Ngaio Marsh Her Life in Crime

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by Joanne Drayton

  204 the high point was perhaps ‘Ngaio Marsh scores brilliant success with play “Henry V”’, The Christchurch Star-Sun, 20 Jul 1957.

  205 just as my students Letter from NM to DM, 9 Apr 1958, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  205 My Hamlet Letter from NM to DM, 19 May 1958, ibid.

  205 Rehearsals every day Letter from NM to DM, Jun 1958, ibid.

  205 Can it be true Letter from NM to DM, Jun 1958, ibid.

  205 familiarise himself ‘Ngaio Marsh has a re-dressed “Hamlet” in production’, Freedom, 17 Jun 1958, JE’s private papers.

  206 Here is the recipe ‘This “Hamlet” is a Marsh recipe’, The Christchurch Star-Sun, 11 Jul 1958, AF’s private papers.

  206 playing the role as it appeared ‘Production of “Hamlet” loses tragic spirit’, The Christchurch Star-Sun, 12 Jul 1958, p. 7.

  206 truly artistic ‘University Drama Society’s “Hamlet” ’, The Press, 12 Jul 1958, JE’s private papers.

  206 I struggle Letter from NM to DM, 28 Aug 1958, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  207 Whenever I posted Greene, ‘Ngaio, the writer—as seen from a secretary’s viewpoint’, n.p.

  207 The reviews this book [and following reviews] Memo from Richard Simon to NM, 21 Jan 1959, MS-Papers-1397, ATL.

  207 I refer to my Letter from NM to JS, 13 Jan 1958, MS-Papers-0280-29, ATL.

  208 In the British Army Dacres-Mannings interview with author.

  208 News is that Letter from NM to DM, 15 Oct 1958, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  208 auditions, drawings-to-scale Letter from NM to DM, 3 May 1959, ibid.

  208-09 Agonisingly difficult auditions Letter from NM to JE, 3 May 1959, JE’s private papers.

  209 full of holes in the walls Letter from NM to DM, 3 May 1959, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  209 all on the giant apron Letter from NM to JE, 3 May 1959, JE’s private papers.

  209 I never wish Letter from NM to DM, 31 Jul 1959, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  209 the tax clearance Letter from NM to DM, 22 Dec1959, ibid.

  Chapter Seven

  Doyenne and Dame

  210 What a hurly-burly Letter from NM to DM, 6 Mar 1960, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  210 enchanting, delicate beauty Letter from NM to DM, 29 [?] 1959, ibid.

  211 alive, grubby, beautiful Letter from NM to DM, 10 May 1960, ibid.

  211 Japan was glorious Letter from NM to ‘Syl[via Fox], Bet [Cotterill] & Girls’ 5 May 1960, ibid.

  211 It was extremely strenuous Ibid.

  212 They are an almost pathologically Letter from NM to DM, 10 May 1960, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  212 The hospitality is all Letter from NM to DM, 17 Jul 1960, ibid.

  212 The great white chief Ibid.

  214 Lucy…has brought Letter from NM to JE, 13 Aug 1961, JE’s private papers.

  214 I think the fault Letter from NM to DM, 2 Nov 1960, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  215 [He] is a man Letter from NM to DM, 16 Jul 1961, ibid.

  215 absolutely shouting Letter from NM to DM, 1 Jun 1961, ibid.

  215 slowly about Letter from NM to DM, 28 Jun 1961, ibid.

  216 so long in suspension Letter from NM to DM, 16 Jul 1961, ibid.

  217 Having written the last Letter from NM to DM, 16 Jul 1961, ibid.

  217 shapeless, climaxless Letter from NM to DM, 3 Feb 1961, ibid.

  217 I still cannot help thinking Letter from NM to DM, 6 Aug 1958, ibid.

  217 That was Miss Marsh Hooper interview with author.

  218 This has not been a holiday Letter from NM to DM, 7 Nov 1961, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  218 It’s nice to see Letter from NM to DM, 1 Jun 1961, ibid.

  218 The telly has gone Letter from NM to JE, 28 Nov 1961, JE’s private papers.

  218 I have done everything Letter from NM to DM, 9 Jan 1962, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  219 from 9 am Letter from NM to DM, 9 Jan 1962, ibid.

  219 still hard at his Opera Letter from NM to DM, 19 March 1962, ibid.

  219 terrors of Shakespearian rehearsals [and following quotes] MS-Papers-1397, ATL.

  221 I’ve simply got to get cracking Letter from NM to DM, 19 Mar 1962, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  221 It’s been a snorter Letter from NM to JS, 8 Nov 1963, MS-Papers-0280-29, ATL.

  223 The Macbeth himself Letter from NM to DM, 6 Jun 1962, MS-Papers-1946, ATL, Wellington.

  223 We open (now!) Letter from NM to DM, 1 Jul 1962, ibid.

  223 If you were nervous Scott interview with author.

  223 if possible 1500 words Letter from NM to DM, 18 Sep 1962, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  224 [I] would very much like to sit Letter from NM to David Farquhar, [undated], MS-Group-1635.

