Winning the Virgin: A Western Billionaire Cowboy Romance

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Winning the Virgin: A Western Billionaire Cowboy Romance Page 5

by Love-Wins, Bella

  Then my boss, Danny just went and poured a can of gasoline onto the inferno when she paired me up to work with the only man I ever met who got my engine firing. That too was a damn dangerous double-edged sword.

  Me and Caleb, working together on a project.

  The downside was the dangerous part. How on God’s green earth was I supposed to think, let alone excel around this man? I could barely keep it together with the wicked heat, dizzying attraction and primal chemistry bouncing back and forth between us. With all that humming between my legs—and for the first time in my natural born life to boot—how could I ever be professional enough to exceed anyone’s expectations on this project?

  On the plus side, it felt like a dream coming true. Here I was, a lowly bartender slash waitress slash recently terminated office assistant, about to sit across from this unbelievably successful corporate icon and pull together a community event for charity. It felt like an invitation to the adult table, in a sense.

  No one could deny that it was the opportunity of a lifetime.

  And it was sitting in my lap for me to pick up and turn into whatever I could make of it.

  And you can bet your ass you’ll make the best of it, I thought to myself as I sat in the guest chair of Caleb’s office the following Monday afternoon.

  Mondays were my only day off, so we’d carved out two hours from Caleb’s impossible work schedule for our kickoff planning meeting.

  I couldn’t be more ready.

  I’d spent an hour with Danny this morning, where she summed up her vision for the charity fair, handed off her checklists and contacts, and downloaded everything pertinent to me.

  After that meeting, I biked home and spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon organizing it all. It felt good, putting my office skills and OCD tendencies to good use again. Within hours, I’d drafted a project plan and Gantt chart detailing every task, subtask, key dependencies, lead and lag times, and I’d laid out the human, financial and physical resources needed for each.

  The best feeling I’d had all day was the look in Caleb’s eyes when he clicked on the email I’d sent him before I left home.

  “Did Danny send you this file?” he asked. “I don’t think she copied me on it.” Only his eyes lifted from the screen as he looked across his large, deep red mahogany office desk. He flashed me a glance, the first one since I met him that didn’t trail down to my cleavage. Which was nonexistent in the cream chiffon vintage shirt I wore. I did the buttons up to my neck so we’d both stay focused on the work. Because even his eyes on me, in certain places, got me feeling all warm and toasty, all weak-kneed and lusty.

  “No, I put it together, drawing from all the notes and information Danny provided, of course,” I answered, and crossed my legs, smoothing out the pencil skirt I had on. In this outfit, in his home office, I almost felt like a full-fledged office professional, a contributing member of society again. Sure, it had been a bitch to bike to his place wearing this outfit. Hell, the four-inch black pumps didn’t help, but now, sitting here, with my confidence flying high, it was more than worthwhile.

  “Your plan is quite thorough. I think it’s... impressive.” Right away, I knew he saw me in a different light because of that document. I mean, yes, there was still that gleam of smoldering lust in his eyes. I doubted he could ever hide that from me. But now, his eyes held more. And from where I sat, that other facial expression—the one that revealed his growing respect for me, that he could take me seriously and be attracted to me—was exactly what I’d been craving.

  As crazy as it sounded, that gaze of his flipped a switch deep in me.

  That look made me fall.



  I was in over my head.

  Riley already had me in a tailspin with her sassy, lush mouth and dangerous curves. Sparring with her was the most fun I’d had in my life. And this was from a guy who’d piloted his own helicopter, climbed mountains, and partied like a rock star… with actual rock stars.

  Riley put all that to shame.

  And now this… I knew she was bright but I hadn’t realized she was brilliant.

  There were lots of beautiful, intelligent women in the world of course. Artists and doctors and judges. But for her to be smart in the same way I was smart… to really get it when it came to business.

  It was a miracle. Serendipity. Fate.

  It was a goddamn disaster.

  Yes, I wanted her even more now. It wasn’t like I’d only wanted to bed her before. I’d even had vague ideas about white picket fences and baby bottles. But right now, I wanted to goddamn marry her.

  Not someday.

  Right now.

  Then I wanted to take her to a private island for a month-long honeymoon where all we did was screw and read the Wall Street Journal all day.

  Well, I guess we could eat too.

  I leaned back in my seat, realizing that the stakes had just gone up exponentially. If she was an asset, this is when her stock would go through the roof. I was well aware I needed to jump on this chance, but I was equally aware that I desperately did not want to blow it.

  Fuck me.

  “You want to go to business school, right?”

  She nodded, that stubborn little chin of hers rising up an inch. I smothered my grin.

  “Well, there are other ways to learn. Hands on is better than books, if you ask me.”

  She cocked an eyebrow at me.

  “What exactly are you proposing?”

  This time I did grin. I couldn’t help it. She wasn’t fooled for a second and damned if I didn’t like that about her.

  “Nothing illicit. I was just going to say I could use an assistant out here. Part-time of course. It would be a great learning experience.”

  Her jaw dropped. I had done the impossible. I’d actually shocked Miss Riley-seen-it-all-Ann. Her cheeks were bright pink.

