Romance in Vegas - Showgirl!

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Romance in Vegas - Showgirl! Page 9

by Nancy Fornataro

  Lorali just smiled and began her warm ups.

  Kim hissed to Dani, "I'm going to kill that man. He never told me he was with that bitch. I'm going to just--" then she sighed in frustration and started her stretches.

  About an hour later, Al came in for his inspection. Dani noticed he always loosened his tie when he came in, and wondered why. His eyes were far away as he put his feet on the seat back. "Go ahead."

  One by one, they paraded and he either nodded or didn't say anything.

  Lorali breezed out on the stage. He studied her. "You're overdoing it, Lor. Tone it down a bit." And her eyes were slits as she walked back past Kim.

  Dani tried to remember everything Nat had taught her, as she hadn't practiced in two days. Even though he didn't say anything, she could feel his gaze riveted on her the whole time.

  He came up on the stage when they were done, conferred with Nat, and walked up to her. "I spoke with Nat and we are in agreement that there will be a very loose structure to your eleven o'clock show. That way, you will have some freedom to...well, do whatever."

  The scent of his aftershave came to her, and her eyes met his. Her face flushed as she remembered the night before. But he was calm and professional, as always, in front of the other women. "Is that all right?" he asked politely.

  She nodded, and he left.

  After the morning rehearsal, she found Kim, who still looked furious. They walked to the lunchroom. "What are you going to do?" Dani asked her.

  "He's already called twice. I let it go to voice mail. He can kiss my ass."

  "I hate to see you drop him," Dani said, "he seems like a nice guy."

  "She's right," Kim said, flicking her hair back, "he is a womanizer. I don't know what I was thinking. He's not a nice guy."

  Entering her room, exhausted after two rehearsals, and not looking forward to the dress rehearsal at five, Dani plopped down on the sofa. And she wondered how she would wing another performance at eleven. Would the same needs drive her? Or would she be criticized and ridiculed in the newspapers, with them saying she'd lost her touch?

  Her cell phone rang, and she was too tired to answer it. But it was persistently ringing now, so she finally answered and sat on the sofa again. "Yes?"

  "Dani, it's Tony."

  "Hi Tony. How are you? Did you have a good flight home?"

  "Yeah, yeah, thanks. Hey listen, I can't get in touch with Kim. Is anything wrong?"

  She debated. Kim was her friend, and she wouldn't want to divulge any secrets. "Well, um, you might want to think back to the first night you were here."


  "Well, you know how girls talk."

  "Oh shit. The blonde. Figures she'd be like that. Kim doesn't understand. I didn't do anything with that blonde. She was just too nasty."

  Dani smiled, but didn't say anything.

  "Can you help me out?" he pleaded. "I'm way over here." And he added, "I'd do it for you."

  "I'll bet," she laughed. "Okay, let me see what I can do."

  She phoned Kim. "He's getting desperate," she told her, "calling me. Said he didn't do anything with Lorali."

  Kim sniffed. "All right. Let me think about it. I just hate the game playing. I don't mean sex games, that's different. But the life games, the head games, I can't get into it."

  They clicked off, and Dani gazed at the roses and the card attached. "Call me," she said. Maybe please call me would be better, she thought.

  She wondered if Al was playing games with her. It's true, she didn't have much experience in the world, especially sexually, but she thought she probably wouldn't recognize a game if it came up and hit her in the face.

  Reclining on the sofa back, she thought of him. The relief she'd felt at his hands last night, the new sensations that made her whole body quiver and shake. Was that what Kim felt with Tony? And she'd never seen a man before all the way naked. But she wanted to, just so she'd know.

  Tommy would always change in the bathroom, or sometimes he never changed at all, just played cards all night. She wondered idly why she was thinking about him. What a waste of her time. He was gone, long gone. Besides, she never felt any attraction to him. He was just her foster brother. Older, more confident and worldly. And totally two-faced.

  She dozed off, but the persistent cell phone ring brought her around again. "Did she call you?" she said sleepily, thinking it was Tony.

