

  “Hmmm,” I said, “very well prepared. Do you often have girls in the back seat?”

  He spluttered and said, “Believe me, I haven’t been intimate in the back seat of a car since before you were born!” We both laughed.

  “All right, let me take you back in time then,” I said wickedly.

  “Little darling, here and now is all I need with you,” he whispered. We cuddled and kissed for quite a few minutes. Then I couldn’t wait any longer. I wanted ‘My Man’ very badly. I stripped off my jeans and all the rest of my clothes until I was totally naked. Then I started undoing his shirt. He removed the rest of his clothes. His cock was already getting hard and firm. I pushed him back in the seat and gave it a big lick and a quick suck until it was rock hard. My pussy was already wet; in fact, my panties had already been getting damp from being close to him and the growing anticipation that I had been feeling.

  I straddled him and then sank down slowly on top of his beautiful cock. We both sighed as he penetrated me and I slipped down until he was fully encased in my tight hot pussy. We held each other very tight and kept almost perfectly still, savouring that fantastic feeling of being totally joined together. I could feel his heart beating, and I could sense his cock twitching and throbbing inside me and I squeezed my internal muscles to heighten the sensation. My clit pressed hard against the root of his cock and it was already tingling like mad.

  “Oh, god Sophie,” he gasped, “you are so hot. I’m going to come just from being inside you like this. Your body takes me places I have never been.”

  “Right back at you.” I grinned teasingly although it was too dark for him to see. “Let’s see who comes first!”

  And I started riding him tenderly and wiggling my hips. I pressed my mouth to his and let my tongue go wild in his mouth. His hips were thrusting in time with mine and I sensed the tension building in his body. I knew that my own orgasm was hovering close by and it wouldn’t be long. I had to stop kissing him so I could breathe.

  I nibbled his neck and his ear and whispered, “Hold me, feel me, fuck me.” He groaned and then I felt his cock go rigid. I felt his climax and his jerky release as he pumped and pumped his juices into me. And as I ground my body against him to prolong his pleasure, my own orgasm was released. “Oh fuck, I’m coming,” I gasped. The sensation was deep and exquisite. I sat hugging him tight as the waves of ecstasy subsided.

  We sat together in silence for a while. “I think I got there first!” he teased after a while.

  “I’m happy to lose like that anytime,” I giggled. We kissed again, softly this time.

  “Oh dear,” he said “perhaps my planning wasn’t so good after all. No tissues, but there are some wet wipes in the front glove compartment.” After we had cleaned up a bit we both got dressed again, as the evening was getting cooler. But we stayed snuggled up with each other on the back seat for another few minutes. We talked about the coming weekend, before deciding that it was time to go.

  We listened to rock music on the way back to my place. His SUV had a great sound system with loads of speakers and a big sub-woofer for awesome bass, and it was a nice way to finish the evening. This time, leaving him didn’t seem quite as bad. I had realised that I could manage without him for a
whole three days or so. Anyway, my classes on Friday would finish by early afternoon, so I was going to stay at his place tomorrow night. And then all weekend!

  I kissed him goodnight in the car, and said, “see you tomorrow, my lovely man.”

  Even though it was after midnight, Suzie was still up.

  “Hey! spill the beans,” she said. “You can’t keep me hanging like this.” Suzie is my best friend at college but she is such a nosey cow (in the nicest possible way). She always wants to know what is going on, with everyone! I knew that I would have to open up to her soon, but not tonight.

  “OK,” I said, “I’m tired and it’s late so the short version is like this. Yes, I had a lovely evening. Yes, I got laid. Yes, it was great. And yes, I will tell you all about it… after the weekend.”

  “What do you mean after the weekend?” she looked aghast.

  “Sorry Suze, but classes tomorrow morning, and then I’m going to stay the weekend with ‘him’ and won’t be back until Sunday night.”

  “OMG! who are you? and what have you done with my studious friend Sophie?” We both laughed and I gave her a hug.

  “Patience girlfriend, I will reveal everything soon.”

  When I got to my room I texted Alex. “Went out with a very nice guy tonight, had a great time. S xoxox”

  I realised he would still be driving, and might not reply. But after a few minutes, my phone buzzed, “Hope he treated you well ;) sleep well A xxx”

  I certainly did sleep well that night.

  ~ Alex ~

  Luckily, I hadn’t needed to work that Friday, so I spent the morning tidying up and cleaning the house. For a single man, I’m not bad about keeping up with the basic washing and cleaning chores so there wasn’t too much to do. But this was the first real girlfriend I had ever entertained in this house, and I wanted it nice for Sophie.

  I had only moved here four months ago. My new home was a modernised and extended four-bedroom bungalow in a little village in Dorset, set in the middle of nowhere. It has two en-suite bedrooms, one for me and one for guests. Although the only guest so far has been my daughter. Oh dear, telling my daughter about Sophie is going to be fun, considering that Sophie is younger than her! Anyway… the other two bedrooms in the house had become my study and my gym room respectively. The garden was nice and secluded and consisted mostly of lawn with a few low maintenance evergreen shrubs.


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