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s a very generous offer but—”

  “I didn’t even propose a salary yet.”


  She stared at me, looking unsure.

  “Yes, a salary. Did you think I wasn’t going to pay you?”

  Her cheeks got even redder and her eyes flashed.

  “If this is some sort of arrangement you are offering, you can forget it. I’m not for sale.”

  “I only want your mind.” I cocked my head to the side. “During business hours. After hours, that would be up to you.”

  She nodded shakily and stood.

  “I’ll have to think about it.”

  I stood and walked her to the front door.

  “I’ll send you a formal offer.”

  She opened her mouth and closed it again as we stood just outside my front door.

  “Thank you…”

  I took her hand and shook it.

  “I do want to sleep with you, I just wouldn’t offer to pay you for it.” I grinned at the shocked expression on her face. “I respect you too much.”

  She glared at me.

  “Oh, you!”

  I watched her storm down the front steps to her rickety old bike.

  “That’s what you are riding around on? At night?”

  She fastened on her helmet and I would have laughed if I wasn’t so furious. That damned helmet looked like it was from the 1970s. She looked like a sexy Evil Knievil.

  She was never boring that was for sure.

  But I was too angry at the thought of her pedaling home from the bar after a shift on that garage sale bike of hers.

  She shoved her leather portfolio into the wicker basket strapped to the front.


  “You cannot ride around on that thing. You could get killed.”

  “Don’t tell me what to do!”

  “I damn well will! I don’t want you getting yourself hurt!”

  I was down the stairs and gripping her shoulders before I knew it.

“I care about you, woman, don’t you know that?”

  Her eyes registered something just before my mouth crashed down on hers. It was an angry, possessive kiss at first. I wanted to claim her. Put my mark on her.

  Keep her from killing her damn self.

  The kiss changed quickly though. She kissed me back, but tentatively. Shyly. Just like that, all my anger was gone and only yearning remained. This woman completed me in ways I didn’t understand. I’d been alone most of my life, and liked it that way.

  No more.

  I knew I’d spend the rest of the day wishing she was still here.

  By the time I lifted my head we were both out of breath.

  “If you don’t like the sports car, let me find you something else.” She opened her mouth to protest, and I held up my hand. “I insist. Just until your car is fixed.”

  She chewed her lip nervously. I could tell she didn’t like charity. But this was not charity. This was me protecting what was mine, dammit.

  “Unless you want me to follow you around and drive you everywhere.”

  Her eyes got real wide and she shook her head.

  “That’s what I thought. Come on.”

  I led her over to the barn I’d converted to a garage. It was almost as big as the stables. I didn’t let a lot of people in here because I was embarrassed.

  The garage was the epitome of conspicuous consumption. The barn looked ordinary from the outside, but inside it was temperature controlled, with gelled concrete floors, upholstered benches and soft lighting. And cars. Lots and lots of cars. Everything from sports cars to vintage cars to military vehicles. Even a few quirky old jeeps that I used for fishing. I was half afraid of what she would think and equally curious which ride she would choose.

  I opened the doors and stepped aside. I pressed my lips together at the shocked look on her beautiful face.

  “Take your pick.”



  I didn’t know what to think or how to feel.

  My lips were tingling, my core was throbbing, and my feet, they no longer felt like they were walking on solid ground.

  Clearly, my body wasn’t helping at all.

  First, he wanted to hire me. I was riding high on that job offer. Assistant to a man like him? That was an opportunity that could open up whole new worlds for me, on top of what I already saw as an incredible chance to challenge my skills and grow professionally. But as good as it sounded, I couldn’t help but believe that it would lead to an insanely high probability of business mixing with all the wrong kinds of pleasure.

  Especially since he was bold enough to admit aloud that he wanted me in his bed. Especially since I wasn’t sure whether I could resist finding myself there if we spent more time circling each other’s axis.

  Then he went ahead and kissed me.

  God, that kiss.

  That smoldering, sultry, incredibly demanding kiss.

  The urgency of his mouth pressed hard against mine, the way his fingers darted up past the nape of my neck into my hair, pulling me tight to him. The way I forgot all about my need for air.

  I could spend the rest of the day lost in that moment. Or the rest of the night reliving it. Both of which were dangerous propositions.

  I really couldn’t, because he was now insisting on putting the fear of God in me about riding this old bicycle around. I’d turned him down or deferred his proposals so much in the past few minutes, that by the time he pushed the issue with driving one of his ridiculously expensive vehicles, I was thrumming throughout my body, and my mind was worn down. Accepting one of his cars felt like the path of least resistance.

  And it was.

  Because as soon as I pointed to the Jeep SUV, accepted the keys and drove off Caleb’s property, I could breathe again. Oxygen returned to my brain and I could think more clearly. Some of the throbbing between my legs finally started to ease. Some of it.

  By the time I rolled up into the driveway in front of my cabin at Kate and James’ farm, I was back in control of my faculties.

  Most of them.