  "Who?" Al said.

  "I'm sorry, I thought you were Tony."

  She heard an edge to his voice. "Why is he calling you?"

  "It's a long story."

  "I'll be down in fifteen minutes to hear it. It's almost time for dress rehearsal. Take a shower."

  She wearily showered, toweled off and waited for him in her robe.

  A few minutes later, she let him in.

  He brought her chin up with his hand. "Did you sleep last night?" His eyes were warm and caring.

  "Not much."

  "That's my fault. I should have called a halt to...everything."

  "No," she smiled, "it's just me. I wake up early, and can't get back to sleep. I don't know why."

  They sat on the couch. "You'll be okay to do the shows today? I don't want you hurting yourself," he said.

  She watched him for a minute, before she said, "I'm used to not getting much sleep. When I was on the streets. I'd have to take it when it came."

  His arm came around her shoulder and he stroked her hair softly. "You're safe now. You'll never go back there again." After his eyes appraised hers, he said gently, "Kiss me."

  Her mouth came up to meet his. His touch was electric and the heavy sensation began within her.

  Their kiss deepened, and his tongue moved in her mouth, exploring her, tasting her.

  Pulling his lips away, he looked down at her. "Open your eyes," he whispered. She opened them slightly, languidly and, as he still stroked her hair, he said in a voice husky with desire, "This is only for you." He guided her hand to his hardness. "Just for you. Remember. When you dance tonight. I'll be there."

  His hand searched for the robe opening, and roved over her skin, exploring her stomach, her back, her breasts, then between her legs.

  She closed her eyes and gasped as his hand and fingers found her sensitive spots, rhythmically stroking her now.

  "Look at me," he insisted. When she opened her eyes, he captured her gaze with blue-grey warmth. "Remember..." he said, as she tightened, and cried out, once, twice, moving with his strokes.

  The newspapers the next day proclaimed it was her best performance to date, and said she was the overnight sensation of Las Vegas.

  While she danced, the wild dance, she spotted Al staring at her heatedly. 'Remember' pounded in her head along with the beat of the music and she moved, shook, and spun, with her hair flying like a cloud around her.

  One photographer had captured her perfectly; she almost seemed to be stalking the camera, bent down in bare feet, her arms reaching forward, her eyes half closed and cat-like. Then yet another pictured her with the thousand watt smile, reaching for the sky, while her fluffy hair had not quite settled yet and glowed around her head like a halo.

  "Send this photographer a large floral arrangement," he told Lefty.

  They sat in the penthouse having morning coffee at seven o'clock.

  "She really is sensational boss," Lefty said appreciatively.

  Teeny said, "Yeah, and she's even got a dynamite right hook."

  Smiling, Al said, "We need to do all we can to protect her from more than admiring fans. With the red hair, she really is noticeable anywhere she goes. I've been told she wanders the casino floor sometimes."

  He continued while his gaze took in Vegas lights. "I don't know how to tell her, though. There's a fine line between protecting someone and suffocating them."

  "We could send a guard with her," Lefty suggested.

  "That's right on the line."

  "What about surveillance?" Teeny asked.

  Al looked thoughtful. "I suppose the
y could keep an eye on her and let the guards know if she needs assistance. I'll call Robert."

  Kim answered her phone in a pleasant voice after seeing who was calling. "Yes, what can I do for you?"

  "Anything you want, and I mean anything," Tony told her.

  She smiled and sat on her couch. "You're so bad."

  "You love it. I know you do."

  "I don't was up for a while, but then it left. A girl gets lonely in a big casino."

  "Shit, if I was there, you'd be sore as hell right now."

  "I never get sore, I just get even."

  "Cute. So anyway, I'm coming...back there in ten days. Can you wait that long?"

  "Guess I'll have to take matters in hand, won't I?"

  "Now you're the bad one. I have this picture in my mind right now of you on top with your hair hanging over me, and both my hands--" Then the phone clicked off.