  224 Things were falling Munro interview with author.

  224 There are unsettled arrangements Letter from NM to DM, [c. Nov 1962], MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  224 The acting Letter from NM to JE, 26 Dec 1962, JE’s private papers.

  224 Ngaio knew David Farquhar, interview by Douglas Munro, Wellington, 25 May 2001.

  224 Words trip from Quoted in Dart, ‘A Unicorn for Christmas’, p. 7.

  225 David’s music is essentially Letter from NM to Edmund [Cork], Jill or Pat, undated, private collection.

  225 This past year Letter from NM to JE, 26 Dec 1962, JE’s private papers.

  225 One never knows Letter from NM to DM, 3 Jan 1963, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  225 Fifty people 83-011-19, ATL.

  226 fiercely Colonial Quoted in Dart, p. 8.

  226 a hazardous venture Platt, ‘A Unicorn for Christmas’, Landfall, 65, Mar 1963, p. 64.

  226 I have a strong hunch Letter from NM to JE, 26 Dec 1962, JE’s private papers.

  227 but will no doubt Letter from NM to DM, 3 Jan 1963, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  227 lavishly attended Letter from NM to DM, c.5 Apr 1963, ibid.

  227 guts, digestion Ibid.

  227 Why, I wonder Letter from NM to DM, 9 May 1963, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  227 Dog Show at Addington Letter from NM to DM, 28 Jun 1963, ibid.

  227 with full authority NM, ‘Achievement in Fine Arts’.

  228 Anything objective or critical Letter from NM to DM, 30 May 1965, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  228 Ten weeks vacillation Letter from NM to DM, 16 Nov 1963, ibid.

  228 country that financially Letter from NM to DM, 19 Oct 1962, ibid.

  228 A) here B) at sea Letter from NM to DM, 2 Nov 1964, ibid.

  229 To show how keen Letter from William Collins to NM, 30 Aug 1963, Box: UGD 243-1-11-13, Glasgow University Archives.

  229 how touched I am Letter from NM to William Collins, c. 30 Aug 1963, ibid.

  229 I have now gone Letter from NM to DM, 30 Oct 1963, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  229 Still undecided Letter from NM to DM, 21 Mar 1965, ibid.

  229 large scale Caesar Letter from NM to DM, 30 Oct 1963, ibid.

  230 I shall have to catch up Letter from NM to DM, 29 Mar 1964, ibid.

  230 carried on nobly Letter from NM to DM, 31 Jun 1964, ibid.

  230 overtone that is caught Letter from NM to JS, 7 Aug 1964, MS-Papers-0280-29, ATL.

  230 little reworking Bushnell, ‘The most ephemeral of the arts’, p. 87.

  230 80,000 words Letter from NM to DM, 2 Nov 1964, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  231 I’ve been lumbering Letter from NM to DM, 7 Dec 1964, ibid.

  231 I find myself Letter from NM to DM, 17 Dec 1964, ibid.

  231 We spent 10 days Letter from Anita Muling to Olivia Spencer Bower, 1 Mar 1963, Olivia Spencer Bower Papers, Archives, CAG Te Puna o Waiwhetu.

  231 [Anita Muling and Marjorie Chambers] Marian Minson, in conversations with author, Wellington 2007-2008.

  231 He doesn’t change Letter from NM to DM, 25 Jan 1965, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  231 some constructive observations Letter from NM to DM, 1 Feb 1965, ibid.

  232 She & her brothers Ibid.

  232 a supremely sensitive Letter from NM to DM, 4 Mar 1965, ibid.

  232 I am engag
ed Letter from NM to DM, 4 Mar 1965, ibid.

  232 dived in boots & all Letter from NM to DM, 22 Apr 1965, ibid.

  232 This just about cleans Letter from NM to DM, 22 Apr 1965, ibid.

  233 I’ve been having a gruelling time Letter from NM to JS, 29 Sep 1965, MS-Papers-0280-29, ATL.

  233 Just theatre Letter from NM to DM, 8 Nov 1965, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  233 Our relationship Letter from NM to DM, 23 Sep 1965, ibid.

  233 I had just been told Letter from NM to JS, 17 Nov 1965, ibid.

  234 instead of waiting Letter from NM to DM, 24 Sep 1965, ibid.

  234 I’ve got T.V. chaps Letter from NM to DM, Feb 1966, ibid.

  234 I’m going pretty crazy Letter from NM to DM, 10 Mar 1966, ibid.

  234 The Sydney T.V. gentleman Letter from NM to GL, 23 Mar 1966, GL’s private papers.

  234 There we were Letter from NM to JS, 27 Feb 1966, MS-Papers-0280-29, ATL.

  234-35 hectic days & nights Letter from NM to DM, 23 May 1966, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  235 I quite like the earlier bits Letter from NM to JS, 27 Feb 1966, MS-Papers-0280-29, ATL.