  Except, Caleb wasn’t about to let up just yet. I had barely stepped inside my front door when my phone buzzed with a text from him. Setting down my bags and keys, I read the message, then quickly fired back one of my own. But, with each of his quick replies, that insistent tingling started to grow between my legs. I came to realize that he didn’t have to be physically around to have a powerful effect on me, an effect that I couldn’t ignore.

  Caleb: How are you liking the Jeep’s handling, little lady?

  Me: It’s satisfactory, thank you.

  Caleb: Better than that disaster on two wheels, am I right?

  Me: The bike was fine, but thanks all the same.

  Caleb: Feel free to come on by again if you’d like to switch it to something else.

  Me: That won’t be necessary.

  Caleb: You can still come by.

  Me: Why would I do that?

  Caleb: Just cause.

  Me: Because what?

  I set my phone down on the kitchen counter and take a look in the freezer, considering what I felt like making for dinner as I waited for his reply. Or maybe I was avoiding his reply, the same way I was hoping to avoid the surge of arousal already coursing through me. Pulling out some vegetables from the crisper, and one of the pre-marinated chicken breasts I had put into single servings earlier, I got started on the meal.

  This was one time I needed to keep my hands and mind occupied with something else, anything to keep myself from reliving what Caleb did to me. And my own sultry reaction. I couldn’t deny that I had stood there and let him press his mouth to mine. I hadn’t pushed him away either. Not with my hands that, come to think of it, had held onto his upper arms as our tongues tangled. I could still hear the moan that had left the back of my throat and was muffled by his mouth on mine.

  Awww hell.

  It was useless trying not to think about that kiss, or how far it could’ve gone were it not for the shred of willpower I had left.

  I shoved the chicken breast into the microwave and put the setting on defrost, frustrated with myself. As I leaned against the counter to wait, my phone screen lit up with Caleb’s text again.

  I grabbed the phone and unlocked it to see his reply. Maybe facing this thing head on was the only way to work through all this desire he had awoken in me. Three messages were waiting for me.

  Caleb: Because you like my hands on you.

  Caleb: Because you’ve been craving me since the second you first met me.

  Caleb: Because you’re tired of fighting this.

  Good lord.

  The man was a straight shooter.

  He wasn’t wrong either. But just because I felt the same way, just because what we were experiencing was a mutual longing, didn’t mean that I had to act on it. Not now. I wasn’t ready.

  Locking my screen, I set down the phone without replying. I placed my chicken breast in a saucepan to sauté with some chopped up peppers and garlic, and put some broccoli and cauliflower to steam.

  I was not about to let myself be consumed by passion, lust, or need for this man. Even if it felt like second nature. Even if he made it so damn easy for me to fall for him.

  The afternoon passed by without another message, and I kept my distance the rest of the day, and even the next night when he turned up at the bar. I was grateful that he hadn’t made it awkward for either of us. He left me alone at my waitressing job for the entire evening, and didn’t even offer to walk me to my car when I was ready to close up and leave. Although by then, if I were being honest, I wouldn’t have minded. He just waved, said goodnight, and headed out.

  Back home that night, once I was in bed, I knew what I had to do.

  Keep the status quo as it was.

  Remain professional.

  Focus on the work.

  And stay as far away from Caleb as humanly possible.



  “It’s a beaut
iful day for it,” Danny said, looking downright chipper. Meanwhile I was cranky as hell, blue skies and county fair be damned. I’d been struggling for weeks with raging, unrequited lust. Riley hadn’t taken me up on my offer for work, or anything else.

  Well, except the vehicle.

  But we had been thrown together to work on this project. Every time we were together the sparks flew. And every time, she left me wanting more. She was holding me at arm’s length for some reason and it was close to driving me insane.

  So here I was, wearing a denim tuxedo and sitting on a bale of hay, desperate to get a look at her.

  When I did, I was not disappointed.

  “Beautiful…” I breathed, staring at the vision that appeared outside the pie tent.

  Yes, there was an entire tent dedicated to pies. And another one for canned goods. I shook my head. I’d wanted country and I’d gotten it.

  Speaking of country…

  Riley was wearing an old school dress, one that hugged her curves and propped her breasts out with a trim of white ruffles. She even had a white cap on her head with two shiny braids hanging on either side of her beautiful face. It should have looked ridiculous. Instead it was like visual Viagra.

  “Excuse me, Danny.”

  I stalked my way past the livestock pens. Pigs and goats vied for people’s attention. Children were hanging over the edge of the fence to pet the baby goats.

  Even I had to admit, they were adorable.

  But not as adorable as the object of my affection. My thwarted affection. After starting out hot and heavy, Riley refused to take the next steps. She wouldn’t even let me kiss her again, or cook her dinner. I’d tried everything. So far, nothing.

  Her back was turned as she reviewed a list on her clipboard. I knew she’d worked her flawless ass off on this festival. I wanted it to be a success for her. I just wanted her to come home with me after.

  I wanted her in my bed, damnit! Enough was enough!

  “Milk maid?” I asked, letting my eyes roam over her. I knew she hated that, which is one reason I did it. The other reason being that I couldn’t help myself. Not even a little bit.


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