  When he didn't call back, she knew he was messing with her and she smiled.

  But a few minutes later Al's number appeared as the caller. "Yes, boss?" she said.

  "I have a favor to ask," he said shortly, "can you come up here? I'm in the penthouse."

  "Sure, be there in a minute." And she thought it was a very strange thing that Al would be asking for help. This was a first.

  He rose as she came in the large den, and gestured for her to sit in front of his desk. Her eyes rolled over his fine physique, the broad shoulders, slim waist, and now his shirt was open a few buttons revealing chest muscles, and the sleeves were casually rolled up. And she thought Dani was very lucky indeed.

  She said, "Hope it's okay if I wore my leotard, but I need to go to rehearsal after this."

  He waved his hand.

  "What can I do for you, boss?" she said, watching him closely.

  He seemed incredibly uncomfortable, as he shifted in his seat. Eventually, he ended up gazing out the window at the twinkling lights of Vegas. "I have a big favor to ask of you," he said softly.

  "Sure. Anything."

  "This must be entirely confidential because of the...nature of the thing. If word leaks out, it would harm...what I mean to say is..."

  He was really struggling now, and she looked at him questioningly. "Of course, Al. I can keep a secret."

  His gaze came back around to her eyes now. "Dani's a virgin," he said abruptly.

  Kim gasped in disbelief. "What eighteen year old is a virgin?"

  Al smiled. "Dani."

  "So," Kim said slowly, "what is it you want me to do exactly?"

  "Well, I thought...that is if you wouldn't mind...take her to the doctor the women go to. And, have know what I'm saying. I just don't want to hurt her. I don't think she'd ever forgive me. She's been so hurt in her life, I just can't add to it. And maybe if you explain it to her, woman to woman, she'll understand."

  "I wish someone had told me that way back when," Kim said, "my first time was a nightmare."

  "And perhaps you could recommend a form of birth control. I doubt if she would want a baby this early in her life."

  "Right, exactly," Kim agreed. "We're going for our mammos anyway, so we'll just add that into the visit." Then she paused. "You know, you really are such a gentleman Al. What a sweet thing to do for her. Most guys wouldn't do any of that. Especially with a beautiful woman like Dani."

  He smiled and stood up. "Thank you. I'm just trying to cover all my bases. She's really quite lovely and I'm afraid I'll get carried away one of these days and regret it. I appreciate all your efforts, Kim."

  Chapter 11

  Robert looked at Teeny in amazement. "You're shitin' me, right?"

  "No, kid. That's your special assignment. Bonus in it for you. Who's on the other shift?"

  "Leroy. He's noon to twelve. You want him to watch her too?"

  "Yeah, boss says to do it. He doesn't want a guard to follow her around all day. Figures you guys can do it better up here in surveillance, with the cameras and all. And," the big man added, "I don't need to tell you, kid, this is not for other ears, got it?"

  Robert nodded, trying not to grin.

  "You screw up, there'll be hell to pay. Sure you got it?"


  After Teeny left surveillance, Robert looked at Less and Jerry. "You hear that? I get to follow Red around after the show and when she cats around the casino at four in the morning."

  Jerry sniffed. "I might just be looking over your shoulder, make sure you're doing a good job. If you don't, I'll tell The Man."

  Robert slugged him then went with his cameras, looking for Dani.

  Kim usually didn't have a problem saying what was on her mind, but how to tell Dani about the doctor appointment she made for her just one day away, that was something else. Also, she'd heard Al was really hung, and that made it even worse.

  They sat in the lunchroom after rehearsal, and Kim lit a cigarette.

  "You okay?" Dani said, peering at her as she finished up her brownie.

  Kim looked around, and the seats around them were deserted. So, she began, "Sugar, we need to talk about something."

  Dani sat back.

  "I've made you a doctor appointment."

  "For the mammogram?"

  "Yes, that's on the same day. But there's something else that...the doctor needs to do."

  Curious now, Dani's brows furrowed.

  Sighing, Kim said, "You've never been with a man, sexually, right?"