  235 Jonathan and Elric Letter from NM to AF, 10 May 1966, AF’s private papers.

  235 thorny thicket Letter from NM to DM, 23 May 1966, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  235 I shall have my nose Letter from NM to DM, 23 May 1966, ibid.

  235 YOU NEVER CAN TELL Letter from NM to GL, 29 May 1966, GL’s private papers.

  236 except indirectly Dennis McEldowney, ‘Black Beech and Honeydew’.

  238 with a fairly useful pension [and following quotes] Ginx and Richard Fox interview with author.

  239 Sylvia has got her house Letter from Anita Muling to Olivia Spencer Bower, 17 Jul 1963, Olivia Spencer Papers, Archives, CAG Te Puna o Waiwhetu.

  239 Both houses had Fox interview.

  239 [operation] Dacres-Mannings interview.

  239 revising, extending NM File, HC, Glasgow.

  239 I have just been out Letter from NM to DM, 1 Jul 1966, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  240 In a country The Dominion, 12 Jun 1966, AF’s private papers.

  240 The Damery Letter from NM to DM, 7 Jan 1967, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  240 How much money Scott interview.

  242 I swear that Letter from NM to DM, 1 July 1966, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  243 [Bear Mannings] Roy [Bear] Mannings interview with author.

  243 I hated leaving Letter from NM to DM, 7 Jan 1967, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  243 I’m about to direct Letter from NM to DM, 6 Mar 1967, ibid.

  243 lovely, delicate & haunting Letter from NM to DM, 3 May 1967, ibid.

  244 I’m keeping my fingers Letter from NM to GL, undated, GL’s private papers.

  244 sometimes delicate ‘Full-bodied Shakespeare’, The Press, [details unknown], AF’s private papers.

  244 [criticisms re over-using stable] Minson conversation.

  244 It’s all in flashback Letter from NM to DM, 2 Dec 1967, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  245 Of the several excellent [and following reviews] Memo from George Hardinge to NM, 1 Mar 1967, MS-Papers-1397, ATL.

  245 I long to come Letter from NM to DM, 30 Oct 1967, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  245 It’s been caught Letter from NM to DM, 2 Dec 1967, ibid.

  245 [1964 scare] Letter from NM to DM, 2 Nov 1964, ibid.

  245 I do wish to heavens Letter from NM to DM, 23 Mar 1959, ibid.

  246 I put my name down Letter from NM to DM, 5 Jan 1968, ibid.

  246 being wonderful about Letter from NM to DM, 23 Jan 1968, ibid.

  246 It’s a body-blow Letter from NM to DM, 11 Mar 1968, ibid.

  Chapter Eight

  Rome to Jubilee

  249 It will be clear enough Letter from NM to DM, 14 Oct 1969, ibid.

  249 I’ve had no prompting Letter from NM to DM, 24 Nov 1969, ibid.

  249 [I] would be profoundly grateful Letter from NM to DM, 18 Sep 1969, ibid.

  249 What an angel-child Letter from NM to DM, 14 Oct 1969, ibid.

  250 I note that DEPUTI Letter from NM to DM, 1 Dec 1969, ibid.

  250 I don’t want Alleyn Letter from NM to DM, 24 Nov 1969, ibid.

  250 achieving structural Letter from NM to DM, 10 Feb 1969, ibid.

  250 of all filthy complaints Letter from NM to DM, 11 Mar 1968, ibid.

  250 the experience of a lifetime Letter from NM to GL, 14 Jul [1968], GL’s private papers.

  250 I am sitting on a balcony Letter from NM to AF, 20 May 1968, AF’s private papers.

  251 & the multitude Letter from NM to GL, 14 Jul [1968], GL’s private papers.

  251 Have you any idea Letter from NM to DM, 10 Feb 1969, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  251 I came away Letter from NM to GL, 14 Jul [1968], GL’s private papers.

  251 Pammy is now Letter from NM to DM, [Jun 1968], MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  251 my greatest delight Letter from NM to DM, [Jul 1968], ibid.

  252 my dear, dear, family Letter from NM to DM, 7 Aug 1968, ibid.

  252 It’s absolutely maddening Letter from NM to DM, 8 Aug 1968, ibid.

  253 I have no Roman [film] Letter from NM to DM, 8 Aug 1968, ibid.

  253 The meat tastes Letter from NM to DM, 5 Sep 1968, ibid.

  254 It’s time to compare Christie Lewis, Ngaio Marsh, p. 201.

  254 I’m dug into a new one Letter from NM to DM, 3 Jan 1969, MS-Papers-1946, ATL.

  254 if we can stage Letter from NM to DM, 10 Feb 1969, ibid.

  254 Sorry this is blotched [and Governor-General quote] Letter from NM to DM, 28 Feb 1969, ibid.

  254 a huge dirty Letter from NM to DM, 14 Mar 1969, ibid.


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