  "Why? Why do you think that?" The words came out too fast to be believable.

  Now Kim was really stuck. "Well, I just thought since you never spoke of a boyfriend--"

  Dani interrupted. "I've been with plenty of men," she replied hotly, lying.

  "All right, sugar, don't get bent. If that's the case, think of this as an exam. How long has it been since you've had a doctor's exam?"

  "I don't remember."

  "Well, there you go. I'll be with you, in the stirrups. I need to get some more birth control pills and I need a prescription for those. You taking any now?"

  "No," she said shortly, "I ran out," she lied again.

  "Well, I don't know about you, but me, I've got too much to do and I can't have a child right now, you know, get pregnant."

  "Okay, I guess I could go."

  "Wonderful!" Kim said, relieved and elated she could help Al. "We can take my car. I've got a Porsche Turbo convertible, you'll love it!"

  Dani just looked at her blankly, before they rose to get ready for the night performances.

  For a packed casino house the next four days, Dani did her wild dances, each a bit different from the last, and as always, she found his eyes in the audience, burning, promising her, the gateway to passion. But he hadn't visited her for the whole four days, and she missed him terribly.

  She was sore, though, after the doctor visit and the breast exams. The doctor explained to her how to wear the tampon so it wouldn't show, then probed and did something which really hurt her. As well, she joined in as Kim swore at the mammogram technician, the poor woman who gave them their exams.

  Saturday morning, Lefty sat drinking coffee in the penthouse with Al. "Got a surprise for you boss."

  "What's that, my friend?"

  Lefty laid out a newspaper. "How many roses you want to send this one, boss?"

  Al grinned as he saw the picture. Dani was hunkered down, green eyes exotic; mouth slightly pouting, arms flung out in either direction, with one leg off to the side and her toe pointed. The flaming red hair was caught, again, almost down but still in the air, still in motion. "Who did this one?"

  "Looks like Danielson. He sent it AP."

  "Ask him if he'll do posters for us. This is great."

  "And," he added, "send someone from housekeeping to the Brent Lane house. I'm going to ask Dani there tomorrow. Hopefully she'll say yes. I've been so busy this week, I've hardly had time to call her."

  "Sure, boss. Will do."

  Dani came in the suite after her last performance on Saturday. She threw her bag on the kit
chenette table, and collapsed on the couch. She realized housekeeping brought a new bouquet of roses, red, and she was sure the card said the same 'call me.'

  Kim told her red roses meant that a person loved you. But, Al never told her. He never said he loved her. And this week he'd been so distant, barely even talking to her on the phone.

  The day before, IT had hooked up her computer, a laptop, and explained to her how to use it. She liked the search engine, and the first thing she typed in was 'How can I get a high school diploma?' And she read all about the GED, and she thought she'd probably have to get it online. Her days were too full for regular classes.

  Now, she thought she'd have some fun with the thing, and she entered her first and last name then searched. She gasped, as she saw the startling pictures of her performances. With make-up, she looked like a different person, older, more sophisticated. Then she quickly closed the thing. That wasn't her. She was a street person, didn't they know?

  Her cell phone rang, and she looked at it absently.

  Who was she really? Was her name really Dani Troubix? Or did some foster parent along the way pick out a name for her? She had no pictures of her past, never knew where she came from, what city or town and why her parents gave her up.

  After a while, she showered and washed her hair, took her time and let the spray relax her. Toweling off, she used a little of the perfume Kim gave her the day before. Still naked, she walked in front of the full length mirror. She'd lost a bit of weight because of the strenuous workouts. Her waist was smaller and her hips also.

  She jumped as the loud house phone rang. "Yes?"

  "You don't answer your cell," Al said irritably, "so I'm calling you on this one. Why don't you answer your cell?"

  Sitting on a chair, she lied, "I was in the shower."

  "You gave a wonderful performance tonight, but then you always do."

  "Thank you." She was silent for a few seconds, before she said, "You've hardly called me all week."


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